blob: 2a5405e622d24ee9afb5e5a5219fc1b70b00864e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** An EvalException indicates an Starlark evaluation error. */
public class EvalException extends Exception {
// The location optionally specified at construction.
// TODO(adonovan): doesn't belong; essentially ignored.
// Replace by making each caller incorporate
// the file name into the error message if necessary.
// In the vast majority of cases, it isn't.
@Nullable private final Location location;
// The call stack associated with this error.
// It is initially null, but is set by the interpreter to a non-empty
// stack when popping a frame. Thus an exception newly created by a
// built-in function has no stack until it is thrown out of a function call.
// EvalExceptions are often used to indicate the failure of an operator
// such as getattr, or some piece of bazel rule validation machinery,
// without reference to Starlark code. Such exceptions have no stack
// until they are thrown in the context of a Starlark thread (e.g.
// by a built-in function, or by the interpreter itself).
@Nullable private ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> callstack;
/** Constructs an EvalException. Use {@link Starlak#errorf} if you want string formatting. */
public EvalException(String message) {
this((Location) null, message);
* Constructs an EvalException with a message and optional cause.
* <p>The cause does not affect the error message, so callers should incorporate {@code
* cause.getMessage()} into {@code message} if desired, or call {@code EvalException(Throwable)}.
public EvalException(String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
this((Location) null, message, cause);
/** Constructs an EvalException using the same message as the cause exception. */
public EvalException(Throwable cause) {
this((Location) null, cause);
// TODO(adonovan): delete all constructors below. Stop using Location.
* Constructs an EvalException with a message and optional location (deprecated).
* <p>Few clients need this constructor, as the Starlark interpreter automatically fill in the
* locations from the call stack. Use {@link Starlark#errorf} instead, unless the exception needs
* to appear to originate from a different location.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate.
public EvalException(@Nullable Location location, String message) {
this.location = location;
* Constructs an EvalException with a message, optional location (deprecated), and optional cause.
* <p>See notes at {@link #EvalException(Location, String)}. The cause does not affect the error
* message, so callers should incorporate {@code cause.getMessage()} into {@code message} if
* desired.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate.
public EvalException(@Nullable Location location, String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
super(Preconditions.checkNotNull(message), cause);
this.location = location;
* Constructs an EvalException with an optional location (deprecated) using the same message as
* the cause exception.
* <p>See notes at {@link #EvalException(Location, String)}.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate.
public EvalException(@Nullable Location location, Throwable cause) {
super(getCauseMessage(cause), cause);
this.location = location;
private static String getCauseMessage(Throwable cause) {
String msg = cause.getMessage();
return msg != null ? msg : cause.toString();
/** Returns the error message. Does not include location (deprecated), call stack, or cause. */
public final String getMessage() {
return super.getMessage();
* Returns the call stack associated with this error, outermost call first. A newly constructed
* exception has an empty stack, but an exception that has been thrown out of a Starlark function
* call has its stack populated automatically.
public final ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> getCallStack() {
return callstack != null ? callstack : ImmutableList.of();
/** Returns the error message along with its call stack. May be overridden by subclasses. */
public String toString() {
return getMessageWithStack();
* Returns the error message along with its call stack or location (deprecated), if any.
* Equivalent to {@code getMessageWithStack(newSourceReader())}.
public final String getMessageWithStack() {
return getMessageWithStack(newSourceReader());
* Returns the error message along with its call stack or location (deprecated), if any. The
* source line for each stack frame is obtained from the provided SourceReader.
public final String getMessageWithStack(SourceReader src) {
if (callstack != null) {
return formatCallStack(callstack, getMessage(), src);
// An exception that has not been thrown out of a Starlark call
// has no stack. It may have a location (for now). If so, print it.
if (location != null && !location.equals(Location.BUILTIN)) {
return location + ": " + getMessage();
return getMessage();
* A SourceReader reads the line of source denoted by a Location to be displayed in a formatted a
* stack trace.
public interface SourceReader {
/** Returns a single line of source code (sans newline), or null if unavailable. */
String readline(Location loc);
* Sets the function used to obtain a SourceReader when subsequently formatting a call stack.
* <p>The default supplier returns SourceReaders that read from the file system, but a
* security-conscious client may wish to disable this capability or provide an alternative.
public static synchronized void setSourceReaderSupplier(Supplier<SourceReader> f) {
sourceReaderSupplier = f;
/** Returns a new SourceReader. See {@link #setSourceReaderSupplier}. */
public static synchronized SourceReader newSourceReader() {
return sourceReaderSupplier.get();
private static Supplier<SourceReader> sourceReaderSupplier =
() -> {
// TODO(adonovan): opt: cache seen files, as the stack often repeats the same files.
return loc -> {
try {
String content = Files.asCharSource(new File(loc.file()), UTF_8).read();
return Iterables.get(Splitter.on("\n").split(content), loc.line() - 1, null);
} catch (Throwable unused) {
// ignore any failure (e.g. security manager rejecting I/O)
return null;
* Formats the given call stack and error message. Provided as a separate function from {@link
* #getMessageWithStack} so that clients may modify the stack and/or error before formatting it.
* The source line for each stack frame is obtained from the provided SourceReader.
public static String formatCallStack(
List<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> callstack, String message, SourceReader src) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int n = callstack.size(); // n > 0
String prefix = "Error: ";
// If the topmost frame is a built-in, don't show it.
// Instead just prefix the name of the built-in onto the error message.
StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry leaf = callstack.get(n - 1);
if (leaf.location.equals(Location.BUILTIN)) {
prefix = "Error in " + + ": ";
if (n > 0) {
buf.append("Traceback (most recent call last):\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry fr = callstack.get(i);
// 'File "file.bzl", line 1, column 2, in fn'
buf.append(String.format("\tFile \"%s\", ", fr.location.file()));
if (fr.location.line() != 0) {
buf.append("line ").append(fr.location.line()).append(", ");
if (fr.location.column() != 0) {
buf.append("column ").append(fr.location.column()).append(", ");
buf.append("in ").append('\n');
// source line
String line = src.readline(fr.location);
if (line != null) {
return buf.toString();
* Returns the optional location passed to the constructor.
* @deprecated Do not use this feature. Instead, record auxiliary (non-stack) locations in the
* error message itself, or call a dummy wrapper function to introduce a fake frame into the
* call stack.
public final Location getDeprecatedLocation() {
return location;
// Ensures that this exception holds a call stack, taking the current
// stack (which must be non-empty) from the thread if not.
final EvalException ensureStack(StarlarkThread thread) {
if (callstack == null) {
this.callstack = thread.getCallStack();
if (callstack.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("empty callstack");
return this;