blob: 25c3215c5c3f4931b2c815293a8a5124e06df845 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Evaluates a set of given functions ({@code SkyFunction}s) with arguments ({@code SkyKey}s).
* Cycles are not allowed and are detected during the traversal.
* <p>This class implements multi-threaded evaluation. This is a fairly complex process that has
* strong consistency requirements between the {@link ProcessableGraph}, the nodes in the graph of
* type {@link NodeEntry}, the work queue, and the set of in-flight nodes.
* <p>The basic invariants are:
* <p>A node can be in one of three states: ready, waiting, and done. A node is ready if and only
* if all of its dependencies have been signaled. A node is done if it has a value. It is waiting
* if not all of its dependencies have been signaled.
* <p>A node must be in the work queue if and only if it is ready. It is an error for a node to be
* in the work queue twice at the same time.
* <p>A node is considered in-flight if it has been created, and is not done yet. In case of an
* interrupt, the work queue is discarded, and the in-flight set is used to remove partially
* computed values.
* <p>Each evaluation of the graph takes place at a "version," which is currently given by a
* non-negative {@code long}. The version can also be thought of as an "mtime." Each node in the
* graph has a version, which is the last version at which its value changed. This version data is
* used to avoid unnecessary re-evaluation of values. If a node is re-evaluated and found to have
* the same data as before, its version (mtime) remains the same. If all of a node's children's
* have the same version as before, its re-evaluation can be skipped.
* <p>This class is not intended for direct use, and is only exposed as public for use in
* evaluation implementations outside of this package.
public final class ParallelEvaluator implements Evaluator {
/** Filters out events which should not be stored. */
public interface EventFilter extends Predicate<Event> {
* Returns true if any events should be stored. Otherwise, optimizations may be made to avoid
* doing unnecessary work.
boolean storeEvents();
private final ProcessableGraph graph;
private final Version graphVersion;
private static class SkyValueSupplier implements Supplier<SkyValue> {
private final NodeEntry state;
public SkyValueSupplier(NodeEntry state) {
this.state = state;
public SkyValue get() {
return state.getValue();
/** An general interface for {@link ParallelEvaluator} to receive objects of type {@code T}. */
public interface Receiver<T> {
// TODO(dmarting): should we just make it a common object for all Bazel codebase?
* Consumes the given object.
void accept(T object);
private final ImmutableMap<SkyFunctionName, ? extends SkyFunction> skyFunctions;
private final EventHandler reporter;
private final NestedSetVisitor<TaggedEvents> replayingNestedSetEventVisitor;
private final boolean keepGoing;
private final boolean storeErrorsAlongsideValues;
private final int threadCount;
@Nullable private final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool;
@Nullable private final EvaluationProgressReceiver progressReceiver;
private final DirtyKeyTracker dirtyKeyTracker;
private final Receiver<Collection<SkyKey>> inflightKeysReceiver;
private final EventFilter storedEventFilter;
public ParallelEvaluator(
ProcessableGraph graph,
Version graphVersion,
ImmutableMap<SkyFunctionName, ? extends SkyFunction> skyFunctions,
final EventHandler reporter,
EmittedEventState emittedEventState,
EventFilter storedEventFilter,
boolean keepGoing,
int threadCount,
@Nullable EvaluationProgressReceiver progressReceiver,
DirtyKeyTracker dirtyKeyTracker,
Receiver<Collection<SkyKey>> inflightKeysReceiver) {
this.graph = graph;
this.skyFunctions = skyFunctions;
this.graphVersion = graphVersion;
this.inflightKeysReceiver = inflightKeysReceiver;
this.reporter = Preconditions.checkNotNull(reporter);
this.keepGoing = keepGoing;
this.storeErrorsAlongsideValues = true;
this.threadCount = threadCount;
this.progressReceiver = progressReceiver;
this.dirtyKeyTracker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dirtyKeyTracker);
this.replayingNestedSetEventVisitor =
new NestedSetVisitor<>(new NestedSetEventReceiver(reporter), emittedEventState);
this.storedEventFilter = storedEventFilter;
this.forkJoinPool = null;
public ParallelEvaluator(
ProcessableGraph graph,
Version graphVersion,
ImmutableMap<SkyFunctionName, ? extends SkyFunction> skyFunctions,
final EventHandler reporter,
EmittedEventState emittedEventState,
EventFilter storedEventFilter,
boolean keepGoing,
boolean storeErrorsAlongsideValues,
@Nullable EvaluationProgressReceiver progressReceiver,
DirtyKeyTracker dirtyKeyTracker,
Receiver<Collection<SkyKey>> inflightKeysReceiver,
ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool) {
this.graph = graph;
this.skyFunctions = skyFunctions;
this.graphVersion = graphVersion;
this.inflightKeysReceiver = inflightKeysReceiver;
this.reporter = Preconditions.checkNotNull(reporter);
this.keepGoing = keepGoing;
this.storeErrorsAlongsideValues = storeErrorsAlongsideValues;
Preconditions.checkState(storeErrorsAlongsideValues || keepGoing);
this.threadCount = 0;
this.progressReceiver = progressReceiver;
this.dirtyKeyTracker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dirtyKeyTracker);
this.replayingNestedSetEventVisitor =
new NestedSetVisitor<>(new NestedSetEventReceiver(reporter), emittedEventState);
this.storedEventFilter = storedEventFilter;
this.forkJoinPool = Preconditions.checkNotNull(forkJoinPool);
* Receives the events from the NestedSet and delegates to the reporter.
private static class NestedSetEventReceiver implements NestedSetVisitor.Receiver<TaggedEvents> {
private final EventHandler reporter;
public NestedSetEventReceiver(EventHandler reporter) {
this.reporter = reporter;
public void accept(TaggedEvents events) {
String tag = events.getTag();
for (Event e : events.getEvents()) {
* A suitable {@link SkyFunction.Environment} implementation.
class SkyFunctionEnvironment extends AbstractSkyFunctionEnvironment {
private boolean building = true;
private SkyKey depErrorKey = null;
private final SkyKey skyKey;
private SkyValue value = null;
private ErrorInfo errorInfo = null;
private final Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo;
/** The values previously declared as dependencies. */
private final Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> directDeps;
* The grouped list of values requested during this build as dependencies. On a subsequent
* build, if this value is dirty, all deps in the same dependency group can be checked in
* parallel for changes. In other words, if dep1 and dep2 are in the same group, then dep1 will
* be checked in parallel with dep2. See {@link #getValues} for more.
private final GroupedListHelper<SkyKey> newlyRequestedDeps = new GroupedListHelper<>();
* The value visitor managing the thread pool. Used to enqueue parents when this value is
* finished, and, during testing, to block until an exception is thrown if a value builder
* requests that.
private final ValueVisitor visitor;
/** The set of errors encountered while fetching children. */
private final Collection<ErrorInfo> childErrorInfos = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final StoredEventHandler eventHandler =
new StoredEventHandler() {
@SuppressWarnings("UnsynchronizedOverridesSynchronized") // only delegates to thread-safe.
public void handle(Event e) {
if (storedEventFilter.apply(e)) {
} else {
private SkyFunctionEnvironment(SkyKey skyKey, Set<SkyKey> directDeps, ValueVisitor visitor) {
this(skyKey, directDeps, null, visitor);
private SkyFunctionEnvironment(SkyKey skyKey, Set<SkyKey> directDeps,
@Nullable Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo, ValueVisitor visitor) {
this.skyKey = skyKey;
this.directDeps = Collections.unmodifiableMap(
batchPrefetch(directDeps, /*assertDone=*/bubbleErrorInfo == null, skyKey));
this.bubbleErrorInfo = bubbleErrorInfo;
this.visitor = visitor;
private Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> batchPrefetch(
Set<SkyKey> keys, boolean assertDone, SkyKey keyForDebugging) {
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> batchMap = graph.getBatch(keys);
if (batchMap.size() != keys.size()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing keys for " + keyForDebugging + ": "
+ Sets.difference(keys, batchMap.keySet()));
if (assertDone) {
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> entry : batchMap.entrySet()) {
entry.getValue().isDone(), "%s had not done %s", keyForDebugging, entry);
return batchMap;
private void checkActive() {
Preconditions.checkState(building, skyKey);
private NestedSet<TaggedEvents> buildEvents(boolean missingChildren) {
// Aggregate the nested set of events from the direct deps, also adding the events from
// building this value.
