blob: 224a2424e027e5efb91abec65a93e9939dbdf890 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# An end-to-end test that Bazel's provides the correct environment variables
# to actions.
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
#### SETUP #############################################################
set -e
function set_up() {
mkdir -p pkg
cat > pkg/BUILD <<EOF
name = "showenv",
outs = ["env.txt"],
cmd = "env | sort > \"\$@\""
load("//pkg:build.bzl", "environ")
environ(name = "no_default_env", env = 0)
environ(name = "with_default_env", env = 1)
name = "test_env_foo",
srcs = [""],
name = "show_host_env_using_tools",
tools = ["env.txt"],
outs = ["tools_env.txt"],
cmd = "cp \$(location env.txt) \"\$@\""
name = "show_host_env_using_successive_tools",
tools = ["tools_env.txt"],
outs = ["successive_tools_env.txt"],
cmd = "cp \$(location tools_env.txt) \"\$@\""
cat > pkg/build.bzl <<EOF
def _impl(ctx):
output = ctx.outputs.out
use_default_shell_env = ctx.attr.env,
command="env > %s" % output.path)
environ = rule(
attrs={"env": attr.bool(default=True)},
outputs={"out": "%{name}.env"},
cat > pkg/ <<'EOF'
echo "FOO is >${FOO}<"
{ echo "${FOO}" | grep foo; } || { echo "expected FOO to contain foo"; exit 1; }
chmod u+x pkg/
#### TESTS #############################################################
function test_simple() {
export FOO=baz
bazel build --action_env=FOO=bar pkg:showenv \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
function test_simple_latest_wins() {
export FOO=environmentfoo
export BAR=environmentbar
bazel build --action_env=FOO=foo \
--action_env=BAR=willbeoverridden --action_env=BAR=bar pkg:showenv \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=bar"
function test_client_env() {
export FOO=startup_foo
bazel clean --expunge
bazel help build > /dev/null || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} help failed"
export FOO=client_foo
bazel build --action_env=FOO pkg:showenv || \
fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=client_foo"
function test_redo_action() {
export FOO=initial_foo
export UNRELATED=some_value
bazel build --action_env=FOO pkg:showenv \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=initial_foo"
# If an unrelated value changes, we expect the action not to be executed again
export UNRELATED=some_other_value
bazel build --action_env=FOO -s pkg:showenv 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:showenv'
# However, if a used variable changes, we expect the change to be propagated
export FOO=changed_foo
bazel build --action_env=FOO -s pkg:showenv 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
expect_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:showenv'
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=changed_foo"
# But repeating the build with no further changes, no action should happen
bazel build --action_env=FOO -s pkg:showenv 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:showenv'
function test_latest_wins_arg() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --action_env=BAR --action_env=FOO --action_env=FOO=foo \
pkg:showenv || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=bar"
function test_latest_wins_env() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --action_env=BAR --action_env=FOO=foo --action_env=FOO \
pkg:showenv || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build showenv failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=foo"
function test_env_freezing() {
add_to_bazelrc "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_FOO"
add_to_bazelrc "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BAR=is_fixed"
add_to_bazelrc "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BAZ=will_be_overridden"
add_to_bazelrc "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BUILD"
export FREEZE_TEST_FOO=client_foo
export FREEZE_TEST_BAR=client_bar
export FREEZE_TEST_BAZ=client_baz
export FREEZE_TEST_BUILD=client_build
bazel info --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BAZ client-env > $TEST_log
expect_log "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_FOO=client_foo"
expect_not_log "FREEZE_TEST_BAR"
expect_log "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BAZ=client_baz"
expect_log "build --action_env=FREEZE_TEST_BUILD=client_build"
rm -f .${PRODUCT_NAME}rc
# Recreate .bazelrc as removing it affects other tests that run in the
# same shard with this test.
function test_use_default_shell_env {
bazel build --action_env=FOO=bar //pkg/...
cat bazel-bin/pkg/with_default_env.env
grep -q FOO=bar bazel-bin/pkg/with_default_env.env \
|| fail "static action environment not honored"
(grep -q FOO=bar bazel-bin/pkg/no_default_env.env \
&& fail "static action_env used, even though requested not to") || true
export BAR=baz
bazel build --action_env=BAR //pkg/...
