| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| # Script for building bazel from scratch without bazel |
| |
| if [ -d derived/jars ]; then |
| ADDITIONAL_JARS=derived/jars |
| else |
| ADDITIONAL_JARS="$(grep -o '".*\.jar"' tools/distributions/${DISTRIBUTION}/${DISTRIBUTION}_java.BUILD | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's|^|/usr/share/|g')" |
| fi |
| |
| # Parse third_party/googleapis/BUILD.bazel to find the proto files we need to compile from googleapis |
| GOOGLE_API_PROTOS="$(grep -o '".*\.proto"' third_party/googleapis/BUILD.bazel | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's|^|third_party/googleapis/|g')" |
| PROTO_FILES=$(find third_party/remoteapis ${GOOGLE_API_PROTOS} third_party/pprof src/main/protobuf src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/buildeventstream/proto src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skyframe src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/proto src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/debug src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkdebug/proto src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/metrics/package_load_metrics.proto -name "*.proto") |
| # For protobuf jars, derived/jars/com_google_protobuf/java/core/libcore.jar must be in front of derived/jars/com_google_protobuf/java/core/liblite.jar, so we sort jars here |
| LIBRARY_JARS=$(find $ADDITIONAL_JARS -name '*.jar' | sort | grep -Fv JavaBuilder | tr "\n" " ") |
| MAVEN_JARS=$(find "derived/maven" -name '*.jar' | grep -Fv netty-tcnative | tr "\n" " ") |
| |
| DIRS=$(echo src/{java_tools/singlejar/java/com/google/devtools/build/zip,main/java,tools/starlark/java} tools/java/runfiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/src) |
| # Exclude source files that are not needed for Bazel itself, which avoids dependencies like truth. |
| EXCLUDE_FILES="src/java_tools/buildjar/java/com/google/devtools/build/buildjar/javac/testing/* src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/collect/nestedset/NestedSetCodecTestUtils.java" |
| # Exclude whole directories under the bazel src tree that bazel itself |
| # doesn't depend on. |
| EXCLUDE_DIRS="src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skydoc src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/docgen tools/java/runfiles/testing src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/serialization/testutils src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/testing src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/testing" |
| for d in $EXCLUDE_DIRS ; do |
| for f in $(find $d -type f) ; do |
| EXCLUDE_FILES+=" $f" |
| done |
| done |
| |
| mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}/classes" |
| mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}/src" |
| |
| # May be passed in from outside. |
| |
| unset _JAVA_OPTIONS |
| |
| |
| MSYS_DLLS="" |
| |
| function get_minor_java_version() { |
| get_java_version |
| java_minor_version=$(echo $JAVA_VERSION | sed 's/[^.][^.]*\.//' | sed 's/\..*$//') |
| javac_minor_version=$(echo $JAVAC_VERSION | sed 's/[^.][^.]*\.//' | sed 's/\..*$//') |
| } |
| |
| # Check that javac -version returns a upper version than $JAVA_VERSION. |
| get_minor_java_version |
| [ ${java_minor_version} -le ${javac_minor_version} ] || \ |
| fail "JDK version (${JAVAC_VERSION}) is lower than ${JAVA_VERSION}, please set \$JAVA_HOME." |
| |
| JAR="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar" |
| |
| # Ensures unzip won't create paths longer than 259 chars (MAX_PATH) on Windows. |
| function check_unzip_wont_create_long_paths() { |
| output_path="$1" |
| jars="$2" |
| if [[ "${PLATFORM}" == "windows" ]]; then |
| log "Checking if helper classes can be extracted..." |
| max_path=$((259-${#output_path})) |
| # Do not quote $jars, we rely on it being split on spaces. |
| for f in $jars ; do |
| # Get the zip entries. Match lines with a date: they have the paths. |
| entries="$(unzip -l "$f" | grep '[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}' | awk '{print $4}')" |
| for e in $entries; do |
