blob: fba9efa19fcfba7d3be2749d9c9cf2b57fafd383 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Generated with Stardoc: -->
<a name="#my_repo"></a>
## my_repo
my_repo(<a href="#my_repo-name">name</a>, <a href="#my_repo-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#my_repo-useless">useless</a>)
Minimal example of a repository rule.
### Attributes
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="my_repo-name">
<a href="">Name</a>; required
A unique name for this repository.
<tr id="my_repo-repo_mapping">
<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required
A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).
<tr id="my_repo-useless">
String; optional
This argument will be ingored. You don't have to specify it, but you may.