blob: e144ab9a641f3525464aa56aadc86965efe777e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# An end-to-end test that Bazel's experimental UI produces reasonable output.
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
#### SETUP #############################################################
set -e
test_does_not_glob_into_ignored_directory() {
rm -rf work && mkdir work && cd work
create_workspace_with_default_repos WORKSPACE
echo 'filegroup(name="f", srcs=glob(["**"]))' > BUILD
echo 'ignored' > .bazelignore
mkdir -p ignored/pkg
echo 'filegroup(name="f", srcs=glob(["**"]))' > ignored/pkg/BUILD
touch ignored/pkg/a
touch ignored/file
bazel query //:all-targets > "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/file" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/pkg/BUILD" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/pkg/a" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
# This weird line tests whether .bazelignore also stops the Skyframe-based
# glob. Globbing (as of 2019 Oct) is done in a hybrid fashion: we do the
# legacy globbing because it's faster and Skyframe globbing because it's
# more incremental. In the first run, we get the results of the legacy
# globbing, but if we invalidate the BUILD file, the result of the legacy
# glob is invalidated and but the better incrementality allows the result of
# the Skyframe glob to be cached.
echo "# change" >> BUILD
bazel query //:all-targets > "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/file" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/pkg/BUILD" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_not_contains "//:ignored/pkg/a" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
echo > .bazelignore
bazel query //:all-targets > "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_contains "//:ignored/file" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
bazel query //ignored/pkg:all-targets > "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
assert_contains "//ignored/pkg:a" "$TEST_TMPDIR/targets"
test_broken_BUILD_files_ignored() {
rm -rf work && mkdir work && cd work
create_workspace_with_default_repos WORKSPACE
mkdir -p ignoreme/deep/reallydep/stillignoreme
echo This is a broken BUILD file > ignoreme/BUILD
echo This is a broken BUILD file > ignoreme/deep/BUILD
echo This is a broken BUILD file > ignoreme/deep/reallydep/BUILD
echo This is a broken BUILD file > ignoreme/deep/reallydep/stillignoreme/BUILD
touch BUILD
bazel build ... && fail "Expected failure" || :
echo; echo
echo ignoreme > .bazelignore
bazel build ... \
|| fail "directory mentioned in .bazelignore not ignored as it should"
test_symlink_loop_ignored() {
rm -rf work && mkdir work && cd work
create_workspace_with_default_repos WORKSPACE
mkdir -p ignoreme/deep
(cd ignoreme/deep && ln -s . loop)
touch BUILD
bazel build ... && fail "Expected failure" || :
echo; echo
echo ignoreme > .bazelignore
bazel build ... \
|| fail "directory mentioned in .bazelignore not ignored as it should"
test_build_specific_target() {
rm -rf work && mkdir work && cd work
create_workspace_with_default_repos WORKSPACE
mkdir -p ignoreme
echo Not a valid BUILD file > ignoreme/BUILD
mkdir -p foo/bar
cat > foo/bar/BUILD <<'EOI'
name = "out",
outs = ["out.txt"],
cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
echo ignoreme > .bazelignore
bazel build //foo/bar/... || fail "Could not build valid target"
test_aquery_specific_target() {
rm -rf work && mkdir work && cd work
create_workspace_with_default_repos WORKSPACE
mkdir -p foo/ignoreme
cat > foo/ignoreme/BUILD <<'EOI'
name = "ignoreme",
outs = ["ignore.txt"],
cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
mkdir -p foo
cat > foo/BUILD <<'EOI'
name = "out",
outs = ["out.txt"],
cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
bazel aquery ... > output 2> "$TEST_log" \
|| fail "Aquery should complete without error."
cat output >> "$TEST_log"
assert_contains "ignoreme" output
echo foo/ignoreme > .bazelignore
bazel aquery ... > output 2> "$TEST_log" \
|| fail "Aquery should complete without error."
cat output >> "$TEST_log"
assert_not_contains "ignoreme" output
run_suite "Integration tests for .bazelignore"