blob: 6b01615a675d316d7547179c820affacf89f9288 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* The Starlark class defines the most important entry points, constants, and functions needed by
* all clients of the Starlark interpreter.
public final class Starlark {
private Starlark() {} // uninstantiable
/** The Starlark None value. */
public static final NoneType NONE = NoneType.NONE;
* A sentinel value passed to optional parameters of StarlarkMethod-annotated methods to indicate
* that no argument value was supplied.
public static final Object UNBOUND = new UnboundMarker();
private static final class UnboundMarker implements StarlarkValue {
private UnboundMarker() {}
public String toString() {
return "<unbound>";
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public void repr(Printer printer) {
* The universal bindings predeclared in every Starlark file, such as None, True, len, and range.
public static final ImmutableMap<String, Object> UNIVERSE = makeUniverse();
private static ImmutableMap<String, Object> makeUniverse() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> env = ImmutableMap.builder();
env //
.put("False", false)
.put("True", true)
.put("None", NONE);
addMethods(env, new MethodLibrary());
* Reports whether the argument is a legal Starlark value: a string, boolean, or StarlarkValue.
public static boolean valid(Object x) {
return x instanceof StarlarkValue || x instanceof String || x instanceof Boolean;
* Returns {@code x} if it is a {@link #valid} Starlark value, otherwise throws
* IllegalArgumentException.
public static <T> T checkValid(T x) {
if (!valid(x)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid Starlark value: " + x.getClass());
return x;
/** Reports whether {@code x} is Java null or Starlark None. */
public static boolean isNullOrNone(Object x) {
return x == null || x == NONE;
/** Reports whether a Starlark value is assumed to be deeply immutable. */
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate the concept of querying for immutability. It is currently used for
// only one purpose, the precondition for adding an element to a Depset, but Depsets should check
// hashability, like Dicts. (Similarly, querying for hashability should go: just attempt to hash a
// value, and be prepared for it to fail.) In practice, a value may be immutable, either
// inherently (e.g. string) or because it has become frozen, but we don't need to query for it.
// Just attempt a mutation and be prepared for it to fail.
// It is inefficient and potentially inconsistent to ask before doing.
// The main obstacle is that although depsets disallow (say) lists as keys even when frozen,
// they permit a tuple of lists, or a struct containing lists, and many users exploit this.
public static boolean isImmutable(Object x) {
// NB: This is used as the basis for accepting objects in Depsets,
// as well as for accepting objects as keys for Starlark dicts.
if (x instanceof String || x instanceof Boolean) {
return true;
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkValue) {
return ((StarlarkValue) x).isImmutable();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid Starlark value: " + x.getClass());
* Returns normally if the Starlark value is hashable and thus suitable as a dict key.
* @throws EvalException otherwise.
public static void checkHashable(Object x) throws EvalException {
if (x instanceof StarlarkValue) {
((StarlarkValue) x).checkHashable();
} else {
// String and Boolean are hashable.
* Converts a Java value {@code x} to a Starlark one, if x is not already a valid Starlark value.
* An Integer, Long, or BigInteger is converted to a Starlark int, a double is converted to a
* Starlark float, a Java List or Map is converted to a Starlark list or dict, respectively, and
* null becomes {@link #NONE}. Any other non-Starlark value causes the function to throw
* IllegalArgumentException.
* <p>This function is applied to the results of StarlarkMethod-annotated Java methods.
public static Object fromJava(Object x, @Nullable Mutability mutability) {
if (x == null) {
return NONE;
} else if (valid(x)) {
return x;
} else if (x instanceof Number) {
if (x instanceof Integer) {
return StarlarkInt.of((Integer) x);
} else if (x instanceof Long) {
return StarlarkInt.of((Long) x);
} else if (x instanceof BigInteger) {
return StarlarkInt.of((BigInteger) x);
} else if (x instanceof Double) {
return StarlarkFloat.of((double) x);
} else if (x instanceof List) {
return StarlarkList.copyOf(mutability, (List<?>) x);
} else if (x instanceof Map) {
return Dict.copyOf(mutability, (Map<?, ?>) x);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot expose internal type to Starlark: " + x.getClass());
* Returns the truth value of a valid Starlark value, as if by the Starlark expression {@code
* bool(x)}.
public static boolean truth(Object x) {
if (x instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) x;
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkValue) {
return ((StarlarkValue) x).truth();
} else if (x instanceof String) {
return !((String) x).isEmpty();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid Starlark value: " + x.getClass());
* Checks whether the Freezable Starlark value is frozen or temporarily immutable due to active
* iterators.
