| #!/bin/bash |
| # |
| # Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| # modify_execution_info_test.sh: tests of the --modify_execution_info flag. |
| |
| # --- begin runfiles.bash initialization --- |
| # Copy-pasted from Bazel's Bash runfiles library (tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash). |
| set -euo pipefail |
| if [[ ! -d "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}" && ! -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then |
| if [[ -f "$0.runfiles_manifest" ]]; then |
| export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles_manifest" |
| elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" ]]; then |
| export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" |
| elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then |
| export RUNFILES_DIR="$0.runfiles" |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [[ -f "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then |
| source "${RUNFILES_DIR}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" |
| elif [[ -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then |
| source "$(grep -m1 "^bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash " \ |
| "$RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)" |
| else |
| echo >&2 "ERROR: cannot find @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles:runfiles.bash" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| # --- end runfiles.bash initialization --- |
| |
| source "$(rlocation "io_bazel/src/test/shell/integration_test_setup.sh")" \ |
| || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } |
| |
| case "$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" in |
| msys*|mingw*|cygwin*) |
| declare -r is_windows=true |
| ;; |
| *) |
| declare -r is_windows=false |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| #### HELPER FUNCTIONS ################################################## |
| |
| if ! type try_with_timeout >&/dev/null; then |
| # Bazel's testenv.sh defines try_with_timeout but the Google-internal version |
| # uses a different testenv.sh. |
| function try_with_timeout() { $* ; } |
| fi |
| |
| function set_up() { |
| add_rules_java MODULE.bazel |
| } |
| |
| function tear_down() { |
| try_with_timeout bazel shutdown |
| } |
| |
| #### TESTS ############################################################# |
| |
| function test_aquery_respects_modify_execution_info_changes { |
| local pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}" |
| mkdir -p "$pkg" || fail "mkdir -p $pkg" |
| cat > "$pkg/BUILD" <<'EOF' |
| genrule(name = "bar", outs = ["bar_out.txt"], cmd = "touch $(OUTS)") |
| EOF |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=+requires-x \ |
| > output1 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: ''}" output1 |
| |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=+requires-y \ |
| > output2 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-y: ''}" output2 |
| } |
| |
| function test_modify_execution_info_multiple { |
| local pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}" |
| mkdir -p "$pkg" || fail "mkdir -p $pkg" |
| cat > "$pkg/BUILD" <<'EOF' |
| genrule( |
| name = "bar", |
| outs = ["bar_out.txt"], |
| cmd = "touch $(OUTS)", |
| tags = ["requires-x"], |
| ) |
| cc_binary(name="zero", srcs=["zero.cc"]) |
| EOF |
| echo "int main(void) {}" > "$pkg/zero.cc" |
| |
| # multiple elements in the value list that match the same mnemonic. |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=+requires-y,Genrule=+requires-z \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: '', requires-y: '', "\ |
| "requires-z: ''}" output |
| |
| # multiple elements in the value list, the first of which adds an |
| # ExecutionInfo and the second of which removes it. |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=+requires-z,.*=-requires-z \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: ''}" output |
| |
| # multiple elements in the value list, the first of which removes an |
| # ExecutionInfo (previously absent) and the second of which adds it. |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=-requires-z,.*=+requires-z \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: '', requires-z: ''}" output |
| |
| # multiple elements in the value list, the first of which removes an |
| # ExecutionInfo (previously present) and the second of which adds it back. |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:bar" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=-requires-x,.*=+requires-x \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: ''}" output |
| |
| # multiple elements with multiple values |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:all" \ |
| --modify_execution_info=Genrule=-requires-x,Genrule=+requires-z,\ |
| Genrule=+requires-a,CppCompile=+requires-b,CppCompile=+requires-c \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-a: '', requires-z: ''}" output |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-b: '', requires-c: ''" output |
| |
| # negative lookahead |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:all" \ |
| --modify_execution_info='(?!Genrule).*=+requires-a,(?!CppCompile).*=+requires-z' \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-x: '', requires-z: ''}" output |
| assert_contains "ExecutionInfo: {requires-a: ''" output |
| } |
| |
| function test_modify_execution_info_various_types() { |
| if [[ "$PRODUCT_NAME" = "bazel" ]]; then |
| add_rules_python "MODULE.bazel" |
| add_protobuf "MODULE.bazel" |
| fi |
| local pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}" |
| mkdir -p "$pkg" || fail "mkdir -p $pkg" |
| echo "load('//$pkg:shell.bzl', 'starlark_shell')" > "$pkg/BUILD" |
