blob: de1fe986b7de049ac57e446034278f4fbe44e5c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* This interface models a file system using UNIX the naming scheme.
public abstract class FileSystem {
/** Type of hash function to use for digesting files. */
public enum HashFunction {
private final int digestSize;
HashFunction(int digestSize) {
this.digestSize = digestSize;
/** Converts to {@link HashFunction}. */
public static class Converter extends EnumConverter<HashFunction> {
public Converter() {
super(HashFunction.class, "hash function");
public boolean isValidDigest(byte[] digest) {
return digest != null && digest.length == digestSize;
// This is effectively final, should be changed only in unit-tests!
private static HashFunction DIGEST_FUNCTION;
static {
try {
DIGEST_FUNCTION = new HashFunction.Converter().convert(
System.getProperty("bazel.DigestFunction", "MD5"));
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public static void setDigestFunctionForTesting(HashFunction value) {
public static HashFunction getDigestFunction() {
private enum UnixPathFactory implements PathFactory {
public Path createRootPath(FileSystem filesystem) {
return new Path(filesystem, PathFragment.ROOT_DIR, null);
public Path createChildPath(Path parent, String childName) {
return new Path(parent.getFileSystem(), childName, parent);
public TranslatedPath translatePath(Path parent, String child) {
return new TranslatedPath(parent, child);
* An exception thrown when attempting to resolve an ordinary file as a symlink.
protected static final class NotASymlinkException extends IOException {
public NotASymlinkException(Path path) {
protected final Path rootPath;
protected FileSystem() {
this.rootPath = getPathFactory().createRootPath(this);
/** Returns filesystem-specific path factory. */
protected PathFactory getPathFactory() {
return UnixPathFactory.INSTANCE;
* Returns an absolute path instance, given an absolute path name, without
* double slashes, .., or . segments. While this method will normalize the
* path representation by creating a structured/parsed representation, it will
* not cause any IO. (e.g., it will not resolve symbolic links if it's a Unix
* file system.
public Path getPath(String pathName) {
return getPath(new PathFragment(pathName));
* Returns an absolute path instance, given an absolute path name, without
* double slashes, .., or . segments. While this method will normalize the
* path representation by creating a structured/parsed representation, it will
* not cause any IO. (e.g., it will not resolve symbolic links if it's a Unix
* file system.
public Path getPath(PathFragment pathName) {
if (!pathName.isAbsolute()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(pathName.getPathString() + " (not an absolute path)");
return rootPath.getRelative(pathName);
* Returns a path representing the root directory of the current file system.
public final Path getRootDirectory() {
return rootPath;
* Returns whether or not the FileSystem supports modifications of files and
* file entries.
* <p>Returns true if FileSystem supports the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #setWritable(Path, boolean)}</li>
* <li>{@link #setExecutable(Path, boolean)}</li>
* </ul>
* The above calls will result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} on
* a FileSystem where this method returns {@code false}.
public abstract boolean supportsModifications();
* Returns whether or not the FileSystem supports symbolic links.
* <p>Returns true if FileSystem supports the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #createSymbolicLink(Path, PathFragment)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getFileSize(Path, boolean)} where {@code followSymlinks=false}</li>
* <li>{@link #getLastModifiedTime(Path, boolean)} where {@code followSymlinks=false}</li>
* <li>{@link #readSymbolicLink(Path)} where the link points to a non-existent file</li>
* </ul>
* The above calls may result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} on
* a FileSystem where this method returns {@code false}. The implementation can try to emulate
* these calls at its own discretion.
public abstract boolean supportsSymbolicLinksNatively();
* Returns whether or not the FileSystem supports hard links.
* <p>Returns true if FileSystem supports the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #createFSDependentHardLink(Path, Path)}
* </ul>
* The above calls may result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} on a FileSystem where
* this method returns {@code false}. The implementation can try to emulate these calls at its own
* discretion.
protected abstract boolean supportsHardLinksNatively();
* Returns true if file path is case-sensitive on this file system. Default is true.
public abstract boolean isFilePathCaseSensitive();
* Returns the type of the file system path belongs to.
* <p>The string returned is obtained directly from the operating system, so
* it's a best guess in absence of a guaranteed api.
