blob: 2c44a32adbb4d00799cead8aef24c2c07996b4e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An object that encapsulates runfiles. Conceptually, the runfiles are a map of paths to files,
* forming a symlink tree.
* <p>In order to reduce memory consumption, this map is not explicitly stored here, but instead as
* a combination of four parts: artifacts placed at their root-relative paths, source tree symlinks,
* root symlinks (outside of the source tree), and artifacts included as parts of "pruning
* manifests" (see {@link PruningManifest}).
@SkylarkModule(name = "runfiles", doc = "An interface for a set of runfiles.")
public final class Runfiles {
private static final Function<SymlinkEntry, Artifact> TO_ARTIFACT =
new Function<SymlinkEntry, Artifact>() {
public Artifact apply(SymlinkEntry input) {
return input.getArtifact();
private static final EmptyFilesSupplier DUMMY_EMPTY_FILES_SUPPLIER =
new EmptyFilesSupplier() {
public Iterable<PathFragment> getExtraPaths(Set<PathFragment> manifestPaths) {
return ImmutableList.of();
* An entry in the runfiles map.
// O intrepid fixer or bugs and implementor of features, dare not to add a .equals() method
// to this class, lest you condemn yourself, or a fellow other developer to spending two
// delightful hours in a fancy hotel on a Chromebook that is utterly unsuitable for Java
// development to figure out what went wrong, just like I just did.
// The semantics of the symlinks nested set dictates that later entries overwrite earlier
// ones. However, the semantics of nested sets dictate that if there are duplicate entries, they
// are only returned once in the iterator.
// These two things, innocent when taken alone, result in the effect that when there are three
// entries for the same path, the first one and the last one the same, and the middle one
// different, the *middle* one will take effect: the middle one overrides the first one, and the
// first one prevents the last one from appearing on the iterator.
// The lack of a .equals() method prevents this by making the first entry in the above case not
// equals to the third one if they are not the same instance (which they almost never are)
// Goodnight, prince(ss)?, and sweet dreams.
private static final class SymlinkEntry {
private final PathFragment path;
private final Artifact artifact;
private SymlinkEntry(PathFragment path, Artifact artifact) {
this.path = path;
this.artifact = artifact;
public PathFragment getPath() {
return path;
public Artifact getArtifact() {
return artifact;
// It is important to declare this *after* the DUMMY_SYMLINK_EXPANDER to avoid NPEs
public static final Runfiles EMPTY = new Builder().build();
* The directory to put all runfiles under.
* <p>Using "foo" will put runfiles under &lt;target&gt;.runfiles/foo.</p>
private final String suffix;
* The artifacts that should *always* be present in the runfiles directory. These are
* differentiated from the artifacts that may or may not be included by a pruning manifest
* (see {@link PruningManifest} below).
* <p>This collection may not include any middlemen. These artifacts will be placed at a location
* that corresponds to the root-relative path of each artifact. It's possible for several
* artifacts to have the same root-relative path, in which case the last one will win.
private final NestedSet<Artifact> unconditionalArtifacts;
* A map of symlinks that should be present in the runfiles directory. In general, the symlink can
* be determined from the artifact by using the root-relative path, so this should only be used
* for cases where that isn't possible.
* <p>This may include runfiles symlinks from the root of the runfiles tree.
private final NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> symlinks;
* A map of symlinks that should be present above the runfiles directory. These are useful for
* certain rule types like AppEngine apps which have root level config files outside of the
* regular source tree.
private final NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> rootSymlinks;
* Interface used for adding empty files to the runfiles at the last minute. Mainly to support
* python-related rules adding files.
public interface EmptyFilesSupplier {
/** Calculate additional empty files to add based on the existing manifest paths. */
Iterable<PathFragment> getExtraPaths(Set<PathFragment> manifestPaths);
/** Generates extra (empty file) inputs. */
private final EmptyFilesSupplier emptyFilesSupplier;
* Defines a set of artifacts that may or may not be included in the runfiles directory and
* a manifest file that makes that determination. These are applied on top of any artifacts
* specified in {@link #unconditionalArtifacts}.
* <p>The incentive behind this is to enable execution-phase "pruning" of runfiles. Anything
* set in unconditionalArtifacts is hard-set in Blaze's analysis phase, and thus unchangeable in
* response to execution phase results. This isn't always convenient. For example, say we have an
* action that consumes a set of "possible" runtime dependencies for a source file, parses that
* file for "import a.b.c" statements, and outputs a manifest of the actual dependencies that are
* referenced and thus really needed. This can reduce the size of the runfiles set, but we can't
* use this information until the manifest output is available.
