Rollback of commit c182908910a370b490e7e027b867e11f9f2fb086.

*** Reason for rollback ***

diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/
index 72ecf59..ef13e49 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/
@@ -1059,7 +1059,9 @@
     Collection<Target> targets = context.pkgBuilder.getTargets();
     Location loc = ast.getLocation();
-    SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Object>> rules = SkylarkDict.of(env);
+    // Sort by name.
+    SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Object>> rules =
+        SkylarkDict.<String, SkylarkDict<String, Object>>of(env);
     for (Target t : targets) {
       if (t instanceof Rule) {
         SkylarkDict<String, Object> m = targetDict(t, loc, env);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/
index c14424a..9aa6b26 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/
@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -104,20 +102,20 @@
 public class SkylarkRuleClassFunctions {
-      name = "DATA_CFG",
-      returnType = ConfigurationTransition.class,
-      doc =
-          "Deprecated. Use string \"data\" instead. "
-              + "Specifies a transition to the data configuration."
+    name = "DATA_CFG",
+    returnType = ConfigurationTransition.class,
+    doc =
+        "Deprecated. Use string \"data\" instead. "
+            + "Specifies a transition to the data configuration."
   private static final Object dataTransition = ConfigurationTransition.DATA;
-      name = "HOST_CFG",
-      returnType = ConfigurationTransition.class,
-      doc =
-          "Deprecated. Use string \"host\" instead. "
-              + "Specifies a transition to the host configuration."
+    name = "HOST_CFG",
+    returnType = ConfigurationTransition.class,
+    doc =
+        "Deprecated. Use string \"host\" instead. "
+            + "Specifies a transition to the host configuration."
   private static final Object hostTransition = ConfigurationTransition.HOST;
@@ -127,15 +125,15 @@
   // (except for transition phase) it's probably OK.
   private static final LoadingCache<String, Label> labelCache =
       CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<String, Label>() {
-        @Override
-        public Label load(String from) throws Exception {
-          try {
-            return Label.parseAbsolute(from, false);
-          } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
-            throw new Exception(from);
-          }
-        }
-      });
+    @Override
+    public Label load(String from) throws Exception {
+      try {
+        return Label.parseAbsolute(from, false);
+      } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
+        throw new Exception(from);
+      }
+    }
+  });
   // TODO(bazel-team): Remove the code duplication (BaseRuleClasses and this class).
   /** Parent rule class for non-executable non-test Skylark rules. */
@@ -243,119 +241,114 @@
   // TODO(bazel-team): implement attribute copy and other rule properties
-      name = "rule",
-      doc =
-          "Creates a new rule. Store it in a global value, so that it can be loaded and called "
-              + "from BUILD files.",
-      returnType = BaseFunction.class,
-      parameters = {
-          @Param(
-              name = "implementation",
-              type = BaseFunction.class,
-              doc =
-                  "the function implementing this rule, must have exactly one parameter: "
-                      + "<a href=\"ctx.html\">ctx</a>. The function is called during the analysis "
-                      + "phase for each instance of the rule. It can access the attributes "
-                      + "provided by the user. It must create actions to generate all the declared "
-                      + "outputs."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "test",
-              type = Boolean.class,
-              defaultValue = "False",
-              doc =
-                  "Whether this rule is a test rule. "
-                      + "If True, the rule must end with <code>_test</code> (otherwise it must "
-                      + "not), and there must be an action that generates "
-                      + "<code>ctx.outputs.executable</code>."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "attrs",
-              type = SkylarkDict.class,
-              noneable = true,
-              defaultValue = "None",
-              doc =
-                  "dictionary to declare all the attributes of the rule. It maps from an attribute "
-                      + "name to an attribute object (see <a href=\"attr.html\">attr</a> module). "
-                      + "Attributes starting with <code>_</code> are private, and can be used to "
-                      + "add an implicit dependency on a label. The attribute <code>name</code> is "
-                      + "implicitly added and must not be specified. Attributes "
-                      + "<code>visibility</code>, <code>deprecation</code>, <code>tags</code>, "
-                      + "<code>testonly</code>, and <code>features</code> are implicitly added and "
-                      + "might be overriden."
