Update Android Starlark APIs.

- Clean up processLibraryData, unused by Starlark android_library.
- Split out the resource merge parts of mergeResources into its own method,
  mergeRes, because the Starlark android_library requires direct access to the
  ValidatedAndroidResources to pull the resources apk. This is to replicate
  the behavior of the native legacy android provider (b/130978748).
- Add the ability to access the R.jar from the ValidatedAndroidData enabling
  the deletion of the mergeResources API in a follow up release.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 244710315
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/AndroidSkylarkData.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/AndroidSkylarkData.java
index 83600b4..c44b68d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/AndroidSkylarkData.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/AndroidSkylarkData.java
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
-  public SkylarkDict<Provider, NativeInfo> mergeResources(
+  public ValidatedAndroidResources mergeRes(
       AndroidDataContext ctx,
       AndroidManifestInfo manifest,
       SkylarkList<ConfiguredTarget> resources,
@@ -167,35 +167,43 @@
         SkylarkErrorReporter.from(ctx.getActionConstructionContext(), location, env)) {
       AndroidAaptVersion aaptVersion =
           ctx.getSdk().getAapt2() != null ? AndroidAaptVersion.AAPT2 : AndroidAaptVersion.AAPT;
-      ValidatedAndroidResources validated =
-          AndroidResources.from(errorReporter, getFileProviders(resources), "resources")
-              .process(
-                  ctx,
-                  manifest.asStampedManifest(),
-                  ResourceDependencies.fromProviders(deps, neverlink),
-                  DataBinding.contextFrom(
-                      enableDataBinding,
-                      ctx.getActionConstructionContext(),
-                      ctx.getAndroidConfig()),
-                  aaptVersion);
-      JavaInfo javaInfo =
-          getJavaInfoForRClassJar(validated.getClassJar(), validated.getJavaSourceJar());
-      return SkylarkDict.of(
-          /* env = */ null,
-          AndroidResourcesInfo.PROVIDER,
-          validated.toProvider(),
-          JavaInfo.PROVIDER,
-          javaInfo);
+      return AndroidResources.from(errorReporter, getFileProviders(resources), "resources")
+          .process(
+              ctx,
+              manifest.asStampedManifest(),
+              ResourceDependencies.fromProviders(deps, neverlink),
+              DataBinding.contextFrom(
+                  enableDataBinding, ctx.getActionConstructionContext(), ctx.getAndroidConfig()),
+              aaptVersion);
     } catch (RuleErrorException e) {
       throw new EvalException(Location.BUILTIN, e);
+  public SkylarkDict<Provider, NativeInfo> mergeResources(
+      AndroidDataContext ctx,
+      AndroidManifestInfo manifest,
+      SkylarkList<ConfiguredTarget> resources,
+      SkylarkList<AndroidResourcesInfo> deps,
+      boolean neverlink,
+      boolean enableDataBinding,
+      Location location,
+      Environment env)
+      throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
+    ValidatedAndroidResources validated =
+        mergeRes(ctx, manifest, resources, deps, neverlink, enableDataBinding, location, env);
+    JavaInfo javaInfo =
+        getJavaInfoForRClassJar(validated.getClassJar(), validated.getJavaSourceJar());
+    return SkylarkDict.of(
+        /* env = */ null,
+        AndroidResourcesInfo.PROVIDER,
+        validated.toProvider(),
+        JavaInfo.PROVIDER,
+        javaInfo);
+  }
+  @Override
   public AndroidLibraryAarInfo makeAar(
       AndroidDataContext ctx,
       AndroidResourcesInfo resourcesInfo,
@@ -263,100 +271,6 @@
-  public SkylarkDict<Provider, NativeInfo> processLibraryData(
-      AndroidDataContext ctx,
-      Artifact libraryClassJar,
-      Object manifest,
-      Object resources,
-      Object assets,
-      Object assetsDir,
-      Object exportsManifest,
-      Object customPackage,
-      boolean neverlink,
-      boolean enableDataBinding,
-      SkylarkList<Artifact> localProguardSpecs,
-      SkylarkList<ConfiguredTarget> deps,
-      Location location,
-      Environment env)
-      throws InterruptedException, EvalException {
-    SkylarkList<AndroidResourcesInfo> resourceDeps =
-        getProviders(deps, AndroidResourcesInfo.PROVIDER);
-    SkylarkList<AndroidAssetsInfo> assetDeps = getProviders(deps, AndroidAssetsInfo.PROVIDER);
-    ImmutableMap.Builder<Provider, NativeInfo> infoBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
-    AndroidResourcesInfo resourcesInfo;
-    AndroidAssetsInfo assetsInfo;
-    if (isNone(manifest)
-        && isNone(resources)
-        && isNone(assets)
-        && isNone(assetsDir)
-        && isNone(exportsManifest)) {
-      // If none of these parameters were specified, for backwards compatibility, do not trigger
-      // data processing.