* @throws EvalException if the value is not mutable.
public static void checkMutable(Mutability.Freezable x) throws EvalException {
if (x.mutability().isFrozen()) {
throw errorf("trying to mutate a frozen %s value", type(x));
if (x.updateIteratorCount(0)) {
throw errorf("%s value is temporarily immutable due to active for-loop iteration", type(x));
* Returns an iterable view of {@code x} if it is an iterable Starlark value; throws EvalException
* otherwise.
* <p>Whereas the interpreter temporarily freezes the iterable value by bracketing {@code for}
* loops and comprehensions in calls to {@link Freezable#updateIteratorCount}, iteration using
* this method does not freeze the value. Callers should exercise care not to mutate the
* underlying object during iteration.
public static Iterable<?> toIterable(Object x) throws EvalException {
if (x instanceof StarlarkIterable) {
return (Iterable<?>) x;
throw errorf("type '%s' is not iterable", type(x));
* Returns a new array containing the elements of Starlark iterable value {@code x}. A Starlark
* value is iterable if it implements {@link StarlarkIterable}.
public static Object[] toArray(Object x) throws EvalException {
// Specialize Sequence and Dict to avoid allocation and/or indirection.
if (x instanceof Sequence) {
return ((Sequence<?>) x).toArray();
} else if (x instanceof Dict) {
return ((Dict<?, ?>) x).keySet().toArray();
} else {
return Iterables.toArray(toIterable(x), Object.class);
* Returns the length of a Starlark string, sequence (such as a list or tuple), dict, or other
* iterable, as if by the Starlark expression {@code len(x)}, or -1 if the value is valid but has
* no length.
public static int len(Object x) {
if (x instanceof String) {
return ((String) x).length();
} else if (x instanceof Sequence) {
return ((Sequence) x).size();
} else if (x instanceof Dict) {
return ((Dict) x).size();
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkIterable) {
// Iterables.size runs in constant time if x implements Collection.
return Iterables.size((Iterable<?>) x);
} else {
return -1; // valid but not a sequence
/** Returns the name of the type of a value as if by the Starlark expression {@code type(x)}. */
public static String type(Object x) {
return classType(x.getClass());
* Returns the name of the type of instances of class c.
* <p>This function accepts any class, not just those of legal Starlark values, and may be used
* for reporting error messages involving arbitrary Java classes, for example at the interface
* between Starlark and Java.
public static String classType(Class<?> c) {
// Check for "direct hits" first to avoid needing to scan for annotations.
if (c.equals(String.class)) {
return "string";
} else if (StarlarkInt.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
return "int";
} else if (c.equals(Boolean.class)) {
return "bool";
} else if (c.equals(StarlarkFloat.class)) {
return "float";
// Shortcut for the most common types.
// These cases can be handled by `getStarlarkBuiltin`
// but `getStarlarkBuiltin` is quite expensive.
if (c.equals(StarlarkList.class)) {
return "list";
} else if (c.equals(Tuple.class)) {
return "tuple";
} else if (c.equals(Dict.class)) {
return "dict";
} else if (c.equals(NoneType.class)) {
return "NoneType";
} else if (c.equals(StarlarkFunction.class)) {
return "function";
} else if (c.equals(RangeList.class)) {
return "range";
} else if (c.equals(UnboundMarker.class)) {
return "unbound";
// Abstract types, often used as parameter types.
// Note == not isAssignableFrom: we don't want any
// concrete types to inherit these names.
if (c == StarlarkIterable.class) {
return "iterable";
} else if (c == Sequence.class) {
return "sequence";
} else if (c == StarlarkCallable.class) {
return "callable";
StarlarkBuiltin module = StarlarkAnnotations.getStarlarkBuiltin(c);
if (module != null) {
if (c.equals(Object.class)) {
// "unknown" is another unfortunate choice.