* <p>This implementation uses <code>/proc/mounts</code> to determine the
* file system type.
public String getFileSystemType(Path path) {
String fileSystem = "unknown";
int bestMountPointSegmentCount = -1;
try {
Path canonicalPath = path.resolveSymbolicLinks();
Path mountTable = path.getRelative("/proc/mounts");
try (InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(mountTable.getInputStream(),
ISO_8859_1)) {
for (String line : CharStreams.readLines(reader)) {
String[] words = line.split("\\s+");
if (words.length >= 3) {
if (!words[1].startsWith("/")) {
Path mountPoint = path.getFileSystem().getPath(words[1]);
int segmentCount = mountPoint.asFragment().segmentCount();
if (canonicalPath.startsWith(mountPoint) && segmentCount > bestMountPointSegmentCount) {
bestMountPointSegmentCount = segmentCount;
fileSystem = words[2];
} catch (IOException e) {
// pass
return fileSystem;
* Creates a directory with the name of the current path. See
* {@link Path#createDirectory} for specification.
protected abstract boolean createDirectory(Path path) throws IOException;
* Returns the size in bytes of the file denoted by {@code path}. See
* {@link Path#getFileSize(Symlinks)} for specification.
* <p>Note: for <@link FileSystem>s where {@link #supportsSymbolicLinksNatively()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if {@code followSymLinks=false}.
protected abstract long getFileSize(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException;
* Deletes the file denoted by {@code path}. See {@link Path#delete} for
* specification.
protected abstract boolean delete(Path path) throws IOException;
* Returns the last modification time of the file denoted by {@code path}.
* See {@link Path#getLastModifiedTime(Symlinks)} for specification.
* Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsSymbolicLinksNatively()} returns
* false, this method will throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if
* {@code followSymLinks=false}.
protected abstract long getLastModifiedTime(Path path,
boolean followSymlinks)
throws IOException;
* Sets the last modification time of the file denoted by {@code path}. See
* {@link Path#setLastModifiedTime} for specification.
protected abstract void setLastModifiedTime(Path path, long newTime) throws IOException;
* Returns value of the given extended attribute name or null if attribute
* does not exist or file system does not support extended attributes. Follows symlinks.
* <p>Default implementation assumes that file system does not support
* extended attributes and always returns null. Specific file system
* implementations should override this method if they do provide support
* for extended attributes.
* @param path the file whose extended attribute is to be returned.
* @param name the name of the extended attribute key.
* @return the value of the extended attribute associated with 'path', if
* any, or null if no such attribute is defined (ENODATA) or file
* system does not support extended attributes at all.
* @throws IOException if the call failed for any other reason.
protected byte[] getxattr(Path path, String name) throws IOException {
return null;
* Gets a fast digest for the given path and hash function type, or {@code null} if there
* isn't one available or the filesystem doesn't support them. This digest should be
* suitable for detecting changes to the file.
protected byte[] getFastDigest(Path path, HashFunction hashFunction) throws IOException {
return null;
* Gets a fast digest for the given path, or {@code null} if there isn't one available or the
* filesystem doesn't support them. This digest should be suitable for detecting changes to the
* file.
protected final byte[] getFastDigest(Path path) throws IOException {
return getFastDigest(path, DIGEST_FUNCTION);
* Returns whether the given digest is a valid digest for the default digest function.
public boolean isValidDigest(byte[] digest) {
return DIGEST_FUNCTION.isValidDigest(digest);
* Returns the digest of the file denoted by the path, following
* symbolic links, for the given hash digest function.
* @return a new byte array containing the file's digest
* @throws IOException if the digest could not be computed for any reason
protected final byte[] getDigest(final Path path, HashFunction hashFunction) throws IOException {
switch(hashFunction) {
case MD5:
return getMD5Digest(path);
case SHA1:
return getSHA1Digest(path);
throw new IOException("Unsupported hash function: " + hashFunction);
* Returns the digest of the file denoted by the path, following symbolic links.