* <p>Only artifacts present in the candidate set AND the manifest output make it into the
* runfiles tree. The candidate set requirement guarantees that analysis-time dependencies are a
* superset of the pruned dependencies, so undeclared inclusions (which can break build
* correctness) aren't possible.
public static class PruningManifest {
private final NestedSet<Artifact> candidateRunfiles;
private final Artifact manifestFile;
* Creates a new pruning manifest.
* @param candidateRunfiles set of possible artifacts that the manifest file may reference
* @param manifestFile the manifest file, expected to be a newline-separated list of
* source tree root-relative paths (i.e. "my/package/myfile.txt"). Anything that can't be
* resolved back to an entry in candidateRunfiles is ignored and will *not* make it into
* the runfiles tree.
public PruningManifest(NestedSet<Artifact> candidateRunfiles, Artifact manifestFile) {
this.candidateRunfiles = candidateRunfiles;
this.manifestFile = manifestFile;
public NestedSet<Artifact> getCandidateRunfiles() {
return candidateRunfiles;
public Artifact getManifestFile() {
return manifestFile;
* The pruning manifests that should be applied to these runfiles.
private final NestedSet<PruningManifest> pruningManifests;
private Runfiles(String suffix,
NestedSet<Artifact> artifacts,
NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> symlinks,
NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> rootSymlinks,
NestedSet<PruningManifest> pruningManifests,
EmptyFilesSupplier emptyFilesSupplier) {
this.suffix = suffix;
this.unconditionalArtifacts = Preconditions.checkNotNull(artifacts);
this.symlinks = Preconditions.checkNotNull(symlinks);
this.rootSymlinks = Preconditions.checkNotNull(rootSymlinks);
this.pruningManifests = Preconditions.checkNotNull(pruningManifests);
this.emptyFilesSupplier = Preconditions.checkNotNull(emptyFilesSupplier);
* Returns the runfiles' suffix.
public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
* Returns the artifacts that are unconditionally included in the runfiles (as opposed to
* pruning manifest candidates, which may or may not be included).
public NestedSet<Artifact> getUnconditionalArtifacts() {
return unconditionalArtifacts;
* Returns the artifacts that are unconditionally included in the runfiles (as opposed to
* pruning manifest candidates, which may or may not be included). Middleman artifacts are
* excluded.
public Iterable<Artifact> getUnconditionalArtifactsWithoutMiddlemen() {
return Iterables.filter(unconditionalArtifacts, Artifact.MIDDLEMAN_FILTER);
* Returns the collection of runfiles as artifacts, including both unconditional artifacts
* and pruning manifest candidates.
name = "files",
doc = "Returns the set of runfiles as files",
structField = true
public NestedSet<Artifact> getArtifacts() {
NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> allArtifacts = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
for (PruningManifest manifest : getPruningManifests()) {
* Returns the collection of runfiles as artifacts, including both unconditional artifacts
* and pruning manifest candidates. Middleman artifacts are excluded.
public Iterable<Artifact> getArtifactsWithoutMiddlemen() {
return Iterables.filter(getArtifacts(), Artifact.MIDDLEMAN_FILTER);
* Returns the symlinks.
@SkylarkCallable(name = "symlinks", doc = "Returns the set of symlinks", structField = true)
public NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> getSymlinks() {
return symlinks;
* Returns the symlinks as a map from path fragment to artifact.
public Map<PathFragment, Artifact> getSymlinksAsMap() {
return entriesToMap(symlinks);
* @param eventHandler Used for throwing an error if we have an obscuring runlink.
* May be null, in which case obscuring symlinks are silently discarded.
* @param location Location for reporter. Ignored if reporter is null.
* @param workingManifest Manifest to be checked for obscuring symlinks.
