blob: e89bc1ac4414d2cc122f509de831d56f207ace24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* A Node is a node in a Starlark syntax tree.
* <p>Nodes may be constructed only by the parser.
* <p>The syntax tree records the offsets within the file of all salient tokens, such as brackets
* that mark the beginning or end of an expression, or operators whose position may be needed in a
* run-time error message. The start and end offsets of each Node are computed inductively from
* their tokens and subexpressions. Offsets are converted to Locations on demand in methods such as
* {@link #getStartLocation}.
public abstract class Node {
// Use these typical node distributions in Bazel files
// as a rough guide for optimization decisions.
// BUILD files are much more numerous than .bzl files,
// and typically larger.
// Large BUILD file:
// 49 % StringLiteral
// 17 % Identifier
// 12 % Argument.Keyword
// 9 % ListExpression
// 4 % CallExpression
// 3.5% ExpressionStatement
// 3.1% Comment
// 1.2% Argument.Positional
// 1.8% all others
// Large .bzl logic file:
// 42 % Identifier
// 12 % DotExpression
// 7.1% StringLiteral
// 6.7% Argument.Keyword
// 6.7% CallExpression
// 4.6% Argument.Positional
// 3.1% Comment
// 2.4% ListExpression
// 2.4% ExpressionStatement
// 2.2% AssignmentStatement
// 1.9% DictExpression.Entry
// 1.9% BinaryOperatorExpression
// 1.0% Comprehension
// 6 % all others
// The FileLocations table holds the file name and a compressed
// mapping from token char offsets to Locations.
// It is shared by all nodes from the same file.
final FileLocations locs;
Node(FileLocations locs) {
this.locs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(locs);
* Returns the node's start offset, as a char index (zero-based count of UTF-16 codes) from the
* start of the file.
public abstract int getStartOffset();
/** Returns the location of the start of this syntax node. */
public final Location getStartLocation() {
return locs.getLocation(getStartOffset());
/** Returns the char offset of the source position immediately after this syntax node. */
public abstract int getEndOffset();
/** Returns the location of the source position immediately after this syntax node. */
public final Location getEndLocation() {
return locs.getLocation(getEndOffset());
* Returns a pretty-printed representation of this syntax tree.
* <p>This function returns the canonical source code corresponding to a syntax tree. Generally,
* the output can be round-tripped: pretty-printing a syntax tree then parsing the result should
* yield an equivalent syntax tree.
* <p>The pretty-printed form of a syntax tree may be used as a proxy for equality in tests.
* However, different trees may have the same printed form. In particular, {@link StarlarkFile}
* includes comments that are not reflected in the string.
public final String prettyPrint() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
new NodePrinter(buf).printNode(this);
return buf.toString();
* Print the syntax node in a form useful for debugging.
* <p>The output is not precisely specified; use {@link #prettyPrint()} if you need more stable
* and complete information. For instance, this function may omit child statements of compound
* statements, or parentheses around some expressions. It may also abbreviate large list literals.
public String toString() {
return prettyPrint(); // default behavior, overridden in several subclasses
* Implements the double dispatch by calling into the node specific <code>visit</code> method of
* the {@link NodeVisitor}
* @param visitor the {@link NodeVisitor} instance to dispatch to.
public abstract void accept(NodeVisitor visitor);