blob: 0f2fb63fdc15065c3da1666100d5f4b6e06a1e3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Cache provided by an {@link ActionExecutionFunction}, allowing Blaze to obtain data from the
* graph and to inject data (e.g. file digests) back into the graph.
* <p>Data for the action's inputs is injected into this cache on construction, using the graph as
* the source of truth.
* <p>As well, this cache collects data about the action's output files, which is used in three
* ways. First, it is served as requested during action execution, primarily by the {@code
* ActionCacheChecker} when determining if the action must be rerun, and then after the action is
* run, to gather information about the outputs. Second, it is accessed by {@link
* ArtifactFunction}s in order to construct {@link ArtifactValue}, and by this class itself to
* generate {@link TreeArtifactValue}s. Third, the {@link
* FilesystemValueChecker} uses it to determine the set of output files to check for inter-build
* modifications. Because all these use cases are slightly different, we must occasionally store two
* versions of the data for a value. See {@link #getAdditionalOutputData} for elaboration on
* the difference between these cases, and see the javadoc for the various internal maps to see
* what is stored where.
public class ActionMetadataHandler implements MetadataHandler {
* Data for input artifacts. Immutable.
* <p>This should never be read directly. Use {@link #getInputFileArtifactValue} instead.</p>
private final Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> inputArtifactData;
/** FileValues for each output ArtifactFile. */
private final ConcurrentMap<ArtifactFile, FileValue> outputArtifactFileData =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Maps output TreeArtifacts to their contents. These maps are either injected or read
* directly from the filesystem.
* If the value is null, this means nothing was injected, and the output TreeArtifact
* is to have its values read from disk instead.
private final ConcurrentMap<Artifact, Set<ArtifactFile>> outputDirectoryListings =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Outputs that are to be omitted. */
private final Set<Artifact> omittedOutputs = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
* Contains RealArtifactValues when those values must be stored separately.
* See {@link #getAdditionalOutputData()} for details.
private final ConcurrentMap<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> additionalOutputData =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Contains per-fragment FileArtifactValues when those values must be stored separately.
* Bona-fide Artifacts are stored in {@link #additionalOutputData} instead.
* See {@link #getAdditionalOutputData()} for details.
* Unlike additionalOutputData, this map is discarded (the relevant FileArtifactValues
* are stored in outputTreeArtifactData's values instead).
private final ConcurrentMap<ArtifactFile, FileArtifactValue> cachedTreeArtifactFileData =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Data for TreeArtifactValues, constructed from outputArtifactFileData and
* additionalOutputFileData.
private final ConcurrentMap<Artifact, TreeArtifactValue> outputTreeArtifactData =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Tracks which ArtifactFiles have had metadata injected. */
private final Set<ArtifactFile> injectedFiles = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
private final ImmutableSet<Artifact> outputs;
private final TimestampGranularityMonitor tsgm;
public ActionMetadataHandler(Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> inputArtifactData,
Iterable<Artifact> outputs,
TimestampGranularityMonitor tsgm) {
this.inputArtifactData = Preconditions.checkNotNull(inputArtifactData);
this.outputs = ImmutableSet.copyOf(outputs);
this.tsgm = tsgm;
public Metadata getMetadataMaybe(Artifact artifact) {
try {
return getMetadata(artifact);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
private static Metadata metadataFromValue(FileArtifactValue value) throws FileNotFoundException {
if (value == FileArtifactValue.MISSING_FILE_MARKER
|| value == FileArtifactValue.OMITTED_FILE_MARKER) {
throw new FileNotFoundException();
// If the file is empty or a directory, we need to return the mtime because the action cache
// uses mtime to determine if this artifact has changed. We do not optimize for this code
// path (by storing the mtime somewhere) because we eventually may be switching to use digests
// for empty files. We want this code path to go away somehow too for directories (maybe by
// implementing FileSet in Skyframe).
return value.getSize() > 0
? new Metadata(value.getDigest())
: new Metadata(value.getModifiedTime());
public Metadata getMetadata(Artifact artifact) throws IOException {
Metadata metadata = getRealMetadata(artifact);
return artifact.isConstantMetadata() ? Metadata.CONSTANT_METADATA : metadata;
private FileArtifactValue getInputFileArtifactValue(ActionInput input) {
if (outputs.contains(input) || !(input instanceof Artifact)) {
return null;
return Preconditions.checkNotNull(inputArtifactData.get(input), input);
* Get the real (viz. on-disk) metadata for an Artifact.
