blob: d9f5c8767630a596138a5ce985427cbe45a9b969 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A node in the graph. All operations on this class are thread-safe.
* <p>This interface is public only for the benefit of alternative graph implementations outside of
* the package.
public interface NodeEntry extends ThinNodeEntry {
* Return code for {@link #addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone} and
* {@link #checkIfDoneForDirtyReverseDep}.
enum DependencyState {
/** The node is done. */
* The node has not started evaluating, and needs to be scheduled for its first evaluation pass.
* The caller getting this return value is responsible for scheduling its evaluation and
* signaling the reverse dependency node when this node is done.
* The node was already created, but isn't done yet. The evaluator is responsible for
* signaling the reverse dependency node.
* Return code for {@link #getDirtyState}.
enum DirtyState {
* The node's dependencies need to be checked to see if it needs to be rebuilt. The
* dependencies must be obtained through calls to {@link #getNextDirtyDirectDeps} and checked.
* All of the node's dependencies are unchanged, and the value itself was not marked changed,
* so its current value is still valid -- it need not be rebuilt.
* A rebuilding is required, because either the node itself changed or one of its dependencies
* did.
/** A rebuilding is in progress. */
boolean keepEdges();
* Returns the value stored in this entry. This method may only be called after the evaluation of
* this node is complete, i.e., after {@link #setValue} has been called.
SkyValue getValue();
* Returns raw {@link SkyValue} stored in this entry, which may include metadata associated with
* it (like events and errors). This method may only be called after the evaluation of this node
* is complete, i.e., after {@link #setValue} has been called.
* <p>Use the static methods of {@link ValueWithMetadata} to extract metadata if necessary.
SkyValue getValueMaybeWithMetadata();
* Returns the value, even if dirty or changed. Returns null otherwise.
SkyValue toValue();
* Returns the error, if any, associated to this node. This method may only be called after
* the evaluation of this node is complete, i.e., after {@link #setValue} has been called.
ErrorInfo getErrorInfo();
* Returns the set of reverse deps that have been declared so far this build. Only for use in
* debugging and when bubbling errors up in the --nokeep_going case, where we need to know what
* parents this entry has.
Set<SkyKey> getInProgressReverseDeps();
* Transitions the node from the EVALUATING to the DONE state and simultaneously sets it to the
* given value and error state. It then returns the set of reverse dependencies that need to be
* signaled.
* <p>This is an atomic operation to avoid a race where two threads work on two nodes, where one
* node depends on another (b depends on a). When a finishes, it signals <b>exactly</b> the set
* of reverse dependencies that are registered at the time of the {@code setValue} call. If b
* comes in before a, it is signaled (and re-scheduled) by a, otherwise it needs to do that
* itself.
* <p>{@code version} indicates the graph version at which this node is being written. If the
* entry determines that the new value is equal to the previous value, the entry will keep its
* current version. Callers can query that version to see if the node considers its value to have
* changed.
Set<SkyKey> setValue(SkyValue value, Version version);
* Queries if the node is done and adds the given key as a reverse dependency. The return code
* indicates whether a) the node is done, b) the reverse dependency is the first one, so the
* node needs to be scheduled, or c) the reverse dependency was added, and the node does not
* need to be scheduled.
* <p>This method <b>must</b> be called before any processing of the entry. This encourages
* callers to check that the entry is ready to be processed.
* <p>Adding the dependency and checking if the node needs to be scheduled is an atomic operation
* to avoid a race where two threads work on two nodes, where one depends on the other (b depends
* on a). In that case, we need to ensure that b is re-scheduled exactly once when a is done.
* However, a may complete first, in which case b has to re-schedule itself. Also see {@link
* #setValue}.
* <p>If the parameter is {@code null}, then no reverse dependency is added, but we still check
* if the node needs to be scheduled.
DependencyState addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(@Nullable SkyKey reverseDep);
* Similar to {@link #addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone}, except that {@param reverseDep} must already
* be a reverse dep of this entry. Should be used when reverseDep has been marked dirty and is
* checking its dependencies for changes. The caller must treat the return value just as they
* would the return value of {@link #addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone} by scheduling this node for
* evaluation if needed.
DependencyState checkIfDoneForDirtyReverseDep(SkyKey reverseDep);
* Tell this node that one of its dependencies is now done. Callers must check the return value,
* and if true, they must re-schedule this node for evaluation. Equivalent to
* {@code #signalDep(Long.MAX_VALUE)}. Since this entry was last evaluated at a version less than
* {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, informing this entry that a child of it has version
* {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} will force it to re-evaluate.
boolean signalDep();
* Tell this entry that one of its dependencies is now done. Callers must check the return value,
* and if true, they must re-schedule this node for evaluation.
* <p>Even if {@code childVersion} is not at most {@link #getVersion}, this entry may not rebuild,
* in the case that the entry already rebuilt at {@code childVersion} and discovered that it had
* the same value as at an earlier version. For instance, after evaluating at version v1, at
* version v2, child has a new value, but parent re-evaluates and finds it has the same value,
* child.getVersion() will return v2 and parent.getVersion() will return v1. At v3 parent is
* dirtied and checks its dep on child. child signals parent with version v2. That should not in
* and of itself trigger a rebuild, since parent has already rebuilt with child at v2.