// Object.class does mean "unknown" when talking about the type parameter
// of a collection (List<Object>), but it also means "any" when used
// as an argument to Sequence.cast, and more generally it means "value".
return "unknown";
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
// Any class of java.util.List that isn't a Sequence.
return "List";
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
// Any class of java.util.Map that isn't a Dict.
return "Map";
} else if (c.equals(Integer.class)) {
// Integer is not a legal Starlark value, but it does appear as
// the return type for many built-in functions.
return "int";
} else {
String simpleName = c.getSimpleName();
return simpleName.isEmpty() ? c.getName() : simpleName;
* The ordering relation over (some) Starlark values.
* <p>Starlark values are ordered as follows.
* <ul>
* <li>{@code False < True}.
* <li>int values are ordered according to mathematical tradition.
* <li>float values are ordered according to IEEE 754, with the exception of NaN values: all NaN
* values compare equal to each other and greater than +Inf. The zero values 0.0 and -0.0
* compare equal.
* <li>int and float values may be compared. The comparison is mathematically exact, even if
* neither argument may be exactly converted to the type of the other. This is the only
* permitted case of comparisons between values of different types. NaN values compare
* greater than all integers.
* <li>Strings are ordered lexicographically by their elements (chars). So too are lists and
* tuples, though lists are not comparable with tuples.
* <li>If x implements Comparable, its {@code compareTo(y)} method may be called to determine
* the comparison if x and y have the same {@link #type}, though not necessary the same Java
* class.
* <li>Ordered comparison of any other values is an error (ClassCastException).
* </ul>
* <p>This method defines a strict weak ordering that is consistent with {@link Object#equals}.
public static final Ordering<Object> ORDERING =
new Ordering<Object>() {
public int compare(Object x, Object y) {
return compareUnchecked(x, y);
* Defines the strict weak ordering of Starlark values used for sorting and the comparison
* operators. Throws ClassCastException on failure.
static int compareUnchecked(Object x, Object y) {
if (sameType(x, y)) {
// Ordered? e.g. string, int, bool, float.
if (x instanceof Comparable) {
Comparable<Object> xcomp = (Comparable<Object>) x;
return xcomp.compareTo(y);
} else {
// different types
if (x instanceof StarlarkFloat && y instanceof StarlarkInt) {
// float < int
double xf = ((StarlarkFloat) x).toDouble();
return Double.isNaN(xf) ? +1 : -StarlarkInt.compareIntAndDouble((StarlarkInt) y, xf);
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkInt && y instanceof StarlarkFloat) {
// int < float
double yf = ((StarlarkFloat) y).toDouble();
return Double.isNaN(yf) ? -1 : StarlarkInt.compareIntAndDouble((StarlarkInt) x, yf);
throw new ClassCastException(
String.format("unsupported comparison: %s <=> %s", Starlark.type(x), Starlark.type(y)));
private static boolean sameType(Object x, Object y) {
return x.getClass() == y.getClass() || Starlark.type(x).equals(Starlark.type(y));
/** Returns the string form of a value as if by the Starlark expression {@code str(x)}. */
public static String str(Object x) {
return new Printer().str(x).toString();
/** Returns the string form of a value as if by the Starlark expression {@code repr(x)}. */
public static String repr(Object x) {
return new Printer().repr(x).toString();
/** Returns a string formatted as if by the Starlark expression {@code pattern % arguments}. */
public static String format(String pattern, Object... arguments) {
Printer pr = new Printer();
Printer.format(pr, pattern, arguments);
return pr.toString();
/** Returns a string formatted as if by the Starlark expression {@code pattern % arguments}. */
public static String formatWithList(String pattern, List<?> arguments) {
Printer pr = new Printer();
Printer.formatWithList(pr, pattern, arguments);
return pr.toString();
/** Returns a slice of a sequence as if by the Starlark operation {@code x[start:stop:step]}. */
public static Object slice(
Mutability mu, Object x, Object startObj, Object stopObj, Object stepObj)
throws EvalException {
int n;
if (x instanceof String) {
n = ((String) x).length();
} else if (x instanceof Sequence) {
n = ((Sequence) x).size();
} else {
throw errorf("invalid slice operand: %s", type(x));
int start;
int stop;
int step;
// step
if (stepObj == NONE) {
step = 1;
} else {
step = toInt(stepObj, "slice step");
if (step == 0) {
throw errorf("slice step cannot be zero");
// start, stop
if (step > 0) {
// positive stride: default indices are [0:n].
