blob: f8fe5c8b225d6fa87865fde973810d12743eb5af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/main/cpp/option_processor.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/option_processor-internal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/logging.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/workspace_layout.h"
// On OSX, there apparently is no header that defines this.
#ifndef environ
extern char **environ;
namespace blaze {
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
constexpr char WorkspaceLayout::WorkspacePrefix[];
static constexpr const char* kRcBasename = ".bazelrc";
static std::vector<std::string> GetProcessedEnv();
const WorkspaceLayout* workspace_layout,
std::unique_ptr<StartupOptions> default_startup_options)
: workspace_layout_(workspace_layout),
system_bazelrc_path_(BAZEL_SYSTEM_BAZELRC_PATH) {}
const WorkspaceLayout* workspace_layout,
std::unique_ptr<StartupOptions> default_startup_options,
const std::string& system_bazelrc_path)
: workspace_layout_(workspace_layout),
system_bazelrc_path_(system_bazelrc_path) {}
std::unique_ptr<CommandLine> OptionProcessor::SplitCommandLine(
const vector<string>& args, string* error) const {
const string lowercase_product_name =
if (args.empty()) {
"Unable to split command line, args is empty");
return nullptr;
const string path_to_binary(args[0]);
// Process the startup options.
vector<string> startup_args;
vector<string>::size_type i = 1;
while (i < args.size() && IsArg(args[i])) {
const string current_arg(args[i]);
// If the current argument is a valid nullary startup option such as
// --master_bazelrc or --nomaster_bazelrc proceed to examine the next
// argument.
if (parsed_startup_options_->IsNullary(current_arg)) {
} else if (parsed_startup_options_->IsUnary(current_arg)) {
// If the current argument is a valid unary startup option such as
// --bazelrc there are two cases to consider.
// The option is of the form '--bazelrc=value', hence proceed to
// examine the next argument.
if (current_arg.find("=") != string::npos) {
} else {
// Otherwise, the option is of the form '--bazelrc value', hence
// skip the next argument and proceed to examine the argument located
// two places after.
if (i + 1 >= args.size()) {
"Startup option '%s' expects a value.\n"
"Usage: '%s=somevalue' or '%s somevalue'.\n"
" For more info, run '%s help startup_options'.",
current_arg.c_str(), current_arg.c_str(), current_arg.c_str(),
return nullptr;
// In this case we transform it to the form '--bazelrc=value'.
startup_args.push_back(current_arg + string("=") + args[i + 1]);
i += 2;
} else {
// If the current argument is not a valid unary or nullary startup option
// then fail.
"Unknown startup option: '%s'.\n"
" For more info, run '%s help startup_options'.",
current_arg.c_str(), lowercase_product_name.c_str());
return nullptr;
// The command is the arg right after the startup options.
if (i == args.size()) {
return std::unique_ptr<CommandLine>(
new CommandLine(path_to_binary, startup_args, "", {}));
const string command(args[i]);
// The rest are the command arguments.
const vector<string> command_args(args.begin() + i + 1, args.end());
return std::unique_ptr<CommandLine>(
new CommandLine(path_to_binary, startup_args, command, command_args));
namespace internal {
std::string FindLegacyUserBazelrc(const char* cmd_line_rc_file,
const std::string& workspace) {
if (cmd_line_rc_file != nullptr) {
string rcFile = blaze::AbsolutePathFromFlag(cmd_line_rc_file);
if (!blaze_util::CanReadFile(rcFile)) {
// The actual rc file reading will catch this - we ignore this here in the
// legacy version since this is just a warning. Exit eagerly though.
return "";
return rcFile;
string workspaceRcFile = blaze_util::JoinPath(workspace, kRcBasename);
if (blaze_util::CanReadFile(workspaceRcFile)) {
return workspaceRcFile;
string home = blaze::GetHomeDir();
if (!home.empty()) {
string userRcFile = blaze_util::JoinPath(home, kRcBasename);
if (blaze_util::CanReadFile(userRcFile)) {
return userRcFile;
return "";
std::set<std::string> GetOldRcPaths(
const WorkspaceLayout* workspace_layout, const std::string& workspace,
const std::string& cwd, const std::string& path_to_binary,
const std::vector<std::string>& startup_args,
const std::string& system_bazelrc_path) {
// Find the old list of rc files that would have been loaded here, so we can
// provide a useful warning about old rc files that might no longer be read.
