blob: fb9989361a0e62c470e0a0cdbb76c4eb8da3a131 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Attributes for Python rules."""
load(":common/cc/cc_info.bzl", _CcInfo = "CcInfo")
load(":common/python/common.bzl", "union_attrs")
load(":common/python/providers.bzl", "PyInfo")
PackageSpecificationInfo = _builtins.toplevel.PackageSpecificationInfo
_STAMP_VALUES = [-1, 0, 1]
def create_stamp_attr(**kwargs):
return {"stamp": = _STAMP_VALUES, **kwargs)}
default_srcs_attr_doc = """
The list of source (<code>.py</code>) files that are processed to create the target.
This includes all your checked-in code and any generated source files.
def create_srcs_attr(*, mandatory, doc = default_srcs_attr_doc):
return {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
# Google builds change the set of allowed files.
allow_files = SRCS_ATTR_ALLOW_FILES,
doc = doc,
mandatory = mandatory,
# Necessary for --compile_one_dependency to work.
This attribute declares the target's <code>srcs</code> to be compatible with either Python
2, Python 3, or both. To actually set the Python runtime version, use the
<a href="${link py_binary.python_version}"><code>python_version</code></a> attribute of an
executable Python rule (<code>py_binary</code> or <code>py_test</code>).
<p>Allowed values are: <code>"PY2AND3"</code>, <code>"PY2"</code>, and <code>"PY3"</code>.
The values <code>"PY2ONLY"</code> and <code>"PY3ONLY"</code> are also allowed for historic
reasons, but they are essentially the same as <code>"PY2"</code> and <code>"PY3"</code>
and should be avoided.
<p>Note that only the executable rules (<code>py_binary</code> and <code>py_library
</code>) actually verify the current Python version against the value of this attribute.
(This is a feature; since <code>py_library</code> does not change the current Python
version, if it did the validation, it'd be impossible to build both <code>PY2ONLY</code>
and <code>PY3ONLY</code> libraries in the same invocation.) Furthermore, if there is a
version mismatch, the error is only reported in the execution phase. In particular, the
error will not appear in a <code>bazel build --nobuild</code> invocation.)
<p>To get diagnostic information about which dependencies introduce version requirements,
you can run the <code>find_requirements</code> aspect on your target:
bazel build &lt;your target&gt; \\
--aspects=@rules_python//python:defs.bzl%find_requirements \\
This will build a file with the suffix <code>-pyversioninfo.txt</code> giving information
about why your target requires one Python version or another. Note that it works even if
the given target failed to build due to a version conflict.
def create_srcs_version_attr(values, srcs_version_attr_doc = DEFAULT_SRCS_VERSION_ATTR_DOC):
return {
"srcs_version": attr.string(
default = "PY2AND3",
values = values,
doc = srcs_version_attr_doc,
def copy_common_binary_kwargs(kwargs):
return {
key: kwargs[key]
if key in kwargs
def copy_common_test_kwargs(kwargs):
return {
key: kwargs[key]
for key in TEST_ATTR_NAMES
if key in kwargs
"_native_rules_allowlist": attr.label(
default = configuration_field(
fragment = "py",
name = "native_rules_allowlist",
providers = [PackageSpecificationInfo],
def create_common_attrs(*, data_attr_doc = None):
# Attributes common to all rules.
return union_attrs(
# NOTE: The "flags" attribute is deprecated, but there isn't an alternative
# way to specify that constraints should be ignored.
{"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = data_attr_doc,
# buildifier: disable=attr-licenses
# TODO(b/148103851): This attribute is deprecated and slated for
# removal.
# NOTE: The license attribute is missing in some Java integration tests,
# so fallback to a regular string_list for that case.
# buildifier: disable=attr-license
"licenses": attr.license() if hasattr(attr, "license") else attr.string_list(),
# NOTE: This attribute is deprecated and slated for removal.
"distribs": attr.string_list(),
allow_none = True,
COMMON_ATTRS = create_common_attrs()
The list of other libraries to be linked in to the binary target. See general comments about
<code>deps</code> at <a href="${link common-definitions#typical-attributes}">Typical attributes
defined by most build rules</a>. These are generally
<a href="${link py_library}"><code>py_library</code></a> rules.
def _create_py_srcs_attrs(deps_attr_doc):
return union_attrs(
# Required attribute, but details vary by rule.
# Use create_srcs_attr to create one.
"srcs": None,
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = deps_attr_doc,
providers = [[PyInfo], [_CcInfo]],
# TODO(b/228692666): Google-specific; remove these allowances once
# the depot is cleaned up.
allow_rules = DEPS_ATTR_ALLOW_RULES,
# NOTE: In Google, this attribute is deprecated, and can only
# effectively be PY3 or PY3ONLY. Externally, with Bazel, this attribute
# has a separate story.
# Required attribute, but the details vary by rule.
# Use create_srcs_version_attr to create one.
"srcs_version": None,
allow_none = True,
# Attributes common to rules accepting Python sources and deps.
PY_SRCS_ATTRS = _create_py_srcs_attrs(DEFAULT_DEPS_ATTR_DOC)
def create_py_srcs_attrs(deps_attr_doc):
return PY_SRCS_ATTRS if deps_attr_doc == DEFAULT_DEPS_ATTR_DOC else _create_py_srcs_attrs(deps_attr_doc)
# Attributes specific to Python executable-equivalent rules. Such rules may not
# accept Python sources (e.g. some packaged-version of a py_test/py_binary), but
# still accept Python source-agnostic settings.
# NOTE: The "flags" attribute is deprecated, but there isn't an alternative
# way to specify that constraints should be ignored.
"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"env": attr.string_dict(
doc = """\
Dictionary of strings; optional; values are subject to `$(location)` and "Make
variable" substitution.
Specifies additional environment variables to set when the target is executed by
`test` or `run`.
# The value is required, but varies by rule and/or rule type. Use
# create_stamp_attr to create one.
"stamp": None,
allow_none = True,
# Attributes specific to Python test-equivalent executable rules. Such rules may
# not accept Python sources (e.g. some packaged-version of a py_test/py_binary),
# but still accept Python source-agnostic settings.
AGNOSTIC_TEST_ATTRS = union_attrs(
# Tests have stamping disabled by default.
create_stamp_attr(default = 0),
"env_inherit": attr.string_list(
doc = """\
List of strings; optional
Specifies additional environment variables to inherit from the external
environment when the test is executed by bazel test.
# TODO(b/176993122): Remove when Bazel automatically knows to run on darwin.
"_apple_constraints": attr.label_list(
default = [
PLATFORMS_LOCATION + "/os:visionos",
PLATFORMS_LOCATION + "/os:watchos",
# Attributes specific to Python binary-equivalent executable rules. Such rules may
# not accept Python sources (e.g. some packaged-version of a py_test/py_binary),
# but still accept Python source-agnostic settings.
create_stamp_attr(default = -1),
# Attribute names common to all Python rules
"distribs", # NOTE: Currently common to all rules, but slated for removal
# NOTE: The testonly attribute requires careful handling: None/unset means
# to use the `package(default_testonly`) value, which isn't observable
# during the loading phase.
] + COMMON_ATTRS.keys()
# Attribute names common to all test=True rules
# Attribute names common to all executable=True rules
"output_licenses", # NOTE: Common to all rules, but slated for removal