* @return map of source file names mapped to their location on disk.
static Map<PathFragment, Artifact> filterListForObscuringSymlinks(
EventHandler eventHandler, Location location, Map<PathFragment, Artifact> workingManifest) {
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> newManifest = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator<Entry<PathFragment, Artifact>> i = workingManifest.entrySet().iterator();
i.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<PathFragment, Artifact> entry =;
PathFragment source = entry.getKey();
Artifact symlink = entry.getValue();
// drop nested entries; warn if this changes anything
int n = source.segmentCount();
for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
PathFragment prefix = source.subFragment(0, n - j);
Artifact ancestor = workingManifest.get(prefix);
if (ancestor != null) {
// This is an obscuring symlink, so just drop it and move on if there's no reporter.
if (eventHandler == null) {
continue outer;
PathFragment suffix = source.subFragment(n - j, n);
Path viaAncestor = ancestor.getPath().getRelative(suffix);
Path expected = symlink.getPath();
if (!viaAncestor.equals(expected)) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.warn(location, "runfiles symlink " + source + " -> "
+ expected + " obscured by " + prefix + " -> " + ancestor.getPath()));
continue outer;
newManifest.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return newManifest;
* Returns the symlinks as a map from PathFragment to Artifact.
* @param eventHandler Used for throwing an error if we have an obscuring runlink within the
* normal source tree entries. May be null, in which case obscuring symlinks are silently
* discarded.
* @param location Location for eventHandler warnings. Ignored if eventHandler is null.
* @return Map<PathFragment, Artifact> path fragment to artifact, of normal source tree entries
* and elements that live outside the source tree. Null values represent empty input files.
public Map<PathFragment, Artifact> getRunfilesInputs(EventHandler eventHandler,
Location location) throws IOException {
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> manifest = getSymlinksAsMap();
// Add unconditional artifacts (committed to inclusion on construction of runfiles).
for (Artifact artifact : getUnconditionalArtifactsWithoutMiddlemen()) {
manifest.put(artifact.getRootRelativePath(), artifact);
// Add conditional artifacts (only included if they appear in a pruning manifest).
for (Runfiles.PruningManifest pruningManifest : getPruningManifests()) {
// This map helps us convert from source tree root-relative paths back to artifacts.
Map<String, Artifact> allowedRunfiles = new HashMap<>();
for (Artifact artifact : pruningManifest.getCandidateRunfiles()) {
allowedRunfiles.put(artifact.getRootRelativePath().getPathString(), artifact);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(pruningManifest.getManifestFile().getPath().getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
Artifact artifact = allowedRunfiles.get(line);
if (artifact != null) {
manifest.put(artifact.getRootRelativePath(), artifact);
manifest = filterListForObscuringSymlinks(eventHandler, location, manifest);
// TODO(bazel-team): Create /dev/null-like Artifact to avoid nulls?
for (PathFragment extraPath : emptyFilesSupplier.getExtraPaths(manifest.keySet())) {
manifest.put(extraPath, null);
PathFragment path = new PathFragment(suffix);
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> result = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<PathFragment, Artifact> entry : manifest.entrySet()) {
result.put(path.getRelative(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
// Finally add symlinks outside the source tree on top of everything else.
for (Map.Entry<PathFragment, Artifact> entry : getRootSymlinksAsMap().entrySet()) {
PathFragment mappedPath = entry.getKey();
Artifact mappedArtifact = entry.getValue();
if (result.put(mappedPath, mappedArtifact) != null) {
// Emit warning if we overwrote something and we're capable of emitting warnings.
if (eventHandler != null) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.warn(location, "overwrote " + mappedPath + " symlink mapping "
+ "with root symlink to " + mappedArtifact));
return result;
* Returns the root symlinks.
public NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> getRootSymlinks() {
return rootSymlinks;
* Returns the root symlinks.
public Map<PathFragment, Artifact> getRootSymlinksAsMap() {
return entriesToMap(rootSymlinks);
* Returns the unified map of path fragments to artifacts, taking both artifacts and symlinks into
* account.
public Map<PathFragment, Artifact> asMapWithoutRootSymlinks() {
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> result = entriesToMap(symlinks);
// If multiple artifacts have the same root-relative path, the last one in the list will win.
// That is because the runfiles tree cannot contain the same artifact for different
// configurations, because it only uses root-relative paths.
for (Artifact artifact : Iterables.filter(unconditionalArtifacts, Artifact.MIDDLEMAN_FILTER)) {
result.put(artifact.getRootRelativePath(), artifact);
return result;
* Returns the pruning manifests specified for this runfiles tree.
public NestedSet<PruningManifest> getPruningManifests() {
return pruningManifests;
* Returns the manifest expander specified for this runfiles tree.
private EmptyFilesSupplier getEmptyFilesProvider() {
return emptyFilesSupplier;
* Returns the unified map of path fragments to artifacts, taking into account artifacts,
* symlinks, and pruning manifest candidates. The returned set is guaranteed to be a (not
* necessarily strict) superset of the actual runfiles tree created at execution time.