-      resourcesInfo = resourcesFromDeps(ctx, resourceDeps, neverlink, customPackage, location, env);
-      assetsInfo = assetsFromDeps(assetDeps, neverlink, env);
-      infoBuilder.put(AndroidResourcesInfo.PROVIDER, resourcesInfo);
-    } else {
-      AndroidManifestInfo baseManifest =
-          stampAndroidManifest(
-              ctx,
-              manifest,
-              customPackage,
-              fromNoneableOrDefault(exportsManifest, Boolean.class, false),
-              location,
-              env);
-      SkylarkDict<Provider, NativeInfo> resourceOutput =
-          mergeResources(
-              ctx,
-              baseManifest,
-              listFromNoneableOrEmpty(resources, ConfiguredTarget.class),
-              resourceDeps,
-              neverlink,
-              enableDataBinding,
-              location,
-              env);
-      resourcesInfo = (AndroidResourcesInfo) resourceOutput.get(AndroidResourcesInfo.PROVIDER);
-      assetsInfo = mergeAssets(ctx, assets, assetsDir, assetDeps, neverlink, location, env);
-      infoBuilder.putAll(resourceOutput);
-    }
-    AndroidLibraryAarInfo aarInfo =
-        makeAar(
-            ctx,
-            resourcesInfo,
-            assetsInfo,
-            libraryClassJar,
-            localProguardSpecs,
-            getProviders(deps, AndroidLibraryAarInfo.PROVIDER),
-            neverlink);
-    // Only expose the aar provider in non-neverlinked actions
-    if (!neverlink) {
-      infoBuilder.put(AndroidLibraryAarInfo.PROVIDER, aarInfo);
-    }
-    // Expose the updated manifest that was changed by resource processing
-    // TODO(b/30817309): Use the base manifest once manifests are no longer changed in resource
-    // processing
-    AndroidManifestInfo manifestInfo = resourcesInfo.getManifest();
-    return SkylarkDict.copyOf(
-        /* env = */ null,
-        infoBuilder
-            .put(AndroidAssetsInfo.PROVIDER, assetsInfo)
-            .put(AndroidManifestInfo.PROVIDER, manifestInfo)
-            .build());
-  }
-  @Override
   public SkylarkDict<Provider, NativeInfo> processAarImportData(
       AndroidDataContext ctx,
       SpecialArtifact resources,
@@ -806,14 +720,4 @@
-  private static <T> SkylarkList<T> listFromNoneableOrEmpty(Object object, Class<T> clazz)
-      throws EvalException {
-    List<T> value = listFromNoneable(object, clazz);
-    if (value == null) {
-      return SkylarkList.createImmutable(ImmutableList.of());
-    }
-    return SkylarkList.createImmutable(value);
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/ValidatedAndroidResources.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/ValidatedAndroidResources.java
index def9acc..ca7faea 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/ValidatedAndroidResources.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/ValidatedAndroidResources.java
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 /** Wraps validated and packaged Android resource information */
 public class ValidatedAndroidResources extends MergedAndroidResources
-    implements ValidatedAndroidDataApi<Artifact> {
+    implements ValidatedAndroidDataApi<Artifact, AndroidResourcesInfo> {
   private final Artifact rTxt;
   private final Artifact sourceJar;
   private final Artifact apk;
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
     this.staticLibrary = staticLibrary;
+  @Override
   public AndroidResourcesInfo toProvider() {
     return getResourceDependencies().toInfo(this);
@@ -126,6 +127,11 @@
+  public Artifact getJavaClassJar() {
+    return super.getClassJar();
+  }
+  @Override
   public Artifact getJavaSourceJar() {
     return sourceJar;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/AndroidDataProcessingApi.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/AndroidDataProcessingApi.java
index 87cfbb8..78f6b52 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/AndroidDataProcessingApi.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/AndroidDataProcessingApi.java
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkDict;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.StarlarkSemantics.FlagIdentifier;
 /** Skylark-visible methods for working with Android data (manifests, resources, and assets). */
@@ -257,6 +258,84 @@
       throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
+      name = "merge_res",
+      parameters = {
+        @Param(
+            name = "ctx",
+            positional = true,
+            named = false,
+            type = AndroidDataContextApi.class,
+            doc = "The Android data context object for this target."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "manifest",
+            positional = true,
+            named = false,
+            type = AndroidManifestInfoApi.class,
+            doc =
+                "The provider of this target's manifest. This provider is produced by, "
+                    + "for example, stamp_android_manifest."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "resources",
+            positional = false,
+            defaultValue = "[]",
+            type = SkylarkList.class,
+            generic1 = FileProviderApi.class,
+            named = true,
+            doc = "Providers of this target's resources."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "deps",