| if [[ ${#e} -gt $max_path ]]; then |
| fail "Cannot unzip \"$f\" because the output path is too long: extracting file \"$e\" under \"$output_path\" would create a path longer than 259 characters. To fix this, set a shorter TMP value and try again. Example: export TMP=/c/tmp/bzl" |
| fi |
| done |
| done |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Compiles java classes. |
| function java_compilation() { |
| local name=$1 |
| local directories=$2 |
| local excludes=$3 |
| local library_jars=$4 |
| local output=$5 |
| |
| local classpath=${library_jars// /$PATHSEP}${PATHSEP}$5 |
| local sourcepath=${directories// /$PATHSEP} |
| |
| tempdir |
| local tmp="${NEW_TMPDIR}" |
| local paramfile="${tmp}/param" |
| local filelist="${tmp}/filelist" |
| local excludefile="${tmp}/excludefile" |
| touch $paramfile |
| |
| mkdir -p "${output}/classes" |
| |
| # Compile .java files (incl. generated ones) using javac |
| log "Compiling $name code..." |
| find ${directories} -name "*.java" | sort > "$filelist" |
| # Quotes around $excludes intentionally omitted in the for statement so that |
| # it's split on spaces |
| (for i in $excludes; do |
| echo $i |
| done) | sort > "$excludefile" |
| |
| comm -23 "$filelist" "$excludefile" > "$paramfile" |
| |
| if [ ! -z "$BAZEL_DEBUG_JAVA_COMPILATION" ]; then |
| echo "directories=${directories}" >&2 |
| echo "classpath=${classpath}" >&2 |
| echo "sourcepath=${sourcepath}" >&2 |
| echo "libraries=${library_jars}" >&2 |
| echo "output=${output}/classes" >&2 |
| echo "List of compiled files:" >&2 |
| cat "$paramfile" >&2 |
| fi |
| |
| check_unzip_wont_create_long_paths "${output}/classes" "$library_jars" |
| |
| # Use BAZEL_JAVAC_OPTS to pass additional arguments to javac, e.g., |
| # export BAZEL_JAVAC_OPTS="-J-Xmx2g -J-Xms200m" |
| # Useful if your system chooses too small of a max heap for javac. |
| # We intentionally rely on shell word splitting to allow multiple |
| # additional arguments to be passed to javac. |
| run "${JAVAC}" -classpath "${classpath}" -sourcepath "${sourcepath}" \ |
| -d "${output}/classes" -source "$JAVA_VERSION" -target "$JAVA_VERSION" \ |
| -encoding UTF-8 ${BAZEL_JAVAC_OPTS} "@${paramfile}" |
| |
| log "Extracting helper classes for $name..." |
| for f in ${library_jars} ; do |
| run unzip -qn ${f} -d "${output}/classes" |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # Create the deploy JAR |
| function create_deploy_jar() { |
| local name=$1 |
| local mainClass=$2 |
| local output=$3 |
| shift 3 |
| local packages="" |
| # Only keep the services subdirectory of META-INF (needed for AutoService). |
| for i in $output/classes/META-INF/*; do |
| local package=$(basename $i) |
| if [[ "$package" != "services" ]]; then |
| rm -r "$i" |
| fi |
| done |
| for i in $output/classes/*; do |
| local package=$(basename $i) |
| packages="$packages -C $output/classes $package" |
| done |
| |
| log "Creating $name.jar..." |
| echo "Main-Class: $mainClass" > $output/MANIFEST.MF |
| run "$JAR" cmf $output/MANIFEST.MF $output/$name.jar $packages "$@" |
| } |
| |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| NOTE: This failure is likely occurring if you are trying to bootstrap bazel from |
| a developer checkout. Those checkouts do not include the generated output of |
| the protoc compiler (as we prefer not to version generated files). |
| |
| * To build a developer version of bazel, do |
| |
| bazel build //src:bazel |
| |
| * To bootstrap your first bazel binary, please download a dist archive from our |
| release page at https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases and run |
| compile.sh on the unpacked archive. |
| |
| The full install instructions to install a release version of bazel can be found |
| at https://bazel.build/install/compile-source |
| For a rationale, why the bootstrap process is organized in this way, see |
| https://bazel.build/designs/2016/10/11/distribution-artifact.html |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| ' |
| |
| if [ -z "${BAZEL_SKIP_JAVA_COMPILATION}" ]; then |
| |
| if [ -d derived/src/java ] |
| then |