NestedSetBuilder<TaggedEvents> eventBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
ImmutableList<Event> events = eventHandler.getEvents();
if (!events.isEmpty()) {
eventBuilder.add(new TaggedEvents(getTagFromKey(), events));
if (storedEventFilter.storeEvents()) {
// Only do the work of processing children if we're going to store events.
Set<SkyKey> depKeys = graph.get(skyKey).getTemporaryDirectDeps();
Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> deps = getValuesMaybeFromError(depKeys, bubbleErrorInfo);
if (!missingChildren && depKeys.size() != deps.size()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Missing keys for "
+ skyKey
+ ": "
+ Sets.difference(depKeys, deps.keySet())
+ ", "
+ graph.get(skyKey));
for (ValueWithMetadata value : deps.values()) {
* If this node has an error, that is, if errorInfo is non-null, do nothing. Otherwise, set
* errorInfo to the union of the child errors that were recorded earlier by getValueOrException,
* if there are any.
* <p>Child errors are remembered, if there are any and yet the parent recovered without
* error, so that subsequent noKeepGoing evaluations can stop as soon as they encounter a
* node whose (transitive) children had experienced an error, even if that (transitive)
* parent node had been able to recover from it during a keepGoing build. This behavior can be
* suppressed by setting {@link #storeErrorsAlongsideValues} to false, which will cause nodes
* with values to have no stored error info. This may be useful if this graph will only ever be
* used for keepGoing builds, since in that case storing errors from recovered nodes is
* pointless.
private void finalizeErrorInfo() {
if (errorInfo == null
&& (storeErrorsAlongsideValues || value == null)
&& !childErrorInfos.isEmpty()) {
errorInfo = ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(skyKey, childErrorInfos);
private void setValue(SkyValue newValue) {
Preconditions.checkState(errorInfo == null && bubbleErrorInfo == null,
"%s %s %s %s", skyKey, newValue, errorInfo, bubbleErrorInfo);
Preconditions.checkState(value == null, "%s %s %s", skyKey, value, newValue);
value = newValue;
* Set this node to be in error. The node's value must not have already been set. However, all
* dependencies of this node <i>must</i> already have been registered, since this method may
* register a dependence on the error transience node, which should always be the last dep.
private void setError(ErrorInfo errorInfo, boolean isDirectlyTransient) {
Preconditions.checkState(value == null, "%s %s %s", skyKey, value, errorInfo);
Preconditions.checkState(this.errorInfo == null,
"%s %s %s", skyKey, this.errorInfo, errorInfo);
if (isDirectlyTransient) {
DependencyState triState =
Preconditions.checkState(triState == DependencyState.DONE,
"%s %s %s", skyKey, triState, errorInfo);
final NodeEntry state = graph.get(skyKey);
this.errorInfo = Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorInfo, skyKey);
private Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> getValuesMaybeFromError(Set<SkyKey> keys,
@Nullable Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
ArrayList<SkyKey> missingKeys = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
for (SkyKey key : keys) {
NodeEntry entry = directDeps.get(key);
if (entry != null) {
ValueWithMetadata valueWithMetadata =
maybeWrapValueFromError(key, entry, bubbleErrorInfo);
if (valueWithMetadata != null) {
builder.put(key, valueWithMetadata);
} else {
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> missingEntries = graph.getBatch(missingKeys);
for (SkyKey key : missingKeys) {
ValueWithMetadata valueWithMetadata = maybeWrapValueFromError(key, missingEntries.get(key),
if (valueWithMetadata != null) {
builder.put(key, valueWithMetadata);
protected ImmutableMap<SkyKey, ValueOrUntypedException> getValueOrUntypedExceptions(
Set<SkyKey> depKeys) {
Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> values = getValuesMaybeFromError(depKeys, bubbleErrorInfo);
ImmutableMap.Builder<SkyKey, ValueOrUntypedException> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (SkyKey depKey : depKeys) {
ValueWithMetadata value = values.get(depKey);
if (value == null) {
// If this entry is not yet done then (optionally) record the missing dependency and
// return null.
valuesMissing = true;
if (bubbleErrorInfo != null) {
// Values being built just for their errors don't get to request new children.
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofNull());
if (directDeps.containsKey(depKey)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Undone key "
+ depKey
+ " was already in deps of "
+ skyKey
+ "( dep: "
+ graph.get(depKey)
+ ", parent: "
+ graph.get(skyKey));
valuesMissing = true;
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofNull());
if (!directDeps.containsKey(depKey)) {
// If this child is done, we will return it, but also record that it was newly requested
// so that the dependency can be properly registered in the graph.
ErrorInfo errorInfo = value.getErrorInfo();
if (errorInfo != null) {
if (value.getValue() != null && (keepGoing || errorInfo == null)) {
// If the dep did compute a value, it is given to the caller if we are in keepGoing mode
// or if we are in noKeepGoingMode and there were no errors computing it.
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofValueUntyped(value.getValue()));
// There was an error building the value, which we will either report by throwing an
// exception or insulate the caller from by returning null.
Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorInfo, "%s %s %s", skyKey, depKey, value);
if (!keepGoing && errorInfo.getException() != null && bubbleErrorInfo == null) {
// Child errors should not be propagated in noKeepGoing mode (except during error
// bubbling). Instead we should fail fast.
// We arbitrarily record the first child error.
if (depErrorKey == null) {
depErrorKey = depKey;
valuesMissing = true;
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofNull());
if (bubbleErrorInfo != null) {
// Set interrupted status, to try to prevent the calling SkyFunction from doing anything
// fancy after this. SkyFunctions executed during error bubbling are supposed to
// (quickly) rethrow errors or return a value/null (but there's currently no way to
// enforce this).
if (errorInfo.getException() != null) {
// Give builder a chance to handle this exception.
Exception e = errorInfo.getException();
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofExn(e));
// In a cycle.
Preconditions.checkState(!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()), "%s %s %s %s",
skyKey, depKey, errorInfo, value);
valuesMissing = true;
builder.put(depKey, ValueOrExceptionUtils.ofNull());
public <E1 extends Exception, E2 extends Exception, E3 extends Exception,
E4 extends Exception, E5 extends Exception>
Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException5<E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>> getValuesOrThrow(
Iterable<SkyKey> depKeys,
Class<E1> exceptionClass1,
Class<E2> exceptionClass2,
Class<E3> exceptionClass3,
Class<E4> exceptionClass4,
Class<E5> exceptionClass5) {
Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException5<E1, E2, E3, E4, E5>> result = super.getValuesOrThrow(
return result;
private void addDep(SkyKey key) {
if (!newlyRequestedDeps.contains(key)) {
// dep may have been requested already this evaluation. If not, add it.
* If {@code !keepGoing} and there is at least one dep in error, returns a dep in error.
* Otherwise returns {@code null}.
private SkyKey getDepErrorKey() {
return depErrorKey;
public EventHandler getListener() {
return eventHandler;
private void doneBuilding() {
building = false;
* Apply the change to the graph (mostly) atomically and signal all nodes that are waiting for
* this node to complete. Adding nodes and signaling is not atomic, but may need to be changed
* for interruptibility.
* <p>Parents are only enqueued if {@code enqueueParents} holds. Parents should be enqueued
* unless (1) this node is being built after the main evaluation has aborted, or (2) this node
* is being built with --nokeep_going, and so we are about to shut down the main evaluation
* anyway.