-          ),
-          // TODO(bazel-team): need to give the types of these builtin attributes
-          @Param(
-              name = "outputs",
-              type = SkylarkDict.class,
-              callbackEnabled = true,
-              noneable = true,
-              defaultValue = "None",
-              doc =
-                  "outputs of this rule. "
-                      + "It is a dictionary mapping from string to a template name. "
-                      + "For example: <code>{\"ext\": \"%{name}.ext\"}</code>. <br>"
-                      + "The dictionary key becomes an attribute in <code>ctx.outputs</code>. "
-                      + "Similar to computed dependency rule attributes, you can also specify the "
-                      + "name of a function that returns the dictionary. This function can access "
-                      + "all rule attributes that are listed as parameters in its function "
-                      + "signature. For example, <code>outputs = _my_func<code> with "
-                      + "<code>def _my_func(srcs, deps):</code> has access to the attributes "
-                      + "'srcs' and 'deps' (if defined)."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "executable",
-              type = Boolean.class,
-              defaultValue = "False",
-              doc =
-                  "whether this rule is marked as executable or not. If True, "
-                      + "there must be an action that generates "
-                      + "<code>ctx.outputs.executable</code>."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "output_to_genfiles",
-              type = Boolean.class,
-              defaultValue = "False",
-              doc =
-                  "If true, the files will be generated in the genfiles directory instead of the "
-                      + "bin directory. Unless you need it for compatibility with existing rules "
-                      + "(e.g. when generating header files for C++), do not set this flag."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "fragments",
-              type = SkylarkList.class,
-              generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]",
-              doc =
-                  "List of names of configuration fragments that the rule requires "
-                      + "in target configuration."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "host_fragments",
-              type = SkylarkList.class,
-              generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]",
-              doc =
-                  "List of names of configuration fragments that the rule requires "
-                      + "in host configuration."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "_skylark_testable",
-              type = Boolean.class,
-              defaultValue = "False",
-              doc =
-                  "<i>(Experimental)</i><br/><br/>"
-                      + "If true, this rule will expose its actions for inspection by rules that "
-                      + "depend on it via an <a href=\"globals.html#Actions\">Actions</a> "
-                      + "provider. The provider is also available to the rule itself by calling "
-                      + "<a href=\"ctx.html#created_actions\">ctx.created_actions()</a>."
-                      + "<br/><br/>"
-                      + "This should only be used for testing the analysis-time behavior of "
-                      + "Skylark rules. This flag may be removed in the future."
-          )
-      },
-      useAst = true,
-      useEnvironment = true
+    name = "rule",
+    doc =
+        "Creates a new rule. Store it in a global value, so that it can be loaded and called "
+            + "from BUILD files.",
+    returnType = BaseFunction.class,
+    parameters = {
+      @Param(
+        name = "implementation",
+        type = BaseFunction.class,
+        doc =
+            "the function implementing this rule, must have exactly one parameter: "
+                + "<a href=\"ctx.html\">ctx</a>. The function is called during the analysis phase "
+                + "for each instance of the rule. It can access the attributes provided by the "
+                + "user. It must create actions to generate all the declared outputs."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "test",
+        type = Boolean.class,
+        defaultValue = "False",
+        doc =
+            "Whether this rule is a test rule. "
+                + "If True, the rule must end with <code>_test</code> (otherwise it must not), "
+                + "and there must be an action that generates <code>ctx.outputs.executable</code>."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "attrs",
+        type = SkylarkDict.class,
+        noneable = true,
+        defaultValue = "None",
+        doc =
+            "dictionary to declare all the attributes of the rule. It maps from an attribute name "
+                + "to an attribute object (see <a href=\"attr.html\">attr</a> module). "
+                + "Attributes starting with <code>_</code> are private, and can be used to add "
+                + "an implicit dependency on a label. The attribute <code>name</code> is "
+                + "implicitly added and must not be specified. Attributes <code>visibility</code>, "
+                + "<code>deprecation</code>, <code>tags</code>, <code>testonly</code>, and "
+                + "<code>features</code> are implicitly added and might be overriden."
+      ),
+      // TODO(bazel-team): need to give the types of these builtin attributes
+      @Param(
+        name = "outputs",
+        type = SkylarkDict.class,
+        callbackEnabled = true,
+        noneable = true,
+        defaultValue = "None",
+        doc =
+            "outputs of this rule. "
+                + "It is a dictionary mapping from string to a template name. "
+                + "For example: <code>{\"ext\": \"%{name}.ext\"}</code>. <br>"
+                + "The dictionary key becomes an attribute in <code>ctx.outputs</code>. "
+                + "Similar to computed dependency rule attributes, you can also specify the name "
+                + "of a function that returns the dictionary. This function can access all rule "
+                + "attributes that are listed as parameters in its function signature. "
+                + "For example, <code>outputs = _my_func<code> with <code>def _my_func(srcs, deps):"
+                + "</code> has access to the attributes 'srcs' and 'deps' (if defined)."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "executable",
+        type = Boolean.class,
+        defaultValue = "False",
+        doc =
+            "whether this rule is marked as executable or not. If True, "
+                + "there must be an action that generates <code>ctx.outputs.executable</code>."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "output_to_genfiles",
+        type = Boolean.class,
+        defaultValue = "False",
+        doc =
+            "If true, the files will be generated in the genfiles directory instead of the "
+                + "bin directory. Unless you need it for compatibility with existing rules "
+                + "(e.g. when generating header files for C++), do not set this flag."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "fragments",
+        type = SkylarkList.class,
+        generic1 = String.class,
+        defaultValue = "[]",
+        doc =
+            "List of names of configuration fragments that the rule requires "
+                + "in target configuration."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "host_fragments",
+        type = SkylarkList.class,
+        generic1 = String.class,
+        defaultValue = "[]",
+        doc =
+            "List of names of configuration fragments that the rule requires "
+                + "in host configuration."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "_skylark_testable",
+        type = Boolean.class,
+        defaultValue = "False",
+        doc =
+            "<i>(Experimental)</i><br/><br/>"
+                + "If true, this rule will expose its actions for inspection by rules that depend "
+                + "on it via an <a href=\"globals.html#Actions\">Actions</a> provider. "
+                + "The provider is also available to the rule itself by calling "
+                + "<a href=\"ctx.html#created_actions\">ctx.created_actions()</a>."
