blob: a2fed80138c46918e6918c631763b7ffbd9d3da8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A Depset is a Starlark value that wraps a {@link NestedSet}.
* <p>A NestedSet has a type parameter that describes, at compile time, the elements of the set. By
* contrast, a Depset has a value, {@link #getElementType}, that describes the elements during
* execution. This type symbol permits the element type of a Depset value to be queried, after the
* type parameter has been erased, without visiting each element of the often-vast data structure.
* <p>For depsets constructed by Starlark code, the element type of a non-empty {@code Depset} is
* determined by its first element. All elements must have the same type. An empty depset has type
* {@code ElementType.EMPTY}, and may be combined with any other depset.
* <p>Every call to {@code depset} returns a distinct instance equal to no other.
name = "depset",
category = DocCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"<p>A specialized data structure that supports efficient merge operations and has a"
+ " defined traversal order. Commonly used for accumulating data from transitive"
+ " dependencies in rules and aspects. For more information see <a"
+ " href=\"../\">here</a>."
+ " <p>The elements of a depset must be hashable and all of the same type (as"
+ " defined by the built-in type(x) function), but depsets are not simply"
+ " hash sets and do not support fast membership tests."
+ " If you need a general set datatype, you can"
+ " simulate one using a dictionary where all keys map to <code>True</code>."
+ "<p>Depsets are immutable. They should be created using their <a"
+ " href=\"globals.html#depset\">constructor function</a> and merged or augmented with"
+ " other depsets via the <code>transitive</code> argument. "
+ "<p>The <code>order</code> parameter determines the"
+ " kind of traversal that is done to convert the depset to an iterable. There are"
+ " four possible values:"
+ "<ul><li><code>\"default\"</code> (formerly"
+ " <code>\"stable\"</code>): Order is unspecified (but"
+ " deterministic).</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"postorder\"</code> (formerly"
+ " <code>\"compile\"</code>): A left-to-right post-ordering. Precisely, this"
+ " recursively traverses all children leftmost-first, then the direct elements"
+ " leftmost-first.</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"preorder\"</code> (formerly"
+ " <code>\"naive_link\"</code>): A left-to-right pre-ordering. Precisely, this"
+ " traverses the direct elements leftmost-first, then recursively traverses the"
+ " children leftmost-first.</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"topological\"</code> (formerly"
+ " <code>\"link\"</code>): A topological ordering from the root down to the leaves."
+ " There is no left-to-right guarantee.</li>"
+ "</ul>"
+ "<p>Two depsets may only be merged if"
+ " either both depsets have the same order, or one of them has"
+ " <code>\"default\"</code> order. In the latter case the resulting depset's order"
+ " will be the same as the other's order."
+ "<p>Depsets may contain duplicate values but"
+ " these will be suppressed when iterating (using <code>to_list()</code>). Duplicates"
+ " may interfere with the ordering semantics.")
public final class Depset implements StarlarkValue, Debug.ValueWithDebugAttributes {
private final ElementType elemType;
private final NestedSet<?> set;
private Depset(ElementType elemType, NestedSet<?> set) {
this.elemType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(elemType, "element type cannot be null");
this.set = set;
// Implementation of deprecated depset(items) constructor, where items is
// supplied positionally. See
static Depset legacyOf(Order order, Object items) throws EvalException {
ElementType elemType = ElementType.EMPTY;
NestedSetBuilder<Object> builder = new NestedSetBuilder<>(order);
if (items instanceof Depset) {
Depset nestedSet = (Depset) items;
if (!nestedSet.isEmpty()) {
elemType = checkType(elemType, nestedSet.elemType);
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Order mismatch between items and builder.
throw Starlark.errorf("%s", e.getMessage());
} else if (items instanceof Sequence) {
for (Object x : (Sequence) items) {
checkElement(x, /*strict=*/ true);
ElementType xt = ElementType.of(x.getClass());
elemType = checkType(elemType, xt);
} else {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"depset: got value of type '%s', want depset or sequence", Starlark.type(items));
return new Depset(elemType,;
private static void checkElement(Object x, boolean strict) throws EvalException {
// Historically the requirement for a depset element was isImmutable(x).
// However, this check is neither necessary not sufficient.
