blob: 62433938f723889554ea25bdca6349581c77a413 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
* An object that manages the capability to mutate Starlark objects and their {@link
* StarlarkThread}s. Collectively, the managed objects are called {@link Freezable}s.
* <p>Each {@code StarlarkThread}, and each of the mutable Starlark values that are created in that
* {@code StarlarkThread}, holds a pointer to the same {@code Mutability} instance. Once the {@code
* StarlarkThread} is done evaluating, its {@code Mutability} is irreversibly closed ("frozen"). At
* that point, it is no longer possible to change either the bindings in that {@code StarlarkThread}
* or the state of its objects. This protects each {@code StarlarkThread} from unintentional and
* unsafe modification.
* <p>{@code Mutability}s enforce isolation between {@code StarlarkThread}s; it is illegal for an
* evaluation in one {@code StarlarkThread} to affect the bindings or values of another. In
* particular, the {@code StarlarkThread} for any Starlark module is frozen before its symbols can
* be imported for use by another module. Each individual {@code StarlarkThread}'s evaluation is
* single-threaded, so this isolation also translates to thread safety. Any number of threads may
* simultaneously access frozen data. (The {@code Mutability} itself is also thread-safe if and only
* if it is frozen.}
* <p>Although the mutability pointer of a {@code Freezable} contains some debugging information
* about its context, this should not affect the {@code Freezable}'s semantics. From a behavioral
* point of view, the only thing that matters is whether the {@code Mutability} is frozen, not what
* particular {@code Mutability} object is pointed to.
* <p>When a Starlark program iterates over a mutable sequence value in a for-loop or comprehension,
* the sequence value becomes temporarily immutable for the duration of the loop. Conceptually, the
* value maintains a counter of active iterations, and the interpreter notifies the {@code
* Freezable} value before and after the loop so that it can alter its counter by calling its {@code
* updateIteratorCount} method. While the counter value is nonzero, the value should cause all
* attempts to mutate it to fail. The temporary immutability applies only to the sequence itself,
* not to its elements. Once a mutable sequence becomes frozen, there is no need to count active
* iterators (and doing so would be racy as frozen objects may be published to other Starlark
* threads). The default implementation of {@code updateIteratorCount} uses a set of counters in the
* Mutability, but a Freezable object may define a more efficient intrusive counter implementation.
* <p>We follow two disciplines to ensure safety. First, all mutation methods of a Freezable value
* must confirm that the value's Mutability is not yet frozen, nor is the value temporarily
* immutable due to active iterators.
* <p>Second, {@code Mutability}s are created using the try-with-resource style:
* <pre>{@code
* try (Mutability mutability = Mutability.create(name, ...)) { ... }
* }</pre>
* The general pattern is to create a {@code Mutability}, build an {@code StarlarkThread}, mutate
* that {@code StarlarkThread} and its objects, and possibly return the result from within the
* {@code try} block, relying on the try-with-resource construct to ensure that everything gets
* frozen before the result is used. The only code that should create a {@code Mutability} without
* using try-with-resource is test code that is not part of the Bazel jar.
* <p>We keep some (unchecked) invariants regarding where {@code Mutability} objects may appear
* within a compound value.
* <ol>
* <li>A compound value can never contain an unfrozen {@code Mutability} for any {@code
* StarlarkThread} except the one currently being evaluated.
* <li>If a value has the special {@link #IMMUTABLE} {@code Mutability}, all of its contents are
* themselves deeply immutable too (i.e. have frozen {@code Mutability}s).
* </ol>
* It follows that, if these invariants hold, an unfrozen value cannot appear as the child of a
* value whose {@code Mutability} is already frozen.
* <p>There is a special API for freezing individual values rather than whole {@code
* StarlarkThread}s. Because this API makes it easier to violate the above invariants, you should
* avoid using it if at all possible; at the moment it is only used for serialization. Under this
* API, you may call {@link Freezable#unsafeShallowFreeze} to reset a value's {@code Mutability}
* pointer to be {@link #IMMUTABLE}. This operation has no effect on the {@code Mutability} itself.
* It is up to the caller to preserve or restore the above invariants by ensuring that any deeply
* contained values are also frozen. For safety and explicitness, this operation is disallowed
* unless the {@code Mutability}'s {@link #allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze} method returns true.
public final class Mutability implements AutoCloseable {
// Maps each temporarily frozen Freezable value to the (positive) count of active iterators over
// the value. This field is set to null when the Mutability becomes permanently frozen, at which
// point there is no need to track iterators. This map does not contain Freezable values that
// define their own implementation of updateIteratorCount.
private IdentityHashMap<Freezable, Integer> iteratorCount =
new IdentityHashMap<>(10); // 10 nested for-loops seems plenty
// An optional list of values that are formatted with toString and joined with spaces to yield the
// "annotation", an internal name describing the purpose of this Mutability.
private final Object[] annotation;
/** Controls access to {@link Freezable#unsafeShallowFreeze}. */
private final boolean allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze;
private ArrayList<Freezable> freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze;
private Mutability(Object[] annotation, boolean allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze) {
this.annotation = annotation;
this.allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze = allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze;
* Creates a {@code Mutability}.