public NestedSet<Artifact> getAllArtifacts() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER);
NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> allArtifacts = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
.addAll(Iterables.transform(symlinks, TO_ARTIFACT))
.addAll(Iterables.transform(rootSymlinks, TO_ARTIFACT));
for (PruningManifest manifest : getPruningManifests()) {
* Returns if there are no runfiles.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return unconditionalArtifacts.isEmpty() && symlinks.isEmpty() && rootSymlinks.isEmpty() &&
private static Map<PathFragment, Artifact> entriesToMap(Iterable<SymlinkEntry> entrySet) {
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (SymlinkEntry entry : entrySet) {
map.put(entry.getPath(), entry.getArtifact());
return map;
* Builder for Runfiles objects.
public static final class Builder {
private String suffix;
* This must be COMPILE_ORDER because {@link #asMapWithoutRootSymlinks} overwrites earlier
* entries with later ones, so we want a post-order iteration.
private NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> artifactsBuilder =
private NestedSetBuilder<SymlinkEntry> symlinksBuilder =
private NestedSetBuilder<SymlinkEntry> rootSymlinksBuilder =
private NestedSetBuilder<PruningManifest> pruningManifestsBuilder =
private EmptyFilesSupplier emptyFilesSupplier = DUMMY_EMPTY_FILES_SUPPLIER;
* Only used for Runfiles.EMPTY.
private Builder() {
this.suffix = "";
public Builder(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;
* Builds a new Runfiles object.
public Runfiles build() {
return new Runfiles(suffix,,,,,
* Adds an artifact to the internal collection of artifacts.
public Builder addArtifact(Artifact artifact) {
return this;
* Adds several artifacts to the internal collection.
public Builder addArtifacts(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
return this;
* @deprecated Use {@link #addTransitiveArtifacts} instead, to prevent increased memory use.
public Builder addArtifacts(NestedSet<Artifact> artifacts) {
// Do not delete this method, or else addArtifacts(Iterable) calls with a NestedSet argument
// will not be flagged.
Iterable<Artifact> it = artifacts;
return this;
* Adds a nested set to the internal collection.
public Builder addTransitiveArtifacts(NestedSet<Artifact> artifacts) {
return this;
* Adds a symlink.
public Builder addSymlink(PathFragment link, Artifact target) {
symlinksBuilder.add(new SymlinkEntry(link, target));
return this;
* Adds several symlinks.
public Builder addSymlinks(Map<PathFragment, Artifact> symlinks) {
for (Map.Entry<PathFragment, Artifact> symlink : symlinks.entrySet()) {
symlinksBuilder.add(new SymlinkEntry(symlink.getKey(), symlink.getValue()));
return this;
* Adds several symlinks as a NestedSet.
public Builder addSymlinks(NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> symlinks) {
return this;
* Adds several root symlinks.
public Builder addRootSymlinks(Map<PathFragment, Artifact> symlinks) {
for (Map.Entry<PathFragment, Artifact> symlink : symlinks.entrySet()) {
rootSymlinksBuilder.add(new SymlinkEntry(symlink.getKey(), symlink.getValue()));
return this;
* Adds several root symlinks as a NestedSet.
public Builder addRootSymlinks(NestedSet<SymlinkEntry> symlinks) {
return this;
* Adds a pruning manifest. See {@link PruningManifest} for an explanation.
public Builder addPruningManifest(PruningManifest manifest) {
return this;
* Adds several pruning manifests as a NestedSet. See {@link PruningManifest} for an
* explanation.
public Builder addPruningManifests(NestedSet<PruningManifest> manifests) {
return this;
* Specify a function that can create additional manifest entries based on the input entries,
* see {@link EmptyFilesSupplier} for more details.
public Builder setEmptyFilesSupplier(EmptyFilesSupplier supplier) {
emptyFilesSupplier = Preconditions.checkNotNull(supplier);
return this;
* Merges runfiles from a given runfiles support.
* @param runfilesSupport the runfiles support to be merged in
public Builder merge(@Nullable RunfilesSupport runfilesSupport) {
if (runfilesSupport == null) {
return this;
// TODO(bazel-team): We may be able to remove this now.
return this;
* Adds the runfiles for a particular target and visits the transitive closure of "srcs",
* "deps" and "data", collecting all of their respective runfiles.
public Builder addRunfiles(RuleContext ruleContext,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
addNonDataDeps(ruleContext, mapping);
return this;
* Adds the files specified by a mapping from the transitive info collection to the runfiles.