std::vector<std::string> candidate_bazelrc_paths;
if (SearchNullaryOption(startup_args, "master_bazelrc", true)) {
const std::string workspace_rc =
workspace_layout->GetWorkspaceRcPath(workspace, startup_args);
const std::string binary_rc =
internal::FindRcAlongsideBinary(cwd, path_to_binary);
candidate_bazelrc_paths = {workspace_rc, binary_rc, system_bazelrc_path};
const std::vector<std::string> deduped_blazerc_paths =
std::set<std::string> old_rc_paths(deduped_blazerc_paths.begin(),
string user_bazelrc_path = internal::FindLegacyUserBazelrc(
SearchUnaryOption(startup_args, "--bazelrc"), workspace);
if (!user_bazelrc_path.empty()) {
return old_rc_paths;
std::vector<std::string> DedupeBlazercPaths(
const std::vector<std::string>& paths) {
std::set<std::string> canonical_paths;
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const std::string& path : paths) {
const std::string canonical_path = blaze_util::MakeCanonical(path.c_str());
if (canonical_path.empty()) {
// MakeCanonical returns an empty string when it fails. We ignore this
// failure since blazerc paths may point to invalid locations.
} else if (canonical_paths.find(canonical_path) == canonical_paths.end()) {
return result;
std::string FindSystemWideRc(const std::string& system_bazelrc_path) {
const std::string path =
if (blaze_util::CanReadFile(path)) {
return path;
return "";
std::string FindRcAlongsideBinary(const std::string& cwd,
const std::string& path_to_binary) {
const std::string path = blaze_util::IsAbsolute(path_to_binary)
? path_to_binary
: blaze_util::JoinPath(cwd, path_to_binary);
const std::string base = blaze_util::Basename(path_to_binary);
const std::string binary_blazerc_path = path + "." + base + "rc";
if (blaze_util::CanReadFile(binary_blazerc_path)) {
return binary_blazerc_path;
return "";
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode ParseErrorToExitCode(RcFile::ParseError parse_error) {
switch (parse_error) {
case RcFile::ParseError::NONE:
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
case RcFile::ParseError::UNREADABLE_FILE:
// We check readability before parsing, so this is unexpected for
// top-level rc files, so is an INTERNAL_ERROR. It can happen for imported
// files, however, which should be BAD_ARGV, but we don't currently
// differentiate.
// TODO(bazel-team): fix RcFile to reclassify unreadable files that were
// read from a recursive call due to a malformed import.
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
case RcFile::ParseError::INVALID_FORMAT:
case RcFile::ParseError::IMPORT_LOOP:
return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV;
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
void WarnAboutDuplicateRcFiles(const std::set<std::string>& read_files,
const std::deque<std::string>& loaded_rcs) {
// The first rc file in the queue is the top-level one, the one that would
// have imported all the others in the queue. The top-level rc is one of the
// default locations (system, workspace, home) or the explicit path passed by
// --bazelrc.
const std::string& top_level_rc = loaded_rcs.front();
const std::set<std::string> unique_loaded_rcs(loaded_rcs.begin(),
// First check if each of the newly loaded rc files was already read.
for (const std::string& loaded_rc : unique_loaded_rcs) {
if (read_files.count(loaded_rc) > 0) {
if (loaded_rc == top_level_rc) {
<< "Duplicate rc file: " << loaded_rc
<< " is read multiple times, it is a standard rc file location "
"but must have been unnecessarilly imported earlier.";
} else {
<< "Duplicate rc file: " << loaded_rc
<< " is read multiple times, most recently imported from "
<< top_level_rc;
// Now check if the top-level rc file loads up its own duplicates (it can't
// be a cycle, since that would be an error and we would have already
// exited, but it could have a diamond dependency of some sort.)
if (std::count(loaded_rcs.begin(), loaded_rcs.end(), loaded_rc) > 1) {
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate rc file: " << loaded_rc
<< " is imported multiple times from " << top_level_rc;
} // namespace internal
// TODO(#4502) Consider simplifying result_rc_files to a vector of RcFiles, no
// unique_ptrs.