+            positional = false,
+            defaultValue = "[]",
+            type = SkylarkList.class,
+            generic1 = AndroidResourcesInfoApi.class,
+            named = true,
+            doc =
+                "Targets containing raw resources from dependencies. These resources will be merged"
+                    + " together with each other and this target's resources."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "neverlink",
+            positional = false,
+            defaultValue = "False",
+            type = Boolean.class,
+            named = true,
+            doc =
+                "Defaults to False. If passed as True, these resources will not be inherited by"
+                    + " targets that depend on this one."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "enable_data_binding",
+            positional = false,
+            defaultValue = "False",
+            type = Boolean.class,
+            named = true,
+            doc =
+                "Defaults to False. If True, processes data binding expressions in layout"
+                    + " resources."),
+      },
+      useLocation = true,
+      useEnvironment = true,
+      doc =
+          "Merges this target's resources together with resources inherited from dependencies."
+              + " Returns a dict of provider type to actual info, with elements for"
+              + " AndroidResourcesInfoApi (various resource information) and JavaInfoApi (wrapping"
+              + " the R.class jar, for use in Java compilation). The passed manifest provider is"
+              + " used to get Android package information and to validate that all resources it"
+              + " refers to are available. Note that this method might do additional processing to"
+              + " this manifest, so in the future, you may want to use the manifest contained in"
+              + " this method's output instead of this one.",
+      documented = false,
+      enableOnlyWithFlag = FlagIdentifier.EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_ANDROID_MIGRATION_APIS)
+  ValidatedAndroidDataT mergeRes(
+      AndroidDataContextT ctx,
+      AndroidManifestInfoT manifest,
+      SkylarkList<TransitiveInfoCollectionT> resources,
+      SkylarkList<AndroidResourcesInfoT> deps,
+      boolean neverlink,
+      boolean enableDataBinding,
+      Location location,
+      Environment env)
+      throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
+  @SkylarkCallable(
       name = "merge_resources",
       parameters = {
@@ -408,146 +487,6 @@
       throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
-      name = "process_library_data",
-      parameters = {
-        @Param(
-            name = "ctx",
-            positional = true,
-            named = false,
-            type = AndroidDataContextApi.class,
-            doc = "The Android data context object for this target."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "library_class_jar",
-            positional = true,
-            named = false,
-            type = FileApi.class,
-            doc = "The library class jar."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "manifest",
-            positional = false,
-            type = FileApi.class,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            named = true,
-            noneable = true,
-            doc =
-                "If passed, the manifest to use for this target. Otherwise, a dummy manifest will"
-                    + " be generated."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "resources",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            type = SkylarkList.class,
-            generic1 = FileProviderApi.class,
-            named = true,
-            noneable = true,
-            doc = "Providers of this target's resources."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "assets",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            type = SkylarkList.class,
-            generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class,
-            noneable = true,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Targets containing raw assets for this target. If passed, 'assets_dir' must also"
-                    + " be passed."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "assets_dir",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            type = String.class,
-            noneable = true,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Directory the assets are contained in. Must be passed if and only if 'assets' is"
-                    + " passed. This path will be split off of the asset paths on the device."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "exports_manifest",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            type = Boolean.class,
-            named = true,
-            noneable = true,
-            doc =
-                "Defaults to False. If passed as True, this manifest will be exported to and"
-                    + " eventually merged into targets that depend on it. Otherwise, it won't be"
-                    + " inherited."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "custom_package",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "None",
-            type = String.class,
