blob: 6646f9cf570ed15cc578d3230a180e7120c16369 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: c48d54f5153ff38810e602d998bb9e029738655c
License: MIT Style
License File: LICENSE
This library enables Java applications to work with property lists in various
You can parse existing property lists (e.g. those created by an iOS application)
and work with the contents on any operating system.
The library also enables you to create your own property lists from scratch and
store them in various formats.
The provided API mimics the Cocoa/NeXTSTEP API, granting access to the basic
functions of classes like NSDictionary, NSData, etc.
dd-plist has full support for the Android operating system. Consequently this
library can be of great help when it comes to porting iOS apps to Android.
Local Modifications:
- LICENSE file has been created for compliance purposes. Not included in
original distribution.
- Rewrote some functions in to support characters
outside of the 7-bit ASCII range.
- Support surrogate pairs from \u escaped chars in strings in
- Allow \ escaping of characters that need not be escaped in
- Make PropertyListParser.determineType handle an empty bytes array properly.
which stabilizes ordering and is required for plists to be parsed by some Apple
plist parsers.
which causes dictionaries to generate ids for values the same way the Apple
implementation does it.