blob: bfb469cdd5c62b8c240fd6464f768df7969f6818 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: documentation
title: ${module.title}
<div style="background-color: #EFCBCB; color: #AE2B2B; border: 1px solid #AE2B2B; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #AE2B2B; padding: 0.5em;">
<b>IMPORTANT:</b> The Bazel docs have moved! Please update your bookmark to <a href="${}" style="color: #0000EE;">${}</a>
You can <a href="" style="color: #0000EE;">read about</a> the migration, and let us <a href="" style="color: #0000EE;">know what you think</a>.
<a href="../concepts.html">Extensions</a> &gt;
<a href="skylark-overview.html">API reference</a> &gt;
<!-- {% raw %} -->
<h1 id="modules.${}">${module.title}</h1>
#if (!$module.methods.isEmpty())
<div class="toc">
#foreach ($method in $module.methods)
#if ($method.documented())
<a href="#${}">${}</a>
#foreach ($method in $module.methods)
#if ($method.documented())
<h2 id="${}">${}</h2>
#if (!$method.signature.isEmpty())
<p><pre class="rule-signature">${method.signature}</pre></p>
#if (!$method.params.isEmpty())
<!-- no_toc is a class used by the jekyll-toc plugin for -->
<h3 class="no_toc">Parameters</h3>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-params">
<col class="col-param">
<col class="param-description">
#foreach ($param in $method.params)
<td id="${}.${}">
#if (!$param.type.isEmpty())
#if (!$param.defaultValue.isEmpty())
default = ${param.defaultValue}<br/>
<!-- {% endraw %} -->