+                + "<br/><br/>"
+                + "This should only be used for testing the analysis-time behavior of Skylark "
+                + "rules. This flag may be removed in the future."
+      )
+    },
+    useAst = true,
+    useEnvironment = true
   private static final BuiltinFunction rule =
       new BuiltinFunction("rule") {
@@ -460,57 +453,56 @@
   @SkylarkSignature(name = "aspect", doc =
-      "Creates a new aspect. The result of this function must be stored in a global value. "
-          + "Please see the <a href=\"../\">introduction to Aspects</a> for more "
-          + "details.",
-      returnType = SkylarkAspect.class,
-      parameters = {
-          @Param(name = "implementation", type = BaseFunction.class,
-              doc = "the function implementing this aspect. Must have two parameters: "
-                  + "<a href=\"Target.html\">Target</a> (the target to which the aspect is "
-                  + "applied) and <a href=\"ctx.html\">ctx</a>. Attributes of the target are "
-                  + "available via ctx.rule field. The function is called during the analysis "
-                  + "phase for each application of an aspect to a target."
-          ),
-          @Param(name = "attr_aspects", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]",
-              doc = "List of attribute names.  The aspect propagates along dependencies specified "
-                  + "by attributes of a target with this name. The list can also contain a single "
-                  + "string '*': in that case aspect propagates along all dependencies of a target."
-          ),
-          @Param(name = "attrs", type = SkylarkDict.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None",
-              doc = "dictionary to declare all the attributes of the aspect.  "
-                  + "It maps from an attribute name to an attribute object "
-                  + "(see <a href=\"attr.html\">attr</a> module). "
-                  + "Aspect attributes are available to implementation function as fields of ctx "
-                  + "parameter. Implicit attributes starting with <code>_</code> must have default "
-                  + "values, and have type <code>label</code> or <code>label_list</code>. "
-                  + "Explicit attributes must have type <code>string</code>, and must use the "
-                  + "<code>values</code> restriction. If explicit attributes are present, the "
-                  + "aspect can only be used with rules that have attributes of the same name and "
-                  + "type, with valid values."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "fragments",
-              type = SkylarkList.class,
-              generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]",
-              doc =
-                  "List of names of configuration fragments that the aspect requires "
-                      + "in target configuration."
-          ),
-          @Param(
-              name = "host_fragments",
-              type = SkylarkList.class,
-              generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]",
-              doc =
-                  "List of names of configuration fragments that the aspect requires "
-                      + "in host configuration."
-          )
-      },
-      useEnvironment = true,
-      useAst = true
+    "Creates a new aspect. The result of this function must be stored in a global value. "
+      + "Please see the <a href=\"../\">introduction to Aspects</a> for more details.",
+    returnType = SkylarkAspect.class,
+    parameters = {
+        @Param(name = "implementation", type = BaseFunction.class,
+            doc = "the function implementing this aspect. Must have two parameters: "
+            + "<a href=\"Target.html\">Target</a> (the target to which the aspect is applied) and "
+            + "<a href=\"ctx.html\">ctx</a>. Attributes of the target are available via ctx.rule "
+            + " field. The function is called during the analysis phase for each application of "
+            + "an aspect to a target."
+        ),
+      @Param(name = "attr_aspects", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class,
+        defaultValue = "[]",
+        doc = "List of attribute names.  The aspect propagates along dependencies specified by "
+        + " attributes of a target with this name. The list can also contain a single string '*':"
+        + " in that case aspect propagates along all dependencies of a target."
