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layout: documentation
title: Cquery (configurable query)
<h1>Cquery (Configurable Query)</h1>
<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#basic-syntax">Basic Syntax</a></li>
<li><a href="#functions">Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#options">Options</a></li>
<li><a href="#compare">cquery vs. query</a></li>
<li><a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="#updates">Updates</a></li>
<h2 id='overview'>Overview</h2>
<code>cquery</code> is a variant
of <a href="query.html"><code>query</code></a> that correctly handles
<a href=""><code>select()</code></a> and build
options' effects on the build graph.
It achieves this by running over the results of Bazel's
<a href="">analysis
phase</a>, which integrates these effects. <code>query</code>, by constrast,
runs over the results of Bazel's loading phase, before options are evaluated.
For example:
$ cat > tree/BUILD &lt;&lt;EOF
name = "ash",
deps = select({
":excelsior": [":manna-ash"],
":americana": [":white-ash"],
"//conditions:default": [":common-ash"],
sh_library(name = "manna-ash")
sh_library(name = "white-ash")
sh_library(name = "common-ash")
name = "excelsior",
values = {"define": "species=excelsior"},
name = "americana",
values = {"define": "species=americana"},
# Traditional query: query doesn't know which select() branch will be chosen
# so it conservatively lists all of them.
$ bazel query "deps(//tree:ash)" --noimplicit_deps
# cquery: cquery lets you set build options at the command line and chooses
# the exact dependencies that implies.
$ bazel cquery "deps(//tree:ash)" --define species=excelsior --noimplicit_deps
//tree:ash (hash-of-config)
//tree:manna-ash (hash-of-config)
Each result includes information about the configuration in which the target
was built. For most targets, this is an (opaque) hash of the build options
and values in that configuration. Targets configured in the host configuration
are marked with HOST. Input files, like those found in the <code>srcs</code>
attribute of many library rules, have no need for configuration and are marked
with null.
Since <code>cquery</code> runs over the configured target graph. it doesn't
have insight into artifacts like build actions nor access to
<code><a href="be/general.html#test_suite">test_suite</a></code>
rules as they are not configured targets. For the former,
see <code><a href="aquery.html">aquery</a></code>.
<h2 id='basic-syntax'>Basic Syntax</h2>
<p>A simple <code>cquery</code> call looks like:</p>
<p><code>bazel cquery "function(//target)"</code></p>
<p>The query expression <code>"function(//target)"</code> consists of the following:
<b><code>function(...)</code></b> is the function to run on the target. <code>cquery</code>
supports most
of <code>query</code>'s <a href="query.html#functions">functions</a>, plus a
few new ones.
<li><b><code>//target</code></b> is the expression fed to the function. In this example, the
expression is a simple target. But the query language also allows nesting of functions.
See the <a href="query-how-to.html">Query How-To</a> for examples.
<code>cquery</code> requires a target to run through the
<a href="">loading
and analysis</a>
phases. Unless otherwise specified, <code>cquery</code> parses the target(s)
listed in the query
expression. See <a href="#universe_scope-comma-separated-list"><code>--universe_scope</code></a>
for querying dependencies of top-level build targets.
<h2 id='functions'>Functions</h2>
Of the <a href="query.html#functions" title="list of query functions">set of functions</a>
supported by the traditional <code>query</code>, <code>cquery</code> supports
but <a href="query.html#siblings">siblings</a>, <a href="query.html#buildfiles">buildfiles</a>,
and <a href="query.html#tests">tests</a>.
<h3><code>query</code> functions with <code>cquery</code>-specific notes:</h3>
<h4 id="somepath">somepath</h4>
<p><code>expr ::= somepath(expr, expr)</code></p>
<code>cquery</code>'s <code>somepath</code> works conceptually exactly
like <code>query</code>'s: it computes paths between two sets of targets. But
since <code>cquery</code> evaluates <i>configured</i> targets, <code>//foo</code>
and <code>//bar</code> are ambiguous. What if a
top level-configured <code>//foo</code> depends on a
top level-configured <code>//bar</code> and a custom-configured <code>//foo</code>
depends on a host-configured <code>//bar</code>? Which ones
should <code>cquery</code> choose?
When multiple choices exist, <code>cquery</code> chooses an arbitrary one. This
choice is deterministic but no guarantee is made which one will be chosen.
This might mean <code>cquery</code> searches a version of <code>//bar</code>
that <i>isn't</i> in <code>foo</code>'s deps, even if some other version is.
