blob: 5774b76e1e0e59cc94c1248f37514050157555f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
r"""Command line diffing tool that compares two bazel aquery invocations.
This script compares the proto output of two bazel aquery invocations. For
each set of output files of an action, it compares the command lines that
generated the files.
Example usage:
bazel aquery //path/to:target_one --output=textproto > \
bazel aquery //path/to:target_two --output=textproto > \
From a bazel repo:
bazel run //tools/aquery_differ:aquery_differ -- \
--before=/path/to/output_one.textproto \
--after=/path/to/output_two.textproto \
--input_type=textproto \
--attrs=cmdline \
from __future__ import print_function
import difflib
import os
import sys
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from google.protobuf import text_format
from src.main.protobuf import analysis_pb2
from tools.aquery_differ.resolvers.dep_set_resolver import DepSetResolver
flags.DEFINE_string("before", None, "Aquery output before the change")
flags.DEFINE_string("after", None, "Aquery output after the change")
"input_type", "proto", ["proto", "textproto"],
"The format of the aquery proto input. One of 'proto' and 'textproto.")
flags.DEFINE_multi_enum("attrs", ["cmdline"], ["inputs", "cmdline"],
"Attributes of the actions to be compared.")
WHITE = "\033[37m%s\033[0m"
CYAN = "\033[36m%s\033[0m"
RED = "\033[31m%s\033[0m"
GREEN = "\033[32m%s\033[0m"
def _colorize(line):
"""Add color to the input string."""
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
return line
if line.startswith("+++") or line.startswith("---"):
return WHITE % line
if line.startswith("@@"):
return CYAN % line
if line.startswith("+"):
return GREEN % line
if line.startswith("-"):
return RED % line
return line
def _print_diff(output_files, before_val, after_val, attr, before_file,
diff = "\n".join(
map(_colorize, [
s.strip("\n") for s in difflib.unified_diff(before_val, after_val,
before_file, after_file)
"Difference in the action that generates the following output(s):"
"\n\t%s\n%s\n") % (attr, "\n\t".join(output_files.split()), diff))
def _map_artifact_id_to_path(artifacts):
return { artifact.exec_path for artifact in artifacts}
def _map_action_index_to_output_files(actions, artifacts):
"""Constructs a map from action index to output files.
actions: a list of actions from the action graph container
artifacts: a map {artifact_id: artifact path}
A map from action index (in action graph container) to a string of
concatenated output artifacts paths.
action_index_to_output_files = {}
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
output_files = " ".join(
sorted([artifacts[output_id] for output_id in action.output_ids]))
action_index_to_output_files[i] = output_files
return action_index_to_output_files
# output files -> input artifacts
def _map_output_files_to_input_artifacts(
action_graph_container, artifact_id_to_path, action_index_to_output_files):
"""Constructs a map from output files to input artifacts.
action_graph_container: the full action graph container object
artifact_id_to_path: a map {artifact_id: artifact path}
action_index_to_output_files: a map from action index (in action graph
container) to a string of concatenated output artifacts paths.
A map from output files (string of concatenated output artifacts paths) to a
list of input artifacts.
actions = action_graph_container.actions
dep_set_of_files = action_graph_container.dep_set_of_files
id_to_dep_set = { dep_set for dep_set in dep_set_of_files}
dep_set_resolver = DepSetResolver(dep_set_of_files, artifact_id_to_path)
output_files_to_input_artifacts = {}
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
input_artifacts = []
for dep_set_id in action.input_dep_set_ids:
output_files_to_input_artifacts[action_index_to_output_files[i]] = list(
return output_files_to_input_artifacts
# output files -> command line
def _map_output_files_to_command_line(actions, action_index_to_output_files):
"""Constructs a map from output files to command line.
actions: a list of actions from the action graph container
action_index_to_output_files: a map from action index (in action graph
container) to a string of concatenated output artifacts paths.
A map from output files (string of concatenated output artifacts paths)
to the command line (a list of arguments).
output_files_to_command_line = {}
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
action_index_to_output_files[i]] = action.arguments
return output_files_to_command_line
def _aquery_diff(before_proto, after_proto, attrs, before_file, after_file):
"""Returns differences between command lines that generate same outputs."""
found_difference = False
artifacts_before = _map_artifact_id_to_path(before_proto.artifacts)
artifacts_after = _map_artifact_id_to_path(after_proto.artifacts)
action_to_output_files_before = _map_action_index_to_output_files(
before_proto.actions, artifacts_before)
action_to_output_files_after = _map_action_index_to_output_files(
after_proto.actions, artifacts_after)
# There's a 1-to-1 mapping between action and outputs
output_files_before = set(action_to_output_files_before.values())
output_files_after = set(action_to_output_files_after.values())
before_after_diff = output_files_before - output_files_after
after_before_diff = output_files_after - output_files_before
if before_after_diff:
print(("Aquery output 'before' change contains an action that generates "
"the following outputs that aquery output 'after' change doesn't:"
"\n%s\n") % "\n".join(before_after_diff))
found_difference = True
if after_before_diff:
print(("Aquery output 'after' change contains an action that generates "
"the following outputs that aquery output 'before' change doesn't:"
"\n%s\n") % "\n".join(after_before_diff))
found_difference = True
if "cmdline" in attrs:
output_to_command_line_before = _map_output_files_to_command_line(
before_proto.actions, action_to_output_files_before)
output_to_command_line_after = _map_output_files_to_command_line(
after_proto.actions, action_to_output_files_after)
for output_files in output_to_command_line_before:
arguments = output_to_command_line_before[output_files]
after_arguments = output_to_command_line_after.get(output_files, None)
if after_arguments and arguments != after_arguments:
_print_diff(output_files, arguments, after_arguments, "cmdline",
before_file, after_file)
found_difference = True
if "inputs" in attrs:
output_to_input_files_before = _map_output_files_to_input_artifacts(
before_proto, artifacts_before, action_to_output_files_before)
output_to_input_files_after = _map_output_files_to_input_artifacts(
after_proto, artifacts_after, action_to_output_files_after)
for output_files in output_to_input_files_before:
before_inputs = output_to_input_files_before[output_files]
after_inputs = output_to_input_files_after.get(output_files, None)
if after_inputs and before_inputs != after_inputs:
_print_diff(output_files, before_inputs, after_inputs, "inputs",
before_file, after_file)
found_difference = True
if not found_difference:
print("No difference")
def to_absolute_path(path):
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
if os.path.isabs(path):
return path
if "BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY" in os.environ:
return os.path.join(os.environ["BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY"], path)
return path
def main(unused_argv):
before_file = to_absolute_path(flags.FLAGS.before)
after_file = to_absolute_path(flags.FLAGS.after)
input_type = flags.FLAGS.input_type
attrs = flags.FLAGS.attrs
before_proto = analysis_pb2.ActionGraphContainer()
after_proto = analysis_pb2.ActionGraphContainer()
if input_type == "proto":
with open(before_file, "rb") as f:
with open(after_file, "rb") as f:
with open(before_file, "r") as f:
before_text =
text_format.Merge(before_text, before_proto)
with open(after_file, "r") as f:
after_text =
text_format.Merge(after_text, after_proto)
_aquery_diff(before_proto, after_proto, attrs, before_file, after_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":