+      ),
+      @Param(name = "attrs", type = SkylarkDict.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None",
+        doc = "dictionary to declare all the attributes of the aspect.  "
+        + "It maps from an attribute name to an attribute object "
+        + "(see <a href=\"attr.html\">attr</a> module). "
+        + "Aspect attributes are available to implementation function as fields of ctx parameter. "
+        + "Implicit attributes starting with <code>_</code> must have default values, and have "
+        + "type <code>label</code> or <code>label_list</code>. "
+        + "Explicit attributes must have type <code>string</code>, and must use the "
+        + "<code>values</code> restriction. If explicit attributes are present, the aspect can "
+        + "only be used with rules that have attributes of the same name and type, with valid "
+        + "values. "
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "fragments",
+        type = SkylarkList.class,
+        generic1 = String.class,
+        defaultValue = "[]",
+        doc =
+            "List of names of configuration fragments that the aspect requires "
+                + "in target configuration."
+      ),
+      @Param(
+        name = "host_fragments",
+        type = SkylarkList.class,
+        generic1 = String.class,
+        defaultValue = "[]",
+        doc =
+            "List of names of configuration fragments that the aspect requires "
+                + "in host configuration."
+      )
+    },
+    useEnvironment = true,
+    useAst = true
   private static final BuiltinFunction aspect =
       new BuiltinFunction("aspect") {
@@ -564,7 +556,7 @@
                         "Aspect parameter attribute '%s' must have type 'string' and use the "
-                            + "'values' restriction.",
+                        + "'values' restriction.",
               if (!hasDefault) {
@@ -637,7 +629,7 @@
         // TODO(dslomov): If a Skylark parameter extractor is specified for this aspect, its
         // attributes may not be required.
         for (Map.Entry<String, ImmutableSet<String>> attrRequirements :
-            attribute.getRequiredAspectParameters().entrySet()) {
+             attribute.getRequiredAspectParameters().entrySet()) {
           for (String required : attrRequirements.getValue()) {
             if (!ruleClass.hasAttr(required, Type.STRING)) {
               throw new EvalException(definitionLocation, String.format(
@@ -657,7 +649,7 @@
         if (pkgContext == null) {
           throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(),
               "Cannot instantiate a rule when loading a .bzl file. Rules can only be called from "
-                  + "a BUILD file (possibly via a macro).");
+              + "a BUILD file (possibly via a macro).");
         return RuleFactory.createAndAddRule(
@@ -746,39 +738,39 @@
       objectType = Label.class,
       parameters = {@Param(name = "label_string", type = String.class,
           doc = "the label string"),
-          @Param(
-              name = "relative_to_caller_repository",
-              type = Boolean.class,
-              defaultValue = "False",
-              named = true,
-              positional = false,
-              doc = "whether the label should be resolved relative to the label of the file this "
-                  + "function is called from.")},
+        @Param(
+          name = "relative_to_caller_repository",
+          type = Boolean.class,
+          defaultValue = "False",
+          named = true,
+          positional = false,
+          doc = "whether the label should be resolved relative to the label of the file this "
+              + "function is called from.")},
       useLocation = true,
       useEnvironment = true)
   private static final BuiltinFunction label = new BuiltinFunction("Label") {
-    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"})
-    public Label invoke(
-        String labelString, Boolean relativeToCallerRepository, Location loc, Environment env)
-        throws EvalException {
-      Label parentLabel = null;
-      if (relativeToCallerRepository) {
-        parentLabel = env.getCallerLabel();
-      } else {
-        parentLabel = env.getGlobals().label();
-      }
-      try {
-        if (parentLabel != null) {
-          LabelValidator.parseAbsoluteLabel(labelString);
-          labelString = parentLabel.getRelative(labelString)
-              .getUnambiguousCanonicalForm();
+      @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"})
+      public Label invoke(
+          String labelString, Boolean relativeToCallerRepository, Location loc, Environment env)
+          throws EvalException {
+        Label parentLabel = null;
+        if (relativeToCallerRepository) {
+          parentLabel = env.getCallerLabel();
+        } else {
+          parentLabel = env.getGlobals().label();
-        return labelCache.get(labelString);
-      } catch (LabelValidator.BadLabelException | LabelSyntaxException | ExecutionException e) {
-        throw new EvalException(loc, "Illegal absolute label syntax: " + labelString);
+        try {
+          if (parentLabel != null) {
+            LabelValidator.parseAbsoluteLabel(labelString);
+            labelString = parentLabel.getRelative(labelString)
+                .getUnambiguousCanonicalForm();
+          }
+          return labelCache.get(labelString);
+        } catch (LabelValidator.BadLabelException | LabelSyntaxException | ExecutionException e) {
