blob: 8f4fcf6e3c13db5fe436106112b6f2bac853f9f0 [file] [log] [blame]
func_info {
function_name: "my_namespace.min"
parameter {
name: "integers"
mandatory: true
doc_string: "Returns the minimum of given elements."
func_info {
function_name: "my_namespace.math.min"
parameter {
name: "integers"
mandatory: true
doc_string: "Returns the minimum of given elements."
func_info {
function_name: ""
doc_string: "This function does nothing."
func_info {
function_name: "other_namespace.min"
parameter {
name: "integers"
mandatory: true
doc_string: "Returns the minimum of given elements."
module_docstring: "A test that verifies documenting a multi-leveled namespace of functions with allowlist symbols.\nThe allowlist symbols should cause everything in my_namespace to to be documented, but only a\nspecific symbol in other_namespace to be documented."