* @param childVersion If this entry {@link #isDirty()} and the last version at which this entry
* was evaluated did not include the changes at version {@code childVersion} (for instance, if
* {@code childVersion} is after the last version at which this entry was evaluated), then this
* entry records that one of its children has changed since it was last evaluated. Thus, the next
* call to {@link #getDirtyState()} will return {@link DirtyState#NEEDS_REBUILDING}.
boolean signalDep(Version childVersion);
* Marks this entry as up-to-date at this version.
* @return {@link Set} of reverse dependencies to signal that this node is done.
Set<SkyKey> markClean();
* Forces this node to be re-evaluated, even if none of its dependencies are known to have
* changed.
* <p>Used when an external caller has reason to believe that re-evaluating may yield a new
* result. This method should not be used if one of the normal deps of this node has changed,
* the usual change-pruning process should work in that case.
void forceRebuild();
* Gets the current version of this entry.
Version getVersion();
* Gets the current state of checking this dirty entry to see if it must be re-evaluated. Must be
* called each time evaluation of a dirty entry starts to find the proper action to perform next,
* as enumerated by {@link NodeEntry.DirtyState}.
NodeEntry.DirtyState getDirtyState();
* Should only be called if the entry is dirty. During the examination to see if the entry must be
* re-evaluated, this method returns the next group of children to be checked. Callers should
* have already called {@link #getDirtyState} and received a return value of
* {@link DirtyState#CHECK_DEPENDENCIES} before calling this method -- any other
* return value from {@link #getDirtyState} means that this method must not be called, since
* whether or not the node needs to be rebuilt is already known.
* <p>Deps are returned in groups. The deps in each group were requested in parallel by the
* {@code SkyFunction} last build, meaning independently of the values of any other deps in this
* group (although possibly depending on deps in earlier groups). Thus the caller may check all
* the deps in this group in parallel, since the deps in all previous groups are verified
* unchanged. See {@link SkyFunction.Environment#getValues} for more on dependency groups.
* <p>The caller should register these as deps of this entry using {@link #addTemporaryDirectDeps}
* before checking them.
* @see BuildingState#getNextDirtyDirectDeps()
Collection<SkyKey> getNextDirtyDirectDeps();
* Returns all deps of a node that has not yet finished evaluating. In other words, if a node has
* a reverse dep on this node, its key will be in the returned set here. If this node was freshly
* created, this is just any elements that were added using {@link #addTemporaryDirectDeps} (so it
* is the same as {@link #getTemporaryDirectDeps}). If this node is marked dirty, this includes
* all the elements that would have been returned by successive calls to
* {@link #getNextDirtyDirectDeps}.
* <p>This method should only be called when this node is about to be deleted after an aborted
* evaluation. After such an evaluation, any nodes that did not finish evaluating are deleted, as
* are any nodes that depend on them, which are necessarily also not done. If this node is to be
* deleted because of this, we must delete it as a reverse dep from other nodes. This method
* returns that list of other nodes. This method may not be called on done nodes, since they do
* not need to be deleted after aborted evaluations.
* <p>This method must not be called twice: the next thing done to this node after this method is
* called should be the removal of the node from the graph.
Iterable<SkyKey> getAllDirectDepsForIncompleteNode();
* Notifies a node that it is about to be rebuilt. This method can only be called if the node
* {@link DirtyState#NEEDS_REBUILDING}. It returns the remaining deps of the node that had not
* yet been checked: all the keys that would be returned by successive calls to
* {@link #getNextDirtyDirectDeps}. It is the caller's responsibility to (uninterruptibly) remove
* the reverse deps those deps have on this node in order to keep the graph consistent. After this
* call, this node no longer has a dep on the nodes whose keys were returned by this call and
* is ready to be rebuilt (it will be in {@link DirtyState#REBUILDING}).
Collection<SkyKey> markRebuildingAndGetAllRemainingDirtyDirectDeps();
* Returns the set of direct dependencies. This may only be called while the node is being
* evaluated, that is, before {@link #setValue} and after {@link #markDirty}.
Set<SkyKey> getTemporaryDirectDeps();
boolean noDepsLastBuild();
* Remove dep from direct deps. This should only be called if this entry is about to be
* committed as a cycle node, but some of its children were not checked for cycles, either
* because the cycle was discovered before some children were checked; some children didn't have a
* chance to finish before the evaluator aborted; or too many cycles were found when it came time
* to check the children.
void removeUnfinishedDeps(Set<SkyKey> unfinishedDeps);
void addTemporaryDirectDeps(GroupedListHelper<SkyKey> helper);
* Add a group of direct deps to the node. May only be called with a {@link Collection} returned
* by {@link #getNextDirtyDirectDeps()} just before enqueuing those direct deps during dependency
* checking.
void addTemporaryDirectDepsGroupToDirtyEntry(Collection<SkyKey> group);
* Returns true if the node is ready to be evaluated, i.e., it has been signaled exactly as many
* times as it has temporary dependencies. This may only be called while the node is being
* evaluated, that is, before {@link #setValue} and after {@link #markDirty}.
boolean isReady();