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::GetRcFiles(
const WorkspaceLayout* workspace_layout, const std::string& workspace,
const std::string& cwd, const CommandLine* cmd_line,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RcFile>>* result_rc_files,
std::string* error) const {
assert(cmd_line != nullptr);
assert(result_rc_files != nullptr);
std::vector<std::string> rc_files;
// Get the system rc (unless --nosystem_rc).
if (SearchNullaryOption(cmd_line->startup_args, "system_rc", true)) {
// MakeAbsoluteAndResolveWindowsEnvvars will standardize the form of the
// provided path. This also means we accept relative paths, which is
// is convenient for testing.
const std::string system_rc =
// Get the workspace rc: %workspace%/.bazelrc (unless --noworkspace_rc), but
// only if we are in a workspace: invoking commands like "help" from outside
// a workspace should work.
if (!workspace.empty() &&
SearchNullaryOption(cmd_line->startup_args, "workspace_rc", true)) {
const std::string workspaceRcFile =
blaze_util::JoinPath(workspace, kRcBasename);
// Legacy behavior.
workspace, cmd_line->startup_args));
// Get the user rc: $HOME/.bazelrc (unless --nohome_rc)
if (SearchNullaryOption(cmd_line->startup_args, "home_rc", true)) {
const std::string home = blaze::GetHomeDir();
if (home.empty()) {
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "The home directory is not defined, no home_rc "
"will be looked for.";
} else {
rc_files.push_back(blaze_util::JoinPath(home, kRcBasename));
// Get the command-line provided rc, passed as --bazelrc or nothing if the
// flag is absent.
const char* cmd_line_rc_file =
SearchUnaryOption(cmd_line->startup_args, "--bazelrc");
if (cmd_line_rc_file != nullptr) {
string absolute_cmd_line_rc = blaze::AbsolutePathFromFlag(cmd_line_rc_file);
// Unlike the previous 3 paths, where we ignore it if the file does not
// exist or is unreadable, since this path is explicitly passed, this is an
// error. Check this condition here.
if (!blaze_util::CanReadFile(absolute_cmd_line_rc)) {
BAZEL_LOG(ERROR) << "Error: Unable to read .bazelrc file '"
<< absolute_cmd_line_rc << "'.";
return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV;
// Log which files we're looking for before removing duplicates and
// non-existent files, so that this can serve to debug why a certain file is
// not being read. The final files which are read will be logged as they are
// parsed, and can be found using --announce_rc.
std::string joined_rcs;
blaze_util::JoinStrings(rc_files, ',', &joined_rcs);
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Looking for the following rc files: " << joined_rcs;
// It's possible that workspace == home, that files are symlinks for each
// other, or that the --bazelrc flag is a duplicate. Dedupe them to minimize
// the likelihood of repeated options. Since bazelrcs can include one another,
// this isn't sufficient to prevent duplicate options, so we also warn if we
// discover duplicate loads later. This also has the effect of removing paths
// that don't point to real files.
rc_files = internal::DedupeBlazercPaths(rc_files);
std::set<std::string> read_files;
// Parse these potential files, in priority order;
for (const std::string& top_level_bazelrc_path : rc_files) {
std::unique_ptr<RcFile> parsed_rc;
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_rcfile_exit_code = ParseRcFile(
workspace_layout, workspace, top_level_bazelrc_path, &parsed_rc, error);
if (parse_rcfile_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) {
return parse_rcfile_exit_code;
// Check that none of the rc files loaded this time are duplicate.
const std::deque<std::string>& sources = parsed_rc->sources();
internal::WarnAboutDuplicateRcFiles(read_files, sources);
read_files.insert(sources.begin(), sources.end());
// Provide a warning for any old file that might have been missed with the new
// expectations. This compares "canonical" paths to one another, so should not
// require additional transformation.
// TODO(b/36168162): Remove this warning along with
// internal::GetOldRcPaths and internal::FindLegacyUserBazelrc after
// the transition period has passed.
const std::set<std::string> old_files = internal::GetOldRcPaths(
workspace_layout, workspace, cwd, cmd_line->path_to_binary,
cmd_line->startup_args, internal::FindSystemWideRc(system_bazelrc_path_));
std::vector<std::string> lost_files;
for (auto it = old_files.begin(); it != old_files.end(); it++) {
// we record canonical file names in read_files, so we need to
// canonicalize old file name, but we still report uncanonicalized
// names in error messages.
