blob: 590acbfe2b8c909cf366fb0311ab0c48e9683d8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* Options common to all commands.
public class CommonCommandOptions extends OptionsBase {
* A class representing a blazerc option. blazeRc is serial number of the rc
* file this option came from, option is the name of the option and value is
* its value (or null if not specified).
public static class OptionOverride {
final int blazeRc;
final String command;
final String option;
public OptionOverride(int blazeRc, String command, String option) {
this.blazeRc = blazeRc;
this.command = command;
this.option = option;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%d:%s=%s", blazeRc, command, option);
* Converter for --default_override. The format is:
* --default_override=blazerc:command=option.
public static class OptionOverrideConverter implements Converter<OptionOverride> {
static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "option overrides must be in form "
+ " rcfile:command=option, where rcfile is a nonzero integer";
public OptionOverrideConverter() {}
public OptionOverride convert(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
int colonPos = input.indexOf(':');
int assignmentPos = input.indexOf('=');
if (colonPos < 0) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (assignmentPos <= colonPos + 1) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
int blazeRc;
try {
blazeRc = Integer.valueOf(input.substring(0, colonPos));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (blazeRc < 0) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(ERROR_MESSAGE);
String command = input.substring(colonPos + 1, assignmentPos);
String option = input.substring(assignmentPos + 1);
return new OptionOverride(blazeRc, command, option);
public String getTypeDescription() {
return "blazerc option override";
@Option(name = "config",
defaultValue = "",
category = "misc",
allowMultiple = true,
help = "Selects additional config sections from the rc files; for every <command>, it "
+ "also pulls in the options from <command>:<config> if such a section exists; "
+ "if the section does not exist, this flag is ignored. "
+ "Note that it is currently only possible to provide these options on the "
+ "command line, not in the rc files. The config sections and flag combinations "
+ "they are equivalent to are located in the tools/*.blazerc config files.")
public List<String> configs;
@Option(name = "logging",
defaultValue = "3", // Level.INFO
category = "verbosity",
converter = Converters.LogLevelConverter.class,
help = "The logging level.")
public Level verbosity;
@Option(name = "client_env",
defaultValue = "",
category = "hidden",
converter = Converters.AssignmentConverter.class,
allowMultiple = true,
help = "A system-generated parameter which specifies the client's environment")
public List<Map.Entry<String, String>> clientEnv;
name = "ignore_client_env",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "hidden",
help = "Deprecated, no-op."
// TODO(laszlocsomor) 2017-03-07: remove this flag after 2017-06-01 (~3 months from now) and all
// of its occurrences.
public boolean ignoreClientEnv;
@Option(name = "client_cwd",
defaultValue = "",
category = "hidden",
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help = "A system-generated parameter which specifies the client's working directory")
public PathFragment clientCwd;
@Option(name = "announce_rc",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "verbosity",
help = "Whether to announce rc options.")
public boolean announceRcOptions;
* These are the actual default overrides.
* Each value is a pair of (command name, value).
* For example: "--default_override=build=--cpu=piii"
@Option(name = "default_override",
defaultValue = "",
allowMultiple = true,
category = "hidden",
converter = OptionOverrideConverter.class,
help = "")
public List<OptionOverride> optionsOverrides;
* This is the filename that the Blaze client parsed.
@Option(name = "rc_source",
defaultValue = "",
allowMultiple = true,
category = "hidden",
help = "")
public List<String> rcSource;
@Option(name = "always_profile_slow_operations",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "undocumented",
help = "Whether profiling slow operations is always turned on")
public boolean alwaysProfileSlowOperations;
@Option(name = "profile",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "misc",
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help = "If set, profile Blaze and write data to the specified "
+ "file. Use blaze analyze-profile to analyze the profile.")
public PathFragment profilePath;
@Option(name = "record_full_profiler_data",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "undocumented",
help = "By default, Blaze profiler will record only aggregated data for fast but numerous "
+ "events (such as statting the file). If this option is enabled, profiler will record "
+ "each event - resulting in more precise profiling data but LARGE performance "
+ "hit. Option only has effect if --profile used as well.")
public boolean recordFullProfilerData;
@Option(name = "memory_profile",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "undocumented",
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help = "If set, write memory usage data to the specified "
+ "file at phase ends.")
public PathFragment memoryProfilePath;
@Option(name = "gc_watchdog",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "undocumented",
deprecationWarning = "Ignoring: this option is no longer supported",
help = "Deprecated.")
public boolean gcWatchdog;
@Option(name = "startup_time",
defaultValue = "0",
category = "hidden",
help = "The time in ms the launcher spends before sending the request to the blaze server.")
public long startupTime;
name = "extract_data_time",
defaultValue = "0",
category = "hidden",
help = "The time in ms spent on extracting the new blaze version."
public long extractDataTime;
@Option(name = "command_wait_time",
defaultValue = "0",
category = "hidden",
help = "The time in ms a command had to wait on a busy Blaze server process.")
public long waitTime;
@Option(name = "tool_tag",
defaultValue = "",
category = "misc",
help = "A tool name to attribute this Blaze invocation to.")
public String toolTag;
@Option(name = "restart_reason",
defaultValue = "no_restart",
category = "hidden",
help = "The reason for the server restart.")
public String restartReason;
@Option(name = "binary_path",
defaultValue = "",
category = "hidden",
help = "The absolute path of the blaze binary.")
public String binaryPath;
@Option(name = "experimental_allow_project_files",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "hidden",
help = "Enable processing of +<file> parameters.")
public boolean allowProjectFiles;
@Option(name = "block_for_lock",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "hidden",
help = "If set (the default), a command will block if there is another one running. If "
+ "unset, these commands will immediately return with an error.")
public boolean blockForLock;