if (startObj == NONE) {
start = 0;
} else {
start = EvalUtils.toIndex(toInt(startObj, "start index"), n);
if (stopObj == NONE) {
stop = n;
} else {
stop = EvalUtils.toIndex(toInt(stopObj, "stop index"), n);
if (stop < start) {
stop = start; // => empty result
} else {
// negative stride: default indices are effectively [n-1:-1],
// though to get this effect using explicit indices requires
// [n-1:-1-n:-1] because of the treatment of negative values.
if (startObj == NONE) {
start = n - 1;
} else {
start = toInt(startObj, "start index");
if (start < 0) {
start += n;
if (start >= n) {
start = n - 1;
if (stopObj == NONE) {
stop = -1;
} else {
stop = toInt(stopObj, "stop index");
if (stop < 0) {
stop += n;
if (stop < -1) {
stop = -1;
if (start < stop) {
start = stop; // => empty result
// slice operation
if (x instanceof String) {
return StringModule.slice((String) x, start, stop, step);
} else {
return ((Sequence<?>) x).getSlice(mu, start, stop, step);
* Returns the signed 32-bit value of a Starlark int. Throws an exception including {@code what}
* if x is not a Starlark int or its value is not exactly representable as a Java int.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x is an Integer, which is not a Starlark value.
public static int toInt(Object x, String what) throws EvalException {
if (x instanceof StarlarkInt) {
return ((StarlarkInt) x).toInt(what);
if (x instanceof Integer) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer is not a legal Starlark value");
throw errorf("got %s for %s, want int", type(x), what);
* Calls the function-like value {@code fn} in the specified thread, passing it the given
* positional and named arguments, as if by the Starlark expression {@code fn(*args, **kwargs)}.
* <p>See also {@link #fastcall}.
public static Object call(
StarlarkThread thread, Object fn, List<Object> args, Map<String, Object> kwargs)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object[] named = new Object[2 * kwargs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : kwargs.entrySet()) {
named[i++] = e.getKey();
named[i++] = e.getValue();
return fastcall(thread, fn, args.toArray(), named);
* Calls the function-like value {@code fn} in the specified thread, passing it the given
* positional and named arguments in the "fastcall" array representation.
* <p>The caller must not subsequently modify or even inspect the two arrays.
* <p>If the call throws a StackOverflowError or any instance of RuntimeException (other than
* UncheckedEvalException), regardless of whether it originates in a user-defined built-in
* function or a bug in the interpreter itself, the exception is wrapped by an
* UncheckedEvalException whose message includes the Starlark stack. The original exception may be
* retrieved using {@code getCause}.
public static Object fastcall(
StarlarkThread thread, Object fn, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
StarlarkCallable callable;
if (fn instanceof StarlarkCallable) {
callable = (StarlarkCallable) fn;
} else {
// @StarlarkMethod(selfCall)?
MethodDescriptor desc =
CallUtils.getSelfCallMethodDescriptor(thread.getSemantics(), fn.getClass());
if (desc == null) {
throw errorf("'%s' object is not callable", type(fn));
callable = new BuiltinFunction(fn, desc.getName(), desc);
try {
return callable.fastcall(thread, positional, named);
} catch (UncheckedEvalException ex) {
throw ex; // already wrapped
} catch (RuntimeException | StackOverflowError ex) {
throw new UncheckedEvalException(ex, thread.getCallStack());
} catch (EvalException ex) {
// If this exception was newly thrown, set its stack.
throw ex.ensureStack(thread);
} finally {
* An UncheckedEvalException decorates an unchecked exception with its Starlark stack, to help
* maintainers locate problematic source expressions. The original exception can be retrieved
* using {@code getCause}.
public static final class UncheckedEvalException extends RuntimeException {
private final ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> stack;
private UncheckedEvalException(
Throwable cause, ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> stack) {
this.stack = stack;
/** Returns the stack of Starlark calls active at the moment of the error. */
public ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> getCallStack() {
return stack;
public String getMessage() {
return String.format("%s (Starlark stack: %s)", super.getMessage(), stack);
* Returns a new EvalException with no location and an error message produced by Java-style string
* formatting ({@code String.format(format, args)}). Use {@code errorf("%s", msg)} to produce an
* error message from a non-constant expression {@code msg}.
