blob: 216eab7f4317f866e5d0e4df89627c7fa9fd36b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Given a {@link RuleClass} and a set of attribute values, returns a {@link Rule} instance. Also
* performs a number of checks and associates the {@link Rule} and the owning {@link Package} with
* each other.
* <p>This class is immutable, once created the set of managed {@link RuleClass}es will not change.
* <p>Note: the code that actually populates the RuleClass map has been moved to {@link
* RuleClassProvider}.
public class RuleFactory {
/** Maps rule class name to the metaclass instance for that rule. */
private final ImmutableMap<String, RuleClass> ruleClassMap;
/** Constructs a RuleFactory instance. */
public RuleFactory(RuleClassProvider provider) {
this.ruleClassMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(provider.getRuleClassMap());
/** Returns the (immutable, unordered) set of names of all the known rule classes. */
public Set<String> getRuleClassNames() {
return ruleClassMap.keySet();
/** Returns the RuleClass for the specified rule class name. */
public RuleClass getRuleClass(String ruleClassName) {
return ruleClassMap.get(ruleClassName);
* Creates and returns a rule instance.
* <p>It is the caller's responsibility to add the rule to the package (the caller may choose not
* to do so if, for example, the rule has errors).
public static Rule createRule(
Package.Builder pkgBuilder,
RuleClass ruleClass,
BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap attributeValues,
EventHandler eventHandler,
StarlarkSemantics semantics,
ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> callstack)
throws InvalidRuleException, InterruptedException {
String ruleClassName = ruleClass.getName();
Object nameObject = attributeValues.getAttributeValue("name");
if (nameObject == null) {
throw new InvalidRuleException(ruleClassName + " rule has no 'name' attribute");
} else if (!(nameObject instanceof String)) {
throw new InvalidRuleException(ruleClassName + " 'name' attribute must be a string");
String name = (String) nameObject;
Label label;
try {
// Test that this would form a valid label name -- in particular, this
// catches cases where Makefile variables $(foo) appear in "name".
label = pkgBuilder.createLabel(name);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new InvalidRuleException("illegal rule name: " + name + ": " + e.getMessage());
boolean inWorkspaceFile = pkgBuilder.isWorkspace();
if (ruleClass.getWorkspaceOnly() && !inWorkspaceFile) {
throw new RuleFactory.InvalidRuleException(
ruleClass + " must be in the WORKSPACE file " + "(used by " + label + ")");
} else if (!ruleClass.getWorkspaceOnly() && inWorkspaceFile) {
throw new RuleFactory.InvalidRuleException(
ruleClass + " cannot be in the WORKSPACE file " + "(used by " + label + ")");
AttributesAndLocation generator =
generatorAttributesForMacros(pkgBuilder, attributeValues, callstack);
// The raw stack is of the form [<toplevel>@BUILD:1, macro@lib.bzl:1, cc_library@<builtin>].
// Pop the innermost frame for the rule, since it's obvious.
callstack = callstack.subList(0, callstack.size() - 1); // pop
try {
// Examines --incompatible_disable_third_party_license_checking to see if we should check
// third party targets for license existence.
// This flag is overridable by RuleClass.ThirdPartyLicenseEnforcementPolicy (which is checked
// in RuleClass). This lets Bazel and Blaze migrate away from license logic on independent
// timelines. See --incompatible_disable_third_party_license_checking comments for details.
boolean checkThirdPartyLicenses =
return ruleClass.createRule(
generator.location, // see b/23974287 for rationale
} catch (LabelSyntaxException | CannotPrecomputeDefaultsException e) {
throw new RuleFactory.InvalidRuleException(ruleClass + " " + e.getMessage());
* Creates a {@link Rule} instance, adds it to the {@link Package.Builder} and returns it.
* @param pkgBuilder the under-construction {@link Package.Builder} to which the rule belongs
* @param ruleClass the {@link RuleClass} of the rule
* @param attributeValues a {@link BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap} mapping attribute names to
* attribute values of build-language type. Each attribute must be defined for this class of
* rule, and have a build-language-typed value which can be converted to the appropriate
* native type of the attribute (i.e. via {@link BuildType#selectableConvert}). There must be
* a map entry for each non-optional attribute of this class of rule.
