blob: c247b3eba55ed949944307add31d801bb40fc9f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An instance of a build rule in the build language. A rule has a name, a package to which it
* belongs, a class such as <code>cc_library</code>, and set of typed attributes. The set of
* attribute names and types is a property of the rule's class. The use of the term "class" here has
* nothing to do with Java classes. All rules are implemented by the same Java classes, Rule and
* RuleClass.
* <p>Here is a typical rule as it appears in a BUILD file:
* <pre>
* cc_library(name = 'foo',
* defines = ['-Dkey=value'],
* srcs = [''],
* deps = ['bar'])
* </pre>
// Non-final only for mocking in tests. Do not subclass!
public class Rule implements Target, DependencyFilter.AttributeInfoProvider {
/** Label predicate that allows every label. */
public static final Predicate<Label> ALL_LABELS = Predicates.alwaysTrue();
private static final String NAME = RuleClass.NAME_ATTRIBUTE.getName();
private static final String GENERATOR_FUNCTION = "generator_function";
private static final String GENERATOR_LOCATION = "generator_location";
private static final String GENERATOR_NAME = "generator_name";
private static final int ATTR_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 126;
private static final OutputFile[] NO_OUTPUTS = new OutputFile[0];
public static final String IS_EXECUTABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "$is_executable";
private final Package pkg;
private final Label label;
private final RuleClass ruleClass;
private final Location location;
@Nullable private final CallStack.Node interiorCallStack;
* The length of this rule's generator name if it is a prefix of its name, otherwise zero.
* <p>The generator name of a rule is the {@code name} parameter passed to a macro that
* instantiates the rule. Most rules instantiated via macro follow this pattern:
* <pre>{@code
* def some_macro(name):
* some_rule(name = name + '_some_suffix')
* }</pre>
* thus resulting in a generator name which is a prefix of the rule name. In such a case, we save
* memory by storing the length of the generator name instead of the string. Note that this saves
* memory from both the storage in {@link #attrValues} and the string itself (if it is not
* otherwise retained). This optimization works because this field does not push the shallow heap
* cost of {@link Rule} beyond an 8-byte threshold. If it did, this optimization would be a net
* loss.
private int generatorNamePrefixLength = 0;
* Stores attribute values, taking on one of two shapes:
* <ol>
* <li>While the rule is mutable, the array length is equal to the number of attributes. Each
* array slot holds the attribute value for the corresponding index or null if not set.
* <li>After {@link #freeze}, the array is compacted to store only necessary values. Nulls and
* values that match {@link Attribute#getDefaultValue} are omitted to save space. Ordering
* of attributes by their index is preserved.
* </ol>
private Object[] attrValues;
* Holds bits of metadata about attributes, taking on one of three shapes:
* <ol>
* <li>While the rule is mutable, contains one bit for each attribute indicating whether it was
* explicitly set.
* <li>After {@link #freeze} for rules with fewer than 126 attributes (extremely common case),
* contains one byte dedicated to each value in the compact representation of {@link
* #attrValues}, at corresponding array indices. The first bit indicates whether the
* attribute was explicitly set. The remaining 7 bits represent the attribute's index (as
* per {@link RuleClass#getAttributeIndex}). See {@link #freezeSmall}.
* <li>After {@link #freeze} for rules with 126 or more attributes (rare case), contains the
* full set of bytes from the mutable representation, followed by the index of each
* attribute stored in the compact representation of {@link #attrValues}. Because attribute
* indices may require a full byte, there is no room to pack the explicit bit as we do for
* the small case. See {@link #freezeLarge}.
* </ol>
private byte[] attrBytes;
* Output files generated by this rule.
* <p>To save memory, this field is either {@link #NO_OUTPUTS} for zero outputs, an {@link
* OutputFile} for a single output, or an {@code OutputFile[]} for multiple outputs.
* <p>In the case of multiple outputs, all implicit outputs come before any explicit outputs in
* the array.
* <p>The order of the implicit outputs is the same as returned by the implicit output function.
* This allows a native rule implementation and native implicit outputs function to agree on the
* index of a given kind of output. The order of explicit outputs preserves the attribute
* iteration order and the order of values in a list attribute; the latter is important so that
* {@code ctx.outputs.some_list} has a well-defined order.
// Initialized by populateOutputFilesInternal().
private Object outputFiles;
Package pkg,
Label label,
RuleClass ruleClass,
Location location,
@Nullable CallStack.Node interiorCallStack) {
this.pkg = checkNotNull(pkg);
this.label = checkNotNull(label);
this.ruleClass = checkNotNull(ruleClass);
this.location = checkNotNull(location);
this.interiorCallStack = interiorCallStack;
this.attrValues = new Object[ruleClass.getAttributeCount()];
this.attrBytes = new byte[bitSetSize()];
void setContainsErrors() {
public Label getLabel() {
return label;
public Package getPackage() {
return pkg;
public RuleClass getRuleClassObject() {
return ruleClass;
public String getTargetKind() {
return ruleClass.getTargetKind();
/** Returns the class of this rule. (e.g. "cc_library") */
public String getRuleClass() {
return ruleClass.getName();
* Returns true iff the outputs of this rule should be created beneath the bin directory, false if
* beneath genfiles. For most rule classes, this is constant, but for genrule, it is a property of
* the individual target, derived from the 'output_to_bindir' attribute.
public boolean outputsToBindir() {
return ruleClass.getName().equals("genrule") // this is unfortunate...
? NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(this).get("output_to_bindir", Type.BOOLEAN)
: ruleClass.outputsToBindir();
/** Returns true if this rule is an analysis test (set by analysis_test = true). */
public boolean isAnalysisTest() {
return ruleClass.isAnalysisTest();
* Returns true if this rule has at least one attribute with an analysis test transition. (A
* starlark-defined transition using analysis_test_transition()).
public boolean hasAnalysisTestTransition() {
return ruleClass.hasAnalysisTestTransition();
public boolean isBuildSetting() {
return ruleClass.getBuildSetting() != null;
* Returns true if this rule is in error.
* <p>Examples of rule errors include attributes with missing values or values of the wrong type.
* <p>Any error in a package means that all rules in the package are considered to be in error
* (even if they were evaluated prior to the error). This policy is arguably stricter than need
* be, but stopping a build only for some errors but not others creates user confusion.
public boolean containsErrors() {
return pkg.containsErrors();
public boolean hasAspects() {
return ruleClass.hasAspects();
* Returns an (unmodifiable, unordered) collection containing all the
* Attribute definitions for this kind of rule. (Note, this doesn't include
* the <i>values</i> of the attributes, merely the schema. Call
* get[Type]Attr() methods to access the actual values.)
public Collection<Attribute> getAttributes() {
return ruleClass.getAttributes();
* Returns true if the given attribute is configurable.
public boolean isConfigurableAttribute(String attributeName) {
// TODO(murali): This method should be property of ruleclass not rule instance.
// Further, this call to AbstractAttributeMapper.isConfigurable is delegated right back
// to this instance!
return AbstractAttributeMapper.isConfigurable(this, attributeName);
* Returns the attribute definition whose name is {@code attrName}, or null if not found. (Use
* get[X]Attr for the actual value.)
* @deprecated use {@link AbstractAttributeMapper#getAttributeDefinition} instead
public Attribute getAttributeDefinition(String attrName) {
return ruleClass.getAttributeByNameMaybe(attrName);
* Constructs and returns an immutable list containing all the declared output files of this rule.
* <p>There are two kinds of outputs. Explicit outputs are declared in attributes of type OUTPUT
* or OUTPUT_LABEL. Implicit outputs are determined by custom rule logic in an "implicit outputs
* function" (either defined natively or in Starlark), and are named following a template pattern
* based on the target's attributes.
* <p>All implicit output files (declared in the {@link RuleClass}) are listed first, followed by
* any explicit files (declared via output attributes). Additionally, both implicit and explicit
* outputs will retain the relative order in which they were declared.
public ImmutableList<OutputFile> getOutputFiles() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(outputFilesArray());
* Constructs and returns an immutable list of all the implicit output files of this rule, in the
* order they were declared.
ImmutableList<OutputFile> getImplicitOutputFiles() {
ImmutableList.Builder<OutputFile> result = ImmutableList.builder();
for (OutputFile output : outputFilesArray()) {
if (!output.isImplicit()) {
* Constructs and returns an immutable multimap of the explicit outputs, from attribute name to
* associated value.
* <p>Keys are listed in the same order as attributes. Order of attribute values (outputs in an
* output list) is preserved.
* <p>Since this is a multimap, attributes that have no associated outputs are omitted from the
* result.
public ImmutableListMultimap<String, OutputFile> getExplicitOutputFileMap() {
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, OutputFile> result = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
for (OutputFile output : outputFilesArray()) {
if (!output.isImplicit()) {
result.put(output.getOutputKey(), output);
* Returns a map of the Starlark-defined implicit outputs, from dict key to output file.
* <p>If there is no implicit outputs function, or it is a native one, an empty map is returned.
* <p>This is not a multimap because Starlark-defined implicit output functions return exactly one
* output per key.
public ImmutableMap<String, OutputFile> getStarlarkImplicitOutputFileMap() {
if (!(ruleClass.getDefaultImplicitOutputsFunction()
instanceof StarlarkImplicitOutputsFunction)) {
return ImmutableMap.of();
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, OutputFile> result = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (OutputFile output : outputFilesArray()) {
if (!output.isImplicit()) {
result.put(output.getOutputKey(), output);
return result.buildOrThrow();
private OutputFile[] outputFilesArray() {
return outputFiles instanceof OutputFile
? new OutputFile[] {(OutputFile) outputFiles}
: (OutputFile[]) outputFiles;
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
* Returns the stack of function calls active when this rule was instantiated.