@CheckReturnValue // don't forget to throw it
public static EvalException errorf(String format, Object... args) {
return new EvalException(String.format(format, args));
// --- methods related to attributes (fields and methods) ---
* Reports whether the value {@code x} has a field or method of the given name, as if by the
* Starlark expression {@code hasattr(x, name)}.
public static boolean hasattr(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x, String name)
throws EvalException {
return (x instanceof ClassObject && ((ClassObject) x).getValue(name) != null)
|| CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(semantics, x.getClass()).containsKey(name);
* Returns the named field or method of value {@code x}, as if by the Starlark expression {@code
* getattr(x, name, defaultValue)}. If the value has no such attribute, getattr returns {@code
* defaultValue} if non-null, or throws an EvalException otherwise.
public static Object getattr(
Mutability mu,
StarlarkSemantics semantics,
Object x,
String name,
@Nullable Object defaultValue)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
// StarlarkMethod-annotated field or method?
MethodDescriptor method = CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(semantics, x.getClass()).get(name);
if (method != null) {
if (method.isStructField()) {
return method.callField(x, semantics, mu);
} else {
return new BuiltinFunction(x, name, method);
// user-defined field?
if (x instanceof ClassObject) {
ClassObject obj = (ClassObject) x;
Object field = obj.getValue(semantics, name);
if (field != null) {
return Starlark.checkValid(field);
if (defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
String error = obj.getErrorMessageForUnknownField(name);
if (error != null) {
throw Starlark.errorf("%s", error);
} else if (defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw Starlark.errorf(
"'%s' value has no field or method '%s'%s",
Starlark.type(x), name, SpellChecker.didYouMean(name, dir(mu, semantics, x)));
* Returns a new sorted list containing the names of the Starlark-accessible fields and methods of
* the specified value, as if by the Starlark expression {@code dir(x)}.
public static StarlarkList<String> dir(Mutability mu, StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x) {
// Order the fields alphabetically.
Set<String> fields = new TreeSet<>();
if (x instanceof ClassObject) {
fields.addAll(((ClassObject) x).getFieldNames());
fields.addAll(CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(semantics, x.getClass()).keySet());
return StarlarkList.copyOf(mu, fields);
// --- methods related to StarlarkMethod-annotated classes ---
* Returns the value of the named field of Starlark value {@code x}, as defined by a Java method
* with a {@code StarlarkMethod(structField=true)} annotation.
* <p>Most callers should use {@link #getattr} instead.
public static Object getAnnotatedField(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x, String name)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return CallUtils.getAnnotatedField(semantics, x, name);
* Returns the names of the fields of Starlark value {@code x}, as defined by Java methods with
* {@code StarlarkMethod(structField=true)} annotations under the specified semantics.
* <p>Most callers should use {@link #dir} instead.
public static ImmutableSet<String> getAnnotatedFieldNames(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x) {
return CallUtils.getAnnotatedFieldNames(semantics, x);
* Returns a map of Java methods and corresponding StarlarkMethod annotations for each annotated
* Java method of the specified class. Elements are ordered by Java method name, which is not
* necessarily the same as the Starlark attribute name. The set of enabled methods is determined
* by {@link StarlarkSemantics#DEFAULT}. Excludes the {@code selfCall} method, if any.
* <p>Most callers should use {@link #dir} and {@link #getattr} instead.
// TODO(adonovan): move to StarlarkAnnotations; it's a static property of the annotations.
public static ImmutableMap<Method, StarlarkMethod> getMethodAnnotations(Class<?> clazz) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Method, StarlarkMethod> result = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (MethodDescriptor desc :
CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT, clazz).values()) {
result.put(desc.getMethod(), desc.getAnnotation());
* Returns the {@code StarlarkMethod(selfCall=true)}-annotated Java method of the specified Java
* class that is called when Starlark calls an instance of that class like a function. It returns
* null if no such method exists.
public static Method getSelfCallMethod(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> clazz) {
return CallUtils.getSelfCallMethod(semantics, clazz);
/** Equivalent to {@code addMethods(env, v, StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT)}. */
public static void addMethods(ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> env, Object v) {
addMethods(env, v, StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT);
* Adds to the environment {@code env} all Starlark methods of value {@code v}, filtered by the
* given semantics. Starlark methods are Java methods of {@code v} with a {@link StarlarkMethod}
* annotation whose {@code structField} and {@code selfCall} flags are both false.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any method annotation's {@link StarlarkMethod#structField}
* flag is true.