| log "Using pre-generated java proto files" |
| mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}/src" |
| cp -r derived/src/java/* "${OUTPUT_DIR}/src" |
| else |
| |
| [ -n "${PROTOC}" ] \ |
| || fail "Must specify PROTOC if not bootstrapping from the distribution artifact${HOW_TO_BOOTSTRAP}" |
| |
| [ -n "${GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN}" ] \ |
| || fail "Must specify GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN if not bootstrapping from the distribution artifact${HOW_TO_BOOTSTRAP}" |
| |
| [[ -x "${PROTOC-}" ]] \ |
| || fail "Protobuf compiler not found in ${PROTOC-}" |
| |
| [[ -x "${GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN-}" ]] \ |
| || fail "gRPC Java plugin not found in ${GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN-}" |
| |
| log "Compiling Java stubs for protocol buffers..." |
| for f in $PROTO_FILES ; do |
| run "${PROTOC}" \ |
| -I. \ |
| -Isrc/main/protobuf/ \ |
| -Isrc/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/buildeventstream/proto/ \ |
| -Isrc/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/proto/ \ |
| -Isrc/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/skyframe/ \ |
| -Isrc/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/debug/ \ |
| -Isrc/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkdebug/proto/ \ |
| -Ithird_party/remoteapis/ \ |
| -Ithird_party/googleapis/ \ |
| -Ithird_party/pprof/ \ |
| --java_out=${OUTPUT_DIR}/src \ |
| --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc="${GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN-}" \ |
| --grpc_out=${OUTPUT_DIR}/src "$f" |
| done |
| |
| # Recreate the derived directory |
| mkdir -p derived/src/java/build |
| mkdir -p derived/src/java/com |
| link_children ${OUTPUT_DIR}/src build derived/src/java |
| link_children ${OUTPUT_DIR}/src com derived/src/java |
| fi |
| |
| java_compilation "Bazel Java" "$DIRS" "$EXCLUDE_FILES" "$LIBRARY_JARS" "${OUTPUT_DIR}" |
| |
| # help files: all non java and BUILD files in src/main/java. |
| for i in $(find src/main/java -type f -a \! -name '*.java' -a \! -name 'BUILD' | sed 's|src/main/java/||'); do |
| mkdir -p $(dirname ${OUTPUT_DIR}/classes/$i) |
| cp src/main/java/$i ${OUTPUT_DIR}/classes/$i |
| done |
| |
| # Create the bazel_tools repository. |
| BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO=${OUTPUT_DIR}/archive/embedded_tools |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO} |
| workspace(name = 'bazel_tools') |
| EOF |
| |
| # Set up the MODULE.bazel file for `bazel_tools` |
| link_file "${PWD}/src/MODULE.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/MODULE.bazel" |
| |
| mkdir -p "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/src/conditions" |
| link_file "${PWD}/src/conditions/BUILD.tools" \ |
| "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/src/conditions/BUILD" |
| link_children "${PWD}" src/conditions "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| link_children "${PWD}" src "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| |
| link_dir ${PWD}/third_party ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/third_party |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools//tools/cpp/runfiles |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/runfiles |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles_src.h" \ |
| "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h" |
| # Transform //tools/cpp/runfiles:runfiles_src.cc to |
| # @bazel_tools//tools/cpp/runfiles:runfiles.cc |
| # Keep this transformation logic in sync with the |
| # //tools/cpp/runfiles:srcs_for_embedded_tools genrule. |
| sed 's|^#include.*/runfiles_src.h.*|#include \"tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h\"|' \ |
| "${PWD}/tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles_src.cc" > \ |
| "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.cc" |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/cpp/runfiles/BUILD.tools" \ |