* <p>Requires reconstructing the call stack from a compact representation, so should only be
* called when the full call stack is needed.
public ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> reconstructCallStack() {
ImmutableList.Builder<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> stack = ImmutableList.builder();
stack.add(StarlarkThread.callStackEntry(StarlarkThread.TOP_LEVEL, location));
for (CallStack.Node node = interiorCallStack; node != null; node = {
CallStack.Node getInteriorCallStack() {
return interiorCallStack;
public Rule getAssociatedRule() {
return this;
* Attribute accessor functions.
* The below provide access to attribute definitions and other generic
* metadata.
* For access to attribute *values* (e.g. "What's the value of attribute
* X for Rule Y?"), go through {@link RuleContext#attributes}. If no
* RuleContext is available, create a localized {@link AbstractAttributeMapper}
* instance instead.
* Returns true iff the rule class has an attribute with the given name and type.
* <p>Note: RuleContext also has isAttrDefined(), which takes Aspects into account. Whenever
* possible, use RuleContext.isAttrDefined() instead of this method.
public boolean isAttrDefined(String attrName, Type<?> type) {
return ruleClass.hasAttr(attrName, type);
private String getRelativeLocation() {
// Determining the workspace root only works reliably if both location and label point to files
// in the same package.
// It would be preferable to construct the path from the label itself, but this doesn't work for
// rules created from function calls in a subincluded file, even if both files share a path
// prefix (for example, when //a/package:BUILD subincludes //a/package/with/a/subpackage:BUILD).
// We can revert to that approach once subincludes aren't supported anymore.
// TODO(b/151165647): this logic has always been wrong:
// it spuriously matches occurrences of the package name earlier in the path.
String absolutePath = location.toString();
int pos = absolutePath.indexOf(label.getPackageName());
return (pos < 0) ? null : absolutePath.substring(pos);
/** Copies attribute values from the given rule to this rule. */
void copyAttributesFrom(Rule rule) {
"Rule class mismatch: (this=%s, given=%s)",
checkArgument(rule.isFrozen(), "Not frozen: %s", rule);
checkState(!isFrozen(), "Already frozen: %s", this);
this.attrValues = rule.attrValues;
this.attrBytes = rule.attrBytes;
void setAttributeValue(Attribute attribute, Object value, boolean explicit) {
checkState(!isFrozen(), "Already frozen: %s", this);
String attrName = attribute.getName();
if (attrName.equals(NAME)) {
// Avoid unnecessarily storing the name in attrValues - it's stored in the label.
if (attrName.equals(GENERATOR_NAME)) {
String generatorName = (String) value;
if (getName().startsWith(generatorName)) {
generatorNamePrefixLength = generatorName.length();
Integer attrIndex = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex(attrName);
checkArgument(attrIndex != null, "Attribute %s is not valid for this rule", attrName);
if (explicit) {
checkState(!getExplicitBit(attrIndex), "Attribute %s already explicitly set", attrName);
attrValues[attrIndex] = value;
* Returns the value of the given attribute for this rule. Returns null for invalid attributes and
* default value if attribute was not set.
* @param attrName the name of the attribute to lookup.
public Object getAttr(String attrName) {
if (attrName.equals(NAME)) {
return getName();
Integer attrIndex = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex(attrName);
return attrIndex == null ? null : getAttrWithIndex(attrIndex);
* Returns the value of the given attribute if it has the right type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute does not have the expected type.
public <T> Object getAttr(String attrName, Type<T> type) {
if (attrName.equals(NAME)) {
checkAttrType(attrName, type, RuleClass.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
return getName();
Integer index = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex(attrName);
if (index == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No such attribute " + attrName + " in " + ruleClass + " rule " + label);
checkAttrType(attrName, type, ruleClass.getAttribute(index));
return getAttrWithIndex(index);
* Returns the value of the attribute with the given index. Returns null, if no such attribute
* exists OR no value was set.
private Object getAttrWithIndex(int attrIndex) {
Object value = getAttrIfStored(attrIndex);
if (value != null) {
return value;
Attribute attr = ruleClass.getAttribute(attrIndex);
if (attr.hasComputedDefault()) {
// Frozen rules don't store computed defaults, so get it from the attribute. Mutable rules do
// store computed defaults if they've been populated. If no value is stored for a mutable
// rule, return null here since resolving the default could trigger reads of other attributes
// which have not yet been populated. Note that in this situation returning null does not
// result in a correctness issue, since the value for the attribute is actually a function to
// compute the value.
return isFrozen() ? attr.getDefaultValue(this) : null;
if (attr.isMaterializing()) {
checkState(isFrozen(), "Mutable rule missing LateBoundDefault");
return attr.getMaterializer();
if (attr.isLateBound()) {
// Frozen rules don't store late bound defaults.
checkState(isFrozen(), "Mutable rule missing LateBoundDefault");
return attr.getLateBoundDefault();
return switch (attr.getName()) {
case GENERATOR_FUNCTION -> interiorCallStack != null ? interiorCallStack.functionName() : "";
case GENERATOR_LOCATION -> interiorCallStack != null ? getRelativeLocation() : "";
generatorNamePrefixLength > 0 ? getName().substring(0, generatorNamePrefixLength) : "";
default -> attr.getDefaultValue(this);
* Returns the attribute value at the specified index if stored in this rule, otherwise {@code
* null}.
