| // Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; |
| |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModuleCategory; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkMutable.MutableMap; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| import java.util.TreeMap; |
| import javax.annotation.Nullable; |
| |
| /** |
| * Skylark Dict module. |
| */ |
| @SkylarkModule(name = "dict", |
| category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN, |
| doc = "A language built-in type to support dicts. " |
| + "Example of dict literal:<br>" |
| + "<pre class=\"language-python\">d = {\"a\": 2, \"b\": 5}</pre>" |
| + "Use brackets to access elements:<br>" |
| + "<pre class=\"language-python\">e = d[\"a\"] # e == 2</pre>" |
| + "Dicts support the <code>+</code> operator to concatenate two dicts. In case of multiple " |
| + "keys the second one overrides the first one. Examples:<br>" |
| + "<pre class=\"language-python\">" |
| + "d = {\"a\" : 1} + {\"b\" : 2} # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2}\n" |
| + "d += {\"c\" : 3} # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 3}\n" |
| + "d = d + {\"c\" : 5} # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 5}</pre>" |
| + "Iterating on a dict is equivalent to iterating on its keys (in sorted order).<br>" |
| + "Dicts support the <code>in</code> operator, testing membership in the keyset of the dict. " |
| + "Example:<br>" |
| + "<pre class=\"language-python\">\"a\" in {\"a\" : 2, \"b\" : 5} # evaluates as True" |
| + "</pre>") |
| public final class SkylarkDict<K, V> |
| extends MutableMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V>, SkylarkIndexable { |
| |
| private final TreeMap<K, V> contents = new TreeMap<>(EvalUtils.SKYLARK_COMPARATOR); |
| |
| private final Mutability mutability; |
| |
| @Override |
| public Mutability mutability() { |
| return mutability; |
| } |
| |
| private SkylarkDict(@Nullable Environment env) { |
| mutability = env == null ? Mutability.IMMUTABLE : env.mutability(); |
| } |
| |
| /** @return a dict mutable in given environment only */ |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of(@Nullable Environment env) { |
| return new SkylarkDict<>(env); |
| } |
| |
| /** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with given initial key and value */ |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of(@Nullable Environment env, K k, V v) { |
| return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putUnsafe(k, v); |
| } |
| |
| /** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with two given initial key value pairs */ |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of( |
| @Nullable Environment env, K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2) { |
| return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putUnsafe(k1, v1).putUnsafe(k2, v2); |
| } |
| |
| /** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with contents copied from given map */ |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> copyOf( |
| @Nullable Environment env, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) { |
| return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putAllUnsafe(m); |
| } |
| |
| private SkylarkDict<K, V> putUnsafe(K k, V v) { |
| contents.put(k, v); |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| private <KK extends K, VV extends V> SkylarkDict putAllUnsafe(Map<KK, VV> m) { |
| for (Map.Entry<KK, VV> e : m.entrySet()) { |
| contents.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); |
| } |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return The underlying contents is a (usually) mutable data structure. |
| * Read access is forwarded to these contents. |
| * This object must not be modified outside an {@link Environment} |
| * with a correct matching {@link Mutability}, |
| * which should be checked beforehand using {@link #checkMutable}. |
| * it need not be an instance of {@link com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap}. |
| */ |
| @Override |
| protected Map<K, V> getContentsUnsafe() { |
| return contents; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Put an entry into a SkylarkDict. |
| * @param k the key |
| * @param v the associated value |
| * @param loc a {@link Location} in case of error |
| * @param env an {@link Environment}, to check Mutability |
| * @throws EvalException if the key is invalid |
| */ |
| public void put(K k, V v, Location loc, Environment env) throws EvalException { |
| checkMutable(loc, env); |
| EvalUtils.checkValidDictKey(k); |
| contents.put(k, v); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Put all the entries from a given dict into the SkylarkDict. |
| * @param m the map to copy |
| * @param loc a {@link Location} in case of error |
