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<!-- Generated with Stardoc: -->
<a name="#example_rule"></a>
## example_rule
example_rule(<a href="#example_rule-name">name</a>, <a href="#example_rule-first">first</a>, <a href="#example_rule-second">second</a>)
Small example of rule using a markdown template.
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| <a name="example_rule-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="">Name</a> | required | |
| <a name="example_rule-first"></a>first | This is the first attribute | String | optional | "" |
| <a name="example_rule-second"></a>second | - | String | optional | "2" |
<a name="#ExampleProviderInfo"></a>
## ExampleProviderInfo
ExampleProviderInfo(<a href="#ExampleProviderInfo-foo">foo</a>, <a href="#ExampleProviderInfo-bar">bar</a>, <a href="#ExampleProviderInfo-baz">baz</a>)
Small example of provider using a markdown template.
| Name | Description |
| :-------------: | :-------------: |
| <a name="ExampleProviderInfo-foo"></a>foo | A string representing foo |
| <a name="ExampleProviderInfo-bar"></a>bar | A string representing bar |
| <a name="ExampleProviderInfo-baz"></a>baz | A string representing baz |
<a name="#example_function"></a>
## example_function
example_function(<a href="#example_function-foo">foo</a>, <a href="#example_function-bar">bar</a>)
Small example of function using a markdown template.
| Name | Description | Default Value |
| :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| <a name="example_function-foo"></a>foo | This parameter does foo related things. | none |
| <a name="example_function-bar"></a>bar | This parameter does bar related things. | <code>"bar"</code> |
<a name="#example_aspect"></a>
## example_aspect
example_aspect(<a href="#example_aspect-name">name</a>, <a href="#example_aspect-first">first</a>, <a href="#example_aspect-second">second</a>)
Small example of aspect using a markdown template.
| Name | Type |
| :-------------: | :-------------: |
| deps| String |
| attr_aspect| String |
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| <a name="example_aspect-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="">Name</a> | required | |
| <a name="example_aspect-first"></a>first | - | <a href="">Label</a> | required | |
| <a name="example_aspect-second"></a>second | This is the second attribute. | String | optional | "" |