* <p>Unlike {@link #getAttr}, does not fall back to the default value.
Object getAttrIfStored(int attrIndex) {
checkPositionIndex(attrIndex, attrCount() - 1);
return switch (getAttrState()) {
case MUTABLE -> attrValues[attrIndex];
case FROZEN_SMALL -> {
int index = binarySearchAttrBytes(0, attrIndex, 0x7f);
yield index < 0 ? null : attrValues[index];
case FROZEN_LARGE -> {
if (attrBytes.length == 0) {
yield null;
int bitSetSize = bitSetSize();
int index = binarySearchAttrBytes(bitSetSize, attrIndex, 0xff);
yield index < 0 ? null : attrValues[index - bitSetSize];
* Returns raw attribute values stored by this rule.
* <p>The indices of attribute values in the returned list are not guaranteed to be consistent
* with the other methods of this class. If this is important, which is generally the case, avoid
* this method.
* <p>The returned iterable may contain null values. Its {@link Iterable#iterator} is
* unmodifiable.
Iterable<Object> getRawAttrValues() {
return () -> Iterators.forArray(attrValues);
/** See {@link #isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(String)} */
public boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(Attribute attribute) {
return isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(attribute.getName());
* Returns true iff the value of the specified attribute is explicitly set in the BUILD file. This
* returns true also if the value explicitly specified in the BUILD file is the same as the
* attribute's default value. In addition, this method return false if the rule has no attribute
* with the given name.
public boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(String attrName) {
if (attrName.equals(NAME)) {
return true;
if (attrName.equals(GENERATOR_FUNCTION)
|| attrName.equals(GENERATOR_LOCATION)
|| attrName.equals(GENERATOR_NAME)) {
return wasCreatedByMacro();
Integer attrIndex = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex(attrName);
if (attrIndex == null) {
return false;
return switch (getAttrState()) {
case MUTABLE, FROZEN_LARGE -> getExplicitBit(attrIndex);
case FROZEN_SMALL -> {
int index = binarySearchAttrBytes(0, attrIndex, 0x7f);
yield index >= 0 && (attrBytes[index] & 0x80) != 0;
/** Returns index into {@link #attrBytes} for {@code attrIndex}, or -1 if not found */
private int binarySearchAttrBytes(int start, int attrIndex, int mask) {
// Binary search, treating values as unsigned bytes.
int lo = start;
int hi = attrBytes.length - 1;
while (hi >= lo) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
int midAttrIndex = attrBytes[mid] & mask;
if (midAttrIndex == attrIndex) {
return mid;
} else if (midAttrIndex < attrIndex) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
private void checkAttrType(String attrName, Type<?> requestedType, Attribute attr) {
if (requestedType != attr.getType()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Attribute "
+ attrName
+ " is of type "
+ attr.getType()
+ " and not of type "
+ requestedType
+ " in "
+ ruleClass
+ " rule "
+ label);
* Returns {@code true} if this rule's attributes are immutable.
* <p>Frozen rules optimize for space by omitting storage for non-explicit attribute values that
* match the {@link Attribute} default. If {@link #getAttrIfStored} returns {@code null}, the
* value should be taken from either {@link Attribute#getLateBoundDefault} for late-bound defaults
* or {@link Attribute#getDefaultValue} for all other attributes (including computed defaults).
* <p>Mutable rules have no such optimization. During rule creation, this allows for
* distinguishing whether a computed default (which may depend on other unset attributes) is
* available.
boolean isFrozen() {
return getAttrState() != AttrState.MUTABLE;
/** Makes this rule's attributes immutable and compacts their representation. */
void freeze() {
if (isFrozen()) {
BitSet indicesToStore = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < attrValues.length; i++) {
Object value = attrValues[i];
if (value == null) {
if (!getExplicitBit(i)) {
Attribute attr = ruleClass.getAttribute(i);
if (value.equals(attr.getDefaultValueUnchecked())) {
// Non-explicit value matches the attribute's default. Save space by omitting storage.
if (attrCount() < ATTR_SIZE_THRESHOLD) {
} else {
// Sanity check to ensure mutable vs frozen is distinguishable.