public static void addMethods(
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> env, Object v, StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
Class<?> cls = v.getClass();
// TODO(adonovan): rather than silently skip the selfCall method, reject it.
for (Map.Entry<String, MethodDescriptor> e :
CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(semantics, cls).entrySet()) {
String name = e.getKey();
// We cannot accept fields, as they are inherently problematic:
// what if the Java method call fails, or gets interrupted?
if (e.getValue().isStructField()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("addMethods(%s): method %s has structField=true", cls.getName(), name));
// We use the 2-arg (desc=null) BuiltinFunction constructor instead of passing
// the descriptor that CallUtils.getAnnotatedMethod would return,
// because most calls to addMethods implicitly pass StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT,
// which is probably the wrong semantics for the later call.
// The effect is that the default semantics determine which method names are
// statically available in the environment, but the thread's semantics determine
// the dynamic behavior of the method call; this includes a run-time check for
// whether the method was disabled by the semantics.
env.put(name, new BuiltinFunction(v, name));
* Parses the input as a file, resolves it in the specified module environment, compiles it, and
* executes it in the specified thread. On success it returns None, unless the file's final
* statement is an expression, in which case its value is returned.
* @throws SyntaxError.Exception if there were (static) scanner, parser, or resolver errors.
* @throws EvalException if there was a (dynamic) evaluation error.
* @throws InterruptedException if the Java thread was interrupted during evaluation.
public static Object execFile(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
StarlarkFile file = StarlarkFile.parse(input, options);
Program prog = Program.compileFile(file, module);
return execFileProgram(prog, module, thread);
/** Variant of {@link #execFile} that creates a module for the given predeclared environment. */
// TODO(adonovan): is this needed?
public static Object execFile(
ParserInput input,
FileOptions options,
Map<String, Object> predeclared,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
Module module = Module.withPredeclared(thread.getSemantics(), predeclared);
return execFile(input, options, module, thread);
* Executes a compiled Starlark file (as obtained from {@link Program#compileFile}) in the given
* StarlarkThread. On success it returns None, unless the file's final statement is an expression,
* in which case its value is returned.
* @throws EvalException if there was a (dynamic) evaluation error.
* @throws InterruptedException if the Java thread was interrupted during evaluation.
public static Object execFileProgram(Program prog, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Tuple<Object> defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
StarlarkFunction toplevel =
new StarlarkFunction(prog.getResolvedFunction(), defaultValues, module);
return Starlark.fastcall(thread, toplevel, NOARGS, NOARGS);
private static final Object[] NOARGS = {};
* Parses the input as an expression, resolves it in the specified module environment, compiles
* it, evaluates it, and returns its value.
* @throws SyntaxError.Exception if there were (static) scanner, parser, or resolver errors.
* @throws EvalException if there was a (dynamic) evaluation error.
* @throws InterruptedException if the Java thread was interrupted during evaluation.
public static Object eval(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
StarlarkFunction fn = newExprFunction(input, options, module);
return Starlark.fastcall(thread, fn, NOARGS, NOARGS);
/** Variant of {@link #eval} that creates a module for the given predeclared environment. */
// TODO(adonovan): is this needed?
public static Object eval(
ParserInput input,
FileOptions options,
Map<String, Object> predeclared,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
Module module = Module.withPredeclared(thread.getSemantics(), predeclared);
return eval(input, options, module, thread);
* Parses the input as an expression, resolves it in the specified module environment, and returns
* a callable no-argument Starlark function value that computes and returns the value of the
* expression.
* @throws SyntaxError.Exception if there were scanner, parser, or resolver errors.
public static StarlarkFunction newExprFunction(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
Expression expr = Expression.parse(input, options);
Program prog = Program.compileExpr(expr, module, options);
Tuple<Object> defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
return new StarlarkFunction(prog.getResolvedFunction(), defaultValues, module);
* Starts the CPU profiler with the specified sampling period, writing a pprof profile to {@code
* out}. All running Starlark threads are profiled. May be called concurrent with Starlark
* execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException exception if the Starlark profiler is already running or if the
* operating system's profiling resources for this process are already in use.
public static void startCpuProfile(OutputStream out, Duration period) {
CpuProfiler.start(out, period);
* Stops the profiler and waits for the log to be written. Throws an unchecked exception if the
* profiler was not already started by a prior call to {@link #startCpuProfile}.
public static void stopCpuProfile() throws IOException {