// It is unnecessary because elements need only be hashable,
// as with dicts, whose keys may be mutable so long as mutations
// don't affect the hash code. (Elements of a NestedSet must be
// hashable because a hash-based set is used to de-duplicate
// elements during iteration.)
// And it is insufficient because some values are immutable
// but not Starlark-hashable, such as frozen lists.
// NestedSet calls its hashCode method regardless.
// TODO(adonovan): use this check instead:
// EvalUtils.checkHashable(x);
// and delete the StarlarkValue.isImmutable and Starlark.isImmutable.
// Unfortunately this is a breaking change because some users
// construct depsets whose elements contain lists of strings,
// which are Starlark-unhashable even if frozen.
// TODO(adonovan): also remove StarlarkList.hashCode.
if (strict && !Starlark.isImmutable(x)) {
// TODO(adonovan): improve this error message to include type(x).
throw Starlark.errorf("depset elements must not be mutable values");
// Even the looser regime forbids the top-level class to be list or dict.
if (x instanceof StarlarkList || x instanceof Dict) {
throw Starlark.errorf("depsets cannot contain items of type '%s'", Starlark.type(x));
* Returns a Depset that wraps the specified NestedSet.
* <p>This operation is type-safe only if the specified element type is appropriate for every
* element of the set.
// TODO(adonovan): enforce that we never construct a Depset with a StarlarkType
// that represents a non-Starlark type (e.g. NestedSet<PathFragment>).
// One way to do that is to disallow constructing StarlarkTypes for classes
// that would fail Starlark.valid; however remains the problem that
// Object.class means "any Starlark value" but in fact allows any Java value.
// TODO(adonovan): it is possible to create an empty depset with a elemType other than EMPTY.
// The union operation will fail if it's combined with another depset of incompatible elemType.
// Options:
// - prohibit or ignore a non-EMPTY elemType when passed an empty NestedSet
// - continue to allow empty depsets to be distinguished by their nominal elemTypes for
// union purposes, but allow casting them to NestedSet<T> for arbitrary T.
// - distinguish them for both union and casting, i.e. replace set.isEmpty() with a check for the
// empty type.
// TODO(adonovan): if we replaced ElementType by Class, we could enforce consistency between the
// two arguments: of(Class<T> elemType, NestedSet<T> set). We could also avoid the allocations
// done by ElementType.of().
public static <T> Depset of(ElementType elemType, NestedSet<T> set) {
return new Depset(elemType, set);
* Checks that an item type is allowed in a given set type, and returns the type of a new depset
* with that item inserted.
private static ElementType checkType(ElementType existingElemType, ElementType newElemType)
throws EvalException {
// An initially empty depset takes its type from the first element added.
// Otherwise, the types of the item and depset must match exactly.
if (existingElemType.equals(ElementType.EMPTY) || existingElemType.equals(newElemType)) {
return newElemType;
throw Starlark.errorf(
"cannot add an item of type '%s' to a depset of '%s'", newElemType, existingElemType);
* Returns the embedded {@link NestedSet}, first asserting that its elements are instances of the
* given class. Only the top-level class is verified.
* <p>If you do not specifically need the {@code NestedSet} and you are going to flatten it
* anyway, prefer {@link #toList} to make your intent clear.
* @param type a {@link Class} representing the expected type of the elements
* @return the {@code NestedSet}, with the appropriate generic type
* @throws TypeException if the type does not accurately describe all elements
public <T> NestedSet<T> getSet(Class<T> type) throws TypeException {
if (!set.isEmpty() && !elemType.canBeCastTo(type)) {
throw new TypeException(
"got a depset of '%s', expected a depset of '%s'",
elemType, Starlark.classType(type)));
NestedSet<T> res = (NestedSet<T>) set;
return res;
* Returns the embedded {@link NestedSet} without asserting the type of its elements---and thus
* cannot fail. To validate the type of elements in the set, call {@link #getSet(Class)} instead.
public NestedSet<?> getSet() {
return set;
* Returns an ImmutableList containing the set elements, asserting that each element is an
* instance of class {@code type}. Requires traversing the entire graph of the underlying
* NestedSet.