* <p>The node entry is informed if the node's value and error are definitive via the flag
* {@code completeValue}.
void commit(boolean enqueueParents) {
NodeEntry primaryEntry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(skyKey), skyKey);
// Construct the definitive error info, if there is one.
// We have the following implications:
// errorInfo == null => value != null => enqueueParents.
// All these implications are strict:
// (1) errorInfo != null && value != null happens for values with recoverable errors.
// (2) value == null && enqueueParents happens for values that are found to have errors
// during a --keep_going build.
NestedSet<TaggedEvents> events = buildEvents(/*missingChildren=*/false);
Version valueVersion;
SkyValue valueWithMetadata;
if (value == null) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorInfo, "%s %s", skyKey, primaryEntry);
valueWithMetadata = ValueWithMetadata.error(errorInfo, events);
} else {
// We must be enqueueing parents if we have a value.
Preconditions.checkState(enqueueParents, "%s %s", skyKey, primaryEntry);
valueWithMetadata = ValueWithMetadata.normal(value, errorInfo, events);
// If this entry is dirty, setValue may not actually change it, if it determines that
// the data being written now is the same as the data already present in the entry.
// We could consider using max(childVersions) here instead of graphVersion. When full
// versioning is implemented, this would allow evaluation at a version between
// max(childVersions) and graphVersion to re-use this result.
Set<SkyKey> reverseDeps = primaryEntry.setValue(valueWithMetadata, graphVersion);
// Note that if this update didn't actually change the value entry, this version may not
// be the graph version.
valueVersion = primaryEntry.getVersion();
"%s should be at most %s in the version partial ordering",
valueVersion, graphVersion);
if (progressReceiver != null) {
// Tell the receiver that this value was built. If valueVersion.equals(graphVersion), it
// was evaluated this run, and so was changed. Otherwise, it is less than graphVersion,
// by the Preconditions check above, and was not actually changed this run -- when it was
// written above, its version stayed below this update's version, so its value remains the
// same as before.
// We use a SkyValueSupplier here because it keeps a reference to the entry, allowing for
// the receiver to be confident that the entry is readily accessible in memory.
progressReceiver.evaluated(skyKey, new SkyValueSupplier(primaryEntry),
valueVersion.equals(graphVersion) ? EvaluationState.BUILT : EvaluationState.CLEAN);
signalValuesAndEnqueueIfReady(enqueueParents ? visitor : null, reverseDeps, valueVersion);
private String getTagFromKey() {
return skyFunctions.get(skyKey.functionName()).extractTag(skyKey);
* Gets the latch that is counted down when an exception is thrown in {@code
* AbstractQueueVisitor}. For use in tests to check if an exception actually was thrown. Calling
* {@code AbstractQueueVisitor#awaitExceptionForTestingOnly} can throw a spurious {@link
* InterruptedException} because {@link CountDownLatch#await} checks the interrupted bit before
* returning, even if the latch is already at 0. See bug "testTwoErrors is flaky".
CountDownLatch getExceptionLatchForTesting() {
return visitor.getExceptionLatchForTestingOnly();
public boolean inErrorBubblingForTesting() {
return bubbleErrorInfo != null;
private static final ErrorClassifier VALUE_VISITOR_ERROR_CLASSIFIER =
new ErrorClassifier() {
protected ErrorClassification classifyException(Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SchedulerException) {
return ErrorClassification.CRITICAL;
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
return ErrorClassification.CRITICAL_AND_LOG;
return ErrorClassification.NOT_CRITICAL;
private class ValueVisitor {
private final QuiescingExecutor quiescingExecutor;
private final AtomicBoolean preventNewEvaluations = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final Set<SkyKey> inflightNodes = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
private final Set<RuntimeException> crashes = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
private ValueVisitor(ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool) {
quiescingExecutor =
new ForkJoinQuiescingExecutor(forkJoinPool, VALUE_VISITOR_ERROR_CLASSIFIER);
private ValueVisitor(int threadCount) {
quiescingExecutor =
new AbstractQueueVisitor(
/*concurrent*/ true,
/*keepAliveTime=*/ 1,
/*failFastOnException*/ true,
/*failFastOnInterrupt*/ true,
private void waitForCompletion() throws InterruptedException {
quiescingExecutor.awaitQuiescence(/*interruptWorkers=*/ true);
private void enqueueEvaluation(SkyKey key) {
// We unconditionally add the key to the set of in-flight nodes because even if evaluation is
// never scheduled we still want to remove the previously created NodeEntry from the graph.
// Otherwise we would leave the graph in a weird state (wasteful garbage in the best case and
// inconsistent in the worst case).
boolean newlyEnqueued = inflightNodes.add(key);
// All nodes enqueued for evaluation will be either verified clean, re-evaluated, or cleaned
// up after being in-flight when an error happens in nokeep_going mode or in the event of an
// interrupt. In any of these cases, they won't be dirty anymore.
if (newlyEnqueued) {
if (preventNewEvaluations.get()) {
if (newlyEnqueued && progressReceiver != null) {
quiescingExecutor.execute(new Evaluate(this, key));
* Stop any new evaluations from being enqueued. Returns whether this was the first thread to
* request a halt. If true, this thread should proceed to throw an exception. If false, another
* thread already requested a halt and will throw an exception, and so this thread can simply
* end.
private boolean preventNewEvaluations() {
return preventNewEvaluations.compareAndSet(false, true);
private void noteCrash(RuntimeException e) {
private Collection<RuntimeException> getCrashes() {
return crashes;
private void notifyDone(SkyKey key) {
private boolean isInflight(SkyKey key) {
return inflightNodes.contains(key);
private CountDownLatch getExceptionLatchForTestingOnly() {
return quiescingExecutor.getExceptionLatchForTestingOnly();
* If the entry is dirty and not already rebuilding, puts it in a state that it can rebuild, and
* removes it as a reverse dep from any dirty direct deps it had yet to check.
private void maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry) {
if (entry.isDirty() && entry.getDirtyState() != DirtyState.REBUILDING) {
Collection<SkyKey> depsToRemove = entry.markRebuildingAndGetAllRemainingDirtyDirectDeps();
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> depsToClearFrom = graph.getBatch(depsToRemove);
if (depsToClearFrom.size() != depsToRemove.size()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"At least one dep of a dirty node wasn't present in the graph: "
+ Sets.difference(ImmutableSet.copyOf(depsToRemove), depsToClearFrom.keySet())
+ " for "
+ key
+ " with entry "
+ entry
+ ". Sizes: "
+ depsToRemove.size()
+ ", "
+ depsToClearFrom.size());
for (NodeEntry depEntry : depsToClearFrom.values()) {
private enum DirtyOutcome {
* An action that evaluates a value.
private class Evaluate implements Runnable {
private final ValueVisitor visitor;
/** The name of the value to be evaluated. */
private final SkyKey skyKey;
private Evaluate(ValueVisitor visitor, SkyKey skyKey) {
this.visitor = visitor;
this.skyKey = skyKey;
private void enqueueChild(SkyKey skyKey, NodeEntry entry, SkyKey child, NodeEntry childEntry,
boolean dirtyParent) {
Preconditions.checkState(!entry.isDone(), "%s %s", skyKey, entry);
DependencyState dependencyState =
? childEntry.checkIfDoneForDirtyReverseDep(skyKey)
: childEntry.addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(skyKey);
switch (dependencyState) {
case DONE:
if (entry.signalDep(childEntry.getVersion())) {
// This can only happen if there are no more children to be added.