* A key assumption is that getRealMetadata() will be called for every Artifact in this
* ActionMetadataHandler, to populate additionalOutputData and outputTreeArtifactData.
* <p>We cache data for constant-metadata artifacts, even though it is technically unnecessary,
* because the data stored in this cache is consumed by various parts of Blaze via the {@link
* ActionExecutionValue} (for now, {@link FilesystemValueChecker} and {@link ArtifactFunction}).
* It is simpler for those parts if every output of the action is present in the cache. However,
* we must not return the actual metadata for a constant-metadata artifact.
private Metadata getRealMetadata(Artifact artifact) throws IOException {
FileArtifactValue value = getInputFileArtifactValue(artifact);
if (value != null) {
return metadataFromValue(value);
if (artifact.isSourceArtifact()) {
// A discovered input we didn't have data for.
// TODO(bazel-team): Change this to an assertion once Skyframe has native input discovery, so
// all inputs will already have metadata known.
return null;
} else if (artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact()) {
// A middleman artifact's data was either already injected from the action cache checker using
// #setDigestForVirtualArtifact, or it has the default middleman value.
value = additionalOutputData.get(artifact);
if (value != null) {
return metadataFromValue(value);
value = FileArtifactValue.DEFAULT_MIDDLEMAN;
FileArtifactValue oldValue = additionalOutputData.putIfAbsent(artifact, value);
checkInconsistentData(artifact, oldValue, value);
return metadataFromValue(value);
} else if (artifact.isTreeArtifact()) {
TreeArtifactValue setValue = getTreeArtifactValue(artifact);
if (setValue != null && setValue != TreeArtifactValue.MISSING_TREE_ARTIFACT) {
return setValue.getMetadata();
// We use FileNotFoundExceptions to determine if an Artifact was or wasn't found.
// Calling code depends on this particular exception.
throw new FileNotFoundException(artifact + " not found");
// It's an ordinary artifact.
FileValue fileValue = outputArtifactFileData.get(artifact);
if (fileValue != null) {
// Non-middleman artifacts should only have additionalOutputData if they have
// outputArtifactData. We don't assert this because of concurrency possibilities, but at least
// we don't check additionalOutputData unless we expect that we might see the artifact there.
value = additionalOutputData.get(artifact);
// If additional output data is present for this artifact, we use it in preference to the
// usual calculation.
if (value != null) {
return metadataFromValue(value);
if (!fileValue.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(artifact.prettyPrint() + " does not exist");
return new Metadata(Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileValue.getDigest(), artifact));
// We do not cache exceptions besides nonexistence here, because it is unlikely that the file
// will be requested from this cache too many times.
fileValue = constructFileValue(artifact, null);
return maybeStoreAdditionalData(artifact, fileValue, null);
* Check that the new {@code data} we just calculated for an {@link ArtifactFile} agrees with the
* {@code oldData} (presumably calculated concurrently), if it was present.
// Not private only because used by SkyframeActionExecutor's metadata handler.
static void checkInconsistentData(ArtifactFile file,
@Nullable Object oldData, Object data) throws IOException {
if (oldData != null && !oldData.equals(data)) {
// Another thread checked this file since we looked at the map, and got a different answer
// than we did. Presumably the user modified the file between reads.
throw new IOException("Data for " + file.prettyPrint() + " changed to " + data
+ " after it was calculated as " + oldData);
* See {@link #getAdditionalOutputData} for why we sometimes need to store additional data, even
* for normal (non-middleman) artifacts.
private Metadata maybeStoreAdditionalData(ArtifactFile file, FileValue data,
@Nullable byte[] injectedDigest) throws IOException {
if (!data.exists()) {
// Nonexistent files should only occur before executing an action.
throw new FileNotFoundException(file.prettyPrint() + " does not exist");
if (file instanceof Artifact) {
// Artifacts may use either the "real" digest or the mtime, if the file is size 0.
boolean isFile = data.isFile();
boolean useDigest = DigestUtils.useFileDigest(isFile, isFile ? data.getSize() : 0);
if (useDigest && data.getDigest() != null) {
// We do not need to store the FileArtifactValue separately -- the digest is in the
// file value and that is all that is needed for this file's metadata.
return new Metadata(data.getDigest());
// Unfortunately, the FileValue does not contain enough information for us to calculate the
// corresponding FileArtifactValue -- either the metadata must use the modified time, which we
// do not expose in the FileValue, or the FileValue didn't store the digest So we store the
// metadata separately.