If <code>somepath</code> isn't returning any paths, try grepping for
your <i>to</i> target from <code>deps(//from-target)</code>, i.e. <code>bazel
cquery 'deps(//from-target)' | grep
'//to-target'</code>. If <code>//to-target</code> appears in the results,
re-run <code>somepath</code> with
<a href="#config"><code>config()</code></a> to clarify which version you want,
e.g.: <code>bazel cquery 'somepath(//from-target, config(//to-target,
<h3><code>cquery</code>-unique functions:</h3>
<h4 id="config">config</h4>
<p><code>expr ::= config(expr, word)</code></p>
The <code>config</code> operator attempts to find the configured target for
the label denoted by the first argument and configuration specified by the
second argument.
Valid values for the second argument
are <code>"target"</code>, <code>"host"</code>, <code>"null"</code>, or a
custom configuration hash. Hashes can be retrieved from <code>$
bazel config</code> or a prevous <code>cquery</code>'s output.
$ bazel cquery "config(//bar, host)" --universe_scope=//foo
$ bazel cquery "deps(//foo)"
//bar (HOST)
//baz (3732cc8c6d40d97)
$ bazel cquery "config(//baz, 3732cc8c6d40d97)"
If not all results of the first argument can be found in the specified
configuration, only those that can be found are returned. If no results
can be found in the specified configuration, the query fails.
<h2 id='options'>Options</h2>
<h3>Build Options</h3>
<code>cquery</code> runs over a regular Bazel build and thus inherits the
set of
<a href="command-line-reference.html#build-options">options</a>
available during a build.
<h3>Cquery options</h3>
<h4 id="universe_scope-comma-separated-list"><code>--universe_scope</code> (comma-separated list)</h4>
Often, the dependencies of configured targets go through
<a href="">transitions</a>,
which causes their configuration to differ from their dependent. This flag allows you to query
a target as if it were built as a dependency or a transitive dependency of another target. For
name = "my_gen",
srcs = [""],
outs = [""],
cmd = "$(locations :tool) $&lt; >$@",
tools = [":tool"],
name = "tool",
Genrules configure their tools in the
<a href="">host configuration</a>
so the following queries would produce the following outputs:
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-params">
<th>Target Built</th>
<td>bazel cquery "//x:tool"</td>
<td>bazel cquery "//x:tool" --universe_scope="//x:my_gen"</td>
If this flag is set, its contents are built. <em>If it's not set, all targets
mentioned in the query expression are built</em> instead. The transitive closure of the
built targets are used as the universe of the query. Either way, the targets to
be built must be buildable at the top level (that is, compatible with top-level
options). <code>cquery</code> returns results in the transitive closure of these
top-level targets.
Even if it's possible to build all targets in a query expression at the top
level, it may be beneficial to not do so. For example, explicitly setting
<code>--universe_scope</code> could prevent building targets multiple times in
configurations you don't care about. It could also help specify which configuration version of a
target you're looking for (since it's not currently possible
to fully specify this any other way). We recommend that you set this
flag if your query expression is more complex than <code>deps(//foo)</code>.
<h4><code>--implicit_deps</code> (boolean, default=True)</h4>
Setting this flag to false filters out all results that aren't explicitly set in
the BUILD file and instead set elsewhere by Bazel.
<h4><code>--tool_deps</code> (boolean, default=True)</h4>
Setting this flag to false filters out all configured targets for which the
path from the queried target to them crosses a transition between the target
configuration and the
<a href="">non-target configurations</a>.
If the queried target is in the target configuration, setting <code>--notool_deps</code> will
only return targets that also are in the target configuration. If the queried
target is in a non-target configuration, setting <code>--notool_deps</code> will only return
targets also in non-target configurations.
<h2 id='output-formats'>Output Formats</h2>
<p> By default, cquery outputs results in a dependency-ordered list of label and configuration pairs.
There are other options for exposing the results as well. </p>
<h3> Transitions </h3>
Configuration <a href="">transitions</a>
are used to build targets underneath the top level targets in different configurations than the top
level targets.
For example, a target might impose a transition to the host transition on all
dependencies in its <code>tools</code> attribute. These are known as attribute
transitions. Rules can also impose transitions on their own configurations,
known as rule class transitions. This output format outputs information about
these transitions such as what type they are and the effect they have on build
<p>This output format is triggered by the <code>--transitions</code> flag which by default is set to
<code>NONE</code>. It can be set to <code>FULL</code> or <code>LITE</code> mode. <code>FULL</code>
mode outputs information about rule class transitions and attribute transitions including a detailed
diff of the options before and after the transition. <code>LITE</code> mode outputs the same information
without the options diff.