* Returns true if this depGroup consists of the error transience value and the error transience
* value is newer than the entry, meaning that the entry must be re-evaluated.
private boolean invalidatedByErrorTransience(Collection<SkyKey> depGroup, NodeEntry entry) {
return depGroup.size() == 1
&& depGroup.contains(ErrorTransienceValue.KEY)
&& !graph.get(ErrorTransienceValue.KEY).getVersion().atMost(entry.getVersion());
private DirtyOutcome maybeHandleDirtyNode(NodeEntry state) {
if (!state.isDirty()) {
return DirtyOutcome.NEEDS_EVALUATION;
switch (state.getDirtyState()) {
// Evaluating a dirty node for the first time, and checking its children to see if any
// of them have changed. Note that there must be dirty children for this to happen.
// Check the children group by group -- we don't want to evaluate a value that is no
// longer needed because an earlier dependency changed. For example, //foo:foo depends
// on target //bar:bar and is built. Then foo/BUILD is modified to remove the dependence
// on bar, and bar/BUILD is deleted. Reloading //bar:bar would incorrectly throw an
// exception. To avoid this, we must reload foo/BUILD first, at which point we will
// discover that it has changed, and re-evaluate target //foo:foo from scratch.
// On the other hand, when an action requests all of its inputs, we can safely check all
// of them in parallel on a subsequent build. So we allow checking an entire group in
// parallel here, if the node builder requested a group last build.
// Note: every dep returned here must either have this node re-registered for it (using
// checkIfDoneForDirtyReverseDep) and be registered as a direct dep of this node, or have
// its reverse dep on this node removed. Failing to do either one of these would result in
// a graph inconsistency, where the child had a reverse dep on this node, but this node
// had no kind of dependency on the child.
Collection<SkyKey> directDepsToCheck = state.getNextDirtyDirectDeps();
if (invalidatedByErrorTransience(directDepsToCheck, state)) {
// If this dep is the ErrorTransienceValue and the ErrorTransienceValue has been
// updated then we need to force a rebuild. We would like to just signal the entry as
// usual, but we can't, because then the ErrorTransienceValue would remain as a dep,
// which would be incorrect if, for instance, the value re-evaluated to a non-error.
return DirtyOutcome.NEEDS_EVALUATION;
if (!keepGoing) {
// This check ensures that we maintain the invariant that if a node with an error is
// reached during a no-keep-going build, none of its currently building parents
// finishes building. If the child isn't done building yet, it will detect on its own
// that it has an error (see the VERIFIED_CLEAN case below). On the other hand, if it
// is done, then it is the parent's responsibility to notice that, which we do here.
// We check the deps for errors so that we don't continue building this node if it has
// a child error.
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> entriesToCheck = graph.getBatch(directDepsToCheck);
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> entry : entriesToCheck.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().isDone() && entry.getValue().getErrorInfo() != null) {
// If any child has an error, we arbitrarily add a dep on the first one (needed
// for error bubbling) and throw an exception coming from it.
SkyKey errorKey = entry.getKey();
NodeEntry errorEntry = entry.getValue();
// Perform the necessary bookkeeping for any deps that are not being used.
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> depEntry : entriesToCheck.entrySet()) {
if (!depEntry.getKey().equals(errorKey)) {
if (!visitor.preventNewEvaluations()) {
// An error was already thrown in the evaluator. Don't do anything here.
return DirtyOutcome.ALREADY_PROCESSED;
throw SchedulerException.ofError(errorEntry.getErrorInfo(), entry.getKey());
// It is safe to add these deps back to the node -- even if one of them has changed, the
// contract of pruning is that the node will request these deps again when it rebuilds.
// We must add these deps before enqueuing them, so that the node knows that it depends
// on them. If one of these deps is the error transience node, the check we did above
// in #invalidatedByErrorTransience means that the error transience node is not newer
// than this node, so we are going to mark it clean (since the error transience node is
// always the last dep).
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> e
: graph.createIfAbsentBatch(directDepsToCheck).entrySet()) {
SkyKey directDep = e.getKey();
NodeEntry directDepEntry = e.getValue();
enqueueChild(skyKey, state, directDep, directDepEntry, /*dirtyParent=*/ true);
return DirtyOutcome.ALREADY_PROCESSED;
// No child has a changed value. This node can be marked done and its parents signaled
// without any re-evaluation.
Set<SkyKey> reverseDeps = state.markClean();
if (progressReceiver != null) {
// Tell the receiver that the value was not actually changed this run.
progressReceiver.evaluated(skyKey, new SkyValueSupplier(state), EvaluationState.CLEAN);
if (!keepGoing && state.getErrorInfo() != null) {
if (!visitor.preventNewEvaluations()) {
return DirtyOutcome.ALREADY_PROCESSED;
throw SchedulerException.ofError(state.getErrorInfo(), skyKey);
signalValuesAndEnqueueIfReady(visitor, reverseDeps, state.getVersion());
return DirtyOutcome.ALREADY_PROCESSED;
maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(skyKey, state);
// Fall through to REBUILDING case.
return DirtyOutcome.NEEDS_EVALUATION;
throw new IllegalStateException("key: " + skyKey + ", entry: " + state);
public void run() {
NodeEntry state = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(skyKey), skyKey);
Preconditions.checkState(state.isReady(), "%s %s", skyKey, state);
if (maybeHandleDirtyNode(state) == DirtyOutcome.ALREADY_PROCESSED) {
// TODO(bazel-team): Once deps are requested in a deterministic order within a group, or the
// framework is resilient to rearranging group order, change this so that
// SkyFunctionEnvironment "follows along" as the node builder runs, iterating through the
// direct deps that were requested on a previous run. This would allow us to avoid the
// conversion of the direct deps into a set.
Set<SkyKey> directDeps = state.getTemporaryDirectDeps();
"%s cannot have a dep on ErrorTransienceValue during building: %s", skyKey, state);
// Get the corresponding SkyFunction and call it on this value.
SkyFunctionEnvironment env = new SkyFunctionEnvironment(skyKey, directDeps, visitor);
SkyFunctionName functionName = skyKey.functionName();
SkyFunction factory = skyFunctions.get(functionName);
Preconditions.checkState(factory != null,
"Unable to find SkyFunction '%s' for SkyValue with key '%s'", functionName, state);
SkyValue value = null;
long startTime = BlazeClock.instance().nanoTime();
try {
value = factory.compute(skyKey, env);
} catch (final SkyFunctionException builderException) {
ReifiedSkyFunctionException reifiedBuilderException =
new ReifiedSkyFunctionException(builderException, skyKey);
// Propagated transitive errors are treated the same as missing deps.
if (reifiedBuilderException.getRootCauseSkyKey().equals(skyKey)) {
boolean shouldFailFast = !keepGoing || builderException.isCatastrophic();
if (shouldFailFast) {
// After we commit this error to the graph but before the eval call completes with the
// error there is a race-like opportunity for the error to be used, either by an
// in-flight computation or by a future computation.
if (!visitor.preventNewEvaluations()) {
// This is not the first error encountered, so we ignore it so that we can terminate
// with the first error.
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> newlyRequestedDeps = graph.getBatch(env.newlyRequestedDeps);
boolean isTransitivelyTransient = reifiedBuilderException.isTransient();
for (NodeEntry depEntry
: Iterables.concat(env.directDeps.values(), newlyRequestedDeps.values())) {
if (!isDoneForBuild(depEntry)) {
ErrorInfo depError = depEntry.getErrorInfo();
if (depError != null) {
isTransitivelyTransient |= depError.isTransient();
ErrorInfo errorInfo = ErrorInfo.fromException(reifiedBuilderException,
registerNewlyDiscoveredDepsForDoneEntry(skyKey, state, newlyRequestedDeps, env);
env.setError(errorInfo, /*isDirectlyTransient=*/ reifiedBuilderException.isTransient());
if (!shouldFailFast) {
throw SchedulerException.ofError(errorInfo, skyKey);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// InterruptedException cannot be thrown by, so we must wrap it.
// Interrupts can be caught by both the Evaluator and the AbstractQueueVisitor.
