blob: bb13941bcb1e749bf4f833b4908edf842de21d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
/** Process management on Windows. */
public class WindowsProcesses {
public static final long INVALID = -1;
private WindowsProcesses() {
// Prevent construction
* Creates a process with the specified Windows command line.
* <p>Appropriately quoting arguments is the responsibility of the caller.
* @param argv0 the binary to run; must be unquoted; must be either an absolute, normalized
* Windows path with a drive letter (e.g. "c:\foo\bar app.exe") or a single file name (e.g.
* "foo app.exe")
* @param argvRest the rest of the command line, i.e. argv[1:] (needs to be quoted Windows style)
* @param env the environment of the new process. null means inherit that of the Bazel server
* @param cwd the working directory of the new process. if null, the same as that of the current
* process
* @param stdoutFile the file the stdout should be redirected to. if null, nativeReadStdout will
* work.
* @param stderrFile the file the stdout should be redirected to. if null, nativeReadStderr will
* work.
* @param redirectErrorStream whether we merge the process's standard error and standard output.
* @return the opaque identifier of the created process
public static long createProcess(
String argv0,
String argvRest,
byte[] env,
String cwd,
String stdoutFile,
String stderrFile,
boolean redirectErrorStream) {
return nativeCreateProcess(
argv0, argvRest, env, cwd, stdoutFile, stderrFile, redirectErrorStream);
public static long createProcess(
String argv0, String argvRest, byte[] env, String cwd, String stdoutFile, String stderrFile) {
return nativeCreateProcess(argv0, argvRest, env, cwd, stdoutFile, stderrFile, false);
private static native long nativeCreateProcess(
String argv0,
String argvRest,
byte[] env,
String cwd,
String stdoutFile,
String stderrFile,
boolean redirectErrorStream);
* Writes data from the given array to the stdin of the specified process.
* <p>Blocks until either some data was written or the process is terminated.
* @return the number of bytes written
public static int writeStdin(long process, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
return nativeWriteStdin(process, bytes, offset, length);
private static native int nativeWriteStdin(long process, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length);
/** Returns an opaque identifier of stdout stream for the process. */
public static long getStdout(long process) {
return nativeGetStdout(process);
private static native long nativeGetStdout(long process);
/** Returns an opaque identifier of stderr stream for the process. */
public static long getStderr(long process) {
return nativeGetStderr(process);
private static native long nativeGetStderr(long process);
* Reads data from the stream into the given array. {@code stream} should come from {@link
* #nativeGetStdout(long)} or {@link #nativeGetStderr(long)}.
* <p>Blocks until either some data was read or the process is terminated.
* @return the number of bytes read, 0 on EOF, or -1 if there was an error.
public static int readStream(long stream, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
return nativeReadStream(stream, bytes, offset, length);
private static native int nativeReadStream(long stream, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length);
* Waits until the given process terminates. If timeout is non-negative, it indicates the number
* of milliseconds before the call times out.
* <p>Return values:
* <li>0: Process finished
* <li>1: Timeout
* <li>2: Something went wrong
public static int waitFor(long process, long timeout) {
return nativeWaitFor(process, timeout);
private static native int nativeWaitFor(long process, long timeout);
* Returns the exit code of the process. Throws {@code IllegalStateException} if something goes
* wrong.
public static int getExitCode(long process) {
return nativeGetExitCode(process);
private static native int nativeGetExitCode(long process);
/** Returns the process ID of the given process or -1 if there was an error. */
public static int getProcessPid(long process) {
return nativeGetProcessPid(process);
private static native int nativeGetProcessPid(long process);
/** Terminates the given process. Returns true if the termination was successful. */
public static boolean terminate(long process) {
return nativeTerminate(process);
private static native boolean nativeTerminate(long process);
* Releases the native data structures associated with the process.
* <p>Calling any other method on the same process after this call will result in the JVM crashing
* or worse.
public static void deleteProcess(long process) {
private static native void nativeDeleteProcess(long process);
* Closes the stream
* @param stream should come from {@link #nativeGetStdout(long)} or {@link
* #nativeGetStderr(long)}.
public static void closeStream(long stream) {
private static native void nativeCloseStream(long stream);
* Returns a string representation of the last error caused by any call on the given process or
* the empty string if the last operation was successful.
* <p>Does <b>NOT</b> terminate the process if it is still running.
* <p>After this call returns, subsequent calls will return the empty string if there was no
* failed operation in between.
public static String processGetLastError(long process) {
return nativeProcessGetLastError(process);
private static native String nativeProcessGetLastError(long process);
public static String streamGetLastError(long process) {
return nativeStreamGetLastError(process);
private static native String nativeStreamGetLastError(long process);
/** returns the PID of the current process. */
public static int getpid() {
return nativeGetpid();
private static native int nativeGetpid();
public static String quoteCommandLine(List<String> argv) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int iArg = 0; iArg < argv.size(); iArg++) {
if (iArg != 0) {
result.append(" ");
String arg = argv.get(iArg);
boolean hasSpace = arg.contains(" ");
if (!arg.contains("\"") && !arg.contains("\\") && !hasSpace) {
// fast path. Just append the input string.
} else {
// We need to quote things if the argument contains a space.
if (hasSpace) {
for (int iChar = 0; iChar < arg.length(); iChar++) {
boolean lastChar = iChar == arg.length() - 1;
switch (arg.charAt(iChar)) {
case '"':
// Escape double quotes
case '\\':
// Backslashes at the end of the string are quoted if we add quotes
if (lastChar) {
result.append(hasSpace ? "\\\\" : "\\");
} else {
// Backslashes everywhere else are quoted if they are followed by a
// quote or a backslash
arg.charAt(iChar + 1) == '"' || arg.charAt(iChar + 1) == '\\' ? "\\\\" : "\\");
// Add ending quotes if we added a quote at the beginning.
if (hasSpace) {
return result.toString();