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// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
* Info object encapsulating all information by java rules.
name = "JavaInfo",
doc = "Encapsulates all information provided by Java rules.",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.PROVIDER)
public interface JavaInfoApi <FileT extends FileApi> extends StructApi {
name = "transitive_runtime_jars",
doc = "Depset of runtime jars required by this target",
structField = true
public SkylarkNestedSet getTransitiveRuntimeJars();
name = "transitive_compile_time_jars",
doc = "Depset of compile time jars recusrively required by this target. See `compile_jars` "
+ "for more details.",
structField = true
public SkylarkNestedSet getTransitiveCompileTimeJars();
name = "compile_jars",
doc = "Returns the compile time jars required by this target directly. They can be: <ul>"
+ "<li> interface jars (ijars), if an ijar tool was used, either by calling "
+ "java_common.create_provider(use_ijar=True, ...) or by passing --use_ijars on the "
+ "command line for native Java rules and `java_common.compile`</li>"
+ "<li> normal full jars, if no ijar action was requested</li>"
+ "<li> both ijars and normal full jars, if this provider was created by merging two or "
+ "more providers created with different ijar requests </li> </ul>",
structField = true
public SkylarkNestedSet getCompileTimeJars();
name = "full_compile_jars",
doc = "Returns the full compile time jars required by this target directly. They can be <ul>"
+ "<li> the corresponding normal full jars of the ijars returned by `compile_jars`</li>"
+ "<li> the normal full jars returned by `compile_jars`</li></ul>"
+ "Note: `compile_jars` can return a mix of ijars and normal full jars. In that case, "
+ "`full_compile_jars` returns the corresponding full jars of the ijars and the remaining"
+ "normal full jars in `compile_jars`.",
structField = true
public SkylarkNestedSet getFullCompileTimeJars();
name = "source_jars",
doc = "Returns a list of jar files containing all the uncompiled source files (including "
+ "those generated by annotations) from the target itself, i.e. NOT including the sources of "
+ "the transitive dependencies",
structField = true
public SkylarkList<FileT> getSourceJars();
name = "outputs",
doc = "Returns information about outputs of this Java target.",
structField = true,
allowReturnNones = true
public JavaRuleOutputJarsProviderApi<?> getOutputJars();
name = "annotation_processing",
structField = true,
allowReturnNones = true,
doc = "Returns information about annotation processing for this Java target."
public JavaAnnotationProcessingApi<?> getGenJarsProvider();
name = "compilation_info",
structField = true,
allowReturnNones = true,
doc = "Returns compilation information for this Java target."
public JavaCompilationInfoProviderApi<?> getCompilationInfoProvider();
name = "runtime_output_jars",
doc = "Returns the runtime output jars provided by this Java target.",
structField = true)
public SkylarkList<FileT> getRuntimeOutputJars();
name = "transitive_deps",
doc = "Returns the transitive set of Jars required to build the target.",
structField = true
public NestedSet<FileT> getTransitiveDeps();
name = "transitive_runtime_deps",
doc = "Returns the transitive set of Jars required on the target's runtime classpath.",
structField = true
public NestedSet<FileT> getTransitiveRuntimeDeps();
name = "transitive_source_jars",
doc = "Returns the Jars containing Java source files for the target "
+ "and all of its transitive dependencies.",
structField = true
public NestedSet<FileT> getTransitiveSourceJars();
name = "transitive_exports",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns transitive set of labels that are being exported from this rule."
public NestedSet<Label> getTransitiveExports();
/** Provider class for {@link JavaInfoApi} objects. */
@SkylarkModule(name = "Provider", documented = false, doc = "")
public interface JavaInfoProviderApi extends ProviderApi {
name = "JavaInfo",
doc = "The <code>JavaInfo</code> constructor.",
parameters = {
name = "output_jar",
type = FileApi.class,
named = true,
doc =
"The jar that was created as a result of a compilation "
+ "(e.g. javac, scalac, etc)."),
name = "compile_jar",
type = FileApi.class,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"A jar that is added as the compile-time dependency in lieu of "
+ "<code>output_jar</code>. Typically this is the ijar produced by "
+ "<code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"java_common.html#run_ijar\">"
+ "run_ijar</a></code>. "
+ "If you cannot use ijar, consider instead using the output of "
+ "<code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"java_common.html#stamp_jar\">"
+ "stamp_ijar</a></code>. If you do not wish to use either, "
+ "you can simply pass <code>output_jar</code>."),
name = "source_jar",
type = FileApi.class,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"The source jar that was used to create the output jar. "
+ "Use <code><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"java_common.html#pack_sources\">"
+ "pack_sources</a></code> to produce this source jar."),
name = "neverlink",
type = Boolean.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
doc = "If true only use this library for compilation and not at runtime."),
name = "deps",
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "Compile time dependencies that were used to create the output jar."),
name = "runtime_deps",
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "Runtime dependencies that are needed for this library."),
name = "exports",
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"Libraries to make available for users of this library. See also "
+ "<a class=\"anchor\" href=\""
+ "master/be/java.html#java_library.exports\">java_library.exports</a>."),
name = "actions",
type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. No longer needed when <code>compile_jar</code> and/or "
+ "<code>source_jar</code> are used. "
+ "<p>Used to create the ijar and pack source files to jar actions.</p>"),
name = "sources",
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = FileApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. Use <code>source_jar</code> instead. "
+ "<p>The sources that were used to create the output jar.</p>"),
name = "source_jars",
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = FileApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. Use <code>source_jar</code> instead. "
+ "<p>The source jars that were used to create the output jar.</p>"),
name = "use_ijar",
type = Boolean.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. Use <code>compile_jar</code> instead. "
+ "<p>If an ijar of the output jar should be created and stored in the "
+ "provider. </p>"),
name = "java_toolchain",
type = Object.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. No longer needed when <code>compile_jar</code> and/or "
+ "<code>source_jar</code> are used. "
+ "<p>The toolchain to be used for retrieving the ijar tool and packing source "
+ "files to Jar. This should be a Target.</p>"),
name = "host_javabase",
type = Object.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc =
"Deprecated. No longer needed when <code>compile_jar</code> and/or "
+ "<code>source_jar</code> are used. "
+ "<p>The host_javabase to be used for packing source files to Jar. "
+ "This should be a Target.</p>"),
name = "jdeps",
type = FileApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
doc = "jdeps information for the rule output (if available). This should be a "
+ "binary proto encoded using the deps.proto protobuf included with Bazel. "
+ "If available this file is typically produced by a compiler. IDEs and other "
+ "tools can use this information for more efficient processing."),
selfCall = true,
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true)
@SkylarkConstructor(objectType = JavaInfoApi.class, receiverNameForDoc = "JavaInfo")
public JavaInfoApi<?> javaInfo(
FileApi outputJarApi,
Object compileJarApi,
Object sourceJarApi,
Boolean neverlink,
SkylarkList<?> deps,
SkylarkList<?> runtimeDeps,
SkylarkList<?> exports,
Object actionsApi,
Object sourcesApi,
Object sourceJarsApi,
Object useIjarApi,
Object javaToolchainApi,
Object hostJavabaseApi,
Object jdepsApi,
Location loc,
Environment env)
throws EvalException;