// The former will unwrap the IE and propagate it as is; the latter will throw a new IE.
throw SchedulerException.ofInterruption(ie, skyKey);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
// Programmer error (most likely NPE or a failed precondition in a SkyFunction). Output
// some context together with the exception.
String msg = prepareCrashMessage(skyKey, state.getInProgressReverseDeps());
RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException(msg, re);
throw ex;
} finally {
long elapsedTimeNanos = BlazeClock.instance().nanoTime() - startTime;
if (elapsedTimeNanos > 0) {
if (progressReceiver != null) {
progressReceiver.computed(skyKey, elapsedTimeNanos);
Profiler.instance().logSimpleTaskDuration(startTime, elapsedTimeNanos,
ProfilerTask.SKYFUNCTION, skyKey);
GroupedListHelper<SkyKey> newDirectDeps = env.newlyRequestedDeps;
if (value != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(!env.valuesMissing(), "Evaluation of %s returned non-null value "
+ "but requested dependencies that weren't computed yet (one of %s), ValueEntry: %s",
skyKey, newDirectDeps, state);
registerNewlyDiscoveredDepsForDoneEntry(skyKey, state,
graph.getBatch(env.newlyRequestedDeps), env);
if (env.getDepErrorKey() != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(!keepGoing, "%s %s %s", skyKey, state, env.getDepErrorKey());
// We encountered a child error in noKeepGoing mode, so we want to fail fast. But we first
// need to add the edge between the current node and the child error it requested so that
// error bubbling can occur. Note that this edge will subsequently be removed during graph
// cleaning (since the current node will never be committed to the graph).
SkyKey childErrorKey = env.getDepErrorKey();
NodeEntry childErrorEntry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(childErrorKey),
"skyKey: %s, state: %s childErrorKey: %s", skyKey, state, childErrorKey);
"Done error was already know: %s %s %s %s",
newDirectDeps.contains(childErrorKey), "%s %s %s", state, childErrorKey, newDirectDeps);
DependencyState childErrorState = childErrorEntry.addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(skyKey);
childErrorState == DependencyState.DONE,
"skyKey: %s, state: %s childErrorKey: %s",
ErrorInfo childErrorInfo = Preconditions.checkNotNull(childErrorEntry.getErrorInfo());
throw SchedulerException.ofError(childErrorInfo, childErrorKey);
// TODO(bazel-team): This code is not safe to interrupt, because we would lose the state in
// newDirectDeps.
// TODO(bazel-team): An ill-behaved SkyFunction can throw us into an infinite loop where we
// add more dependencies on every run. [skyframe-core]
// Add all new keys to the set of known deps.
// If there were no newly requested dependencies, at least one of them was in error or there
// is a bug in the SkyFunction implementation. The environment has collected its errors, so we
// just order it to be built.
if (newDirectDeps.isEmpty()) {
// TODO(bazel-team): This means a bug in the SkyFunction. What to do?
"Evaluation of SkyKey failed and no dependencies were requested: %s %s", skyKey, state);
"nokeep_going evaluation should have failed on first child error: %s %s %s",
// If the child error was catastrophic, committing this parent to the graph is not
// necessary, but since we don't do error bubbling in catastrophes, it doesn't violate any
// invariants either.
env.commit(/*enqueueParents=*/ true);
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> e : graph.createIfAbsentBatch(newDirectDeps).entrySet()) {
SkyKey newDirectDep = e.getKey();
NodeEntry newDirectDepEntry = e.getValue();
enqueueChild(skyKey, state, newDirectDep, newDirectDepEntry, /*dirtyParent=*/ false);
// It is critical that there is no code below this point.
private String prepareCrashMessage(SkyKey skyKey, Iterable<SkyKey> reverseDeps) {
StringBuilder reverseDepDump = new StringBuilder();
for (SkyKey key : reverseDeps) {
if (reverseDepDump.length() > MAX_REVERSEDEP_DUMP_LENGTH) {
reverseDepDump.append(", ...");
if (reverseDepDump.length() > 0) {
reverseDepDump.append(", ");
return String.format(
"Unrecoverable error while evaluating node '%s' (requested by nodes %s)",
skyKey, reverseDepDump);
private static final int MAX_REVERSEDEP_DUMP_LENGTH = 1000;
* Signals all parents that this node is finished. If visitor is not null, also enqueues any
* parents that are ready. If visitor is null, indicating that we are building this node after
* the main build aborted, then skip any parents that are already done (that can happen with
* cycles).
private void signalValuesAndEnqueueIfReady(
@Nullable ValueVisitor visitor, Iterable<SkyKey> keys, Version version) {
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> batch = graph.getBatch(keys);
if (visitor != null) {
for (SkyKey key : keys) {
NodeEntry entry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(batch.get(key), key);
if (entry.signalDep(version)) {
} else {
for (SkyKey key : keys) {
NodeEntry entry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(batch.get(key), key);
if (!entry.isDone()) {
// In cycles, we can have parents that are already done.
* If child is not done, removes {@param inProgressParent} from {@param child}'s reverse deps.
* Returns whether child should be removed from inProgressParent's entry's direct deps.
private boolean removeIncompleteChild(SkyKey inProgressParent, SkyKey child) {
NodeEntry childEntry = graph.get(child);
if (!isDoneForBuild(childEntry)) {
return true;
return false;
* Add any additional deps that were registered during the run of a builder that finished by
* creating a node or throwing an error. Builders may throw errors even if all their deps were
* not provided -- we trust that a SkyFunction may be know it should throw an error even if not
* all of its requested deps are done. However, that means we're assuming the SkyFunction would
* throw that same error if all of its requested deps were done. Unfortunately, there is no way to
* enforce that condition.
private void registerNewlyDiscoveredDepsForDoneEntry(
SkyKey skyKey, NodeEntry entry, Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> newlyRequestedDepMap,
SkyFunctionEnvironment env) {
Set<SkyKey> unfinishedDeps = new HashSet<>();
for (SkyKey dep : env.newlyRequestedDeps) {
if (!isDoneForBuild(newlyRequestedDepMap.get(dep))) {
for (SkyKey newDep : env.newlyRequestedDeps) {
// Note that this depEntry can't be null. If env.newlyRequestedDeps contained a key with a
// null entry, then it would have been added to unfinishedDeps and then removed from
// env.newlyRequestedDeps just above this loop.
NodeEntry depEntry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(newlyRequestedDepMap.get(newDep), newDep);
DependencyState triState = depEntry.addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(skyKey);
Preconditions.checkState(DependencyState.DONE == triState,
"new dep %s was not already done for %s. ValueEntry: %s. DepValueEntry: %s",
newDep, skyKey, entry, depEntry);
Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s %s %s", skyKey, entry, env.newlyRequestedDeps);
private void informProgressReceiverThatValueIsDone(SkyKey key) {
if (progressReceiver != null) {
NodeEntry entry = graph.get(key);
Preconditions.checkState(entry.isDone(), entry);
SkyValue value = entry.getValue();
Version valueVersion = entry.getVersion();
"%s should be at most %s in the version partial ordering", valueVersion, graphVersion);
// For most nodes we do not inform the progress receiver if they were already done when we
// retrieve them, but top-level nodes are presumably of more interest.
// If valueVersion is not equal to graphVersion, it must be less than it (by the
// Preconditions check above), and so the node is clean.
progressReceiver.evaluated(key, Suppliers.ofInstance(value), valueVersion.equals(graphVersion)
? EvaluationState.BUILT
: EvaluationState.CLEAN);
public <T extends SkyValue> EvaluationResult<T> eval(Iterable<SkyKey> skyKeys)
throws InterruptedException {
ImmutableSet<SkyKey> skyKeySet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(skyKeys);
// Optimization: if all required node values are already present in the cache, return them
// directly without launching the heavy machinery, spawning threads, etc.