std::string canonical_old_file = blaze_util::MakeCanonical(it->c_str());
if (read_files.find(canonical_old_file) == read_files.end()) {
// std::vector<std::string> old_files = internal::GetOldRcPathsInOrder(
// workspace_layout, workspace, cwd, cmd_line->path_to_binary,
// cmd_line->startup_args);
// std::sort(old_files.begin(), old_files.end());
if (!lost_files.empty()) {
std::string joined_lost_rcs;
blaze_util::JoinStrings(lost_files, '\n', &joined_lost_rcs);
<< "The following rc files are no longer being read, please transfer "
"their contents or import their path into one of the standard rc "
<< joined_lost_rcs;
std::string legacy_workspace_file =
workspace_layout->GetWorkspaceRcPath(workspace, cmd_line->startup_args);
if (old_files.find(legacy_workspace_file) != old_files.end()) {
<< "Processed legacy workspace file "
<< legacy_workspace_file
<< ". This file will not be processed in the next release of Bazel."
<< " Please read"
<< " for further information, including how to upgrade.";
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode ParseRcFile(const WorkspaceLayout* workspace_layout,
const std::string& workspace,
const std::string& rc_file_path,
std::unique_ptr<RcFile>* result_rc_file,
std::string* error) {
assert(result_rc_file != nullptr);
RcFile::ParseError parse_error;
std::unique_ptr<RcFile> parsed_file = RcFile::Parse(
rc_file_path, workspace_layout, workspace, &parse_error, error);
if (parsed_file == nullptr) {
return internal::ParseErrorToExitCode(parse_error);
*result_rc_file = std::move(parsed_file);
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::ParseOptions(
const vector<string>& args, const string& workspace, const string& cwd,
string* error) {
cmd_line_ = SplitCommandLine(args, error);
if (cmd_line_ == nullptr) {
return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV;
// Read the rc files, unless --ignore_all_rc_files was provided on the command
// line. This depends on the startup options in argv since these may contain
// other rc-modifying options. For all other options, the precedence of
// options will be rc first, then command line options, though, despite this
// exception.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RcFile>> rc_files;
if (!SearchNullaryOption(cmd_line_->startup_args, "ignore_all_rc_files",
false)) {
const blaze_exit_code::ExitCode rc_parsing_exit_code = GetRcFiles(
workspace_layout_, workspace, cwd, cmd_line_.get(), &rc_files, error);
if (rc_parsing_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) {
return rc_parsing_exit_code;
// Parse the startup options in the correct priority order.
const blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_startup_options_exit_code =
ParseStartupOptions(rc_files, error);
if (parse_startup_options_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) {
return parse_startup_options_exit_code;
blazerc_and_env_command_args_ =
GetBlazercAndEnvCommandArgs(cwd, rc_files, GetProcessedEnv());
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
static void PrintStartupOptions(const std::string& source,
const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (!source.empty()) {
std::string startup_args;
blaze_util::JoinStrings(options, ' ', &startup_args);
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Reading 'startup' options from %s: %s\n",
source.c_str(), startup_args.c_str());
void OptionProcessor::PrintStartupOptionsProvenanceMessage() const {
StartupOptions* parsed_startup_options = GetParsedStartupOptions();
// Print the startup flags in the order they are parsed, to keep the
// precendence clear. In order to minimize the number of lines of output in
// the terminal, group sequential flags by origin. Note that an rc file may
// turn up multiple times in this list, if, for example, it imports another
// rc file and contains startup options on either side of the import
// statement. This is done intentionally to make option priority clear.
std::string command_line_source;
std::string& most_recent_blazerc = command_line_source;
std::vector<std::string> accumulated_options;
for (const auto& flag : parsed_startup_options->original_startup_options_) {
if (flag.source == most_recent_blazerc) {
} else {
PrintStartupOptions(most_recent_blazerc, accumulated_options);
// Start accumulating again.
most_recent_blazerc = flag.source;
// Don't forget to print out the last ones.
PrintStartupOptions(most_recent_blazerc, accumulated_options);
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::ParseStartupOptions(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RcFile>> &rc_files,
std::string *error) {
// Rc files can import other files at any point, and these imported rcs are
// expanded in place. Here, we isolate just the startup options but keep the
// file they came from attached for the option_sources tracking and for
// sending to the server.
