blob: 2e2a1d38e981124ed01e0a0b09218353363bfd5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/** A collection of global Starlark build API functions that belong in the global namespace. */
public interface StarlarkBuildApiGlobals {
name = "visibility",
// TODO(b/22193153): Link to a concepts page for bzl-visibility.
doc =
"<i>(Experimental; enabled by <code>--experimental_bzl_visibility</code>. This feature's"
+ " API may change. Only packages that appear in"
+ " <code>--experimental_bzl_visibility_allowlist</code> are permitted to call this"
+ " function. Known issue: This feature currently may not work under bzlmod.)</i>"
+ "<p>Sets the bzl-visibility of the .bzl module currently being initialized."
+ "<p>The bzl-visibility of a .bzl module (not to be confused with target visibility)"
+ " governs whether or not a <code>load()</code> of that .bzl is permitted from"
+ " within the BUILD and .bzl files of a particular package. Allowed values include:"
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li><code>\"public\"</code> <i>(default)</i>: the .bzl can be loaded anywhere."
+ "<li><code>\"private\"</code>: the .bzl can only be loaded by files in the same"
+ " package (subpackages are excluded)."
+ "<li>a list of package specifications (e.g. <code>[\"//pkg1\","
+ "\"//pkg2/subpkg/...\"]</code>): the .bzl can be loaded by files in any package"
+ " matching one of the listed specifications. Package specifications may be package"
+ " paths, or package paths with a trailing <code>\"/...\"</code> to include all"
+ " subpackages; negated patterns are not currently supported. All package"
+ " specifications are within the current repository; the \"@\" syntax is disallowed."
+ "</ul>"
+ "<p>Generally, <code>visibility()</code> is called at the top of the .bzl file,"
+ " immediately after its <code>load()</code> statements. (It is poor style to put"
+ " this declaration later in the file or in a helper method.) It may not be called"
+ " more than once per .bzl, or after the .bzl's top-level code has finished"
+ " executing."
+ "<p>Note that a .bzl module having a public bzl-visibility does not necessarily"
+ " imply that its corresponding file target has public visibility. This means that"
+ " it's possible to be able to <code>load()</code> a .bzl file without being able to"
+ " depend on it in a <code>filegroup</code> or other target.",
parameters = {
name = "value",
named = false,
doc =
"The bzl-visibility level to set. May be <code>\"public\"</code>,"
+ " <code>\"private\"</code>, or a list of packages.")
// Ordinarily we'd use enableOnlyWithFlag here to gate access on
// --experimental_bzl_visibility. However, the StarlarkSemantics isn't available at the point
// where the top-level environment is determined (see StarlarkModules#addPredeclared and
// notice that it relies on the overload of Starlark#addMethods that uses the default
// semantics). So instead we make this builtin unconditionally defined, but have it fail at
// call time if used without the flag.
useStarlarkThread = true)
void visibility(Object value, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException;
name = "configuration_field",
// TODO(cparsons): Provide a link to documentation for available StarlarkConfigurationFields.
doc =
"References a late-bound default value for an attribute of type <a"
+ " href=\"attr.html#label\">label</a>. A value is 'late-bound' if it requires the"
+ " configuration to be built before determining the value. Any attribute using this"
+ " as a value must <a href=\"\">be"
+ " private</a>. <p>Example usage: <p>Defining a rule attribute: <br><pre"
+ " class=language-python>'_foo':"
+ " attr.label(default=configuration_field(fragment='java', "
+ "name='toolchain'))</pre><p>Accessing in rule implementation: <br><pre"
+ " class=language-python> def _rule_impl(ctx):\n"
+ " foo_info = ctx.attr._foo\n"
+ " ...</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "fragment",
named = true,
doc = "The name of a configuration fragment which contains the late-bound value."),
name = "name",
named = true,
doc = "The name of the value to obtain from the configuration fragment."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
LateBoundDefaultApi configurationField(String fragment, String name, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;