| * @param env an {@link Environment}, to check Mutability |
| * @throws EvalException if some key is invalid |
| */ |
| public <KK extends K, VV extends V> void putAll(Map<KK, VV> m, Location loc, Environment env) |
| throws EvalException { |
| checkMutable(loc, env); |
| for (Map.Entry<KK, VV> e : m.entrySet()) { |
| KK k = e.getKey(); |
| EvalUtils.checkValidDictKey(k); |
| contents.put(k, e.getValue()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** @return the first key in the dict */ |
| K firstKey() { |
| return contents.firstKey(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Delete the entry associated to a key. |
| * @param key the key to delete |
| * @param loc a {@link Location} in case of error |
| * @param env an {@link Environment}, to check Mutability |
| * @return the value associated to the key, or {@code null} if not present |
| * @throws EvalException if the dict is frozen. |
| */ |
| V remove(Object key, Location loc, Environment env) throws EvalException { |
| checkMutable(loc, env); |
| return contents.remove(key); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Clear the dict. |
| * @param loc a {@link Location} in case of error |
| * @param env an {@link Environment}, to check Mutability |
| * @throws EvalException if the dict is frozen. |
| */ |
| void clear(Location loc, Environment env) throws EvalException { |
| checkMutable(loc, env); |
| contents.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // Other methods |
| @Override |
| public void write(Appendable buffer, char quotationMark) { |
| Printer.printList(buffer, entrySet(), "{", ", ", "}", null, quotationMark); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Cast a SkylarkDict to a {@code Map<K, V>} after checking its current contents. |
| * Treat None as meaning the empty ImmutableMap. |
| * @param obj the Object to cast. null and None are treated as an empty list. |
| * @param keyType the expected class of keys |
| * @param valueType the expected class of values |
| * @param description a description of the argument being converted, or null, for debugging |
| */ |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> castSkylarkDictOrNoneToDict( |
| Object obj, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, @Nullable String description) |
| throws EvalException { |
| if (EvalUtils.isNullOrNone(obj)) { |
| return empty(); |
| } |
| if (obj instanceof SkylarkDict) { |
| return ((SkylarkDict<?, ?>) obj).getContents(keyType, valueType, description); |
| } |
| throw new EvalException(null, |
| Printer.format("Illegal argument: %s is not of expected type dict or NoneType", |
| description == null ? Printer.repr(obj) : String.format("'%s'", description))); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Cast a SkylarkDict to a {@code SkylarkDict<K, V>} after checking its current contents. |
| * @param keyType the expected class of keys |
| * @param valueType the expected class of values |
| * @param description a description of the argument being converted, or null, for debugging |
| */ |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| public <KeyType, ValueType> SkylarkDict<KeyType, ValueType> getContents( |
| Class<KeyType> keyType, Class<ValueType> valueType, @Nullable String description) |
| throws EvalException { |
| Object keyDescription = description == null |
| ? null : Printer.formattable("'%s' key", description); |
| Object valueDescription = description == null |
| ? null : Printer.formattable("'%s' value", description); |
| for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : this.entrySet()) { |
| SkylarkType.checkType(e.getKey(), keyType, keyDescription); |
| SkylarkType.checkType(e.getValue(), valueType, valueDescription); |
| } |
| return (SkylarkDict<KeyType, ValueType>) this; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public final Object getIndex(Object key, Location loc) throws EvalException { |
| if (!this.containsKey(key)) { |
| throw new EvalException(loc, Printer.format("Key %r not found in dictionary", key)); |
| } |
| return this.get(key); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public final boolean containsKey(Object key, Location loc) throws EvalException { |
| return this.containsKey(key); |
| } |
| |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> plus( |
| SkylarkDict<? extends K, ? extends V> left, |
| SkylarkDict<? extends K, ? extends V> right, |
| @Nullable Environment env) { |
| SkylarkDict<K, V> result = SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env); |
| result.putAllUnsafe(left); |
| result.putAllUnsafe(right); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private static final SkylarkDict<?, ?> EMPTY = of(null); |
| |
| public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> empty() { |
| return (SkylarkDict<K, V>) EMPTY; |
| } |
| } |