* @param type a {@link Class} representing the expected type of the elements
* @throws TypeException if the type does not accurately describe all elements
public <T> ImmutableList<T> toList(Class<T> type) throws TypeException {
return getSet(type).toList();
* Returns an ImmutableList containing the set elements. Requires traversing the entire graph of
* the underlying NestedSet.
public ImmutableList<?> toList() {
return set.toList();
* Casts a non-null Starlark value {@code x} to a {@code Depset} and returns its {@code
* NestedSet<T>}, after checking that all elements are instances of {@code type}. On error, it
* throws an EvalException whose message includes {@code what}, ideally a string literal, as a
* description of the role of {@code x}.
public static <T> NestedSet<T> cast(Object x, Class<T> type, String what) throws EvalException {
if (!(x instanceof Depset)) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"for %s, got %s, want a depset of %s", what, Starlark.type(x), Starlark.classType(type));
try {
return ((Depset) x).getSet(type);
} catch (TypeException ex) {
throw Starlark.errorf("for '%s', %s", what, ex.getMessage());
/** Like {@link #cast}, but if x is None, returns an empty stable-order NestedSet. */
public static <T> NestedSet<T> noneableCast(Object x, Class<T> type, String what)
throws EvalException {
if (x == Starlark.NONE) {
NestedSet<T> empty = (NestedSet<T>) EMPTY;
return empty;
return cast(x, type, what);
private static final NestedSet<?> EMPTY = NestedSetBuilder.<Object>emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return set.isEmpty();
public boolean truth() {
return !set.isEmpty();
public ElementType getElementType() {
return elemType;
public String toString() {
return Starlark.repr(this);
public Order getOrder() {
return set.getOrder();
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public void repr(Printer printer) {
printer.printList(set.toList(), "[", ", ", "]");
Order order = getOrder();
if (order != Order.STABLE_ORDER) {
printer.append(", order = ");
public ImmutableList<Debug.DebugAttribute> getDebugAttributes() {
return ImmutableList.of(
new Debug.DebugAttribute("order", getOrder().getStarlarkName()),
new Debug.DebugAttribute("directs", set.getLeaves()),
new Debug.DebugAttribute("transitives", set.getNonLeaves()));
name = "to_list",
doc =
"Returns a list of the elements, without duplicates, in the depset's traversal order. "
+ "Note that order is unspecified (but deterministic) for elements that were added "
+ "more than once to the depset. Order is also unspecified for <code>\"default\""
+ "</code>-ordered depsets, and for elements of child depsets whose order differs "
+ "from that of the parent depset. The list is a copy; modifying it has no effect "
+ "on the depset and vice versa.",
useStarlarkThread = true)
public StarlarkList<Object> toListForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return StarlarkList.copyOf(thread.mutability(), this.toList());
/** Create a Depset from the given direct and transitive components. */
static Depset fromDirectAndTransitive(
Order order, List<Object> direct, List<Depset> transitive, boolean strict)
throws EvalException {
NestedSetBuilder<Object> builder = new NestedSetBuilder<>(order);
ElementType type = ElementType.EMPTY;
// Check direct elements' type is equal to elements already added.
for (Object x : direct) {
// Historically, checkElement was called only by some depset constructors,
// but not this one, depset(direct=[x]).
// This was a regrettable oversight that allowed users to put mutable values
// such as lists into depsets, doubly so because we have just forced our
// users to migrate away from the legacy constructor which applied the check.
// We are currently discovering and fixing existing violations, for example
// marking the relevant Starlark types as immutable where appropriate
// (e.g. ConfiguredTarget), but violations are numerous so we must
// suppress the checkElement call below and reintroduce it as a breaking change.
// See b/144992997 or
checkElement(x, /*strict=*/ strict);
ElementType xt = ElementType.of(x.getClass());
type = checkType(type, xt);
// Add transitive sets, checking that type is equal to elements already added.
for (Depset x : transitive) {
if (!x.isEmpty()) {
type = checkType(type, x.getElementType());
if (!order.isCompatible(x.getOrder())) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"Order '%s' is incompatible with order '%s'",
order.getStarlarkName(), x.getOrder().getStarlarkName());
return new Depset(type,;
/** An exception thrown when validation fails on the type of elements of a nested set. */
public static class TypeException extends Exception {
TypeException(String message) {
* A ElementType represents the type of elements in a Depset.
* <p>Call {@link #of} to obtain the ElementType for a Java class. The class must be a legal
* Starlark value class, such as String, Boolean, or a subclass of StarlarkValue.