+          throw new EvalException(loc, "Illegal absolute label syntax: " + labelString);
+        }
-    }
-  };
+    };
   // We want the Label ctor to show up under the Label documentation, but to be a "global
   // function." Thus, we create a global Label object here, which just points to the Skylark
@@ -789,18 +781,18 @@
   @SkylarkSignature(name = "FileType",
       doc = "Deprecated. Creates a file filter from a list of strings. For example, to match "
-          + "files ending with .cc or .cpp, use: "
-          + "<pre class=language-python>FileType([\".cc\", \".cpp\"])</pre>",
+      + "files ending with .cc or .cpp, use: "
+      + "<pre class=language-python>FileType([\".cc\", \".cpp\"])</pre>",
       returnType = SkylarkFileType.class,
       objectType = SkylarkFileType.class,
       parameters = {
-          @Param(name = "types", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class,
-              defaultValue = "[]", doc = "a list of the accepted file extensions")})
+      @Param(name = "types", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class, defaultValue = "[]",
+          doc = "a list of the accepted file extensions")})
   private static final BuiltinFunction fileType = new BuiltinFunction("FileType") {
-    public SkylarkFileType invoke(SkylarkList types) throws EvalException {
-      return SkylarkFileType.of(types.getContents(String.class, "types"));
-    }
-  };
+      public SkylarkFileType invoke(SkylarkList types) throws EvalException {
+        return SkylarkFileType.of(types.getContents(String.class, "types"));
+      }
+    };
   // We want the FileType ctor to show up under the FileType documentation, but to be a "global
   // function." Thus, we create a global FileType object here, which just points to the Skylark
@@ -813,7 +805,6 @@
       doc = "Creates a text message from the struct parameter. This method only works if all "
           + "struct elements (recursively) are strings, ints, booleans, other structs or a "
           + "list of these types. Quotes and new lines in strings are escaped. "
-          + "Keys are iterated in the sorted order. "
           + "Examples:<br><pre class=language-python>"
           + "struct(key=123).to_proto()\n# key: 123\n\n"
           + "struct(key=True).to_proto()\n# key: true\n\n"
@@ -827,62 +818,59 @@
           + "# key {\n#    inner_key {\n#     inner_inner_key: \"text\"\n#   }\n# }\n</pre>",
       objectType = SkylarkClassObject.class, returnType = String.class,
       parameters = {
-          // TODO(bazel-team): shouldn't we accept any ClassObject?
-          @Param(name = "self", type = SkylarkClassObject.class,
-              doc = "this struct")},
+        // TODO(bazel-team): shouldn't we accept any ClassObject?
+        @Param(name = "self", type = SkylarkClassObject.class,
+            doc = "this struct")},
       useLocation = true)
   private static final BuiltinFunction toProto = new BuiltinFunction("to_proto") {
-    public String invoke(SkylarkClassObject self, Location loc) throws EvalException {
-      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-      printProtoTextMessage(self, sb, 0, loc);
-      return sb.toString();
-    }
-    private void printProtoTextMessage(
-        ClassObject object, StringBuilder sb, int indent, Location loc) throws EvalException {
-      // For determinism sort the keys alphabetically
-      List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(object.getKeys());
-      Collections.sort(keys);
-      for (String key : keys) {
-        printProtoTextMessage(key, object.getValue(key), sb, indent, loc);
+      public String invoke(SkylarkClassObject self, Location loc) throws EvalException {
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+        printProtoTextMessage(self, sb, 0, loc);
+        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    private void printProtoTextMessage(String key, Object value, StringBuilder sb,
-        int indent, Location loc, String container) throws EvalException {
-      if (value instanceof ClassObject) {
-        print(sb, key + " {", indent);
-        printProtoTextMessage((ClassObject) value, sb, indent + 1, loc);
-        print(sb, "}", indent);
-      } else if (value instanceof String) {
-        print(sb,
-            key + ": \"" + escapeDoubleQuotesAndBackslashesAndNewlines((String) value) + "\"",
-            indent);
-      } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
-        print(sb, key + ": " + value, indent);
-      } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
-        // We're relying on the fact that Java converts Booleans to Strings in the same way
-        // as the protocol buffers do.
-        print(sb, key + ": " + value, indent);
-      } else {
-        throw new EvalException(loc,
-            "Invalid text format, expected a struct, a string, a bool, or an int but got a "
-                + EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(value) + " for " + container + " '" + key + "'");
-      }
-    }
-    private void printProtoTextMessage(String key, Object value, StringBuilder sb,
-        int indent, Location loc) throws EvalException {
-      if (value instanceof SkylarkList) {
-        for (Object item : ((SkylarkList) value)) {
-          // TODO(bazel-team): There should be some constraint on the fields of the structs
-          // in the same list but we ignore that for now.
