blob: ab393e3e1ce2176a6acd0ff6c375791f6ee04a2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Contains information about the result of a build. While BuildRequest is immutable, this class is
* mutable.
public final class BuildResult {
private long startTimeMillis = 0; // milliseconds since UNIX epoch.
private long stopTimeMillis = 0;
private boolean wasSuspended = false;
private Throwable crash = null;
private boolean catastrophe = false;
private boolean stopOnFirstFailure;
private ExitCode exitCondition = ExitCode.BLAZE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
private BuildConfigurationCollection configurations;
private Collection<ConfiguredTarget> actualTargets;
private Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets;
private Collection<ConfiguredTarget> successfulTargets;
private Collection<ConfiguredTarget> skippedTargets;
private Collection<AspectValue> successfulAspects;
private final BuildToolLogCollection buildToolLogCollection = new BuildToolLogCollection();
public BuildResult(long startTimeMillis) {
this.startTimeMillis = startTimeMillis;
* Record the time (according to System.currentTimeMillis()) at which the
* service of this request was completed.
public void setStopTime(long stopTimeMillis) {
this.stopTimeMillis = stopTimeMillis;
* Return the time (according to System.currentTimeMillis()) at which the
* service of this request was completed.
public long getStopTime() {
return stopTimeMillis;
* Returns the elapsed time in seconds for the service of this request. Not
* defined for requests that have not been serviced.
public double getElapsedSeconds() {
if (startTimeMillis == 0 || stopTimeMillis == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("BuildRequest has not been serviced");
return (stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis) / 1000.0;
/** Record if the build was suspended (SIGSTOP or hardware put to sleep). */
public void setWasSuspended(boolean wasSuspended) {
this.wasSuspended = wasSuspended;
/** Whether the build was suspended (SIGSTOP or hardware put to sleep). */
public boolean getWasSuspended() {
return wasSuspended;
public void setExitCondition(ExitCode exitCondition) {
this.exitCondition = exitCondition;
* True iff the build request has been successfully completed.
public boolean getSuccess() {
return exitCondition.equals(ExitCode.SUCCESS);
* Gets the Blaze exit condition.
public ExitCode getExitCondition() {
return exitCondition;
* Sets the RuntimeException / Error that induced a Blaze crash.
public void setUnhandledThrowable(Throwable crash) {
Preconditions.checkState(crash == null ||
((crash instanceof RuntimeException) || (crash instanceof Error)));
this.crash = crash;
* Sets a "catastrophe": A build failure severe enough to halt a keep_going build.
public void setCatastrophe() {
this.catastrophe = true;
* Was the build a "catastrophe": A build failure severe enough to halt a keep_going build.
public boolean wasCatastrophe() {
return catastrophe;
* Whether some targets were skipped because of {@code setStopOnFirstFailure}.
public boolean getStopOnFirstFailure() {
return stopOnFirstFailure;
* Indicates that remaining targets should be skipped once a target breaks/fails.
* This will be set when --nokeep_going or --notest_keep_going is set.
public void setStopOnFirstFailure(boolean stopOnFirstFailure) {
this.stopOnFirstFailure = stopOnFirstFailure;
* Gets the Blaze crash Throwable. Null if Blaze did not crash.
public Throwable getUnhandledThrowable() {
return crash;
public void setBuildConfigurationCollection(BuildConfigurationCollection configurations) {
this.configurations = configurations;
* Returns the build configuration collection used for the build.
public BuildConfigurationCollection getBuildConfigurationCollection() {
return configurations;
* @see #getActualTargets
public void setActualTargets(Collection<ConfiguredTarget> actualTargets) {
this.actualTargets = actualTargets;
* Returns the actual set of targets which we attempted to build. This value
* is set during the build, after the target patterns have been parsed and
* resolved. If --keep_going is specified, this set may exclude targets that
* could not be found or successfully analyzed. It may be examined after the
* build. May be null even after the build, if there were errors in the
* loading or analysis phases.
