blob: e820b1469a63619c0f0bb3cde26fee00795a1868 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Debugger API. */
// TODO(adonovan): move Debugger to Debug.Debugger.
public final class Debug {
* A simple interface for the Starlark interpreter to notify a debugger of events during
* execution.
public interface Debugger {
/** Notify the debugger that execution is at the point immediately before {@code loc}. */
void before(StarlarkThread thread, Location loc);
/** Notify the debugger that it will no longer receive events from the interpreter. */
void close();
/** A Starlark value that can expose additional information to a debugger. */
public interface ValueWithDebugAttributes extends StarlarkValue {
* Returns a list of DebugAttribute of this value. For example, it can be the internal fields of
* a value that are not accessible from Starlark, or the values inside a collection.
ImmutableList<DebugAttribute> getDebugAttributes();
/** A name/value pair used in the return value of getDebugAttributes. */
public static final class DebugAttribute {
public final String name;
public final Object value; // a legal Starlark value
public DebugAttribute(String name, Object value) { = name;
this.value = value;
/** See stepControl */
public interface ReadyToPause extends Predicate<StarlarkThread> {}
* Describes the stepping behavior that should occur when execution of a thread is continued.
* (Debugger API)
public enum Stepping {
/** Continue execution without stepping. */
* If the thread is paused on a statement that contains a function call, step into that
* function. Otherwise, this is the same as OVER.
* Step over the current statement and any functions that it may call, stopping at the next
* statement in the same frame. If no more statements are available in the current frame, same
* as OUT.
* Continue execution until the current frame has been exited and then pause. If we are
* currently in the outer-most frame, same as NONE.
private Debug() {} // uninstantiable
static final AtomicReference<Debugger> debugger = new AtomicReference<>();
* Installs a global hook that causes subsequently executed Starlark threads to notify the
* debugger of important events. Closes any previously set debugger. Call {@code
* setDebugger(null)} to disable debugging.
public static void setDebugger(Debugger dbg) {
Debugger prev = debugger.getAndSet(dbg);
if (prev != null) {
* Returns a copy of the current stack of call frames, outermost call first.
* <p>This function is intended for use only when execution of {@code thread} is stopped, for
* example at a breakpoint. The resulting DebugFrames should not be retained after execution of
* the thread has resumed. Most clients should instead use {@link StarlarkThread#getCallStack}.
public static ImmutableList<Frame> getCallStack(StarlarkThread thread) {
return thread.getDebugCallStack();
* Given a requested stepping behavior, returns a predicate over the context that tells the
* debugger when to pause. (Debugger API)
* <p>The predicate will return true if we are at the next statement where execution should pause,
* and it will return false if we are not yet at that statement. No guarantee is made about the
* predicate's return value after we have reached the desired statement.
* <p>A null return value indicates that no further pausing should occur.
public static Debug.ReadyToPause stepControl(StarlarkThread th, Debug.Stepping stepping) {
final int depth = th.getCallStackSize();
switch (stepping) {
case NONE:
return null;
case INTO:
// pause at the very next statement
return thread -> true;
case OVER:
return thread -> thread.getCallStackSize() <= depth;
case OUT:
// if we're at the outermost frame, same as NONE
return depth == 0 ? null : thread -> thread.getCallStackSize() < depth;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported stepping type: " + stepping);
/** Debugger interface to the interpreter's internal call frame representation. */
public interface Frame {
/** Returns function called in this frame. */
StarlarkCallable getFunction();
/** Returns the location of the current program counter. */
Location getLocation();
/** Returns the local environment of this frame. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getLocals();
* Interface by which debugging tools are notified of a thread entering or leaving its top-level
* frame.
public interface ThreadHook {
void onPushFirst(StarlarkThread thread);
void onPopLast(StarlarkThread thread);
static ThreadHook threadHook = null;
* Installs a global hook that is notified each time a thread pushes or pops its top-level frame.
* This interface is provided to support special tools; ordinary clients should have no need for
* it.
public static void setThreadHook(ThreadHook hook) {
threadHook = hook;