-          printProtoTextMessage(key, item, sb, indent, loc, "list element in struct field");
+      private void printProtoTextMessage(ClassObject object, StringBuilder sb,
+          int indent, Location loc) throws EvalException {
+        for (String key : object.getKeys()) {
+          printProtoTextMessage(key, object.getValue(key), sb, indent, loc);
-      } else {
-        printProtoTextMessage(key, value, sb, indent, loc, "struct field");
-    }
+      private void printProtoTextMessage(String key, Object value, StringBuilder sb,
+          int indent, Location loc, String container) throws EvalException {
+        if (value instanceof ClassObject) {
+          print(sb, key + " {", indent);
+          printProtoTextMessage((ClassObject) value, sb, indent + 1, loc);
+          print(sb, "}", indent);
+        } else if (value instanceof String) {
+          print(sb,
+              key + ": \"" + escapeDoubleQuotesAndBackslashesAndNewlines((String) value) + "\"",
+              indent);
+        } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
+          print(sb, key + ": " + value, indent);
+        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
+          // We're relying on the fact that Java converts Booleans to Strings in the same way
+          // as the protocol buffers do.
+          print(sb, key + ": " + value, indent);
+        } else {
+          throw new EvalException(loc,
+              "Invalid text format, expected a struct, a string, a bool, or an int but got a "
+              + EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(value) + " for " + container + " '" + key + "'");
+        }
+      }
+      private void printProtoTextMessage(String key, Object value, StringBuilder sb,
+          int indent, Location loc) throws EvalException {
+        if (value instanceof SkylarkList) {
+          for (Object item : ((SkylarkList) value)) {
+            // TODO(bazel-team): There should be some constraint on the fields of the structs
+            // in the same list but we ignore that for now.
+            printProtoTextMessage(key, item, sb, indent, loc, "list element in struct field");
+          }
+        } else {
+          printProtoTextMessage(key, value, sb, indent, loc, "struct field");
+        }
+      }
       private void print(StringBuilder sb, String text, int indent) {
         for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
@@ -890,8 +878,8 @@
-    }
-  };
+      }
+    };
    * Escapes the given string for use in proto/JSON string.
@@ -992,13 +980,13 @@
   private static final BuiltinFunction output_group = new BuiltinFunction("output_group") {
-    public SkylarkNestedSet invoke(TransitiveInfoCollection self, String group) {
-      OutputGroupProvider provider = self.getProvider(OutputGroupProvider.class);
-      NestedSet<Artifact> result = provider != null
-          ? provider.getOutputGroup(group)
-          : NestedSetBuilder.<Artifact>emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER);
-      return SkylarkNestedSet.of(Artifact.class, result);
-    }
+      public SkylarkNestedSet invoke(TransitiveInfoCollection self, String group) {
+        OutputGroupProvider provider = self.getProvider(OutputGroupProvider.class);
+        NestedSet<Artifact> result = provider != null
+            ? provider.getOutputGroup(group)
+            : NestedSetBuilder.<Artifact>emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER);
+        return SkylarkNestedSet.of(Artifact.class, result);
+      }
   static {
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index c95df57..c83ed98 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
@@ -73,9 +72,6 @@
       o1 = SkylarkType.convertToSkylark(o1, /*env=*/ null);
       o2 = SkylarkType.convertToSkylark(o2, /*env=*/ null);
-      if (o1 instanceof ClassObject && o2 instanceof ClassObject) {
-        throw new ComparisonException("Cannot compare structs");
-      }
       if (o1 instanceof SkylarkNestedSet && o2 instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
         throw new ComparisonException("Cannot compare sets");
@@ -316,15 +312,6 @@
       return ((SkylarkList) o).getImmutableList();
     } else if (o instanceof Map) {
       // For dictionaries we iterate through the keys only
-      if (o instanceof SkylarkDict) {
-        // SkylarkDicts handle ordering themselves
-        SkylarkDict<?, ?> dict = (SkylarkDict) o;
-        List<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(dict.size());
-        for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entries : dict.entrySet()) {
-          list.add(entries.getKey());
-        }
-        return  ImmutableList.copyOf(list);
-      }
       // For determinism, we sort the keys.
       try {
         return SKYLARK_COMPARATOR.sortedCopy(((Map<?, ?>) o).keySet());
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index 7ca5793..5748f63 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@
     ImmutableList.Builder<Object> posargs = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
     // We copy this into an ImmutableMap in the end, but we can't use an ImmutableMap.Builder, or
     // we'd still have to have a HashMap on the side for the sake of properly handling duplicates.