checkState(isFrozen(), "Freeze unsuccessful");
private void freezeSmall(BitSet indicesToStore) {
int numToStore = indicesToStore.cardinality();
Object[] compactValues = new Object[numToStore];
byte[] compactBytes = new byte[numToStore];
int attrIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numToStore; i++) {
attrIndex = indicesToStore.nextSetBit(attrIndex);
byte byteValue = (byte) (0x7f & attrIndex);
if (getExplicitBit(attrIndex)) {
byteValue = (byte) (byteValue | 0x80);
compactBytes[i] = byteValue;
compactValues[i] = attrValues[attrIndex];
this.attrValues = compactValues;
this.attrBytes = compactBytes;
private void freezeLarge(BitSet indicesToStore) {
int numToStore = indicesToStore.cardinality();
int bitSetSize = attrBytes.length;
Object[] compactValues = new Object[numToStore];
byte[] compactBytes = Arrays.copyOf(attrBytes, bitSetSize + numToStore);
int attrIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numToStore; i++) {
attrIndex = indicesToStore.nextSetBit(attrIndex);
compactBytes[i + bitSetSize] = (byte) attrIndex;
compactValues[i] = attrValues[attrIndex];
this.attrValues = compactValues;
this.attrBytes = compactBytes;
private int attrCount() {
return ruleClass.getAttributeCount();
private enum AttrState {
private AttrState getAttrState() {
int attrCount = attrCount();
// This check works because the name attribute is never stored, so the compact representation
// of attrValues will always have length < attrCount.
if (attrValues.length == attrCount) {
return AttrState.MUTABLE;
return attrCount < ATTR_SIZE_THRESHOLD ? AttrState.FROZEN_SMALL : AttrState.FROZEN_LARGE;
/** Calculates the number of bytes necessary to have an explicit bit for each attribute. */
private int bitSetSize() {
// ceil(attrCount() / 8)
return (attrCount() + 7) / 8;
private boolean getExplicitBit(int attrIndex) {
int byteIndex = attrIndex / 8;
int bitIndex = attrIndex % 8;
byte byteValue = attrBytes[byteIndex];
return (byteValue & (1 << bitIndex)) != 0;
private void setExplicitBit(int attrIndex) {
int byteIndex = attrIndex / 8;
int bitIndex = attrIndex % 8;
byte byteValue = attrBytes[byteIndex];
attrBytes[byteIndex] = (byte) (byteValue | (1 << bitIndex));
* Returns a {@link BuildType.SelectorList} for the given attribute if the attribute is
* configurable for this rule, null otherwise.
public <T> BuildType.SelectorList<T> getSelectorList(String attributeName, Type<T> type) {
Integer index = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex(attributeName);
if (index == null) {
return null;
Object attrValue = getAttrIfStored(index);
if (!(attrValue instanceof BuildType.SelectorList)) {
return null;
if (((BuildType.SelectorList<?>) attrValue).getOriginalType() != type) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Attribute "
+ attributeName
+ " is not of type "
+ type
+ " in "
+ ruleClass
+ " rule "
+ label);
return (BuildType.SelectorList<T>) attrValue;
* Returns whether this rule was created by a macro.
public boolean wasCreatedByMacro() {
return interiorCallStack != null || hasStringAttribute(GENERATOR_NAME);
/** Returns the macro that generated this rule, or an empty string. */
public String getGeneratorFunction() {
Object value = getAttr(GENERATOR_FUNCTION);
if (value instanceof String) {
return (String) value;
return "";
private boolean hasStringAttribute(String attrName) {
Object value = getAttr(attrName);
if (value instanceof String) {
return !((String) value).isEmpty();
return false;
* Returns a new list containing all direct dependencies (all types except outputs and nodeps).
public List<Label> getLabels() {
List<Label> labels = new ArrayList<>();
AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(this).visitAllLabels((attribute, label) -> labels.add(label));
return labels;
* Returns a sorted set containing all labels that match a given {@link DependencyFilter}, not
* including outputs.
* @param filter A dependency filter that determines whether a label should be included in the
* result. {@link DependencyFilter#test} is called with this rule and the attribute that
* contains the label. The label will be contained in the result iff the predicate returns
* {@code true} <em>and</em> the label is not an output.
public ImmutableSortedSet<Label> getSortedLabels(DependencyFilter filter) {
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Label> labels = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder();
.visitLabels(filter, (Attribute attribute, Label label) -> labels.add(label));
* Returns a {@link SetMultimap} containing all non-output labels matching a given {@link
* DependencyFilter}, keyed by the corresponding attribute.
* <p>Labels that appear in multiple attributes will be mapped from each of their corresponding
* attributes, provided they pass the {@link DependencyFilter}.
* @param filter A dependency filter that determines whether a label should be included in the
* result. {@link DependencyFilter#test} is called with this rule and the attribute that
* contains the label. The label will be contained in the result iff the predicate returns
* {@code true} <em>and</em> the label is not an output.
public SetMultimap<Attribute, Label> getTransitions(DependencyFilter filter) {
SetMultimap<Attribute, Label> transitions = HashMultimap.create();
AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(this).visitLabels(filter, transitions::put);
return transitions;
* Collects the output files (both implicit and explicit). Must be called before the output
* accessors methods can be used, and must be called only once.
void populateOutputFiles(EventHandler eventHandler, PackageIdentifier pkgId)
throws LabelSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
/* checkLabels= */ true);
void populateOutputFilesUnchecked(
Package.Builder pkgBuilder, ImplicitOutputsFunction implicitOutputsFunction)
throws InterruptedException {
try {
/* checkLabels= */ false);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private interface ExplicitOutputHandler {
void accept(Attribute attribute, Label outputLabel) throws LabelSyntaxException;
private interface ImplicitOutputHandler {
void accept(String outputKey, String outputName);
private void populateOutputFilesInternal(
EventHandler eventHandler,
PackageIdentifier pkgId,
ImplicitOutputsFunction implicitOutputsFunction,
boolean checkLabels)
throws LabelSyntaxException, InterruptedException {
Preconditions.checkState(outputFiles == null);
List<OutputFile> outputs = new ArrayList<>();
// Detects collisions where the same output key is used for both an explicit and implicit entry.