* @param eventHandler a eventHandler on which errors and warnings are reported during rule
* creation
* @param semantics the Starlark semantics
* @param callstack the stack of active calls in the Starlark thread
* @throws InvalidRuleException if the rule could not be constructed for any reason (e.g. no
* {@code name} attribute is defined)
* @throws NameConflictException if the rule's name or output files conflict with others in this
* package
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
public static Rule createAndAddRule(
Package.Builder pkgBuilder,
RuleClass ruleClass,
BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap attributeValues,
EventHandler eventHandler,
StarlarkSemantics semantics,
ImmutableList<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> callstack)
throws InvalidRuleException, NameConflictException, InterruptedException {
Rule rule =
createRule(pkgBuilder, ruleClass, attributeValues, eventHandler, semantics, callstack);
return rule;
* InvalidRuleException is thrown by {@link Rule} creation methods if the {@link Rule} could not
* be constructed. It contains an error message.
public static class InvalidRuleException extends Exception {
public InvalidRuleException(String message) {
/** A pair of attributes and location. */
private static final class AttributesAndLocation {
final BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap attributes;
final Location location;
AttributesAndLocation(BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap attributes, Location location) {
this.attributes = attributes;
this.location = location;
* A wrapper around an map of named attribute values that specifies whether the map's values are
* of "build-language" or of "native" types.
public interface AttributeValues<T> {
* Returns {@code true} if all the map's values are "build-language typed", i.e., resulting from
* the evaluation of an expression in the build language. Returns {@code false} if all the map's
* values are "natively typed", i.e. of a type returned by {@link BuildType#selectableConvert}.
boolean valuesAreBuildLanguageTyped();
Iterable<T> getAttributeAccessors();
String getName(T attributeAccessor);
Object getValue(T attributeAccessor);
boolean isExplicitlySpecified(T attributeAccessor);
/** A {@link AttributeValues} of explicit "build-language" values. */
public static final class BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap
implements AttributeValues<Map.Entry<String, Object>> {
private final Map<String, Object> attributeValues;
public BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap(Map<String, Object> attributeValues) {
this.attributeValues = attributeValues;
private boolean containsAttributeNamed(String attributeName) {
return attributeValues.containsKey(attributeName);
private Object getAttributeValue(String attributeName) {
return attributeValues.get(attributeName);
public boolean valuesAreBuildLanguageTyped() {
return true;
public Iterable<Map.Entry<String, Object>> getAttributeAccessors() {
return attributeValues.entrySet();
public String getName(Map.Entry<String, Object> attributeAccessor) {
return attributeAccessor.getKey();
public Object getValue(Map.Entry<String, Object> attributeAccessor) {
return attributeAccessor.getValue();
public boolean isExplicitlySpecified(Map.Entry<String, Object> attributeAccessor) {
return true;
* If the rule was created by a macro, this method sets the appropriate values for the attributes
* generator_{name, function, location} and returns all attributes.
* <p>Otherwise, it returns the given attributes without any changes.
private static AttributesAndLocation generatorAttributesForMacros(
Package.Builder pkgBuilder,
BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap args,
ImmutableList<CallStackEntry> stack) {
// For a callstack [BUILD <toplevel>, .bzl <function>, <rule>],
// location is that of the caller of 'rule' (the .bzl function).
Location location = stack.size() < 2 ? Location.BUILTIN : stack.get(stack.size() - 2).location;
boolean hasName = args.containsAttributeNamed("generator_name");
boolean hasFunc = args.containsAttributeNamed("generator_function");
// TODO(bazel-team): resolve cases in our code where hasName && !hasFunc, or hasFunc && !hasName
if (hasName || hasFunc) {
return new AttributesAndLocation(args, location);
// The "generator" of a rule is the function (sometimes called "macro")
// outermost in the call stack.
// The stack must contain at least two entries:
// 0: the outermost function (e.g. a BUILD file),
// 1: the function called by it (e.g. a "macro" in a .bzl file).
// optionally followed by other Starlark or built-in functions,
// and finally the rule instantiation function.
if (stack.size() < 2 || !stack.get(1).location.file().endsWith(".bzl")) {
return new AttributesAndLocation(args, location); // macro is not a Starlark function
Location generatorLocation = stack.get(0).location; // location of call to generator
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> attributeAccessor : args.getAttributeAccessors()) {
String attributeName = args.getName(attributeAccessor);
builder.put(attributeName, args.getValue(attributeAccessor));
String generatorName = pkgBuilder.getGeneratorNameByLocation(generatorLocation);
if (generatorName == null) {
generatorName = (String) args.getAttributeValue("name");
builder.put("generator_name", generatorName);
try {
args = new BuildLangTypedAttributeValuesMap(builder.buildOrThrow());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) {
// We just fall back to the default case and swallow any messages.
// TODO(adonovan): is it appropriate to use generatorLocation as the rule's main location?
// Or would 'location' (the immediate call) be more informative? When there are errors, the
// location of the toplevel call of the generator may be quite unrelated to the error message.
return new AttributesAndLocation(args, generatorLocation);