| "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/runfiles/BUILD" |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools//tools/sh |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/sh |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/sh/sh_configure.bzl" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/sh/sh_configure.bzl" |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/sh/sh_toolchain.bzl" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/sh/sh_toolchain.bzl" |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/sh/BUILD.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/sh/BUILD" |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools//tools/jdk |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/jdk |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/jdk/BUILD.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/jdk/BUILD" |
| link_children "${PWD}" tools/jdk "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/java/runfiles |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/java/runfiles/Runfiles.java" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/java/runfiles/Runfiles.java" |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/java/runfiles/Util.java" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/java/runfiles/Util.java" |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/java/runfiles/BUILD.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/java/runfiles/BUILD" |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools/tools/python/BUILD |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/python |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/python/BUILD.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/python/BUILD" |
| |
| # Create @bazel_tools/tools/android/BUILD |
| mkdir -p ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/android |
| link_file "${PWD}/tools/android/BUILD.tools" "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/android/BUILD" |
| link_children "${PWD}" tools/android "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| |
| # Create the rest of @bazel_tools//tools/... |
| link_children "${PWD}" tools/cpp "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| mv -f ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/BUILD.tools ${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}/tools/cpp/BUILD |
| link_children "${PWD}" tools/python "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| link_children "${PWD}" tools "${BAZEL_TOOLS_REPO}" |
| |
| # Set up @maven properly |
| cp derived/maven/BUILD.vendor derived/maven/BUILD |
| |
| create_deploy_jar "libblaze" "com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.Bazel" \ |
| fi |
| |
| log "Creating Bazel install base..." |
| mkdir -p ${ARCHIVE_DIR} |
| |
| # Dummy build-runfiles (we can't compile C++ yet, so we can't have the real one) |
| if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "windows" ]; then |
| # We don't rely on runfiles trees on Windows |
| cat <<'EOF' >${ARCHIVE_DIR}/build-runfiles${EXE_EXT} |
| #!/bin/sh |
| # Skip over --allow_relative. |
| mkdir -p $3 |
| cp $2 $3/MANIFEST |
| EOF |
| else |
| cat <<'EOF' >${ARCHIVE_DIR}/build-runfiles${EXE_EXT} |
| #!/bin/sh |
| # This is bash implementation of build-runfiles: reads space-separated paths |
| # from each line in the file in $1, then creates a symlink under $2 for the |
| # first element of the pair that points to the second element of the pair. |
| # |
| # bash is a terrible tool for this job, but in this case, that's the only one |
| # we have (we could hand-compile a little .jar file like we hand-compile the |
| # bootstrap version of Bazel, but we'd still need a shell wrapper around it, so |
| # it's not clear whether that would be a win over a few lines of Lovecraftian |
| # code) |
| # Skip over --allow_relative. |
| MANIFEST="$2" |
| TREE="$3" |
| |
| rm -fr "$TREE" |
| mkdir -p "$TREE" |
| |
| # Read the lines in $MANIFEST. the usual "for VAR in $(cat FILE)" idiom won't do |
| # because the lines in FILE contain spaces. |
| while read LINE; do |
| # Split each line into two parts on the first space |
| SYMLINK_PATH="${LINE%% *}" |
| TARGET_PATH="${LINE#* }" |
| mkdir -p "$(dirname $ABSOLUTE_SYMLINK_PATH)" |