std::vector<RcStartupFlag> rcstartup_flags;
for (const auto& blazerc : rc_files) {
const auto iter = blazerc->options().find("startup");
if (iter == blazerc->options().end()) continue;
for (const RcOption& option : iter->second) {
rcstartup_flags.push_back({*option.source_path, option.option});
for (const std::string& arg : cmd_line_->startup_args) {
if (!IsArg(arg)) {
rcstartup_flags.push_back(RcStartupFlag("", arg));
return parsed_startup_options_->ProcessArgs(rcstartup_flags, error);
static bool IsValidEnvName(const char* p) {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
for (; *p && *p != '='; ++p) {
if (!((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') ||
(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '_')) {
return false;
return true;
#if defined(_WIN32)
static void PreprocessEnvString(string* env_str) {
static constexpr const char* vars_to_uppercase[] = {"PATH", "SYSTEMROOT",
int pos = env_str->find_first_of('=');
if (pos == string::npos) return;
string name = env_str->substr(0, pos);
// We do not care about locale. All variable names are ASCII.
std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::toupper);
if (std::find(std::begin(vars_to_uppercase), std::end(vars_to_uppercase),
name) != std::end(vars_to_uppercase)) {
env_str->assign(name + "=" + env_str->substr(pos + 1));
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__) // not defined(_WIN32)
static void PreprocessEnvString(string* env_str) {
int pos = env_str->find_first_of('=');
if (pos == string::npos) return;
string name = env_str->substr(0, pos);
if (name == "PATH") {
env_str->assign("PATH=" + env_str->substr(pos + 1));
} else if (name == "TMP") {
// A valid Windows path "c:/foo" is also a valid Unix path list of
// ["c", "/foo"] so must use ConvertPath here. See GitHub issue #1684.
env_str->assign("TMP=" + blaze_util::ConvertPath(env_str->substr(pos + 1)));
#else // Non-Windows platforms.
static void PreprocessEnvString(const string* env_str) {
// do nothing.
#endif // defined(_WIN32)
static std::vector<std::string> GetProcessedEnv() {
std::vector<std::string> processed_env;
for (char** env = environ; *env != NULL; env++) {
string env_str(*env);
if (IsValidEnvName(*env)) {
return processed_env;
// IMPORTANT: The options added here do not come from the user. In order for
// their source to be correctly tracked, the options must either be passed
// as --default_override=0, 0 being "client", or must be listed in
std::vector<std::string> OptionProcessor::GetBlazercAndEnvCommandArgs(
const std::string& cwd,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RcFile>>& blazercs,
const std::vector<std::string>& env) {
// Provide terminal options as coming from the least important rc file.
std::vector<std::string> result = {
"--default_override=0:common=--isatty=" +
"--default_override=0:common=--terminal_columns=" +
if (IsEmacsTerminal()) {
// Map .blazerc numbers to filenames. The indexes here start at 1 because #0
// is reserved the "client" options created by this function.
int cur_index = 1;
std::map<std::string, int> rcfile_indexes;
for (const auto& blazerc : blazercs) {
for (const std::string& source_path : blazerc->sources()) {
// Deduplicate the rc_source list because the same file might be included
// from multiple places.
if (rcfile_indexes.find(source_path) != rcfile_indexes.end()) continue;
result.push_back("--rc_source=" + blaze_util::ConvertPath(source_path));
rcfile_indexes[source_path] = cur_index;
// Add RcOptions as default_overrides.
for (const auto& blazerc : blazercs) {
for (const auto& command_options : blazerc->options()) {
const string& command = command_options.first;
// Skip startup flags, which are already parsed by the client.
if (command == "startup") continue;
for (const RcOption& rcoption : command_options.second) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "--default_override=" << rcfile_indexes[*rcoption.source_path]
<< ':' << command << '=' << rcoption.option;
// Pass the client environment to the server.
for (const string& env_var : env) {
result.push_back("--client_env=" + env_var);
result.push_back("--client_cwd=" + blaze_util::ConvertPath(cwd));
return result;
std::vector<std::string> OptionProcessor::GetCommandArguments() const {
assert(cmd_line_ != nullptr);
// When the user didn't specify a command, the server expects the command
// arguments to be empty in order to display the help message.
if (cmd_line_->command.empty()) {
return {};
std::vector<std::string> command_args = blazerc_and_env_command_args_;
return command_args;
std::vector<std::string> OptionProcessor::GetExplicitCommandArguments() const {
assert(cmd_line_ != nullptr);
return cmd_line_->command_args;
std::string OptionProcessor::GetCommand() const {
assert(cmd_line_ != nullptr);
return cmd_line_->command;
StartupOptions* OptionProcessor::GetParsedStartupOptions() const {
assert(parsed_startup_options_ != NULL);
return parsed_startup_options_.get();
} // namespace blaze