| cat >> "$pkg/BUILD" <<'EOF' |
| load("@rules_java//java:java_library.bzl", "java_library") |
| load("@rules_python//python:py_binary.bzl", "py_binary") |
| |
| starlark_shell( |
| name = "shelly", |
| output = "ok.txt", |
| ) |
| |
| cc_binary(name="zero", srcs=["zero.cc"]) |
| |
| sh_test(name="test_a", srcs=["a.sh"]) |
| |
| java_library(name = "javalib", srcs = ["HelloWorld.java"]) |
| |
| action_listener( |
| name = "al", |
| extra_actions = [":echo-filename"], |
| mnemonics = ["Javac"], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| ) |
| |
| extra_action(name = "echo-filename", cmd = "echo Hi \\$(EXTRA_ACTION_FILE)") |
| |
| py_binary(name = "pybar", srcs=["pybar.py"],) |
| |
| proto_library(name = "proto", srcs=["foo.proto"]) |
| EOF |
| cat > "$pkg/shell.bzl" <<'EOF' |
| def _impl(ctx): |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| outputs = [ ctx.outputs.output ], |
| command = "touch %s" % ctx.outputs.output.path, |
| ) |
| |
| starlark_shell = rule( |
| _impl, |
| attrs = { |
| "output": attr.output(mandatory=True), |
| } |
| ) |
| EOF |
| cat > "$pkg/a.sh" <<'EOF' |
| #!/bin/sh |
| exit 0 |
| EOF |
| chmod 755 "$pkg/a.sh" |
| echo "int main(void) {}" > "$pkg/zero.cc" |
| echo "public class HelloWorld {}" > "$pkg/HelloWorld.java" |
| echo 'print("Hi")' > "$pkg/pybar.py" |
| echo 'syntax="proto2"; package foo;' > "$pkg/foo.proto" |
| |
| bazel aquery --output=text "//$pkg:all" \ |
| --experimental_action_listener=$pkg:al \ |
| --modify_execution_info=\ |
| echo.*=+requires-extra-action,\ |
| .*Proto.*=+requires-proto,\ |
| CppCompile=+requires-cpp-compile,\ |
| CppLink=+requires-cpp-link,\ |
| TestRunner=+requires-test-runner,\ |
| Turbine=+requires-turbine,\ |
| JavaSourceJar=+requires-java-source-jar,\ |
| Javac=+requires-javac,\ |
| Py.*=+requires-py,\ |
| Action=+requires-action \ |
| > output 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| # There are sometimes other elements in ExecutionInfo, e.g. requires-darwin |
| # for obj-c, supports-workers for java. Since testing for these combinations |
| # would be brittle, irrelevant to the operation of the flag, and in some |
| # cases platform-dependent, we just search for the key itself, not the whole |
| # ExecutionInfo: {...} line. |
| assert_contains "requires-action: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-cpp-compile: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-cpp-link: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-extra-action: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-test-runner: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-javac: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-turbine: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-java-source-jar: ''" output |
| assert_contains "requires-proto: ''" output # GenProtoDescriptorSet should match |
| if [[ "$PRODUCT_NAME" != "bazel" ]]; then |
| assert_contains "requires-py: ''" output |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Regression test for b/127874955. We use --output=textproto since --output=text |
| # sorts the execution info. |
| function test_modify_execution_info_deterministic_order() { |
| local pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}" |
| mkdir -p "$pkg/x" "$pkg/y" || fail "mkdir failed" |
| touch "$pkg/BUILD" |
| cat > "$pkg/build_defs.bzl" <<'EOF' || fail "Couldn't cat" |
| def _rule_x_impl(ctx): |
| output = ctx.outputs.out |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| outputs = [output], |
| command = "touch %s" % output.path, |
| mnemonic = "RuleX", |
| execution_requirements = {"requires-x": ""}, |
| ) |
| |
| rule_x = rule(outputs = {"out": "%{name}.out"}, implementation = _rule_x_impl) |
| |
| def _rule_y_impl(ctx): |
| output = ctx.outputs.out |
| ctx.actions.run_shell( |
| outputs = [output], |
| command = "touch %s" % output.path, |
| mnemonic = "RuleY", |
| execution_requirements = {"requires-y": ""}, |
| ) |
| |
| rule_y = rule(outputs = {"out": "%{name}.out"}, implementation = _rule_y_impl) |
| EOF |
| echo "load('//$pkg:build_defs.bzl', 'rule_x')" > "$pkg/x/BUILD" |
| echo 'rule_x(name = "x")' >> "$pkg/x/BUILD" |
| echo "load('//$pkg:build_defs.bzl', 'rule_y')" > "$pkg/y/BUILD" |
| echo 'rule_y(name = "y")' >> "$pkg/y/BUILD" |
| |
| mod='Rule(X|Y)=+requires-x,Rule(X|Y)=+requires-y' |
| |
| bazel aquery "//$pkg/x" --output=textproto --modify_execution_info="$mod" \ |
| > output1 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| bazel shutdown >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Couldn't shutdown" |
| |
| bazel aquery "//$pkg/y" --modify_execution_info="$mod" \ |
| >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| bazel aquery "//$pkg/x" --output=textproto --modify_execution_info="$mod" \ |
| > output2 2> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| assert_equals "$(cat output1)" "$(cat output2)" |
| } |
| |
| # Regression test for b/130762259. |
| function test_modify_execution_info_changes_test_runner_cache_key() { |
| local pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}" |
| mkdir -p "$pkg" |
| echo "sh_test(name = 'test', srcs = ['test.sh'])" > "$pkg/BUILD" |
| touch "$pkg/test.sh" |
| |
| bazel aquery "mnemonic(TestRunner,//$pkg:test)" --output=text \ |
| --modify_execution_info= \ |
| 2> "$TEST_log" | grep ActionKey > key1 || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| bazel aquery "mnemonic(TestRunner,//$pkg:test)" --output=text \ |
| --modify_execution_info=TestRunner=+requires-x \ |
| 2> "$TEST_log" | grep ActionKey > key2 || fail "Expected success" |
| |
| assert_not_equals "$(cat key1)" "$(cat key2)" |
| } |
| |
| run_suite "Integration tests of the --modify_execution_info option." |