// Use the FileValue's digest if no digest was injected, or if the file can't be digested.
injectedDigest = injectedDigest != null || !isFile ? injectedDigest : data.getDigest();
FileArtifactValue value =
(Artifact) file, isFile, isFile ? data.getSize() : 0, injectedDigest);
FileArtifactValue oldValue = additionalOutputData.putIfAbsent((Artifact) file, value);
checkInconsistentData(file, oldValue, value);
return metadataFromValue(value);
} else {
// Non-Artifact ArtifactFiles are always "real" files, and always use the real digest.
// When null, createWithDigest() will pull the digest from the filesystem.
FileArtifactValue value =
FileArtifactValue.createWithDigest(file.getPath(), injectedDigest, data.getSize());
FileArtifactValue oldValue = cachedTreeArtifactFileData.putIfAbsent(file, value);
checkInconsistentData(file, oldValue, value);
return new Metadata(value.getDigest());
public void setDigestForVirtualArtifact(Artifact artifact, Digest digest) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact(), artifact);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(digest, artifact);
private Set<ArtifactFile> getTreeArtifactContents(Artifact artifact) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(artifact.isTreeArtifact(), artifact);
Set<ArtifactFile> contents = outputDirectoryListings.get(artifact);
if (contents == null) {
// Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a ConcurrentHashSet.
contents = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ArtifactFile, Boolean>());
Set<ArtifactFile> oldContents = outputDirectoryListings.putIfAbsent(artifact, contents);
// Avoid a race condition.
if (oldContents != null) {
contents = oldContents;
return contents;
private TreeArtifactValue getTreeArtifactValue(Artifact artifact) throws IOException {
TreeArtifactValue value = outputTreeArtifactData.get(artifact);
if (value != null) {
return value;
Set<ArtifactFile> registeredContents = outputDirectoryListings.get(artifact);
if (registeredContents != null) {
// Check that our registered outputs matches on-disk outputs. Only perform this check
// when contents were explicitly registered.
// TODO(bazel-team): Provide a way for actions to register empty TreeArtifacts.
// By the time we're constructing TreeArtifactValues, use of the metadata handler
// should be single threaded and there should be no race condition.
// The current design of ActionMetadataHandler makes this hard to enforce.
Set<PathFragment> paths = null;
try {
paths = TreeArtifactValue.explodeDirectory(artifact);
} catch (TreeArtifactException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Set<ArtifactFile> diskFiles = ActionInputHelper.asArtifactFiles(artifact, paths);
if (!diskFiles.equals(registeredContents)) {
// There might be more than one error here. We first look for missing output files.
Set<ArtifactFile> missingFiles = Sets.difference(registeredContents, diskFiles);
if (!missingFiles.isEmpty()) {
// Don't throw IOException--getMetadataMaybe() eats them.
// TODO(bazel-team): Report this error in a better way when called by checkOutputs()
// Currently it's hard to report this error without refactoring, since checkOutputs()
// likes to substitute its own error messages upon catching IOException, and falls
// through to unrecoverable error behavior on any other exception.
throw new IllegalStateException("Output file " + missingFiles.iterator().next()
+ " was registered, but not present on disk");
Set<ArtifactFile> extraFiles = Sets.difference(diskFiles, registeredContents);
// extraFiles cannot be empty
throw new IllegalStateException(
"File " + extraFiles.iterator().next().getParentRelativePath()
+ ", present in TreeArtifact " + artifact + ", was not registered");
value = constructTreeArtifactValue(registeredContents);
} else {
value = constructTreeArtifactValueFromFilesystem(artifact);
TreeArtifactValue oldValue = outputTreeArtifactData.putIfAbsent(artifact, value);
checkInconsistentData(artifact, oldValue, value);
return value;
private TreeArtifactValue constructTreeArtifactValue(Collection<ArtifactFile> contents)
throws IOException {
Map<PathFragment, FileArtifactValue> values = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(contents.size());
for (ArtifactFile file : contents) {
FileArtifactValue cachedValue = cachedTreeArtifactFileData.get(file);
if (cachedValue == null) {
FileValue fileValue = outputArtifactFileData.get(file);
// This is similar to what's present in getRealMetadataForArtifactFile, except
// we get back the FileValue, not the metadata.