HashSet<String> implicitOutputKeys = new HashSet<>();
// We need the implicits to appear before the explicits in the final data structure, so we
// process them first. We check for duplicates while handling the explicits.
// Each of these cases has two subcases, so we factor their bodies out into lambdas.
ImplicitOutputHandler implicitOutputHandler =
// outputKey: associated dict key if Starlark-defined, empty string otherwise
// outputName: package-relative path fragment
(outputKey, outputName) -> {
Label label;
if (checkLabels) { // controls label syntax validation only
try {
label = Label.create(pkgId, outputName);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
"illegal output file name '%s' in rule %s due to: %s",
outputName, this.label, e.getMessage()),
} else {
label = Label.createUnvalidated(pkgId, outputName);
validateOutputLabel(label, eventHandler);
outputs.add(OutputFile.createImplicit(label, this, outputKey));
// Populate the implicit outputs.
try {
RawAttributeMapper attributeMap = RawAttributeMapper.of(this);
// TODO(bazel-team): Reconsider the ImplicitOutputsFunction abstraction. It doesn't seem to be
// a good fit if it forces us to downcast in situations like this. It also causes
// getImplicitOutputs() to declare that it throws EvalException (which then has to be
// explicitly disclaimed by the subclass SafeImplicitOutputsFunction).
if (implicitOutputsFunction instanceof StarlarkImplicitOutputsFunction) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e :
((StarlarkImplicitOutputsFunction) implicitOutputsFunction)
.calculateOutputs(eventHandler, attributeMap)
.entrySet()) {
implicitOutputHandler.accept(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
} else {
for (String out : implicitOutputsFunction.getImplicitOutputs(eventHandler, attributeMap)) {
implicitOutputHandler.accept(/*outputKey=*/ "", out);
} catch (EvalException e) {
reportError(String.format("In rule %s: %s", label, e.getMessageWithStack()), eventHandler);
ExplicitOutputHandler explicitOutputHandler =
(attribute, outputLabel) -> {
String attrName = attribute.getName();
if (implicitOutputKeys.contains(attrName)) {
"Implicit output key '%s' collides with output attribute name", attrName),
if (checkLabels) {
if (!outputLabel.getPackageIdentifier().equals(pkg.getPackageIdentifier())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Label for attribute %s should refer to '%s' but instead refers to '%s'"
+ " (label '%s')",
if (outputLabel.getName().equals(".")) {
throw new LabelSyntaxException("output file name can't be equal '.'");
validateOutputLabel(outputLabel, eventHandler);
outputs.add(OutputFile.createExplicit(outputLabel, this, attrName));
// Populate the explicit outputs.
NonconfigurableAttributeMapper nonConfigurableAttributes =
for (Attribute attribute : ruleClass.getAttributes()) {
String name = attribute.getName();
Type<?> type = attribute.getType();
if (type == BuildType.OUTPUT) {
Label label = nonConfigurableAttributes.get(name, BuildType.OUTPUT);
if (label != null) {
explicitOutputHandler.accept(attribute, label);
} else if (type == BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST) {
for (Label label : nonConfigurableAttributes.get(name, BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST)) {
explicitOutputHandler.accept(attribute, label);
if (outputs.isEmpty()) {
outputFiles = NO_OUTPUTS;
} else if (outputs.size() == 1) {
outputFiles = outputs.get(0);
} else {
outputFiles = outputs.toArray(OutputFile[]::new);
private void validateOutputLabel(Label label, EventHandler eventHandler) {
if (label.getName().equals(getName())) {
// TODO(bazel-team): for now (23 Apr 2008) this is just a warning. After
// June 1st we should make it an error.
reportWarning("target '" + getName() + "' is both a rule and a file; please choose "
+ "another name for the rule", eventHandler);
void reportError(String message, EventHandler eventHandler) {
eventHandler.handle(Package.error(location, message, PackageLoading.Code.STARLARK_EVAL_ERROR));
private void reportWarning(String message, EventHandler eventHandler) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.warn(location, message));
/** Returns a string of the form "cc_binary rule //foo:foo" */
public String toString() {
return getRuleClass() + " rule " + label;
* Returns the effective visibility of this rule target, as best as can be determined at loading
* time.