* @return a new byte array containing the file's digest
* @throws IOException if the digest could not be computed for any reason
protected byte[] getDigest(final Path path) throws IOException {
return getDigest(path, DIGEST_FUNCTION);
* Returns the MD5 digest of the file denoted by {@code path}. See
* {@link Path#getMD5Digest} for specification.
protected byte[] getMD5Digest(final Path path) throws IOException {
// Naive I/O implementation. Subclasses may (and do) optimize.
// This code is only used by the InMemory or Zip or other weird FSs.
return new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
return getInputStream(path);
* Returns the MD5 digest of the file denoted by {@code path}. See
* {@link Path#getMD5Digest} for specification.
protected byte[] getSHA1Digest(final Path path) throws IOException {
// Naive I/O implementation. TODO(olaola): optimize!
return new ByteSource() {
public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
return getInputStream(path);
* Returns true if "path" denotes an existing symbolic link. See
* {@link Path#isSymbolicLink} for specification.
protected abstract boolean isSymbolicLink(Path path);
* Appends a single regular path segment 'child' to 'dir', recursively
* resolving symbolic links in 'child'. 'dir' must be canonical. 'maxLinks' is
* the maximum number of symbolic links that may be traversed before it gives
* up (the Linux kernel uses 32).
* <p>(This method does not need to be synchronized; but the result may be
* stale in the case of concurrent modification.)
* @throws IOException if 'dir' is not an existing directory; or if
* stat(child) fails for any reason, or if 'child' is a symlink and
* readlink(child) fails for any reason (e.g. ENOENT, EACCES), or if
* the chain of symbolic links exceeds 'maxLinks'.
protected final Path appendSegment(Path dir, String child, int maxLinks) throws IOException {
Path naive = dir.getChild(child);
PathFragment linkTarget = resolveOneLink(naive);
if (linkTarget == null) {
return naive; // regular file or directory
if (maxLinks-- == 0) {
throw new IOException(naive + " (Too many levels of symbolic links)");
if (linkTarget.isAbsolute()) { dir = rootPath; }
for (String name : linkTarget.segments()) {
if (name.equals(".") || name.isEmpty()) {
// no-op
} else if (name.equals("..")) {
Path parent = dir.getParentDirectory();
// root's parent is root, when canonicalizing, so this is a no-op.
if (parent != null) { dir = parent; }
} else {
dir = appendSegment(dir, name, maxLinks);
return dir;
* Helper method of {@link #resolveSymbolicLinks(Path)}. This method
* encapsulates the I/O component of a full canonicalization operation.
* Subclasses can (and do) provide more efficient implementations.
* <p>(This method does not need to be synchronized; but the result may be
* stale in the case of concurrent modification.)
* @param path a path, of which all but the last segment is guaranteed to be
* canonical
* @return {@link #readSymbolicLink} iff path is a symlink or null iff
* path exists but is not a symlink
* @throws IOException if the file did not exist, or a parent directory could
* not be searched
protected PathFragment resolveOneLink(Path path) throws IOException {
try {
return readSymbolicLink(path);
} catch (NotASymlinkException e) {
// Not a symbolic link. Check it exists.
// (A simple call to lstat would replace all of this.)
if (!exists(path, false)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(path + " (No such file or directory)");
// TODO(bazel-team): (2009) ideally, throw ENOTDIR if dir is not a dir, but that
// would require twice as many stats, or a much more convoluted
// implementation (like glibc's canonicalize.c).
return null; // exists.
* Returns the canonical path for the given path. See
* {@link Path#resolveSymbolicLinks} for specification.
protected Path resolveSymbolicLinks(Path path)
throws IOException {
Path parentNode = path.getParentDirectory();
return parentNode == null
? path // (root)
: appendSegment(resolveSymbolicLinks(parentNode), path.getBaseName(), 32);
* Returns the status of a file. See {@link Path#stat(Symlinks)} for
* specification.