// We do not cache exceptions besides nonexistence here, because it is unlikely that the
// file will be requested from this cache too many times.
if (fileValue == null) {
fileValue = constructFileValue(file, /*statNoFollow=*/ null);
// A minor hack: maybeStoreAdditionalData will force the data to be stored
// in cachedTreeArtifactFileData.
maybeStoreAdditionalData(file, fileValue, null);
cachedValue = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cachedTreeArtifactFileData.get(file), file);
values.put(file.getParentRelativePath(), cachedValue);
return TreeArtifactValue.create(values);
private TreeArtifactValue constructTreeArtifactValueFromFilesystem(Artifact artifact)
throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkState(artifact.isTreeArtifact(), artifact);
if (!artifact.getPath().isDirectory() || artifact.getPath().isSymbolicLink()) {
return TreeArtifactValue.MISSING_TREE_ARTIFACT;
Set<PathFragment> paths = null;
try {
paths = TreeArtifactValue.explodeDirectory(artifact);
} catch (TreeArtifactException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
// If you're reading tree artifacts from disk while outputDirectoryListings are being injected,
// something has gone terribly wrong.
Object previousDirectoryListing =
Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ArtifactFile, Boolean>()));
Preconditions.checkState(previousDirectoryListing == null,
"Race condition while constructing TreArtifactValue: %s, %s",
artifact, previousDirectoryListing);
return constructTreeArtifactValue(ActionInputHelper.asArtifactFiles(artifact, paths));
public void addExpandedTreeOutput(ArtifactFile output) {
"Expanded set output must belong to a TreeArtifact");
Set<ArtifactFile> values = getTreeArtifactContents(output.getParent());
public void injectDigest(ActionInput output, FileStatus statNoFollow, byte[] digest) {
// Assumption: any non-ArtifactFile output is 'virtual' and should be ignored here.
if (output instanceof ArtifactFile) {
final ArtifactFile file = (ArtifactFile) output;
Preconditions.checkState(injectedFiles.add(file), file);
FileValue fileValue;
try {
// This call may do an unnecessary call to Path#getFastDigest to see if the digest is
// readily available. We cannot pass the digest in, though, because if it is not available
// from the filesystem, this FileValue will not compare equal to another one created for the
// same file, because the other one will be missing its digest.
fileValue = fileValueFromArtifactFile(file,
FileStatusWithDigestAdapter.adapt(statNoFollow), tsgm);
// Ensure the digest supplied matches the actual digest if it exists.
byte[] fileDigest = fileValue.getDigest();
if (fileDigest != null && !Arrays.equals(digest, fileDigest)) {
BaseEncoding base16 = BaseEncoding.base16();
String digestString = (digest != null) ? base16.encode(digest) : "null";
String fileDigestString = base16.encode(fileDigest);
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected digest " + digestString + " for artifact "
+ file + ", but got " + fileDigestString + " (" + fileValue + ")");
outputArtifactFileData.put(file, fileValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do nothing - we just failed to inject metadata. Real error handling will be done later,
// when somebody will try to access that file.
// If needed, insert additional data. Note that this can only be true if the file is empty or
// the filesystem does not support fast digests. Since we usually only inject digests when
// running with a filesystem that supports fast digests, this is fairly unlikely.
try {
maybeStoreAdditionalData(file, fileValue, digest);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (fileValue.getSize() != 0) {
// Empty files currently have their mtimes examined, and so could throw. No other files
// should throw, since all filesystem access has already been done.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Filesystem should not have been accessed while injecting data for "
+ file.prettyPrint(), e);
// Ignore exceptions for empty files, as above.
public void markOmitted(ActionInput output) {
if (output instanceof Artifact) {
Artifact artifact = (Artifact) output;
Preconditions.checkState(omittedOutputs.add(artifact), artifact);
additionalOutputData.put(artifact, FileArtifactValue.OMITTED_FILE_MARKER);
public boolean artifactOmitted(Artifact artifact) {
return omittedOutputs.contains(artifact);
public void discardOutputMetadata() {
"Files cannot be injected before action execution: %s", injectedFiles);
"Artifacts cannot be marked omitted before action execution: %s", omittedOutputs);
public boolean artifactExists(Artifact artifact) {
Preconditions.checkState(!artifactOmitted(artifact), artifact);
return getMetadataMaybe(artifact) != null;
public boolean isRegularFile(Artifact artifact) {
// Currently this method is used only for genrule input directory checks. If we need to call
// this on output artifacts too, this could be more efficient.