grep -q BAR=baz bazel-bin/pkg/with_default_env.env \
|| fail "dynamic action environment not honored"
(grep -q BAR bazel-bin/pkg/no_default_env.env \
&& fail "dynamic action_env used, even though requested not to") || true
function test_action_env_changes_honored {
# Verify that changes to the explicitly specified action_env in honored in
# tests. Regression test for #3265.
# start with a fresh bazel, to have a reproducible starting point
bazel clean --expunge
bazel test --test_output=all --action_env=FOO=foo //pkg:test_env_foo \
|| fail "expected to pass with correct value for FOO"
# While the test is cached, changing the environment should rerun it and
# detect the failure in the new environment.
(bazel test --test_output=all --action_env=FOO=bar //pkg:test_env_foo \
&& fail "expected to fail with incorrect value for FOO") || true
# Redo the same FOO being taken from the environment
env FOO=foo bazel test --test_output=all --action_env=FOO //pkg:test_env_foo \
|| fail "expected to pass with correct value for FOO from the environment"
(env FOO=bar bazel test --test_output=all --action_env=FOO=bar //pkg:test_env_foo \
&& fail "expected to fail with incorrect value for FOO from the environment") || true
function test_host_env_using_tools_simple() {
export FOO=baz
# If FOO is passed using --host_action_env, it should be listed in host env vars
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
# But if FOO is passed using --action_env, it should not be listed in host env vars
bazel build --action_env=FOO=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_not_log "FOO=bar"
function test_host_env_using_tools_latest_wins() {
export FOO=environmentfoo
export BAR=environmentbar
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO=foo \
--host_action_env=BAR=willbeoverridden --host_action_env=BAR=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=bar"
function test_client_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=startup_foo
bazel clean --expunge
bazel help build > /dev/null || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} help failed"
export FOO=client_foo
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || \
fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=client_foo"
function test_redo_host_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=initial_foo
export UNRELATED=some_value
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=initial_foo"
# If an unrelated value changes, we expect the action not to be executed again
export UNRELATED=some_other_value
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
# However, if a used variable changes, we expect the change to be propagated
export FOO=changed_foo
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=changed_foo"
# But repeating the build with no further changes, no action should happen
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
function test_latest_wins_arg_using_tools() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --host_action_env=BAR --host_action_env=FOO --host_action_env=FOO=foo \
pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=bar"
function test_latest_wins_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --host_action_env=BAR --host_action_env=FOO=foo --host_action_env=FOO \
pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=foo"
function test_host_env_using_tools_simple() {
export FOO=baz
# If FOO is passed using --host_action_env, it should be listed in host env vars
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
# But if FOO is passed using --action_env, it should not be listed in host env vars
bazel build --action_env=FOO=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_not_log "FOO=bar"
function test_host_env_using_tools_latest_wins() {
export FOO=environmentfoo
export BAR=environmentbar
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO=foo \
--host_action_env=BAR=willbeoverridden --host_action_env=BAR=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=bar"
function test_client_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=startup_foo
bazel clean --expunge
bazel help build > /dev/null || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} help failed"
export FOO=client_foo
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || \
fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=client_foo"
function test_redo_host_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=initial_foo
export UNRELATED=some_value
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO pkg:show_host_env_using_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=initial_foo"
# If an unrelated value changes, we expect the action not to be executed again
export UNRELATED=some_other_value
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
# However, if a used variable changes, we expect the change to be propagated
export FOO=changed_foo
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=changed_foo"
# But repeating the build with no further changes, no action should happen
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO -s pkg:show_host_env_using_tools 2> $TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
expect_not_log '^SUBCOMMAND.*pkg:show_host_env_using_tools'
function test_latest_wins_arg_using_tools() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --host_action_env=BAR --host_action_env=FOO --host_action_env=FOO=foo \
pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=foo"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=bar"
function test_latest_wins_env_using_tools() {
export FOO=bar
export BAR=baz
bazel build --host_action_env=BAR --host_action_env=FOO=foo --host_action_env=FOO \
pkg:show_host_env_using_tools || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_tools failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
expect_log "BAR=baz"
expect_not_log "FOO=foo"
function test_host_env_using_successive_tools_simple() {
export FOO=baz
bazel build --host_action_env=FOO=bar pkg:show_host_env_using_successive_tools \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} build show_host_env_using_successive_tool failed"
cat `bazel info ${PRODUCT_NAME}-genfiles`/pkg/successive_tools_env.txt > $TEST_log
expect_log "FOO=bar"
run_suite "Tests for bazel's handling of environment variables in actions"