blob: 9eeb08e6bcd171628b67f5d6229f9d40f62e5fba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** {@link ProcessableGraph} that exposes the contents of the entire graph. */
public interface InMemoryGraph extends ProcessableGraph {
/** Creates a new in-memory graph suitable for incremental builds. */
static InMemoryGraph create() {
return new InMemoryGraphImpl(/* usePooledInterning= */ true);
static InMemoryGraph create(boolean usePooledInterning) {
return new InMemoryGraphImpl(usePooledInterning);
* Creates a new in-memory graph that discards graph edges to save memory and cannot be used for
* incremental builds.
static InMemoryGraph createEdgeless(boolean usePooledInterning) {
return new EdgelessInMemoryGraphImpl(usePooledInterning);
NodeBatch createIfAbsentBatch(
@Nullable SkyKey requestor, Reason reason, Iterable<? extends SkyKey> keys);
NodeEntry get(@Nullable SkyKey requestor, Reason reason, SkyKey key);
default NodeBatch getBatch(
@Nullable SkyKey requestor, Reason reason, Iterable<? extends SkyKey> keys) {
return getBatchMap(requestor, reason, keys)::get;
default LookupHint getLookupHint(SkyKey key) {
return LookupHint.INDIVIDUAL;
Map<SkyKey, ? extends NodeEntry> getBatchMap(
@Nullable SkyKey requestor, Reason reason, Iterable<? extends SkyKey> keys);
* Returns a read-only live view of the nodes in the graph. All node are included. Dirty values
* include their Node value. Values in error have a null value.
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> getValues();
default int valuesSize() {
return getValues().size();
* Returns a read-only live view of the done values in the graph. Dirty, changed, and error values
* are not present in the returned map
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> getDoneValues();
/** Returns an unmodifiable collection of all nodes in the graph. */
Collection<InMemoryNodeEntry> getAllNodeEntries();
/** Applies the given consumer to each node in the graph, potentially in parallel. */
void parallelForEach(Consumer<InMemoryNodeEntry> consumer);
* Removes the node entry associated with the given {@link SkyKey} from the graph if it is done.
void removeIfDone(SkyKey key);
* Cleans up {@linkplain interning
* pools} by moving objects to weak interners and uninstalling the current pools.
* <p>May destroy this graph. Only call when the graph is about to be thrown away.
void cleanupInterningPools();
* Returns the {@link InMemoryNodeEntry} for a given {@link SkyKey} if present in the graph.
* Otherwise, returns null.
InMemoryNodeEntry getIfPresent(SkyKey key);
* Minimizes the size of the data structure backing the graph. May be costly to run (O(n)).
* <p>Must NOT be called concurrently with any other methods.
* <p>Useful after removing large numbers of nodes from the in-memory graph, and the data
* structure used doesn't have automatic resizing (e.g. ConcurrentHashMap).
* <p>WARNING: Implementations have to take care of existing references into the data structure if
* replaced by a new one (e.g. functions that close over the data structure).
void shrinkNodeMap();