* <p>An element type represents only the top-most type identifier of an element value. That is,
* an element type may represent "list" but not "list of string".
// TODO(adonovan): consider deleting this class entirely and using Class directly.
// Depset.getElementType would need to document "null means empty",
// but almost every caller just wants to stringify it.
public static final class ElementType {
@Nullable private final Class<?> cls; // null => empty depset
private ElementType(@Nullable Class<?> cls) {
this.cls = cls;
/** The element type of the empty depset. */
public static final ElementType EMPTY = new ElementType(null);
/** The element type of a depset of strings. */
public static final ElementType STRING = of(String.class);
public String toString() {
return cls == null ? "empty" : Starlark.classType(cls);
* Returns the type symbol for a depset whose elements are instances of {@code cls}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code cls} is not a legal Starlark value class.
public static ElementType of(Class<?> cls) {
return new ElementType(getTypeClass(cls));
// If cls is a valid Starlark type, returns the canonical Java class for that
// Starlark type (which may be an ancestor); otherwise throws IllegalArgumentException.
// If cls is String or Boolean, cls is returned. Otherwise, the
// @StarlarkBuiltin-annotated ancestor of cls is returned if it exists (it may
// be cls itself), or cls is returned if there is no such ancestor.
// TODO(adonovan): consider publishing something like this as Starlark.typeClass.
private static Class<?> getTypeClass(Class<?> cls) {
if (cls == String.class || cls == Boolean.class) {
return cls; // fast path for common case
if (cls == StarlarkInt.class) {
// StarlarkInt doesn't currently have a StarlarkBuiltin annotation
// because stardoc can't handle a type and a function with the same name.
return cls;
Class<?> superclass = StarlarkAnnotations.getParentWithStarlarkBuiltin(cls);
if (superclass != null) {
return superclass;
if (!StarlarkValue.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"invalid Depset element type: "
+ cls.getName()
+ " is not a subclass of StarlarkValue");
return cls;
// Called by precondition check of Depset.getSet conversion.
// Fails if cls is neither Object.class nor a valid Starlark value class.
// One might expect that if a ElementType canBeCastTo Integer, then it can
// also be cast to Number, but this is not the case: getTypeClass fails if
// passed a supertype of a Starlark class that is not itself a valid Starlark
// value class. As a special case, Object.class is permitted,
// and represents "any value".
// This leads one to wonder why canBeCastTo calls getTypeClass at all.
// The answer is that it is yet another hack to support starlarkbuildapi.
// For example, (FileApi).canBeCastTo(Artifact.class) reports true,
// because a Depset whose elements are nominally of type FileApi is assumed
// to actually contain only elements of class Artifact. If there were
// a second implementation of FileAPI, the operation would be unsafe.
// TODO(adonovan): once starlarkbuildapi has been deleted, eliminate the
// getTypeClass calls here and in ElementType.of, and remove the special
// case for Object.class since isAssignableFrom will allow any supertype
// of the element type, whether or not it is a Starlark value class.
private boolean canBeCastTo(Class<?> cls) {
return this.cls == null
|| cls == Object.class // historical exception
|| getTypeClass(cls).isAssignableFrom(this.cls);
public int hashCode() {
return cls == null ? 0 : cls.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return that instanceof ElementType && this.cls == ((ElementType) that).cls;
* Implementation of the build language's depset function, aka
* StarlarkLibrary.CommonLibrary.depset.
public static Depset depset(
String orderString, Object direct, Object transitive, StarlarkSemantics semantics)
throws EvalException {
Order order;
try {
order = Order.parse(orderString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new EvalException(ex);
Depset result =
Sequence.noneableCast(direct, Object.class, "direct"),
Sequence.noneableCast(transitive, Depset.class, "transitive"),
// check depth limit
int depth = result.getSet().getApproxDepth();
int limit = semantics.get(BuildLanguageOptions.NESTED_SET_DEPTH_LIMIT);
if (depth > limit) {
throw Starlark.errorf("depset depth %d exceeds limit (%d)", depth, limit);
return result;
// Delegate equality to the underlying NestedSet. Otherwise, it's possible to create multiple
// Depset instances wrapping the same NestedSet that aren't equal to each other.
public int hashCode() {
return set.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof Depset && set.equals(((Depset) other).set);