* <p>The default implementation of this method is a "lazy" one, based on
* other accessor methods such as {@link #isFile}, etc. Subclasses may provide
* more efficient specializations. However, we still try to follow Unix-like
* semantics of failing fast in case of non-existent files (or in case of
* permission issues).
protected FileStatus stat(final Path path, final boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
FileStatus status = new FileStatus() {
volatile Boolean isFile;
volatile Boolean isDirectory;
volatile Boolean isSymbolicLink;
volatile Boolean isSpecial;
volatile long size = -1;
volatile long mtime = -1;
public boolean isFile() {
if (isFile == null) { isFile = FileSystem.this.isFile(path, followSymlinks); }
return isFile;
public boolean isDirectory() {
if (isDirectory == null) {
isDirectory = FileSystem.this.isDirectory(path, followSymlinks);
return isDirectory;
public boolean isSymbolicLink() {
if (isSymbolicLink == null) { isSymbolicLink = FileSystem.this.isSymbolicLink(path); }
return isSymbolicLink;
public boolean isSpecialFile() {
if (isSpecial == null) { isSpecial = FileSystem.this.isSpecialFile(path, followSymlinks); }
return isSpecial;
public long getSize() throws IOException {
if (size == -1) { size = getFileSize(path, followSymlinks); }
return size;
public long getLastModifiedTime() throws IOException {
if (mtime == -1) { mtime = FileSystem.this.getLastModifiedTime(path, followSymlinks); }
return mtime;
public long getLastChangeTime() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getNodeId() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Fail fast in case if some operations will actually fail, since stat() call sometimes used
// to verify file existence as well. We will use getLastModifiedTime() method for that purpose.
return status;
* Like stat(), but returns null on failures instead of throwing.
protected FileStatus statNullable(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) {
try {
return stat(path, followSymlinks);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Like {@link #stat}, but returns null if the file is not found (corresponding to
* {@code ENOENT} or {@code ENOTDIR} in Unix's stat(2) function) instead of throwing. Note that
* this implementation does <i>not</i> successfully catch {@code ENOTDIR} exceptions. If the
* instantiated filesystem can catch such errors, it should override this method to do so.
protected FileStatus statIfFound(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
try {
return stat(path, followSymlinks);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return null;
* Returns true iff {@code path} denotes an existing directory. See
* {@link Path#isDirectory(Symlinks)} for specification.
protected abstract boolean isDirectory(Path path, boolean followSymlinks);
* Returns true iff {@code path} denotes an existing regular or special file.
* See {@link Path#isFile(Symlinks)} for specification.
protected abstract boolean isFile(Path path, boolean followSymlinks);
* Returns true iff {@code path} denotes a special file.
* See {@link Path#isSpecialFile(Symlinks)} for specification.
protected abstract boolean isSpecialFile(Path path, boolean followSymlinks);
* Creates a symbolic link. See {@link Path#createSymbolicLink(Path)} for
* specification.
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsSymbolicLinksNatively()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
protected abstract void createSymbolicLink(Path linkPath, PathFragment targetFragment)
throws IOException;
* Returns the target of a symbolic link. See {@link Path#readSymbolicLink}
* for specification.
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsSymbolicLinksNatively()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if the link points to a non-existent
* file.
* @throws NotASymlinkException if the current path is not a symbolic link
* @throws IOException if the contents of the link could not be read for any reason.
protected abstract PathFragment readSymbolicLink(Path path) throws IOException;
* Returns the target of a symbolic link, under the assumption that the given path is indeed a
* symbolic link (this assumption permits efficient implementations). See
* {@link Path#readSymbolicLinkUnchecked} for specification.
* @throws IOException if the contents of the link could not be read for any reason.
protected PathFragment readSymbolicLinkUnchecked(Path path) throws IOException {
return readSymbolicLink(path);
* Returns true iff {@code path} denotes an existing file of any kind. See
* {@link Path#exists(Symlinks)} for specification.
protected abstract boolean exists(Path path, boolean followSymlinks);
* Returns a collection containing the names of all entities within the
* directory denoted by the {@code path}.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading the directory entries
protected abstract Collection<Path> getDirectoryEntries(Path path) throws IOException;
protected static Dirent.Type direntFromStat(FileStatus stat) {
if (stat == null) {
return Type.UNKNOWN;
} else if (stat.isSpecialFile()) {
return Type.UNKNOWN;
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
return Type.FILE;
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return Type.DIRECTORY;
} else if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
return Type.SYMLINK;
} else {
return Type.UNKNOWN;
* Returns a Dirents structure, listing the names of all entries within the
* directory {@code path}, plus their types (file, directory, other).
