blob: 2880a6b96d36dbf3fb83339f1f0fc600af477ee8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <os/log.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/syslimits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/xattr.h>
#include <atomic>
// Linting disabled for this line because for google code we could use
// absl::Mutex but we cannot yet because Bazel doesn't depend on absl.
#include <mutex> // NOLINT
#include <string>
#include "src/main/native/unix_jni.h"
namespace blaze_jni {
const int PATH_MAX2 = PATH_MAX * 2;
using std::string;
// See unix_jni.h.
string ErrorMessage(int error_number) {
char buf[1024] = "";
if (strerror_r(error_number, buf, sizeof buf) < 0) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "strerror_r(%d): errno %d", error_number, errno);
return string(buf);
int portable_fstatat(int dirfd, char *name, portable_stat_struct *statbuf,
int flags) {
char dirPath[PATH_MAX2]; // Have enough room for relative path
// No fstatat under darwin, simulate it
if (flags != 0) {
// We don't support any flags
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;
if (strlen(name) == 0 || name[0] == '/') {
// Absolute path, simply stat
return portable_stat(name, statbuf);
// Relative path, construct an absolute path
if (fcntl(dirfd, F_GETPATH, dirPath) == -1) {
return -1;
int l = strlen(dirPath);
if (dirPath[l - 1] != '/') {
// dirPath is twice the PATH_MAX size, we always have room for the extra /
dirPath[l] = '/';
dirPath[l + 1] = 0;
strncat(dirPath, name, PATH_MAX2 - l - 1);
char *newpath = realpath(dirPath, nullptr); // this resolve the relative path
if (newpath == nullptr) {
return -1;
int r = portable_stat(newpath, statbuf);
return r;
int StatSeconds(const portable_stat_struct &statbuf, StatTimes t) {
switch (t) {
return statbuf.st_atime;
return statbuf.st_ctime;
return statbuf.st_mtime;
int StatNanoSeconds(const portable_stat_struct &statbuf, StatTimes t) {
switch (t) {
return statbuf.st_atimespec.tv_nsec;
return statbuf.st_ctimespec.tv_nsec;
return statbuf.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec;
ssize_t portable_getxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value,
size_t size, bool *attr_not_found) {
ssize_t result = getxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, 0);
*attr_not_found = (errno == ENOATTR);
return result;
ssize_t portable_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value,
size_t size, bool *attr_not_found) {
ssize_t result = getxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
*attr_not_found = (errno == ENOATTR);
return result;
int portable_sysctlbyname(const char *name_chars, void *mibp, size_t *sizep) {
return sysctlbyname(name_chars, mibp, sizep, nullptr, 0);
// Queue used for all of our anomaly tracking.
static dispatch_queue_t JniDispatchQueue() {
static dispatch_once_t once_token;
static dispatch_queue_t queue;
dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{
queue = dispatch_queue_create("build.bazel.jni", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
return queue;
// Log used for all of our anomaly logging.
// Logging can be traced using:
// `log stream -level debug --predicate '(subsystem == "build.bazel")'`
// This may return NULL if `os_log_create` is not supported on this version of
// macOS. Use `log_if_possible` to log when supported.
static os_log_t JniOSLog() {
static dispatch_once_t once_token;
static os_log_t log = nullptr;
// On macOS < 10.12, os_log_create is not available. Since we target 10.10,
// this will be weakly linked and can be checked for availability at run
// time.
if (&os_log_create != nullptr) {
dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{
log = os_log_create("build.bazel", "jni");
return log;
// The macOS implementation asserts that `msg` be a string literal (not just a
// const char*), so we cannot use a function.
#define log_if_possible(msg) \
do { \
os_log_t log = JniOSLog(); \
if (log != nullptr) { \
os_log_debug(log, msg); \
} \
} while (0);
// Protects all of the g_sleep_state_* statics.
// value is "leaked" intentionally because std::mutex is not trivially
// destructible at this time, g_sleep_state_mutex is a singleton, and
// leaking it has no consequences.
static std::mutex *g_sleep_state_mutex = new std::mutex;
// Keep track of our pushes and pops of sleep state.
static int g_sleep_state_stack = 0;
// Our assertion for disabling sleep.