// Inform progressReceiver that these nodes are done to be consistent with the main code path.
boolean allAreDone = true;
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> batch = graph.getBatch(skyKeySet);
for (SkyKey key : skyKeySet) {
if (!isDoneForBuild(batch.get(key))) {
allAreDone = false;
if (allAreDone) {
for (SkyKey skyKey : skyKeySet) {
// Note that the 'catastrophe' parameter doesn't really matter here (it's only used for
// sanity checking).
return constructResult(null, skyKeySet, null, /*catastrophe=*/false);
if (!keepGoing) {
Set<SkyKey> cachedErrorKeys = new HashSet<>();
for (SkyKey skyKey : skyKeySet) {
NodeEntry entry = graph.get(skyKey);
if (entry == null) {
if (entry.isDone() && entry.getErrorInfo() != null) {
// Errors, even cached ones, should halt evaluations not in keepGoing mode.
if (!cachedErrorKeys.isEmpty()) {
// Note that the 'catastrophe' parameter doesn't really matter here (it's only used for
// sanity checking).
return constructResult(null, cachedErrorKeys, null, /*catastrophe=*/false);
// We delay this check until we know that some kind of evaluation is necessary, since !keepGoing
// and !keepsEdges are incompatible only in the case of a failed evaluation -- there is no
// need to be overly harsh to callers who are just trying to retrieve a cached result.
Preconditions.checkState(keepGoing || !(graph instanceof InMemoryGraph)
|| ((InMemoryGraph) graph).keepsEdges(),
"nokeep_going evaluations are not allowed if graph edges are not kept: %s", skyKeys);
Profiler.instance().startTask(ProfilerTask.SKYFRAME_EVAL, skyKeySet);
try {
ValueVisitor valueVisitor =
forkJoinPool == null ? new ValueVisitor(threadCount) : new ValueVisitor(forkJoinPool);
return eval(skyKeySet, valueVisitor);
} finally {
private <T extends SkyValue> EvaluationResult<T> eval(ImmutableSet<SkyKey> skyKeys,
ValueVisitor visitor) throws InterruptedException {
// We unconditionally add the ErrorTransienceValue here, to ensure that it will be created, and
// in the graph, by the time that it is needed. Creating it on demand in a parallel context sets
// up a race condition, because there is no way to atomically create a node and set its value.
NodeEntry errorTransienceEntry = Iterables.getOnlyElement(
if (!errorTransienceEntry.isDone()) {
ImmutableMap.of(ErrorTransienceValue.KEY, (SkyValue) ErrorTransienceValue.INSTANCE),
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, NodeEntry> e : graph.createIfAbsentBatch(skyKeys).entrySet()) {
SkyKey skyKey = e.getKey();
NodeEntry entry = e.getValue();
// This must be equivalent to the code in enqueueChild above, in order to be thread-safe.
switch (entry.addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(null)) {
case DONE:
throw new IllegalStateException(entry + " for " + skyKey + " in unknown state");
try {
return waitForCompletionAndConstructResult(visitor, skyKeys);
} finally {
private <T extends SkyValue> EvaluationResult<T> waitForCompletionAndConstructResult(
ValueVisitor visitor, Iterable<SkyKey> skyKeys) throws InterruptedException {
Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo = null;
boolean catastrophe = false;
try {
} catch (final SchedulerException e) {
if (!visitor.getCrashes().isEmpty()) {
reporter.handle(Event.error("Crashes detected: " + visitor.getCrashes()));
throw Iterables.getFirst(visitor.getCrashes(), null);
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), InterruptedException.class);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
// As per the contract of AbstractQueueVisitor#work, if an unchecked exception is thrown and
// the build is interrupted, the thrown exception is what will be rethrown. Since the user
// presumably wanted to interrupt the build, we ignore the thrown SchedulerException (which
// doesn't indicate a programming bug) and throw an InterruptedException.
throw new InterruptedException();
SkyKey errorKey = Preconditions.checkNotNull(e.getFailedValue(), e);
// ErrorInfo could only be null if SchedulerException wrapped an InterruptedException, but
// that should have been propagated.
ErrorInfo errorInfo = Preconditions.checkNotNull(e.getErrorInfo(), errorKey);
if (!keepGoing) {
bubbleErrorInfo = bubbleErrorUp(errorInfo, errorKey, skyKeys, visitor);
} else {
"Scheduler exception only thrown for catastrophe in keep_going evaluation: %s",
catastrophe = true;
// Bubbling the error up requires that graph edges are present for done nodes. This is not
// always the case in a keepGoing evaluation, since it is assumed that done nodes do not
// need to be traversed. In this case, we hope the caller is tolerant of a possibly empty
// result, and return prematurely.
bubbleErrorInfo =
Preconditions.checkState(visitor.getCrashes().isEmpty(), visitor.getCrashes());
// Successful evaluation, either because keepGoing or because we actually did succeed.
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe report root causes during the build for lower latency.
return constructResult(visitor, skyKeys, bubbleErrorInfo, catastrophe);
* Walk up graph to find a top-level node (without parents) that wanted this failure. Store
* the failed nodes along the way in a map, with ErrorInfos that are appropriate for that layer.
* Example:
* foo bar
* \ /
* unrequested baz
* \ |
* failed-node
* User requests foo, bar. When failed-node fails, we look at its parents. unrequested is not
* in-flight, so we replace failed-node by baz and repeat. We look at baz's parents. foo is
* in-flight, so we replace baz by foo. Since foo is a top-level node and doesn't have parents,
* we then break, since we know a top-level node, foo, that depended on the failed node.
* There's the potential for a weird "track jump" here in the case:
* foo
* / \
* fail1 fail2
* If fail1 and fail2 fail simultaneously, fail2 may start propagating up in the loop below.
* However, foo requests fail1 first, and then throws an exception based on that. This is not
* incorrect, but may be unexpected.
* <p>Returns a map of errors that have been constructed during the bubbling up, so that the
* appropriate error can be returned to the caller, even though that error was not written to the
* graph. If a cycle is detected during the bubbling, this method aborts and returns null so that
* the normal cycle detection can handle the cycle.
* <p>Note that we are not propagating error to the first top-level node but to the highest one,
* because during this process we can add useful information about error from other nodes.
private Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorUp(final ErrorInfo leafFailure,
SkyKey errorKey, Iterable<SkyKey> skyKeys, ValueVisitor visitor) {
Set<SkyKey> rootValues = ImmutableSet.copyOf(skyKeys);
ErrorInfo error = leafFailure;
Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo = new HashMap<>();
boolean externalInterrupt = false;
while (true) {
NodeEntry errorEntry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(errorKey), errorKey);
Iterable<SkyKey> reverseDeps = errorEntry.isDone()
? errorEntry.getReverseDeps()
: errorEntry.getInProgressReverseDeps();
// We should break from loop only when node doesn't have any parents.
if (Iterables.isEmpty(reverseDeps)) {
"Current key %s has to be a top-level key: %s", errorKey, rootValues);
SkyKey parent = null;
NodeEntry parentEntry = null;
for (SkyKey bubbleParent : reverseDeps) {
if (bubbleErrorInfo.containsKey(bubbleParent)) {
// We are in a cycle. Don't try to bubble anything up -- cycle detection will kick in.
return null;
NodeEntry bubbleParentEntry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(bubbleParent),
"parent %s of %s not in graph", bubbleParent, errorKey);
// Might be the parent that requested the error.
if (bubbleParentEntry.isDone()) {
// This parent is cached from a previous evaluate call. We shouldn't bubble up to it
// since any error message produced won't be meaningful to this evaluate call.
// The child error must also be cached from a previous build.