FileArtifactValue value = getInputFileArtifactValue(artifact);
if (value != null && value.isFile()) {
return true;
return artifact.getPath().isFile();
public boolean isInjected(ArtifactFile file) {
return injectedFiles.contains(file);
/** @return data for output files that was computed during execution. */
Map<ArtifactFile, FileValue> getOutputArtifactFileData() {
return outputArtifactFileData;
* @return data for TreeArtifacts that was computed during execution. May contain copies of
* {@link TreeArtifactValue#MISSING_TREE_ARTIFACT}.
Map<Artifact, TreeArtifactValue> getOutputTreeArtifactData() {
return outputTreeArtifactData;
* Returns data for any output files whose metadata was not computable from the corresponding
* entry in {@link #getOutputArtifactFileData}.
* <p>There are three reasons why we might not be able to compute metadata for an artifact from
* the FileValue. First, middleman artifacts have no corresponding FileValues. Second, if
* computing a file's digest is not fast, the FileValue does not do so, so a file on a filesystem
* without fast digests has to have its metadata stored separately. Third, some files' metadata
* (directories, empty files) contain their mtimes, which the FileValue does not expose, so that
* has to be stored separately.
* <p>Note that for files that need digests, we can't easily inject the digest in the FileValue
* because it would complicate equality-checking on subsequent builds -- if our filesystem doesn't
* do fast digests, the comparison value would not have a digest.
Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> getAdditionalOutputData() {
return additionalOutputData;
/** Constructs a new FileValue, saves it, and checks inconsistent data. */
FileValue constructFileValue(ArtifactFile file, @Nullable FileStatusWithDigest statNoFollow)
throws IOException {
FileValue value = fileValueFromArtifactFile(file, statNoFollow, tsgm);
FileValue oldFsValue = outputArtifactFileData.putIfAbsent(file, value);
checkInconsistentData(file, oldFsValue, null);
return value;
static FileValue fileValueFromArtifactFile(ArtifactFile file,
@Nullable FileStatusWithDigest statNoFollow, TimestampGranularityMonitor tsgm)
throws IOException {
Path path = file.getPath();
RootedPath rootedPath =
RootedPath.toRootedPath(file.getRoot().getPath(), file.getRootRelativePath());
if (statNoFollow == null) {
statNoFollow = FileStatusWithDigestAdapter.adapt(path.statIfFound(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW));
if (statNoFollow == null) {
return FileValue.value(rootedPath, FileStateValue.NONEXISTENT_FILE_STATE_NODE,
rootedPath, FileStateValue.NONEXISTENT_FILE_STATE_NODE);
Path realPath = path;
// We use FileStatus#isSymbolicLink over Path#isSymbolicLink to avoid the unnecessary stat
// done by the latter.
if (statNoFollow.isSymbolicLink()) {
realPath = path.resolveSymbolicLinks();
// We need to protect against symlink cycles since FileValue#value assumes it's dealing with a
// file that's not in a symlink cycle.
if (realPath.equals(path)) {
throw new IOException("symlink cycle");
RootedPath realRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPathMaybeUnderRoot(realPath,
FileStateValue fileStateValue;
FileStateValue realFileStateValue;
try {
fileStateValue = FileStateValue.createWithStatNoFollow(rootedPath, statNoFollow, tsgm);
// TODO(bazel-team): consider avoiding a 'stat' here when the symlink target hasn't changed
// and is a source file (since changes to those are checked separately).
realFileStateValue = realPath.equals(path) ? fileStateValue
: FileStateValue.create(realRootedPath, tsgm);
} catch (InconsistentFilesystemException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return FileValue.value(rootedPath, fileStateValue, realRootedPath, realFileStateValue);