blob: 100506cd2de4c4ce70dcffef0e2070dfd5374ef9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Main logic for experimental config-stripped execution paths:
* <p>The actions executors run look like: {@code tool_pkg/mytool src/source.file
* bazel-out/x86-opt/pkg/gen.file -o bazel-out/x86-opt/pkg/myout}.
* <p>The "x86-opt" part is a path's "configuration prefix": information describing the build
* configuration of the action creating the artifact. This example shows artifacts created with
* {@code --cpu=x86 --compilation_mode=opt}.
* <p>Executors cache actions based on their a) command line, b) input and output paths, c) input
* digests. Configuration prefixes harm caching because even if an action behaves exactly the same
* for different CPU architectures, {@code <cpu>-opt} guarantees the paths will differ.
* <p>Config-stripping is an experimental feature that strips the configuration prefix from
* qualifying actions before running them, thus improving caching. "Qualifying" actions are actions
* known not to depend on the names of their input and output paths. Non-qualifying actions include
* manifest generators and compilers that store debug symbol source paths.
* <p>As an experimental feature, most logic is centralized here to provide easy hooks into executor
* code and avoid complicating large swaths of the code base. "Qualifying" actions are determined by
* <ul>
* <li>{@code --experimental_path_agnostic_action} - Bazel removes config prefixes from actions
* with this mnemonic before sending them to the executor. This is textual replacement of the
* actions' input paths, output paths, and command line. This is a coarse, regex-based
* approach that may not always be right: particularly for arcane command line parameters that
* integrate output paths in unusual ways. This is suitable for flexible experimentation but
* not ultimately sustainable.
* <li>{@code --experimental_output_paths=strip} - This triggers rule logic to <i>structurally</i>
* strip config prefixes while constructing its actions. This is more correct and sustainable
* but requires custom rule logic to support stripping. So this only triggers rules that know
* how to do this.
* </ul>
public interface PathStripper {
* Returns the exec path a running action should use to identify one of its inputs or outputs.
* <p>If the action should be config-stripped ({@link PathStripper}), removes "k8-fastbuild" from
* paths like "bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/foo/bar".
* <p>Else returns the artifact's original exec path.
String getExecPathString(ActionInput artifact);
* If this action strips paths, textually replaces "bazel-out/x86-fastbuild/foo/..." paths in a
* command line argument with "bazel-out/foo/...". Else returns the input as-is.
* @param arg a string expected to be part of the action's command line.
String processCmdArg(String arg);
* Adjusts a set of action inputs for possible config path stripping.
* <p>For artifacts, this is a no-op.
* <p>{@link}s materialize on
* demand, so their behavior may be different. {@link ParamFileActionInput}, particularly, stores
* a command line in a file. So any paths in that command line changes that input's contents.
* That's the use case this method handles.
List<ActionInput> processInputs(List<ActionInput> inputs);
/** Instantiates a {@link PathStripper} that doesn't change paths. */
static PathStripper noop() {
return new PathStripper() {
public String getExecPathString(ActionInput artifact) {
return artifact.getExecPathString();
public String processCmdArg(String arg) {
return arg;
public List<ActionInput> processInputs(List<ActionInput> inputs) {
return inputs;
* Returns the regex to strip output paths from a string.
* <p>Supports strings with multiple output paths in arbitrary places. For example
* "/path/to/compiler bazel-out/x86-fastbuild/foo src/my.src -Dbazel-out/arm-opt/bar".
* <p>Doesn't strip paths that would be non-existent without config prefixes. For example, these
* are unchanged: "bazel-out/x86-fastbuild", "bazel-out;foo", "/path/to/compiler bazel-out".
* @param outputRoot root segment of output paths (i.e. "bazel-out")
private static Pattern stripPathsPattern(String outputRoot) {
// Match "bazel-out" followed by a slash followed by any combination of word characters, "_",
// and "-", followed by another slash. This would miss substrings like "bazel-out/k8-fastbuild".
// But those don't represent actual outputs (all outputs would have to have names beneath that
// path). So we're not trying to replace those.
return Pattern.compile(outputRoot + "/[\\w_-]+/");
* Instantiates a {@link PathStripper} for a spawn action.
* @param spawn the action to support
* @param pathAgnosticActions mnemonics of actions that "qualify" for path stripping. Just because
* an action type qualifies doesn't mean its paths are stripped. See {@link
* #isPathStrippable}.
* @param outputRoot root of the output tree ("bazel-out").
static PathStripper create(
Spawn spawn, Collection<String> pathAgnosticActions, PathFragment outputRoot) {
if (!shouldStripPaths(spawn, pathAgnosticActions, outputRoot)) {
return noop();
Pattern stripPathsPattern = stripPathsPattern(outputRoot.getPathString());
return new PathStripper() {
public String getExecPathString(ActionInput artifact) {
if (!isOutputPath(artifact, outputRoot)) {
return artifact.getExecPathString();
PathFragment origExecPath = artifact.getExecPath();
return outputRoot.getRelative(origExecPath.subFragment(2)).toString();
public String processCmdArg(String arg) {
// Note that we can't just split the input on a simple delimiter like " ". Output paths
// can be prefixed by all kinds of characters. Examples:
// params files: "@bazel-out/..."