Preconditions.checkState(errorEntry.isDone(), "%s %s", errorEntry, bubbleParentEntry);
Version parentVersion = bubbleParentEntry.getVersion();
Version childVersion = errorEntry.getVersion();
&& !childVersion.equals(graphVersion),
"child entry is not older than the current graph version, but had a done parent. "
+ "child: %s childEntry: %s, childVersion: %s"
+ "bubbleParent: %s bubbleParentEntry: %s, parentVersion: %s, graphVersion: %s",
errorKey, errorEntry, childVersion,
bubbleParent, bubbleParentEntry, parentVersion, graphVersion);
&& !parentVersion.equals(graphVersion),
"parent entry is not older than the current graph version. "
+ "child: %s childEntry: %s, childVersion: %s"
+ "bubbleParent: %s bubbleParentEntry: %s, parentVersion: %s, graphVersion: %s",
errorKey, errorEntry, childVersion,
bubbleParent, bubbleParentEntry, parentVersion, graphVersion);
if (visitor.isInflight(bubbleParent)
&& bubbleParentEntry.getTemporaryDirectDeps().contains(errorKey)) {
// Only bubble up to parent if it's part of this build. If this node was dirtied and
// re-evaluated, but in a build without this parent, we may try to bubble up to that
// parent. Don't -- it's not part of the build.
// Similarly, the parent may not yet have requested this dep in its dirtiness-checking
// process. Don't bubble up to it in that case either.
parent = bubbleParent;
parentEntry = bubbleParentEntry;
if (parent == null) {
"Current key %s has to be a top-level key: %s, %s",
Preconditions.checkNotNull(parentEntry, "%s %s", errorKey, parent);
errorKey = parent;
SkyFunction factory = skyFunctions.get(parent.functionName());
if (parentEntry.isDirty()) {
switch (parentEntry.getDirtyState()) {
// If this value's child was bubbled up to, it did not signal this value, and so we must
// manually make it ready to build.
// Fall through to NEEDS_REBUILDING, since state is now NEEDS_REBUILDING.
maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(parent, parentEntry);
// Fall through to REBUILDING.
throw new AssertionError(parent + " not in valid dirty state: " + parentEntry);
SkyFunctionEnvironment env =
new SkyFunctionEnvironment(parent, ImmutableSet.<SkyKey>of(), bubbleErrorInfo, visitor);
externalInterrupt = externalInterrupt || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted();
try {
// This build is only to check if the parent node can give us a better error. We don't
// care about a return value.
factory.compute(parent, env);
} catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
// Do nothing.
// This throw happens if the builder requested the failed node, and then checked the
// interrupted state later -- getValueOrThrow sets the interrupted bit after the failed
// value is requested, to prevent the builder from doing too much work.
} catch (SkyFunctionException builderException) {
// Clear interrupted status. We're not listening to interrupts here.
ReifiedSkyFunctionException reifiedBuilderException =
new ReifiedSkyFunctionException(builderException, parent);
if (reifiedBuilderException.getRootCauseSkyKey().equals(parent)) {
error = ErrorInfo.fromException(reifiedBuilderException,
/*isTransitivelyTransient=*/ false);
ValueWithMetadata.error(ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(errorKey, ImmutableSet.of(error)),
} finally {
// Clear interrupted status. We're not listening to interrupts here.
// Builder didn't throw an exception, so just propagate this one up.
ValueWithMetadata.error(ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(errorKey, ImmutableSet.of(error)),
// Reset the interrupt bit if there was an interrupt from outside this evaluator interrupt.
// Note that there are internal interrupts set in the node builder environment if an error
// bubbling node calls getValueOrThrow() on a node in error.
if (externalInterrupt) {
return bubbleErrorInfo;
* Constructs an {@link EvaluationResult} from the {@link #graph}. Looks for cycles if there
* are unfinished nodes but no error was already found through bubbling up
* (as indicated by {@code bubbleErrorInfo} being null).
* <p>{@code visitor} may be null, but only in the case where all graph entries corresponding to
* {@code skyKeys} are known to be in the DONE state ({@code entry.isDone()} returns true).
private <T extends SkyValue> EvaluationResult<T> constructResult(
@Nullable ValueVisitor visitor,
Iterable<SkyKey> skyKeys,
@Nullable Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo,
boolean catastrophe) {
catastrophe == (keepGoing && bubbleErrorInfo != null),
"Catastrophe not consistent with keepGoing mode and bubbleErrorInfo: %s %s %s %s",
EvaluationResult.Builder<T> result = EvaluationResult.builder();
List<SkyKey> cycleRoots = new ArrayList<>();
for (SkyKey skyKey : skyKeys) {
ValueWithMetadata valueWithMetadata = getValueMaybeFromError(skyKey, bubbleErrorInfo);
// Cycle checking: if there is a cycle, evaluation cannot progress, therefore,
// the final values will not be in DONE state when the work runs out.
if (valueWithMetadata == null) {
// Don't look for cycles if the build failed for a known reason.
if (bubbleErrorInfo == null) {
SkyValue value = valueWithMetadata.getValue();
// TODO(bazel-team): Verify that message replay is fast and works in failure
// modes [skyframe-core]
// Note that replaying events here is only necessary on null builds, because otherwise we
// would have already printed the transitive messages after building these values.
ErrorInfo errorInfo = valueWithMetadata.getErrorInfo();
Preconditions.checkState(value != null || errorInfo != null, skyKey);
if (!keepGoing && errorInfo != null) {
// value will be null here unless the value was already built on a prior keepGoing build.
result.addError(skyKey, errorInfo);
if (value == null) {
// Note that we must be in the keepGoing case. Only make this value an error if it doesn't
// have a value. The error shouldn't matter to the caller since the value succeeded after a
// fashion.
result.addError(skyKey, errorInfo);
} else {
result.addResult(skyKey, value);
if (!cycleRoots.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkState(visitor != null, skyKeys);
checkForCycles(cycleRoots, result, visitor, keepGoing);
if (catastrophe) {
// We may not have a top-level node completed. Inform the caller of the catastrophic exception
// that shut down the evaluation so that it has some context.
ErrorInfo errorInfo =
"bubbleErrorInfo should have contained element with errorInfo: %s",
"bubbleErrorInfo should have contained element with catastrophe: %s",
EvaluationResult<T> builtResult =;
bubbleErrorInfo == null || builtResult.hasError(),
"If an error bubbled up, some top-level node must be in error: %s %s %s",
return builtResult;
private <T extends SkyValue> void checkForCycles(
Iterable<SkyKey> badRoots, EvaluationResult.Builder<T> result, final ValueVisitor visitor,
boolean keepGoing) {
for (SkyKey root : badRoots) {
ErrorInfo errorInfo = checkForCycles(root, visitor, keepGoing);
if (errorInfo == null) {
// This node just wasn't finished when evaluation aborted -- there were no cycles below it.
Preconditions.checkState(!keepGoing, "", root, badRoots);
"%s was not evaluated, but was not part of a cycle", root);
result.addError(root, errorInfo);
if (!keepGoing) {
* Marker value that we push onto a stack before we push a node's children on. When the marker
* value is popped, we know that all the children are finished. We would use null instead, but
* ArrayDeque does not permit null elements.
private static final SkyKey CHILDREN_FINISHED =
SkyKey.create(SkyFunctionName.create("MARKER"), "MARKER");
/** The max number of cycles we will report to the user for a given root, to avoid OOMing. */
private static final int MAX_CYCLES = 20;
* The algorithm for this cycle detector is as follows. We visit the graph depth-first, keeping
* track of the path we are currently on. We skip any DONE nodes (they are transitively
* error-free). If we come to a node already on the path, we immediately construct a cycle. If
* we are in the noKeepGoing case, we return ErrorInfo with that cycle to the caller. Otherwise,
* we continue. Once all of a node's children are done, we construct an error value for it, based
* on those children. Finally, when the original root's node is constructed, we return its
* ErrorInfo.
private ErrorInfo checkForCycles(SkyKey root, ValueVisitor visitor, boolean keepGoing) {
// The number of cycles found. Do not keep on searching for more cycles after this many were
// found.
int cyclesFound = 0;
// The path through the graph currently being visited.