static IOPMAssertionID g_sleep_state_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID;
int portable_push_disable_sleep() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*g_sleep_state_mutex);
assert(g_sleep_state_stack >= 0);
if (g_sleep_state_stack == 0) {
assert(g_sleep_state_assertion == kIOPMNullAssertionID);
CFStringRef reasonForActivity = CFSTR("build.bazel");
__unused IOReturn success = IOPMAssertionCreateWithName(
kIOPMAssertionTypeNoIdleSleep, kIOPMAssertionLevelOn, reasonForActivity,
assert(success == kIOReturnSuccess);
log_if_possible("sleep assertion created");
g_sleep_state_stack += 1;
return 0;
int portable_pop_disable_sleep() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*g_sleep_state_mutex);
assert(g_sleep_state_stack > 0);
g_sleep_state_stack -= 1;
if (g_sleep_state_stack == 0) {
assert(g_sleep_state_assertion != kIOPMNullAssertionID);
__unused IOReturn success = IOPMAssertionRelease(g_sleep_state_assertion);
assert(success == kIOReturnSuccess);
g_sleep_state_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID;
log_if_possible("sleep assertion released");
return 0;
typedef struct {
// Port used to relay sleep call back messages.
io_connect_t connect_port;
// Count of suspensions. Atomic because it can be read from any java thread
// and is written to from a dispatch_queue thread.
std::atomic_int suspend_count;
} SuspendState;
static void SleepCallBack(void *refcon, io_service_t service,
natural_t message_type, void *message_argument) {
SuspendState *state = (SuspendState *)refcon;
switch (message_type) {
case kIOMessageCanSystemSleep:
// This needs to be handled to allow sleep.
IOAllowPowerChange(state->connect_port, (intptr_t)message_argument);
case kIOMessageSystemWillSleep:
log_if_possible("suspend anomaly due to kIOMessageSystemWillSleep");
// This needs to be acknowledged to allow sleep.
IOAllowPowerChange(state->connect_port, (intptr_t)message_argument);
case kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep:
"suspend anomaly cancelled due to kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep");
case kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn:
case kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn:
// We increment g_suspend_count when we are alerted to the sleep as
// opposed to when we wake up, because Macs have a "Dark Wake" mode (also
// known as PowerNap) which is when the processors (and disk and network)
// turn on for brief periods of time
// ( Dark Wake does NOT trigger
// PowerOn messages through our sleep callbacks, but can allow
// builds to proceed for a considerable amount of time (for example if
// Time Machine is performing a back up).
// There is currently a race condition where a build may finish
// between the time we receive the kIOMessageSystemWillSleep and the
// machine actually goes to sleep (roughly 20 seconds in my experiments)
// or between the time we receive the kIOMessageSystemWillSleep and
// kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep. This will result in us reporting that the
// build was suspended when it wasn't. I haven't come up with an smart way
// of avoiding this issue, but I don't think we really care. Over
// reporting "suspensions" is better than under reporting them.
int portable_suspend_count() {
static dispatch_once_t once_token;
static SuspendState suspend_state;
dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{
dispatch_queue_t queue = JniDispatchQueue();
IONotificationPortRef notifyPortRef;
io_object_t notifierObject;
// Register to receive system sleep notifications.
// Testing needs to be done manually. Use the logging to verify
// that sleeps are being caught here.
// `log stream -level debug --predicate '(subsystem == "build.bazel")'`
suspend_state.connect_port = IORegisterForSystemPower(
&suspend_state, &notifyPortRef, SleepCallBack, &notifierObject);
CHECK(suspend_state.connect_port != MACH_PORT_NULL);
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(notifyPortRef, queue);
// Register to deal with SIGCONT.
// We register for SIGCONT because we can't catch SIGSTOP and we can't
// distinguish a SIGCONT after a SIGSTOP from a SIGCONT after SIGTSTP.
// We do have the potential of "over counting" suspensions if you send
// multiple SIGCONTs to a process without a previous SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP,
// but there is no reason to send a SIGCONT without a SIGSTOP/SIGTSTP, and
// having this functionality gives us some ability to unit test suspension
// counts.
sig_t signal_val = signal(SIGCONT, SIG_IGN);
CHECK(signal_val != SIG_ERR);
dispatch_source_t signal_source =
dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_SIGNAL, SIGCONT, 0, queue);
CHECK(signal_source != nullptr);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(signal_source, ^{
log_if_possible("suspend anomaly due to SIGCONT");
return suspend_state.suspend_count;
static std::atomic_int pressure_warning_count{0};
static std::atomic_int pressure_critical_count{0};
static void RegisterMemoryPressureHandler() {
// To test use:
// log stream -level debug --predicate '(subsystem == "build.bazel")'
// sudo memory_pressure -S -l warn
// sudo memory_pressure -S -l critical
static dispatch_once_t once_token;
dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{
dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(
CHECK(source != nullptr);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, ^{
dispatch_source_memorypressure_flags_t pressureLevel =
log_if_possible("memory pressure warning anomaly");
} else if (pressureLevel == DISPATCH_MEMORYPRESSURE_CRITICAL) {
log_if_possible("memory pressure critical anomaly");
int portable_memory_pressure_warning_count() {
return pressure_warning_count;
int portable_memory_pressure_critical_count() {
return pressure_critical_count;
} // namespace blaze_jni