blob: 36dafdf7cddbe7154242707b09debe1e7bac8a2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Utilities for Java compilation support in Starlark. */
@StarlarkBuiltin(name = "java_common", doc = "Utilities for Java compilation support in Starlark.")
public interface JavaCommonApi<
FileT extends FileApi,
JavaInfoT extends JavaInfoApi<FileT>,
JavaToolchainT extends JavaToolchainStarlarkApiProviderApi,
ConstraintValueT extends ConstraintValueInfoApi,
starlarkRuleContextT extends StarlarkRuleContextApi<ConstraintValueT>,
StarlarkActionFactoryT extends StarlarkActionFactoryApi>
extends StarlarkValue {
name = "provider",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns the Java declared provider. <br>"
+ "The same value is accessible as <code>JavaInfo</code>. <br>"
+ "Prefer using <code>JavaInfo</code> in new code.")
ProviderApi getJavaProvider();
name = "compile",
doc =
"Compiles Java source files/jars from the implementation of a Starlark rule and returns "
+ "a provider that represents the results of the compilation and can be added to "
+ "the set of providers emitted by this rule.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "ctx", positional = true, named = false, doc = "The rule context."),
name = "source_jars",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"A list of the jars to be compiled. At least one of source_jars or source_files"
+ " should be specified."),
name = "source_files",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"A list of the Java source files to be compiled. At least one of source_jars or "
+ "source_files should be specified."),
@Param(name = "output", positional = false, named = true),
name = "output_source_jar",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "The output source jar. Optional. Defaults to `{output_jar}-src.jar` if unset."),
name = "javac_opts",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of the desired javac options. Optional."),
name = "deps",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of dependencies. Optional."),
name = "experimental_local_compile_time_deps",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"Compile-time dependencies of the compilation that should be omitted from the"
+ " returned JavaInfo.",
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API,
valueWhenDisabled = "[]"),
name = "exports",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of exports. Optional."),
name = "plugins",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of plugins. Optional."),
name = "exported_plugins",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of exported plugins. Optional."),
name = "annotation_processor_additional_inputs",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"A list of inputs that the Java compilation action will take in addition to the "
+ "Java sources for annotation processing."),
name = "annotation_processor_additional_outputs",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"A list of outputs that the Java compilation action will output in addition to "
+ "the class jar from annotation processing."),
name = "strict_deps",
defaultValue = "'ERROR'",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc =
"A string that specifies how to handle strict deps. Possible values: 'OFF', "
+ "'ERROR', 'WARN' and 'DEFAULT'. For more details see "
+ ""
+ "flag--strict_java_deps. By default 'ERROR'."),
name = "java_toolchain",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "A JavaToolchainInfo to be used for this compilation. Mandatory."),
name = "host_javabase",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc =
"Deprecated: You can drop this parameter (host_javabase is provided with "
+ "java_toolchain)",
defaultValue = "None",
disableWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.INCOMPATIBLE_JAVA_COMMON_PARAMETERS,
valueWhenDisabled = "None"),
name = "sourcepath",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "resources",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]"),
@Param(name = "neverlink", positional = false, named = true, defaultValue = "False")
useStarlarkThread = true)
JavaInfoT createJavaCompileAction(
starlarkRuleContextT starlarkRuleContext,
Sequence<?> sourceJars, // <FileT> expected.
Sequence<?> sourceFiles, // <FileT> expected.
FileT outputJar,
Object outputSourceJar,
Sequence<?> javacOpts, // <String> expected.
Sequence<?> deps, // <JavaInfoT> expected.
Sequence<?> experimentalLocalCompileTimeDeps, // <JavaInfoT> expected.
Sequence<?> exports, // <JavaInfoT> expected.
Sequence<?> plugins, // <JavaInfoT> expected.
Sequence<?> exportedPlugins, // <JavaInfoT> expected.
Sequence<?> annotationProcessorAdditionalInputs, // <FileT> expected.
Sequence<?> annotationProcessorAdditionalOutputs, // <FileT> expected.
String strictDepsMode,
JavaToolchainT javaToolchain,
Object hostJavabase,
Sequence<?> sourcepathEntries, // <FileT> expected.
Sequence<?> resources, // <FileT> expected.