* <p>Conceptually, this is taken from the target's {@code visibility} attribute, with a few
* caveats described below. The actual visibility check is based on analysis-time information that
* traverses possibly multiple levels of {@code package_group} definitions; see {@link
* VisibilityProvider}.
* <p>Under the Macro-Aware Visibility model, targets are always visible to the location of the
* code of the symbolic macro in which they are declared, or the target's package if they are not
* in a symbolic macro. For targets in symbolic macros, we realize this by automatically appending
* this location to {@code visibility} when the target is created (see {@link
* RuleFactory#createRule}).
* <p>However, for targets created by the BUILD file and legacy macros (i.e. outside any symbolic
* macro), we do not append anything, because that would be a backwards incompatible change (as
* well as a minor memory regression). So instead, when checking visibility at analysis time, we
* simply implicitly allow the target's own package anytime the target was not created in a
* symbolic macro.
* <p>The package's {@code default_visibility} is used as the starting point for targets that are
* not created in any symbolic macro and that do not specify an explicit {@code visibility}.
// TODO: #19922 - Technically, I think the fact that we munge visibility for targets in symbolic
// macros means that they appear as though they were explicitly specified
// (AttributeMap#isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified). I doubt this matters in practice, as most
// logic should not be relying on that bit.
public RuleVisibility getVisibility() {
List<Label> rawLabels = getRawVisibilityLabels();
return rawLabels == null
? getDefaultVisibility()
// The attribute value was already validated when it was set, so call the unchecked method.
: RuleVisibility.parseUnchecked(rawLabels);
public Iterable<Label> getVisibilityDependencyLabels() {
List<Label> rawLabels = getRawVisibilityLabels();
if (rawLabels == null) {
return getDefaultVisibility().getDependencyLabels();
RuleVisibility constantVisibility = RuleVisibility.parseIfConstant(rawLabels);
if (constantVisibility != null) {
return constantVisibility.getDependencyLabels();
// Filter out labels like :__pkg__ and :__subpackages__.
return Iterables.filter(rawLabels, label -> PackageSpecification.fromLabel(label) == null);
public List<Label> getVisibilityDeclaredLabels() {
List<Label> rawLabels = getRawVisibilityLabels();
return rawLabels == null ? getDefaultVisibility().getDeclaredLabels() : rawLabels;
private List<Label> getRawVisibilityLabels() {
Integer visibilityIndex = ruleClass.getAttributeIndex("visibility");
if (visibilityIndex == null) {
return null;
return (List<Label>) getAttrIfStored(visibilityIndex);
private RuleVisibility getDefaultVisibility() {
// TODO: #19922 - This logic is only reached from getVisibility() when the visibility attribute
// is not set on this target. But since we munge the visibility attribute to be non-empty for
// all targets created in symbolic macros, this logic is bypassed anytime the target is in a
// symbolic macro. The likely fix is to factor this out into something that can be consulted by
// RuleFactory#getModifiedVisibility in place of accessing the package's default_visibility
// (which isn't supposed to be consulted inside symbolic macros anyway).
if (ruleClass.getName().equals("bind")) {
return RuleVisibility.PUBLIC; // bind rules are always public.
// Temporary logic to relax config_setting's visibility enforcement while depot migrations set
// visibility settings properly (legacy code may have visibility settings that would break if
// enforced). See Ultimately this entire
// conditional should be removed.
if (ruleClass.getName().equals("config_setting")
&& pkg.getConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy() == ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy.DEFAULT_PUBLIC) {
return RuleVisibility.PUBLIC; // Default: //visibility:public.
return pkg.getPackageArgs().defaultVisibility();
public boolean isConfigurable() {
return true;
public Set<DistributionType> getDistributions() {
if (isAttrDefined("distribs", BuildType.DISTRIBUTIONS)
&& isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("distribs")) {
return NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(this).get("distribs", BuildType.DISTRIBUTIONS);
} else {
return License.DEFAULT_DISTRIB;
public License getLicense() {
// New style licenses defined by Starlark rules don't
// have old-style licenses. This is hardcoding the representation
// of new-style rules, but it's in the old-style licensing code path
// and will ultimately be removed.
if (ruleClass.isPackageMetadataRule()) {
return License.NO_LICENSE;
} else if (isAttrDefined("licenses", BuildType.LICENSE)
&& isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("licenses")) {
return NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(this).get("licenses", BuildType.LICENSE);
} else if (ruleClass.ignoreLicenses()) {
return License.NO_LICENSE;
} else {
return pkg.getPackageArgs().license();
* Returns the license of the output of the binary created by this rule, or null if it is not
* specified.
public License getToolOutputLicense(AttributeMap attributes) {
if (isAttrDefined("output_licenses", BuildType.LICENSE)
&& attributes.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("output_licenses")) {
return attributes.get("output_licenses", BuildType.LICENSE);
} else {
return null;
/** Returns the Set of all tags exhibited by this target. May be empty. */
public Set<String> getRuleTags() {
Set<String> ruleTags = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Attribute attribute : ruleClass.getAttributes()) {
if (attribute.isTaggable()) {
Type<?> attrType = attribute.getType();
String name = attribute.getName();
// This enforces the expectation that taggable attributes are non-configurable.