-    Map<String, Object> kwargs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+    Map<String, Object> kwargs = new HashMap<>();
     BaseFunction function = checkCallable(funcValue, getLocation());
     evalArguments(posargs, kwargs, env);
     return, ImmutableMap.copyOf(kwargs), this, env);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index 52da289..b2a33c5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -1432,9 +1432,9 @@
     objectType = SkylarkDict.class,
     returnType = MutableList.class,
     doc =
-        "Returns the list of values:"
+        "Returns the list of values. Dictionaries are always sorted by their keys:"
             + "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
-            + "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.values() == [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]</pre>\n",
+            + "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.values() == [\"c\", \"a\", \"b\"]</pre>\n",
     parameters = {@Param(name = "self", type = SkylarkDict.class, doc = "This dict.")},
     useEnvironment = true
@@ -1450,9 +1450,9 @@
     objectType = SkylarkDict.class,
     returnType = MutableList.class,
     doc =
-        "Returns the list of key-value tuples:"
+        "Returns the list of key-value tuples. Dictionaries are always sorted by their keys:"
             + "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
-            + "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.items() == [(2, \"a\"), (4, \"b\"), (1, \"c\")]"
+            + "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.items() == [(1, \"c\"), (2, \"a\"), (4, \"b\")]"
             + "</pre>\n",
     parameters = {@Param(name = "self", type = SkylarkDict.class, doc = "This dict.")},
     useEnvironment = true
@@ -1470,8 +1470,8 @@
   @SkylarkSignature(name = "keys", objectType = SkylarkDict.class,
       returnType = MutableList.class,
-      doc = "Returns the list of keys:"
-          + "<pre class=\"language-python\">{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.keys() == [2, 4, 1]"
+      doc = "Returns the list of keys. Dictionaries are always sorted by their keys:"
+          + "<pre class=\"language-python\">{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.keys() == [1, 2, 4]"
           + "</pre>\n",
       parameters = {
         @Param(name = "self", type = SkylarkDict.class, doc = "This dict.")},
@@ -1482,11 +1482,9 @@
     public MutableList<?> invoke(SkylarkDict<?, ?> self,
         Environment env) throws EvalException {
-      List<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(self.size());
-      for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entries : self.entrySet()) {
-        list.add(entries.getKey());
-      }
-      return new MutableList(list, env);
+      return new MutableList(
+          Ordering.natural().sortedCopy((Set<Comparable<?>>) (Set<?>) self.keySet()),
+          env);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index af75d43..6ae2ae5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     + "d = {\"a\" : 1} + {\"b\" : 2}   # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2}\n"
     + "d += {\"c\" : 3}              # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 3}\n"
     + "d = d + {\"c\" : 5}           # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 5}</pre>"
-    + "Iterating on a dict is equivalent to iterating on its keys (order is not specified).<br>"
+    + "Iterating on a dict is equivalent to iterating on its keys (in sorted order).<br>"
     + "Dicts support the <code>in</code> operator, testing membership in the keyset of the dict. "
     + "Example:<br>"
     + "<pre class=\"language-python\">\"a\" in {\"a\" : 2, \"b\" : 5}   # evaluates as True"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 public final class SkylarkDict<K, V>
     extends MutableMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V>, SkylarkIndexable {
-  private final LinkedHashMap<K, V> contents = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+  private final TreeMap<K, V> contents = new TreeMap<>(EvalUtils.SKYLARK_COMPARATOR);
   private final Mutability mutability;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
   /** @return the first key in the dict */
   K firstKey() {
-    return contents.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey();
+    return contents.firstKey();
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
index 066c544..17f5484 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
@@ -657,11 +657,6 @@
-  public void testProtoFieldsOrder() throws Exception {
-    checkTextMessage("struct(d=4, b=2, c=3, a=1).to_proto()", "a: 1", "b: 2", "c: 3", "d: 4");
-  }
-  @Test
   public void testTextMessageEscapes() throws Exception {
     checkTextMessage("struct(name='a\"b').to_proto()", "name: \"a\\\"b\"");
     checkTextMessage("struct(name='a\\'b').to_proto()", "name: \"a'b\"");
@@ -815,14 +810,6 @@
-  public void testStructIncomparability() throws Exception {
-    checkErrorContains("Cannot compare structs", "struct(a = 1) < struct(a = 2)");
-    checkErrorContains("Cannot compare structs", "struct(a = 1) > struct(a = 2)");
-    checkErrorContains("Cannot compare structs", "struct(a = 1) <= struct(a = 2)");
-    checkErrorContains("Cannot compare structs", "struct(a = 1) >= struct(a = 2)");
-  }
-  @Test
   public void testStructAccessingFieldsFromSkylark() throws Exception {
     eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)", "x1 = x.a", "x2 = x.b");
@@ -947,18 +934,6 @@
-  public void testStructsInDicts() throws Exception {
-    eval("d = {struct(a = 1): 'aa', struct(b = 2): 'bb'}");
-    assertThat(eval("d[struct(a = 1)]")).isEqualTo("aa");
-    assertThat(eval("d[struct(b = 2)]")).isEqualTo("bb");