Boolean neverlink,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "run_ijar",
doc =
"Runs ijar on a jar, stripping it of its method bodies. This helps reduce rebuilding "
+ "of dependent jars during any recompiles consisting only of simple changes to "
+ "method implementations. The return value is typically passed to "
+ "<code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"JavaInfo.html\">"
+ "JavaInfo</a>#compile_jar</code>.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "actions", named = true, doc = "ctx.actions"),
@Param(name = "jar", positional = false, named = true, doc = "The jar to run ijar on."),
name = "target_label",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"A target label to stamp the jar with. Used for <code>add_dep</code> support. "
+ "Typically, you would pass <code>ctx.label</code> to stamp the jar "
+ "with the current rule's label."),
name = "java_toolchain",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "A JavaToolchainInfo to used to find the ijar tool."),
FileApi runIjar(
StarlarkActionFactoryT actions, FileT jar, Object targetLabel, JavaToolchainT javaToolchain)
throws EvalException;
name = "stamp_jar",
doc =
"Stamps a jar with a target label for <code>add_dep</code> support. "
+ "The return value is typically passed to "
+ "<code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"JavaInfo.html\">"
+ "JavaInfo</a>#compile_jar</code>. "
+ "Prefer to use "
+ "<code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"java_common.html#run_ijar\">run_ijar</a></code> "
+ "when possible.",
parameters = {
name = "actions",
named = true,
doc = "ctx.actions"),
name = "jar",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "The jar to run stamp_jar on."),
name = "target_label",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc =
"A target label to stamp the jar with. Used for <code>add_dep</code> support. "
+ "Typically, you would pass <code>ctx.label</code> to stamp the jar "
+ "with the current rule's label."),
name = "java_toolchain",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "A JavaToolchainInfo to used to find the stamp_jar tool."),
FileApi stampJar(
StarlarkActionFactoryT actions, FileT jar, Label targetLabel, JavaToolchainT javaToolchain)
throws EvalException;
name = "pack_sources",
doc =
"Packs sources and source jars into a single source jar file. "
+ "The return value is typically passed to"
+ "<p><code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"JavaInfo.html\">"
+ "JavaInfo</a>#source_jar</code></p>."
+ "At least one of parameters output_jar or output_source_jar is required.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "actions", named = true, doc = "ctx.actions"),
name = "output_jar",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"Deprecated: The output jar of the rule. Used to name the resulting source jar. "
+ "The parameter sets output_source_jar parameter to `{output_jar}-src.jar`."
+ "Use output_source_jar parameter directly instead.",
disableWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.INCOMPATIBLE_JAVA_COMMON_PARAMETERS,
valueWhenDisabled = "None"),
name = "output_source_jar",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "The output source jar."),
name = "sources",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of Java source files to be packed into the source jar."),
name = "source_jars",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "A list of source jars to be packed into the source jar."),
name = "java_toolchain",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "A JavaToolchainInfo to used to find the ijar tool."),
name = "host_javabase",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc =
"Deprecated: You can drop this parameter (host_javabase is provided with "
+ "java_toolchain)",
defaultValue = "None",
disableWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.INCOMPATIBLE_JAVA_COMMON_PARAMETERS,
valueWhenDisabled = "None"),
allowReturnNones = true)
FileApi packSources(
StarlarkActionFactoryT actions,
Object outputJar,
Object outputSourceJar,
Sequence<?> sourceFiles, // <FileT> expected.
Sequence<?> sourceJars, // <FileT> expected.
JavaToolchainT javaToolchain,
Object hostJavabase)
throws EvalException;
name = "default_javac_opts",
// This function is experimental for now.