Object value = NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(this).get(name, attrType);
Set<String> tags = attrType.toTagSet(value, name);
return ruleTags;
public boolean isRule() {
return true;
public String getDeprecationWarning() {
return attributeOrNull(this, "deprecation", Type.STRING);
public boolean isTestOnly() {
Boolean value = attributeOrNull(this, "testonly", Type.BOOLEAN);
if (value == null) {
return false;
return value;
public boolean satisfies(RequiredProviders required) {
return required.isSatisfiedBy(getRuleClassObject().getAdvertisedProviders());
public TestTimeout getTestTimeout() {
return TestTimeout.getTestTimeout(this);
public boolean isForDependencyResolution() {
return getRuleClassObject().isDependencyResolutionRule();
public AdvertisedProviderSet getAdvertisedProviders() {
return getRuleClassObject().getAdvertisedProviders();
* Computes labels of additional dependencies that can be provided by aspects that this rule can
* require from its direct dependencies.
public Collection<Label> getAspectLabelsSuperset(DependencyFilter predicate) {
if (!hasAspects()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
SetMultimap<Attribute, Label> labels = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
for (Attribute attribute : this.getAttributes()) {
for (Aspect candidateClass : attribute.getAspects(this)) {
AspectDefinition.addAllAttributesOfAspect(labels, candidateClass, predicate);
return labels.values();
* Should this rule instance resolve toolchains?
* <p>This may happen for two reasons:
* <ol>
* <li>The rule uses toolchains by definition ({@link
* RuleClass.Builder#toolchainResolutionMode(ToolchainResolutionMode)}
* <li>The rule instance has a select() or target_compatible_with attribute, which means it may
* depend on target platform properties that are only provided when toolchain resolution is
* enabled.
* </ol>
public boolean useToolchainResolution() {
return ruleClass.useToolchainResolution(this);
public boolean isExecutable() {
if (getRuleClassObject().hasAttr(IS_EXECUTABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Type.BOOLEAN)) {
return NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(this)
return false;
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
return label.getPackageIdentifier().getRepository();
/** Returns the suffix of target kind for all rules. */
public static String targetKindSuffix() {
return " rule";
public TargetData reduceForSerialization() {
return new RuleData(
@VisibleForSerialization // (private) allows RuleDataCodec visibility
static class RuleData implements TargetData {
private final RuleClassData ruleClassData;
private final Location location;
// TODO(b/297857068): this is only used to report TargetCompletion, so it should never be
// read from a deserialized instance. Refine the ConfiguredTargetAndData API and delete this.
private final ImmutableSet<String> ruleTags;
private final Label label;
@Nullable private final String deprecationWarning;
private final boolean isTestOnly;
@Nullable private final TestTimeout testTimeout;
@VisibleForSerialization // (private) allows RuleDataCodec visibility
RuleClassData ruleClassData,
Location location,
ImmutableSet<String> ruleTags,
Label label,
@Nullable String deprecationWarning,
boolean isTestOnly,
@Nullable TestTimeout testTimeout) {
this.ruleClassData = ruleClassData;
this.location = location;
this.ruleTags = ruleTags;
this.label = label;
this.deprecationWarning = deprecationWarning;
this.isTestOnly = isTestOnly;
this.testTimeout = testTimeout;
RuleClassData getRuleClassData() {
return ruleClassData;
public String getTargetKind() {
return ruleClassData.getTargetKind();
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
public String getRuleClass() {
return ruleClassData.getName();
public ImmutableSet<String> getRuleTags() {
return ruleTags;
public Label getLabel() {
return label;
public boolean isRule() {
return true;
public String getDeprecationWarning() {
return deprecationWarning;
public boolean satisfies(RequiredProviders required) {
return required.isSatisfiedBy(ruleClassData.getAdvertisedProviders());
public boolean isTestOnly() {
return isTestOnly;
public boolean isForDependencyResolution() {
return ruleClassData.isDependencyResolutionRule();
public AdvertisedProviderSet getAdvertisedProviders() {
return ruleClassData.getAdvertisedProviders();
public TestTimeout getTestTimeout() {
return testTimeout;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof RuleData)) {
return false;
RuleData that = (RuleData) obj;
return ruleClassData.equals(that.ruleClassData)
&& location.equals(that.location)
&& label.equals(that.label)
&& Objects.equals(deprecationWarning, that.deprecationWarning)
&& isTestOnly == that.isTestOnly
&& Objects.equals(testTimeout, that.testTimeout);
public int hashCode() {
// Extremely likely equal if this many fields match.
return hashObjects(ruleClassData, location, label);
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(this)
.add("ruleClassData", ruleClassData)
.add("location", location)
.add("ruleTags", ruleTags)
.add("label", label)
.add("deprecationWarning", deprecationWarning)
.add("isTestOnly", isTestOnly)
.add("testTimeout", testTimeout)