-            noneable = true,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the"
-                    + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD"
-                    + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in"
-                    + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "neverlink",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "False",
-            type = Boolean.class,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Defaults to False. If passed as True, these resources and assets will not be"
-                    + " inherited by targets that depend on this one."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "enable_data_binding",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "False",
-            type = Boolean.class,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Defaults to False. If True, processes data binding expressions in layout"
-                    + " resources."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "local_proguard_specs",
-            type = SkylarkList.class,
-            generic1 = FileApi.class,
-            defaultValue = "[]",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Files to be used as Proguard specification for this target, which will be"
-                    + " inherited in the top-level target."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "deps",
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "[]",
-            type = SkylarkList.class,
-            generic1 = AndroidAssetsInfoApi.class,
-            named = true,
-            doc =
-                "Dependency targets. Providers will be extracted from these dependencies for each"
-                    + " type of data."),
-      },
-      useLocation = true,
-      useEnvironment = true,
-      doc =
-          "Performs full processing of data for android_library or similar rules. Returns a dict"
-              + " from provider type to providers for the target.",
-      documented = false)
-  SkylarkDict<? extends ProviderApi, ? extends StructApi> processLibraryData(
-      AndroidDataContextT cotx,
-      FileT libraryClassJar,
-      Object manifest,
-      Object resources,
-      Object assets,
-      Object assetsDir,
-      Object exportsManifest,
-      Object customPackage,
-      boolean neverlink,
-      boolean enableDataBinding,
-      SkylarkList<FileT> localProguardSpecs,
-      SkylarkList<TransitiveInfoCollectionT> deps,
-      Location location,
-      Environment env)
-      throws InterruptedException, EvalException;
-  @SkylarkCallable(
       name = "process_aar_import_data",
       parameters = {
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/ValidatedAndroidDataApi.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/ValidatedAndroidDataApi.java
index d3670ac..30fb3a6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/ValidatedAndroidDataApi.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/android/ValidatedAndroidDataApi.java
@@ -30,7 +30,21 @@
             + "Validated Android data which can be merged together with assets from dependencies.",
     documented = false,
     category = SkylarkModuleCategory.PROVIDER)
-public interface ValidatedAndroidDataApi<FileT extends FileApi> {
+public interface ValidatedAndroidDataApi<
+    FileT extends FileApi,
+    AndroidResourcesInfoT extends
+        AndroidResourcesInfoApi<
+                FileT,
+                ? extends ValidatedAndroidDataApi<FileT, AndroidResourcesInfoT>,
+                ? extends AndroidManifestInfoApi<FileT>>> {
+  @SkylarkCallable(
+      name = "to_provider",
+      structField = true,
+      doc = "",
+      documented = false,
+      enableOnlyWithFlag = FlagIdentifier.EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_ANDROID_MIGRATION_APIS)
+  AndroidResourcesInfoT toProvider();
       name = "r_txt",
@@ -41,6 +55,14 @@
   FileT getRTxt();
+      name = "java_class_jar",
+      structField = true,
+      doc = "",
+      documented = false,
+      enableOnlyWithFlag = FlagIdentifier.EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_ANDROID_MIGRATION_APIS)
+  FileT getJavaClassJar();
+  @SkylarkCallable(
       name = "java_source_jar",
       structField = true,
       doc = "",
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc/fakebuildapi/android/FakeAndroidResourcesInfo.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc/fakebuildapi/android/FakeAndroidResourcesInfo.java
index 6275836..2cf90be 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc/fakebuildapi/android/FakeAndroidResourcesInfo.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc/fakebuildapi/android/FakeAndroidResourcesInfo.java
@@ -140,7 +140,13 @@
   /** Fake implementation of {@link ValidatedAndroidDataApi}. */
-  public static class FakeValidatedAndroidDataApi implements ValidatedAndroidDataApi<FileApi> {
+  public static class FakeValidatedAndroidDataApi
+      implements ValidatedAndroidDataApi<FileApi, FakeAndroidResourcesInfo> {
+    @Override
+    public FakeAndroidResourcesInfo toProvider() {
+      return null;
+    }
     public FileApi getRTxt() {
@@ -148,6 +154,11 @@
+    public FileApi getJavaClassJar() {
+      return null;
+    }
+    @Override
     public FileApi getJavaSourceJar() {
       return null;