* @param annotation a list of objects whose toString representations are joined with spaces to
* yield the annotation, an internal name describing the purpose of this Mutability.
public static Mutability create(Object... annotation) {
return new Mutability(annotation, /*allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze=*/ false);
* Creates a {@code Mutability} whose objects can be individually frozen; see docstrings for
* {@link Mutability} and {@link Freezable#unsafeShallowFreeze}.
public static Mutability createAllowingShallowFreeze(Object... annotation) {
return new Mutability(annotation, /*allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze=*/ true);
/** Returns the Mutability's "annotation", an internal name describing its purpose. */
public String getAnnotation() {
// The annotation string is computed when needed, typically never,
// to avoid the performance penalty of materializing it eagerly.
return Joiner.on(" ").join(annotation);
public String toString() {
return (isFrozen() ? "(" : "[") + getAnnotation() + (isFrozen() ? ")" : "]");
public boolean isFrozen() {
return this.iteratorCount == null;
// Defines the default behavior of mutable Freezable sequence values,
// which become temporarily immutable while there are active iterators.
private boolean updateIteratorCount(Freezable x, int delta) {
if (isFrozen()) {
return false;
int i = this.iteratorCount.getOrDefault(x, 0);
if (delta > 0) {
this.iteratorCount.put(x, i);
} else if (delta < 0) {
if (i == 0) {
} else if (i > 0) {
this.iteratorCount.put(x, i);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("zero value in this.iteratorCount");
return i > 0;
* Freezes this {@code Mutability}, rendering all {@link Freezable} objects that refer to it
* immutable.
* <p>Note that freezing directly touches only the {@code Freezables} for which there was a call
* to {@code thisMutability.notifyOnFreeze(thatFreezable)}, so this is linear-time in the number
* of such {@code Freezables}s.
* @return this object, in the fluent style
public Mutability freeze() {
this.iteratorCount = null;
if (freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze != null) {
for (Freezable freezable : freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze) {
freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze = null;
return this;
public void close() {
* Returns whether {@link Freezable}s having this {@code Mutability} allow the {@link
* Freezable#unsafeShallowFreeze} operation.
public boolean allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze() {
return allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze;
* Causes {@code freezable.onFreeze()} to be called in the future when {@link #freeze} is called.
public void notifyOnFreeze(Freezable freezable) {
if (freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze == null) {
freezablesToNotifyOnFreeze = new ArrayList<>();
* An object that refers to a {@link Mutability} to decide whether to allow mutation. All {@link
* Freezable} Starlark objects created within a given {@link StarlarkThread} will share the same
* {@code Mutability} as that {@code StarlarkThread}.
public interface Freezable {
* Returns the {@link Mutability} associated with this {@code Freezable}. This should not change
* over the lifetime of the object, except by calling {@link #unsafeShallowFreeze} if
* applicable.
Mutability mutability();
* If {@code mutability().notifyOnFreeze(this)} has been called, this method gets called when
* {@code mutability().freeze()} gets called.
* <p>Do not call this method from outside {@link Mutability#freeze}.
default void onFreeze() {}
* Registers a change to this Freezable's iterator count and reports whether it is temporarily
* immutable.
* <p>If the value is permanently frozen ({@code mutability().isFrozen()), this function is a
* no-op that returns false.
* <p>Otherwise, if delta is positive, this increments the count of active iterators over the
* value, causing it to appear temporarily frozen (if it wasn't already). If delta is negative,
* the counter is decremented, and if delta is zero the counter is unchanged. It is illegal to
* decrement the counter if it was already zero. The return value is true if the count is
* positive after the change, and false otherwise.
* <p>The default implementation stores the counter of iterators in a hash table in the
* Mutability, but a subclass of Freezable may define a more efficient implementation such as an
* integer field in the freezable value itself.
* <p>Call this function with a positive value when starting an iteration and with a negative
* value when ending it.
default boolean updateIteratorCount(int delta) {
return mutability().updateIteratorCount(this, delta);
* Freezes this object (and not its contents). Use with care.
* <p>This method is optional (i.e. may throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException}).
* <p>If this object's {@link Mutability} is 1) not frozen, and 2) has {@link
* #allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze} return true, then the object's {@code Mutability} reference is
* updated to point to {@link #IMMUTABLE}. Otherwise, this method throws {@link
* IllegalArgumentException}.
* <p>It is up to the caller to ensure that any contents of this {@code Freezable} are also
* frozen in order to preserve/restore the invariant that an immutable value cannot contain a
* mutable one. Note that thread-safety is not guaranteed otherwise.
default void unsafeShallowFreeze() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Throws {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the precondition for {@link #unsafeShallowFreeze}
* is violated. To be used by implementors of {@link #unsafeShallowFreeze}.
static void checkUnsafeShallowFreezePrecondition(
Freezable freezable) {
Mutability mutability = freezable.mutability();
if (mutability.isFrozen()) {
// It's not safe to rewrite the Mutability pointer if this is already frozen, because we
// could be accessed by multiple threads.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"cannot call unsafeShallowFreeze() on an object whose Mutability is already frozen");
if (!mutability.allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"cannot call unsafeShallowFreeze() on a mutable object whose Mutability's "
+ "allowsUnsafeShallowFreeze() == false");
* A {@code Mutability} indicating that a value is deeply immutable.
* <p>It is not associated with any particular {@link StarlarkThread}.
public static final Mutability IMMUTABLE = create("IMMUTABLE").freeze();