blob: 05cc7a1b1a3d56c7d86d4ebb5e926dfa89647796 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
* Type of a nested set (defines order).
* <p>STABLE_ORDER: an unspecified traversal order. Use when the order of elements does not matter.
* In Skylark it is called "default"; its older deprecated name is "stable".
* <p>COMPILE_ORDER: left-to-right postorder. In Skylark it is called "postorder"; its older
* deprecated name is "compile".
* <p>For example, for the nested set {B, D, {A, C}}, the iteration order is "A C B D"
* (child-first).
* <p>This type of set would typically be used for artifacts where elements of nested sets go before
* the direct members of a set, for example in the case of Javascript dependencies.
* <p>LINK_ORDER: a variation of left-to-right preorder that enforces topological sorting. In
* Skylark it is called "topological"; its older deprecated name is "link".
* <p>For example, for the nested set {A, C, {B, D}}, the iteration order is "A C B D"
* (parent-first).
* <p>This type of set would typically be used for artifacts where elements of nested sets go after
* the direct members of a set, for example when providing a list of libraries to the C++ compiler.
* <p>The custom ordering has the property that elements of nested sets always come before elements
* of descendant nested sets. Left-to-right order is preserved if possible, both for items and for
* references to nested sets.
* <p>The left-to-right pre-order-like ordering is implemented by running a right-to-left postorder
* traversal and then reversing the result.
* <p>The reason naive left-to left-to-right preordering is not used here is that it does not handle
* diamond-like structures properly. For example, take the following structure (nesting downwards):
* <pre>
* A
* / \
* B C
* \ /
* D
* </pre>
* <p>Naive preordering would produce "A B D C", which does not preserve the "parent before child"
* property: C is a parent of D, so C should come before D. Either "A B C D" or "A C B D" would be
* acceptable. This implementation returns the first option of the two so that left-to-right order
* is preserved.
* <p>In case the nested sets form a tree, the ordering algorithm is equivalent to standard
* left-to-right preorder.
* <p>Sometimes it may not be possible to preserve left-to-right order:
* <pre>
* A
* / \
* B C
* / \ / \
* \ E /
* \ /
* \ /
* D
* </pre>
* <p>The left branch (B) would indicate "D E" ordering and the right branch (C) dictates "E D". In
* such cases ordering is decided by the rightmost branch because of the list reversing behind the
* scenes, so the ordering in the final enumeration will be "E D".
* <p>NAIVE_LINK_ORDER: a left-to-right preordering. In Skylark it is called "preorder"; its older
* deprecated name is "naive_link".
* <p>For example, for the nested set {B, D, {A, C}}, the iteration order is "B D A C".
* <p>The order is called naive because it does no special treatment of dependency graphs that are
* not trees. For such graphs the property of parent-before-dependencies in the iteration order will
* not be upheld. For example, the diamond-shape graph A->{B, C}, B->{D}, C->{D} will be enumerated
* as "A B D C" rather than "A B C D" or "A C B D".
* <p>The difference from LINK_ORDER is that this order gives priority to left-to-right order over
* dependencies-after-parent ordering. Note that the latter is usually more important, so please use
* LINK_ORDER whenever possible.
// TODO(bazel-team): Remove deprecatedSkylarkName and it's associated helpers before Bazel 1.0.
public enum Order {
STABLE_ORDER("default", "stable"),
COMPILE_ORDER("postorder", "compile"),
LINK_ORDER("topological", "link"),
NAIVE_LINK_ORDER("preorder", "naive_link");
private static final ImmutableMap<String, Order> VALUES;
private static final ImmutableMap<String, Order> DEPRECATED_VALUES;
private final String skylarkName;
private final String deprecatedSkylarkName;
private final NestedSet<?> emptySet;
private Order(String skylarkName, String deprecatedSkylarkName) {
this.skylarkName = skylarkName;
this.deprecatedSkylarkName = deprecatedSkylarkName;
this.emptySet = new NestedSet<>(this);
* Returns an empty set of the given ordering.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Nested sets are immutable, so a downcast is fine.
<E> NestedSet<E> emptySet() {
return (NestedSet<E>) emptySet;
public String getSkylarkName() {
return skylarkName;
public String getDeprecatedSkylarkName() {
return deprecatedSkylarkName;
* Parses the given string as a nested set order
* @param name unique name of the order
* @param forbidDeprecatedOrderNames if true, old style ordering names will be rejected
* @return the appropriate order instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
public static Order parse(String name, boolean forbidDeprecatedOrderNames) {
if (VALUES.containsKey(name)) {
return VALUES.get(name);
} else if (DEPRECATED_VALUES.containsKey(name)) {
if (forbidDeprecatedOrderNames) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Order name '%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead",
return DEPRECATED_VALUES.get(name);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid order: " + name);
* Parses the given string as a nested set order
* @param name unique name of the order
* @return the appropriate order instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
public static Order parse(String name) {
return parse(name, false);
* Determines whether two orders are considered compatible.
* <p>An order is compatible with itself (reflexivity) and all orders are compatible with
* {@link #STABLE_ORDER}; the rest of the combinations are incompatible.
public boolean isCompatible(Order other) {
return this == other || this == STABLE_ORDER || other == STABLE_ORDER;
* Indexes all possible values by name and stores the results in a {@code ImmutableMap}
static {
Order[] tmpValues = Order.values();
HashMap<String, Order> entries = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(tmpValues.length);
HashMap<String, Order> deprecatedEntries = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(tmpValues.length);
for (Order current : tmpValues) {
entries.put(current.getSkylarkName(), current);
deprecatedEntries.put(current.getDeprecatedSkylarkName(), current);
VALUES = ImmutableMap.copyOf(entries);
DEPRECATED_VALUES = ImmutableMap.copyOf(deprecatedEntries);