| done < "$MANIFEST" |
| |
| EOF |
| fi |
| |
| chmod 0755 ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/build-runfiles${EXE_EXT} |
| |
| function build_jni() { |
| local -r output_dir=$1 |
| |
| if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "windows" ]; then |
| # We need JNI on Windows because some filesystem operations are not (and |
| # cannot be) implemented in native Java. |
| log "Building Windows JNI library..." |
| |
| local -r jni_lib_name="windows_jni.dll" |
| local -r output="${output_dir}/${jni_lib_name}" |
| local -r tmp_output="${NEW_TMPDIR}/jni/${jni_lib_name}" |
| mkdir -p "$(dirname "$tmp_output")" |
| mkdir -p "$(dirname "$output")" |
| |
| # Keep this `find` command in sync with the `srcs` of |
| # //src/main/native/windows:windows_jni |
| local srcs=$(find src/main/native/windows -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h') |
| [ -n "$srcs" ] || fail "Could not find sources for Windows JNI library" |
| |
| # do not quote $srcs because we need to expand it to multiple args |
| src/main/native/windows/build_windows_jni.sh "$tmp_output" ${srcs} |
| |
| cp "$tmp_output" "$output" |
| chmod 0555 "$output" |
| |
| JNI_FLAGS="-Djava.library.path=${output_dir}" |
| else |
| # We don't need JNI on other platforms. The Java NIO file system fallback is |
| # sufficient. |
| true |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| build_jni "${ARCHIVE_DIR}" |
| |
| cp $OUTPUT_DIR/libblaze.jar ${ARCHIVE_DIR} |
| |
| # TODO(b/28965185): Remove when xcode-locator is no longer required in embedded_binaries. |
| log "Compiling xcode-locator..." |
| if [[ $PLATFORM == "darwin" ]]; then |
| run /usr/bin/xcrun --sdk macosx clang -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -fobjc-arc -framework CoreServices -framework Foundation -o ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/xcode-locator tools/osx/xcode_locator.m |
| else |
| cp tools/osx/xcode_locator_stub.sh ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/xcode-locator |
| fi |
| |
| function get_cwd() { |
| local result=${PWD} |
| [ "$PLATFORM" = "windows" ] && result="$(cygpath -m "$result")" |
| echo "$result" |
| } |
| |
| function run_bazel_jar() { |
| local command=$1 |
| shift |
| local client_env=() |
| # Propagate all environment variables to bootstrapped Bazel. |
| # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41898503/loop-over-environment-variables-in-posix-sh |
| local env_vars="$(awk 'END { for (name in ENVIRON) { if(name != "_" && name ~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/) print name; } }' </dev/null)" |
| for varname in $env_vars; do |
| eval value=\$$varname |
| if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "windows" ] && echo "$varname" | grep -q -i "^\(path\|tmp\|temp\|tempdir\|systemroot\|systemdrive\)$" ; then |
| varname="$(echo "$varname" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])" |
| fi |
| if [ "${value}" ]; then |
| client_env=("${client_env[@]}" --client_env="${varname}=${value}") |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" \ |
| -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xverify:none -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 \ |
| -XX:HeapDumpPath=${OUTPUT_DIR} \ |
| -Djava.util.logging.config.file=${OUTPUT_DIR}/javalog.properties \ |
| --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \ |
| ${JNI_FLAGS} \ |
| -jar ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/libblaze.jar \ |
| --batch \ |
| --install_base=${ARCHIVE_DIR} \ |
| --output_base=${OUTPUT_DIR}/out \ |
| --failure_detail_out=${OUTPUT_DIR}/failure_detail.rawproto \ |
| --output_user_root=${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_root \ |
| --install_md5= \ |
| --default_system_javabase="${JAVA_HOME}" \ |
| --workspace_directory="$(get_cwd)" \ |
| --nofatal_event_bus_exceptions \ |
| $command \ |
| --ignore_unsupported_sandboxing \ |
| --startup_time=329 --extract_data_time=523 \ |
| --rc_source=/dev/null --isatty=1 \ |
| --build_python_zip \ |
| "${client_env[@]}" \ |
| --client_cwd="$(get_cwd)" \ |
| "${@}" |
| } |