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "java_toolchain",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = JavaToolchainStarlarkApiProviderApi.class)},
doc =
"A JavaToolchainInfo to be used for retrieving the ijar "
+ "tool. Only set when use_ijar is True."),
// TODO(b/78512644): migrate callers to passing explicit javacopts or using custom toolchains, and
// delete
ImmutableList<String> getDefaultJavacOpts(JavaToolchainT javaToolchain) throws EvalException;
name = "merge",
doc = "Merges the given providers into a single JavaInfo.",
parameters = {
name = "providers",
positional = true,
named = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class)},
doc = "The list of providers to merge."),
JavaInfoT mergeJavaProviders(Sequence<?> providers /* <JavaInfoT> expected. */)
throws EvalException;
name = "make_non_strict",
doc =
"Returns a new Java provider whose direct-jars part is the union of both the direct and"
+ " indirect jars of the given Java provider.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "java_info", positional = true, named = false, doc = "The java info."),
JavaInfoT makeNonStrict(JavaInfoT javaInfo);
name = "JavaToolchainInfo",
doc =
"The key used to retrieve the provider that contains information about the Java "
+ "toolchain being used.",
structField = true)
ProviderApi getJavaToolchainProvider();
name = "JavaRuntimeInfo",
doc =
"The key used to retrieve the provider that contains information about the Java "
+ "runtime being used.",
structField = true)
ProviderApi getJavaRuntimeProvider();
name = "is_java_toolchain_resolution_enabled_do_not_use",
documented = false,
parameters = {
@Param(name = "ctx", positional = false, named = true, doc = "The rule context."),
doc = "Returns true if --incompatible_use_toolchain_resolution_for_java_rules is enabled.")
boolean isJavaToolchainResolutionEnabled(starlarkRuleContextT ruleContext) throws EvalException;
name = "MessageBundleInfo",
doc = "The provider used to supply message bundles for translation",
structField = true,
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
ProviderApi getMessageBundleInfo();
name = "add_constraints",
doc = "Returns a copy of the given JavaInfo with the given constraints added.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to enhance."),
name = "constraints",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "Constraints to add")
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
JavaInfoT addConstraints(JavaInfoT javaInfo, Sequence<?> constraints /* <String> expected. */)
throws EvalException;
name = "get_constraints",
doc = "Returns a set of constraints added.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to get constraints from."),
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
Sequence<String> getConstraints(JavaInfoT javaInfo);
name = "experimental_disable_annotation_processing",
doc =
"Returns a copy of the given JavaInfo with any provided annotation processors disabled."
+ " Annotation processor classpaths are preserved in case they contain Error Prone"
+ " plugins, but processor names and data are excluded. For example, it can be"
+ " used to process the inputs to java_common.compile's deps and plugins parameters.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to process.")
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
JavaInfoT removeAnnotationProcessors(JavaInfoT javaInfo);
name = "set_annotation_processing",
doc = "Returns a copy of the given JavaInfo with the given annotation_processing info.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to enhance."),
name = "enabled",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False",
doc = "Returns true if the rule uses annotation processing."),
name = "processor_classnames",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "Class names of annotation processors applied to this rule."),
name = "processor_classpath",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "Class names of annotation processors applied to this rule."),
name = "class_jar",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "Jar file that is the result of annotation processing for this rule, or None."),
name = "source_jar",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "Source archive resulting from annotation processing of this rule, or None."),
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
JavaInfoT setAnnotationProcessing(
JavaInfoT javaInfo,
boolean enabled,
Sequence<?> processorClassnames /* <String> expected. */,
Object processorClasspath,
Object classJar,
Object sourceJar)
throws EvalException;
name = "compile_time_jdeps",
doc = "Returns a depset of the given JavaInfo's compile-time jdeps files.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to query."),
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
Depset /*<FileT>*/ getCompileTimeJavaDependencyArtifacts(JavaInfoT javaInfo);
name = "add_compile_time_jdeps",
doc = "Returns a copy of the given JavaInfo with the given compile-time jdeps files added.",
parameters = {
name = "java_info",
positional = true,
named = false,
doc = "The JavaInfo to clone."),
name = "compile_time_jdeps",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "Compile-time jdeps files to add.")
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
JavaInfoT addCompileTimeJavaDependencyArtifacts(
JavaInfoT javaInfo, Sequence<?> compileTimeJavaDependencyArtifacts /* <FileT> expected. */)
throws EvalException;
name = "java_toolchain_label",
doc = "Returns the toolchain's label.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "java_toolchain", positional = true, named = false, doc = "The toolchain."),
enableOnlyWithFlag = BuildLanguageOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_GOOGLE_LEGACY_API)
Label getJavaToolchainLabel(JavaToolchainStarlarkApiProviderApi toolchain) throws EvalException;
name = "BootClassPathInfo",
doc = "The provider used to supply bootclasspath information",
structField = true)
ProviderApi getBootClassPathInfo();