This option causes the resulting targets to be printed in a binary protocol
buffer form. The definition of the protocol buffer can be found at
<a href="">src/main/protobuf/analysis.proto</a>.
By default, cquery results return configuration information as part of each
configured target. If you'd like to omit this information and get proto output
that is formatted exactly like query's proto output, set this flag to false
See <a href="query.html#output-proto">query's proto output documentation</a>
for more proto output-related options.
<b>Note</b>: while selects are resolved both at the top level of returned
targets and within attributes, all possible inputs for selects are still
included as <code>rule_input</code> fields.
<h2 id='compare'>cquery vs. query</h2>
<code>cquery</code> and <code>query</code> complement each other and excel in
different niches. Consider the following to decide which is right for you:
<code>cquery</code> follows specific <code>select()</code> branches to
model the exact graph you build. <code>query</code> doesn't know which
branch the build chooses, so overapproximates by including all branches.
<code>cquery</code>'s precision requires building more of the graph than
<code>query</code> does. Specifically, <code>cquery</code>
evaluates <i>configured targets</i> while <code>query</code> only
evaluates <i>targets</i>. This takes more time and uses more memory.
<code>cquery</code>'s intepretation of
the <a href="query.html#concepts">query language</a> introduces ambiguity
that <code>query</code> avoids. For example,
if <code>"//foo"</code> exists in two configurations, which one
should <code>cquery "deps(//foo)"</code> use?
The <code><a href="#config">config</a></code></code> function can help with
As a newer tool, <code>cquery</code> lacks support for certain use
cases. See <a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a> for details.
<h2 id='known-issues'>Known Issues</h2>
<strong>All targets that <code>cquery</code> "builds" must have the same
Before evaluating queries, <code>cquery</code> triggers a build up to just
before the point where build actions would execute. The targets it
"builds" are by default selected from all labels that appear in the query
expression (this can be overridden
with <a href="#universe_scope-comma-separated-list"><code>--universe_scope</code></a>). These
must have the same configuration.
While these generally share the top-level "target" configuration,
rules can change their own configuration with
<a href="skylark/config.html#incoming-edge-transitions">incoming edge transitions</a>.
This is where </code>cquery</code> falls short.
Workaround: If possible, set <code>--universe_scope</code> to a stricter
scope. For example:
# This command attempts to build the transitive closures of both //foo and
# //bar. //bar uses an incoming edge transition to change its --cpu flag.
$ bazel cquery 'somepath(//foo, //bar)'
ERROR: Error doing post analysis query: Top-level targets //foo and //bar
have different configurations (top-level targets with different
configurations is not supported)
# This command only builds the transitive closure of //foo, under which
# //bar should exist in the correct configuration.
$ bazel cquery 'somepath(//foo, //bar)' --universe_scope=//foo
<strong>No support
for <a href="">aspects</a>.</strong>
<strong>No support
for <a href="query.html#output-graph"><code>--output=graph</code></a>
or <a href="query.html#output-xml"><code>--output=xml</code></a>.</strong>
<strong>No support for recursive target patterns (<code>
<strong>Non-deterministic output.</strong>
<code>cquery</code> does not automatically wipe the build graph from
previous commands and is therefore prone to picking up results from past
queries. For example, <code>genquery</code> exerts a host transition on
its <code>tools</code> attribute - that is, it configures its tools in the
<a href="">host
We can see the lingering effects of that transition below.
$ cat > foo/BUILD &lt;&lt;&lt;EOF
name = "my_gen",
srcs = [""],
outs = [""],
cmd = "$(locations :tool) $&lt; >$@",
tools = [":tool"],
name = "tool",
$ bazel cquery "//foo:tool"
$ bazel cquery "deps(//foo:my_gen)"
my_gen (target_config)
tool (host_config)
$ bazel cquery "//foo:tool"
Workaround: change any startup option to force re-analysis of configured targets. For example,
add <code>--test_arg=&lt;whatever&gt;</code> to your build command.
<h2 id='updates'>Updates</h2>
The Bazel configurability team is continuously improving <code>cquery</code>. If you want to
ask questions, stay updated, or get involved, contact
the Bazel team at one of <a href="/support.html">these channels</a>.