// AndroidResourceCompiler: "--resource some_path#bazel-out/x86-opt/some-other-path"
// busybox.bzl (lots of Android actions): paths prefixed with ",", ":", and more
// A deeper and probably more sustainable design would be for all actions to store path
// references as structured inputs (e.g. an Artifact object instead of a path string).
// Then lazily instantiate their paths in the executor client. That's roughly what
// processInputs(), below, models for ParamFileActionInputs. But that involves more API
// modeling and rule logic cleanup. So we take the path of least resistance for now.
if (spawn.stripOutputPaths()) {
// Command line paths were already stripped during action construction.
return arg;
return stripPathsPattern.matcher(arg).replaceAll(outputRoot.getPathString() + "/");
public ImmutableList<ActionInput> processInputs(List<ActionInput> inputs) {
if (spawn.stripOutputPaths()) {
// .param file paths were already stripped during action construction.
return ImmutableList.copyOf(inputs);
input ->
input instanceof ParamFileActionInput
? ((ParamFileActionInput) input).withAdjustedArgs(this::processCmdArg)
: input)
* Should this action have its paths stripped for execution?
* <p>Only true for actions that are strippable according to {@link #isPathStrippable} and are
* triggered via {@code --experimental_path_agnostic_action} or {@code
* --experimental_output_paths=strip}.
private static boolean shouldStripPaths(
Spawn spawn, Collection<String> pathAgnosticActions, PathFragment outputRoot) {
String actionMnemonic = spawn.getMnemonic();
// If an action is triggered via --experimental_output_paths=strip, that means its owning rule
// opted it in by setting spawn.stripOutputPaths().
if (!pathAgnosticActions.contains(actionMnemonic) && !spawn.stripOutputPaths()) {
return false;
return isPathStrippable(spawn.getInputFiles(), outputRoot);
* Is this action safe to strip?
* <p>This is distinct from whether we <b>should</b> strip it. An action is stripped if a) the
* build requests it to be stripped ({@link #shouldStripPaths}) and b) it's safe to do so.
* <p>This method only checks b).
static boolean isPathStrippable(
NestedSet<? extends ActionInput> actionInputs, PathFragment outputRoot) {
// For qualifying action types, check that no inputs or outputs would clash if paths were
// removed, e.g. "bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/foo" and "bazel-out/host/foo".
// A more clever algorithm could remap these with custom prefixes - "bazel-out/1/foo" and
// "bazel-out/2/foo" - if experience shows that would help.
// Another approach could keep host paths intact (since the "host" path prefix doesn't vary
// with configurations). While this would help more action instances qualify, it also blocks
// caching the same action in host and target configurations. This could be mitigated by
// stripping the host prefix *only* when the entire action is in the host configuration.
HashSet<PathFragment> rootRelativePaths = new HashSet<>();
for (ActionInput input : actionInputs.toList()) {
if (!isOutputPath(input, outputRoot)) {
// For "bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/foo/bar", get "foo/bar".
if (!rootRelativePaths.add(input.getExecPath().subFragment(2))) {
// TODO(bazel-team): don't fail on duplicate inputs, i.e. when the same exact exec path
// (including config prefix) is included twice.
return false;
return true;
* Is this a strippable path?
* @param artifact artifact whose path to check
* @param outputRoot - the output tree's execPath-relative root (e.g. "bazel-out")
static boolean isOutputPath(ActionInput artifact, PathFragment outputRoot) {
// We can't simply check for DerivedArtifact. Output paths can also appear, for example, in
// ParamFileActionInput and ActionInputHelper.BasicActionInput.
return isOutputPath(artifact.getExecPath(), outputRoot);
* Is this a strippable path?
* @param pathFragment path to check
* @param outputRoot - the output tree's execPath-relative root (e.g. "bazel-out")
static boolean isOutputPath(PathFragment pathFragment, PathFragment outputRoot) {
return pathFragment.startsWith(outputRoot);
* Utility method: strips the configuration prefix from an output artifact's exec path.
* <p>Rules that support path stripping can use this to help their implementation logic.
static PathFragment strip(PathFragment execPath) {
return execPath.subFragment(0, 1).getRelative(execPath.subFragment(2));
* Utility method: returns an output artifact's exec path with its configuration prefix stripped.
* <p>Rules that support path stripping can use this to help their implementation logic.
static String strip(DerivedArtifact artifact) {
return strip(artifact.getExecPath()).getPathString();
* Utility class to strip output path configuration prefixes from arbitrary strings.
* <p>Rules that support path stripping can use this to help their implementation logic.
class StringStripper {
private final Pattern pattern;
private final String outputRoot;
public StringStripper(String outputRoot) {
this.outputRoot = outputRoot;
this.pattern = stripPathsPattern(outputRoot);
public String strip(String str) {
return pattern.matcher(str).replaceAll(outputRoot + "/");