public Collection<ConfiguredTarget> getActualTargets() {
return actualTargets;
* @see #getTestTargets
public void setTestTargets(@Nullable Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets) {
this.testTargets = testTargets == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableCollection(testTargets);
* Returns the actual unmodifiable collection of targets which we attempted to
* test. This value is set at the end of the build analysis phase, after the
* test target patterns have been parsed and resolved. If --keep_going is
* specified, this collection may exclude targets that could not be found or
* successfully analyzed. It may be examined after the build. May be null even
* after the build, if there were errors in the loading or analysis phases or
* if testing was not requested.
public Collection<ConfiguredTarget> getTestTargets() {
return testTargets;
* @see #getSuccessfulTargets
void setSuccessfulTargets(Collection<ConfiguredTarget> successfulTargets) {
this.successfulTargets = successfulTargets;
/** @see #getSuccessfulAspects */
void setSuccessfulAspects(Collection<AspectValue> successfulAspects) {
this.successfulAspects = successfulAspects;
* Returns the set of targets that were successfully built. This value is set at the end of the
* build, after the target patterns have been parsed and resolved and after attempting to build
* the targets. If --keep_going is specified, this set may exclude targets that could not be found
* or successfully analyzed, or could not be built. It may be examined after the build. May be
* null if the execution phase was not attempted, as may happen if there are errors in the loading
* phase, for example.
public Collection<ConfiguredTarget> getSuccessfulTargets() {
return successfulTargets;
* Returns the set of aspects that were successfully built. This value is set at the end of the
* build, after the target patterns have been parsed and resolved and after attempting to build
* the targets. If --keep_going is specified, this set may exclude targets that could not be found
* or successfully analyzed, or could not be built. It may be examined after the build. May be
* null if the execution phase was not attempted, as may happen if there are errors in the loading
* phase, for example.
public Collection<AspectValue> getSuccessfulAspects() {
return successfulAspects;
* See {@link #getSkippedTargets()}.
void setSkippedTargets(Collection<ConfiguredTarget> skippedTargets) {
this.skippedTargets = skippedTargets;
* Returns the set of targets which were skipped (Blaze didn't attempt to execute them)
* because they're not compatible with the build's target platform.
public Collection<ConfiguredTarget> getSkippedTargets() {
return skippedTargets;
* Collection of data for the build tool logs event. This may only be modified until the
* BuildCompleteEvent is posted; any changes after that event is handled will not be included in
* the build tool logs event.
public BuildToolLogCollection getBuildToolLogCollection() {
return buildToolLogCollection;
/** For debugging. */
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("startTimeMillis", startTimeMillis)
.add("stopTimeMillis", stopTimeMillis)
.add("crash", crash)
.add("catastrophe", catastrophe)
.add("exitCondition", exitCondition)
.add("actualTargets", actualTargets)
.add("testTargets", testTargets)
.add("successfulTargets", successfulTargets)
.add("buildToolLogCollection", buildToolLogCollection)
* Collection of data for the build tool logs event. See {@link BuildToolLogs} for details.
public static final class BuildToolLogCollection {
private final List<Pair<String, ByteString>> directValues = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Pair<String, String>> directUris = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<LogFileEntry> localFiles = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean frozen;
public BuildToolLogCollection freeze() {
frozen = true;
return this;
public List<LogFileEntry> getLocalFiles() {
return localFiles;
public BuildToolLogCollection addDirectValue(String name, byte[] data) {
this.directValues.add(Pair.of(name, ByteString.copyFrom(data)));
return this;
public BuildToolLogCollection addUri(String name, String uri) {
this.directUris.add(Pair.of(name, uri));
return this;
public BuildToolLogCollection addLocalFile(String name, Path path) {
return addLocalFile(name, path, LocalFileType.LOG, LocalFileCompression.NONE);
public BuildToolLogCollection addLocalFile(
String name, Path path, LocalFileType localFileType, LocalFileCompression compression) {
this.localFiles.add(new LogFileEntry(name, path, localFileType, compression));
return this;
public BuildToolLogs toEvent() {
return new BuildToolLogs(directValues, directUris, localFiles);
/** For debugging. */
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("directValues", directValues)
.add("directUris", directUris)
.add("localFiles", localFiles)