blob: cf575d915a422011e7e96d6d88c482c301af291c [file] [log] [blame]
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* An interface class representing the differences in path style between different OSs.
* <p>Eg. case sensitivity, '/' mounts vs. 'C:/', etc.
public interface OsPathPolicy {
int NORMALIZED = 0; // Path is normalized
int NEEDS_NORMALIZE = 1; // Path requires normalization
/** Returns required normalization level, passed to {@link #normalize}. */
int needsToNormalize(String path);
* Returns the required normalization level if an already normalized string is concatenated with
* another normalized path fragment.
* <p>This method may be faster than {@link #needsToNormalize(String)}.
int needsToNormalizeSuffix(String normalizedSuffix);
* Normalizes the passed string according to the passed normalization level.
* @param normalizationLevel The normalizationLevel from {@link #needsToNormalize}
String normalize(String path, int normalizationLevel);
* Returns the length of the mount, eg. 1 for unix '/', 3 for Windows 'C:/'.
* <p>If the path is relative, 0 is returned
int getDriveStrLength(String path);
/** Compares two path strings, using the given OS case sensitivity. */
int compare(String s1, String s2);
/** Compares two characters, using the given OS case sensitivity. */
int compare(char c1, char c2);
/** Tests two path strings for equality, using the given OS case sensitivity. */
boolean equals(String s1, String s2);
/** Computes the hash code for a path string. */
int hash(String s);
* Returns whether the passed string starts with the given prefix, given the OS case sensitivity.
* <p>This is a pure string operation and doesn't account for path separators.
boolean startsWith(String path, String prefix);
* Returns whether the passed string ends with the given suffix, given the OS case sensitivity.
* <p>This is a pure string operation and doesn't account for path separators.
boolean endsWith(String path, String suffix);
/** Returns whether the unnormalized character c is a separator. */
boolean isSeparator(char c);
* Returns an additional character besides '/' for which {@link #isSeparator} is true. 0 means
* there is no such additional character.
char additionalSeparator();
boolean isCaseSensitive();
* Modifies the given string to be suitable for execution on the OS represented by this policy.
String postProcessPathStringForExecution(String callablePathString);
static OsPathPolicy of(OS os) {
return os == OS.WINDOWS ? WindowsOsPathPolicy.INSTANCE : UnixOsPathPolicy.INSTANCE;
// We *should* use a case-insensitive policy for OS.DARWIN, but we currently don't handle this.
OsPathPolicy HOST_POLICY = of(OS.getCurrent());
static OsPathPolicy getFilePathOs() {
/** Utilities for implementations of {@link OsPathPolicy}. */
class Utils {
* Normalizes any '.' and '..' in-place in the segment array by shifting other segments to the
* front. Returns the remaining number of items.
static int removeRelativePaths(String[] segments, int starti, boolean isAbsolute) {
int segmentCount = 0;
int shift = starti;
int n = segments.length;
for (int i = starti; i < n; ++i) {
String segment = segments[i];
switch (segment) {
case ".":
case "..":
if (segmentCount > 0 && !segments[segmentCount - 1].equals("..")) {
// Remove the last segment, if there is one and it is not "..". This
// means that the resulting path can still contain ".."
// segments at the beginning.
shift += 2;
} else if (isAbsolute) {
// If this is absolute, then just pop it the ".." off and remain at root
// Fall through
if (shift > 0) {
segments[i - shift] = segments[i];
return segmentCount;