-    assertThat(eval("str([d[k] for k in d])")).isEqualTo("[\"aa\", \"bb\"]");
-    checkErrorContains(
-        "unhashable type: 'struct'",
-        "{struct(a = []): 'foo'}");
-  }
-  @Test
   public void testStructMembersAreImmutable() throws Exception {
         "cannot assign to 's.x'",
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
index a36fc74..b60dace 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
@@ -547,27 +547,27 @@
-                "name",
-                "visibility",
-                "tags",
-                "generator_name",
+                "cmd",
+                "compatible_with",
+                "executable",
+                "features",
-                "features",
-                "compatible_with",
-                "restricted_to",
-                "srcs",
-                "tools",
-                "toolchains",
-                "outs",
-                "cmd",
-                "output_to_bindir",
+                "generator_name",
+                "heuristic_label_expansion",
+                "kind",
-                "executable",
+                "name",
+                "output_to_bindir",
+                "outs",
+                "restricted_to",
+                "srcs",
-                "heuristic_label_expansion",
-                "kind")),
+                "tags",
+                "toolchains",
+                "tools",
+                "visibility")),
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index 9bdaa15..fa72014 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -146,11 +146,7 @@
         .testStatement("'hello' == 'bye'", false)
         .testStatement("None == None", true)
         .testStatement("[1, 2] == [1, 2]", true)
-        .testStatement("[1, 2] == [2, 1]", false)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} == {'b': 2, 'a': 1}", true)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} == {'a': 1}", false)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} == {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}", false)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} == {'a': 1, 'b': 3}", false);
+        .testStatement("[1, 2] == [2, 1]", false);
@@ -161,11 +157,7 @@
         .testStatement("'hello' != 'hel' + 'lo'", false)
         .testStatement("'hello' != 'bye'", true)
         .testStatement("[1, 2] != [1, 2]", false)
-        .testStatement("[1, 2] != [2, 1]", true)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} != {'b': 2, 'a': 1}", false)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} != {'a': 1}", true)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} != {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}", true)
-        .testStatement("{'a': 1, 'b': 2} != {'a': 1, 'b': 3}", true);
+        .testStatement("[1, 2] != [2, 1]", true);
@@ -280,10 +272,7 @@
         .update(kwargs.getName(), kwargs)
             "kwargs(foo=1, bar='bar', wiz=[1,2,3]).items()",
-            "[('foo', 1), ('bar', 'bar'), ('wiz', [1, 2, 3])]")
-        .testEval(
-            "kwargs(wiz=[1,2,3], bar='bar', foo=1).items()",
-            "[('wiz', [1, 2, 3]), ('bar', 'bar'), ('foo', 1)]");
+            "[('bar', 'bar'), ('foo', 1), ('wiz', [1, 2, 3])]");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index a001f3f..ea81adb 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -1311,8 +1311,8 @@
     new BothModesTest()
         .testEval("{1: 'foo'}.values()", "['foo']")
         .testEval("{}.values()", "[]")
-        .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.values()", "[3, 5]")
-        .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4, 'd': 3}.values()", "[5, 2, 4, 3]");
+        .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.values()", "[5, 3]")
+        .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4, 'd': 3}.values()", "[5, 4, 2, 3]");
     // sorted by keys
@@ -1321,9 +1321,9 @@
     new BothModesTest()
         .testEval("{1: 'foo'}.keys()", "[1]")
         .testEval("{}.keys()", "[]")
-        .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.keys()", "[True, False]")
+        .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.keys()", "[False, True]")
-            "{1:'a', 2:'b', 6:'c', 0:'d', 5:'e', 4:'f', 3:'g'}.keys()", "[1, 2, 6, 0, 5, 4, 3]");
+            "{1:'a', 2:'b', 6:'c', 0:'d', 5:'e', 4:'f', 3:'g'}.keys()", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]");
@@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@
         .testEval("{'a': 'foo'}.items()", "[('a', 'foo')]")
         .testEval("{}.items()", "[]")
         .testEval("{1: 3, 2: 5}.items()", "[(1, 3), (2, 5)]")
-        .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4}.items()", "[('a', 5), ('c', 2), ('b', 4)]");
+        .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4}.items()", "[('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 2)]");
@@ -1378,9 +1378,9 @@
             "popitem(): dictionary is empty",
             "d = {2: 'bar', 3: 'baz', 1: 'foo'}\n"
                 + "if len(d) != 3: fail('popitem 0')\n"
+                + "if d.popitem() != (1, 'foo'): fail('popitem 1')\n"
                 + "if d.popitem() != (2, 'bar'): fail('popitem 2')\n"
                 + "if d.popitem() != (3, 'baz'): fail('popitem 3')\n"
-                + "if d.popitem() != (1, 'foo'): fail('popitem 1')\n"
                 + "if d != {}: fail('popitem 4')\n"
                 + "d.popitem()");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index e949290..dcb927f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@
         "  for a in d:",
         "    s += a",
         "  return s",
-        "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "cab");
+        "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");