* @param followSymlinks whether to follow symlinks when determining the file types of
* individual directory entries. No matter the value of this parameter, symlinks are
* followed when resolving the directory whose entries are to be read.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading the directory entries
protected Collection<Dirent> readdir(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
Collection<Path> children = getDirectoryEntries(path);
List<Dirent> dirents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(children.size());
for (Path child : children) {
Dirent.Type type = direntFromStat(statNullable(child, followSymlinks));
dirents.add(new Dirent(child.getBaseName(), type));
return dirents;
* Returns true iff the file represented by {@code path} is readable.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading the file's metadata
protected abstract boolean isReadable(Path path) throws IOException;
* Sets the file to readable (if the argument is true) or non-readable (if the
* argument is false)
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsModifications()}
* returns false or which do not support unreadable files, this method will
* throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading or writing the file's metadata
protected abstract void setReadable(Path path, boolean readable)
throws IOException;
* Returns true iff the file represented by {@code path} is writable.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading the file's metadata
protected abstract boolean isWritable(Path path) throws IOException;
* Sets the file to writable (if the argument is true) or non-writable (if the
* argument is false)
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsModifications()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading or writing the file's metadata
protected abstract void setWritable(Path path, boolean writable)
throws IOException;
* Returns true iff the file represented by the path is executable.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading the file's metadata
protected abstract boolean isExecutable(Path path) throws IOException;
* Sets the file to executable, if the argument is true. It is currently not
* supported to unset the executable status of a file, so {code
* executable=false} yields an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsModifications()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading or writing the file's metadata
protected abstract void setExecutable(Path path, boolean executable) throws IOException;
* Sets the file permissions. If permission changes on this {@link FileSystem}
* are slow (e.g. one syscall per change), this method should aim to be faster
* than setting each permission individually. If this {@link FileSystem} does
* not support group or others permissions, those bits will be ignored.
* <p>Note: for {@link FileSystem}s where {@link #supportsModifications()}
* returns false, this method will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* @throws IOException if there was an error reading or writing the file's metadata
protected void chmod(Path path, int mode) throws IOException {
setReadable(path, (mode & 0400) != 0);
setWritable(path, (mode & 0200) != 0);
setExecutable(path, (mode & 0100) != 0);
* Creates an InputStream accessing the file denoted by the path.
* @throws IOException if there was an error opening the file for reading
protected abstract InputStream getInputStream(Path path) throws IOException;
* Creates an OutputStream accessing the file denoted by path.
* @throws IOException if there was an error opening the file for writing
protected final OutputStream getOutputStream(Path path) throws IOException {
return getOutputStream(path, false);
* Creates an OutputStream accessing the file denoted by path.
* @param append whether to open the output stream in append mode
* @throws IOException if there was an error opening the file for writing
protected abstract OutputStream getOutputStream(Path path, boolean append) throws IOException;
* Renames the file denoted by "sourceNode" to the location "targetNode".
* See {@link Path#renameTo} for specification.
protected abstract void renameTo(Path sourcePath, Path targetPath) throws IOException;
* Create a new hard link file at "linkPath" for file at "originalPath".
* @param linkPath The path of the new link file to be created
* @param originalPath The path of the original file
* @throws IOException if the original file does not exist or the link file already exists
protected void createHardLink(Path linkPath, Path originalPath) throws IOException {
if (!originalPath.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"File \""
+ originalPath.getBaseName()
+ "\" linked from \""
+ linkPath.getBaseName()
+ "\" does not exist");
if (linkPath.exists()) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
"New link file \"" + linkPath.getBaseName() + "\" already exists");
createFSDependentHardLink(linkPath, originalPath);
* Create a new hard link file at "linkPath" for file at "originalPath".
* @param linkPath The path of the new link file to be created
* @param originalPath The path of the original file
* @throws IOException if there was an I/O error
protected abstract void createFSDependentHardLink(Path linkPath, Path originalPath)
throws IOException;
* Prefetch all directories and symlinks within the package
* rooted at "path". Enter at most "maxDirs" total directories.
* Specializations for high-latency remote filesystems may wish to
* implement this in order to warm the filesystem's internal caches.
protected void prefetchPackageAsync(Path path, int maxDirs) { }