* <p>Dependencies in {@code srcs} and {@code deps} are considered.
public Builder add(RuleContext ruleContext,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
for (TransitiveInfoCollection dep : getNonDataDeps(ruleContext)) {
Runfiles runfiles = mapping.apply(dep);
if (runfiles != null) {
return this;
* Collects runfiles from data dependencies of a target.
public Builder addDataDeps(RuleContext ruleContext) {
addTargets(getPrerequisites(ruleContext, "data", Mode.DATA), RunfilesProvider.DATA_RUNFILES);
return this;
* Collects runfiles from "srcs" and "deps" of a target.
public Builder addNonDataDeps(RuleContext ruleContext,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
for (TransitiveInfoCollection target : getNonDataDeps(ruleContext)) {
addTargetExceptFileTargets(target, mapping);
return this;
public Builder addTargets(Iterable<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection> targets,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
for (TransitiveInfoCollection target : targets) {
addTarget(target, mapping);
return this;
public Builder addTarget(TransitiveInfoCollection target,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
return addTargetIncludingFileTargets(target, mapping);
private Builder addTargetExceptFileTargets(TransitiveInfoCollection target,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
Runfiles runfiles = mapping.apply(target);
if (runfiles != null) {
return this;
private Builder addTargetIncludingFileTargets(TransitiveInfoCollection target,
Function<TransitiveInfoCollection, Runfiles> mapping) {
if (target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class) == null
&& mapping == RunfilesProvider.DATA_RUNFILES) {
// RuleConfiguredTarget implements RunfilesProvider, so this will only be called on
// FileConfiguredTarget instances.
// TODO(bazel-team): This is a terrible hack. We should be able to make this go away
// by implementing RunfilesProvider on FileConfiguredTarget. We'd need to be mindful
// of the memory use, though, since we have a whole lot of FileConfiguredTarget instances.
return this;
return addTargetExceptFileTargets(target, mapping);
* Adds symlinks to given artifacts at their exec paths.
public Builder addSymlinksToArtifacts(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
addSymlink(artifact.getExecPath(), artifact);
return this;
* Add the other {@link Runfiles} object transitively.
public Builder merge(Runfiles runfiles) {
return merge(runfiles, true);
* Add the other {@link Runfiles} object transitively, but don't merge
* pruning manifests.
public Builder mergeExceptPruningManifests(Runfiles runfiles) {
return merge(runfiles, false);
* Add the other {@link Runfiles} object transitively, with the option to include or exclude
* pruning manifests in the merge.
private Builder merge(Runfiles runfiles, boolean includePruningManifests) {
if (runfiles.isEmpty()) {
return this;
// The suffix should be the same within any blaze build, except for the EMPTY runfiles, which
// may have an empty suffix, but that is covered above.
if (includePruningManifests) {
if (emptyFilesSupplier == DUMMY_EMPTY_FILES_SUPPLIER) {
emptyFilesSupplier = runfiles.getEmptyFilesProvider();
} else {
EmptyFilesSupplier otherSupplier = runfiles.getEmptyFilesProvider();
Preconditions.checkState((otherSupplier == DUMMY_EMPTY_FILES_SUPPLIER)
|| emptyFilesSupplier.equals(otherSupplier));
return this;
private static Iterable<TransitiveInfoCollection> getNonDataDeps(RuleContext ruleContext) {
return Iterables.concat(
// TODO(bazel-team): This line shouldn't be here. Removing it requires that no rules have
// dependent rules in srcs (except for filegroups and such), but always in deps.
// TODO(bazel-team): DONT_CHECK is not optimal here. Rules that use split configs need to
// be changed not to call into here.
getPrerequisites(ruleContext, "srcs", Mode.DONT_CHECK),
getPrerequisites(ruleContext, "deps", Mode.DONT_CHECK));
* For the specified attribute "attributeName" (which must be of type list(label)), resolves all
* the labels into ConfiguredTargets (for the same configuration as this one) and returns them
* as a list.
* <p>If the rule does not have the specified attribute, returns the empty list.
private static Iterable<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection> getPrerequisites(
RuleContext ruleContext, String attributeName, Mode mode) {
if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined(attributeName, Type.LABEL_LIST)) {
return ruleContext.getPrerequisites(attributeName, mode);
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();