blob: 8e65d7b6b9af31e6ca42926362b1b68dcb10b7f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A node in the build dependency graph, identified by a Label.
* <p>This StarlarkBuiltin does not contain any documentation since Starlark's Target type refers to
* TransitiveInfoCollection.class, which contains the appropriate documentation.
public interface Target extends TargetData {
/** Returns the Package to which this target belongs. */
Package getPackage();
* Returns the innermost symbolic macro that declared this target, or null if it was declared
* outside any symbolic macro (i.e. directly in a BUILD file or only in one or more legacy
* macros).
default MacroInstance getDeclaringMacro() {
// TODO: #19922 - We might replace Package#getDeclaringMacroForTarget by storing a reference to
// the declaring macro in implementations of this interface (sharing memory with the field for
// the package).
return getPackage().getDeclaringMacroForTarget(getName());
* Returns the rule associated with this target, if any.
* <p>If this is a Rule, returns itself; it this is an OutputFile, returns its generating rule; if
* this is an input file, returns null.
Rule getAssociatedRule();
* Returns the license associated with this target.
License getLicense();
/** Returns the set of distribution types associated with this target. */
Set<DistributionType> getDistributions();
/** Returns the visibility of this target. */
// TODO(jhorvitz): Usually one of the following two methods suffice. Try to remove this.
RuleVisibility getVisibility();
* Equivalent to calling {@link RuleVisibility#getDependencyLabels} on the value returned by
* {@link #getVisibility}, but potentially more efficient.
* <p>Prefer this method over {@link #getVisibility} when only the dependency labels are needed
* and not a {@link RuleVisibility} instance.
default Iterable<Label> getVisibilityDependencyLabels() {
return getVisibility().getDependencyLabels();
* Equivalent to calling {@link RuleVisibility#getDeclaredLabels} on the value returned by {@link
* #getVisibility}, but potentially more efficient.
* <p>Prefer this method over {@link #getVisibility} when only the declared labels are needed and
* not a {@link RuleVisibility} instance.
default List<Label> getVisibilityDeclaredLabels() {
return getVisibility().getDeclaredLabels();
/** Returns whether this target type can be configured (e.g. accepts non-null configurations). */
boolean isConfigurable();
* Creates a compact representation of this target with enough information for dependent parents.
TargetData reduceForSerialization();