List<SkyKey> graphPath = new ArrayList<>();
// Set of nodes on the path, to avoid expensive searches through the path for cycles.
Set<SkyKey> pathSet = new HashSet<>();
// Maintain a stack explicitly instead of recursion to avoid stack overflows
// on extreme graphs (with long dependency chains).
Deque<SkyKey> toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>();
// The procedure for this check is as follows: we visit a node, push it onto the graph stack,
// push a marker value onto the toVisit stack, and then push all of its children onto the
// toVisit stack. Thus, when the marker node comes to the top of the toVisit stack, we have
// visited the downward transitive closure of the value. At that point, all of its children must
// be finished, and so we can build the definitive error info for the node, popping it off the
// graph stack.
while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
SkyKey key = toVisit.pop();
NodeEntry entry;
// A marker node means we are done with all children of a node. Since all nodes have
// errors, we must have found errors in the children when that happens.
key = graphPath.remove(graphPath.size() - 1);
entry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(key), key);
// Skip this node if it was first/last node of a cycle, and so has already been processed.
if (entry.isDone()) {
if (!keepGoing) {
// in the --nokeep_going mode, we would have already returned if we'd found a cycle below
// this node. The fact that we haven't means that there were no cycles below this node
// -- it just hadn't finished evaluating. So skip it.
if (cyclesFound < MAX_CYCLES) {
// Value must be ready, because all of its children have finished, so we can build its
// error.
Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s not ready. ValueEntry: %s", key, entry);
} else if (!entry.isReady()) {
removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle(key, entry, entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps());
maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(key, entry);
Set<SkyKey> directDeps = entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps();
// Find out which children have errors. Similar logic to that in Evaluate#run().
List<ErrorInfo> errorDeps = getChildrenErrorsForCycle(directDeps);
"Value %s was not successfully evaluated, but had no child errors. ValueEntry: %s", key,
SkyFunctionEnvironment env = new SkyFunctionEnvironment(key, directDeps, visitor);
env.setError(ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(key, errorDeps), /*isDirectlyTransient=*/false);
} else {
entry = graph.get(key);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry, key);
// Nothing to be done for this node if it already has an entry.
if (entry.isDone()) {
if (cyclesFound == MAX_CYCLES) {
// Do not keep on searching for cycles indefinitely, to avoid excessive runtime/OOMs.
if (pathSet.contains(key)) {
int cycleStart = graphPath.indexOf(key);
// Found a cycle!
Iterable<SkyKey> cycle = graphPath.subList(cycleStart, graphPath.size());
// Put this node into a consistent state for building if it is dirty.
if (entry.isDirty() && entry.getDirtyState() == NodeEntry.DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES) {
// In the check deps state, entry has exactly one child not done yet. Note that this node
// must be part of the path to the cycle we have found (since done nodes cannot be in
// cycles, and this is the only missing one). Thus, it will not be removed below in
// removeDescendantsOfCycleValue, so it is safe here to signal that it is done.
maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(key, entry);
if (keepGoing) {
// Any children of this node that we haven't already visited are not worth visiting,
// since this node is about to be done. Thus, the only child worth visiting is the one in
// this cycle, the cycleChild (which may == key if this cycle is a self-edge).
SkyKey cycleChild = selectCycleChild(key, graphPath, cycleStart);
removeDescendantsOfCycleValue(key, entry, cycleChild, toVisit,
graphPath.size() - cycleStart);
ValueWithMetadata dummyValue = ValueWithMetadata.wrapWithMetadata(new SkyValue() {});
SkyFunctionEnvironment env =
new SkyFunctionEnvironment(key, entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps(),
ImmutableMap.of(cycleChild, dummyValue), visitor);
// Construct error info for this node. Get errors from children, which are all done
// except possibly for the cycleChild.
List<ErrorInfo> allErrors =
getChildrenErrors(entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps(), /*unfinishedChild=*/cycleChild);
CycleInfo cycleInfo = new CycleInfo(cycle);
// Add in this cycle.
env.setError(ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(key, allErrors), /*isTransient=*/false);
} else {
// We need to return right away in the noKeepGoing case, so construct the cycle (with the
// path) and return.
"%s not reached from %s. ValueEntry: %s", key, root, entry);
return ErrorInfo.fromCycle(new CycleInfo(graphPath.subList(0, cycleStart), cycle));
// This node is not yet known to be in a cycle. So process its children.
Iterable<SkyKey> children = entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps();
if (Iterables.isEmpty(children)) {
// Prefetch all children, in case our graph performs better with a primed cache.
// This marker flag will tell us when all this node's children have been processed.
// This node is now part of the path through the graph.
for (SkyKey nextValue : children) {
return keepGoing ? getAndCheckDone(root).getErrorInfo() : null;
* Returns the child of this node that is in the cycle that was just found. If the cycle is a
* self-edge, returns the node itself.
private static SkyKey selectCycleChild(SkyKey key, List<SkyKey> graphPath, int cycleStart) {
return cycleStart + 1 == graphPath.size() ? key : graphPath.get(cycleStart + 1);
* Get all the errors of child nodes. There must be at least one cycle amongst them.
* @param children child nodes to query for errors.
* @return List of ErrorInfos from all children that had errors.
private List<ErrorInfo> getChildrenErrorsForCycle(Iterable<SkyKey> children) {
List<ErrorInfo> allErrors = new ArrayList<>();
boolean foundCycle = false;
for (SkyKey child : children) {
ErrorInfo errorInfo = getAndCheckDone(child).getErrorInfo();
if (errorInfo != null) {
foundCycle |= !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo());
Preconditions.checkState(foundCycle, "", children, allErrors);
return allErrors;
* Get all the errors of child nodes.
* @param children child nodes to query for errors.
* @param unfinishedChild child which is allowed to not be done.
* @return List of ErrorInfos from all children that had errors.
private List<ErrorInfo> getChildrenErrors(Iterable<SkyKey> children, SkyKey unfinishedChild) {
List<ErrorInfo> allErrors = new ArrayList<>();
for (SkyKey child : children) {
ErrorInfo errorInfo = getErrorMaybe(child, /*allowUnfinished=*/child.equals(unfinishedChild));
if (errorInfo != null) {
return allErrors;
private ErrorInfo getErrorMaybe(SkyKey key, boolean allowUnfinished) {
if (!allowUnfinished) {
return getAndCheckDone(key).getErrorInfo();
NodeEntry entry = Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph.get(key), key);
return entry.isDone() ? entry.getErrorInfo() : null;
* Removes direct children of key from toVisit and from the entry itself, and makes the entry
* ready if necessary. We must do this because it would not make sense to try to build the
* children after building the entry. It would violate the invariant that a parent can only be
* built after its children are built; See bug "Precondition error while evaluating a Skyframe
* graph with a cycle".
* @param key SkyKey of node in a cycle.
* @param entry NodeEntry of node in a cycle.
* @param cycleChild direct child of key in the cycle, or key itself if the cycle is a self-edge.
* @param toVisit list of remaining nodes to visit by the cycle-checker.
* @param cycleLength the length of the cycle found.
private void removeDescendantsOfCycleValue(SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry,
@Nullable SkyKey cycleChild, Iterable<SkyKey> toVisit, int cycleLength) {
Set<SkyKey> unvisitedDeps = new HashSet<>(entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps());
// Remove any children from this node that are not part of the cycle we just found. They are
// irrelevant to the node as it stands, and if they are deleted from the graph because they are
// not built by the end of cycle-checking, we would have dangling references.
removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle(key, entry, unvisitedDeps);
if (!entry.isReady()) {
// The entry has at most one undone dep now, its cycleChild. Signal to make entry ready. Note
// that the entry can conceivably be ready if its cycleChild already found a different cycle
// and was built.
maybeMarkRebuildingAndRemoveRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(key, entry);
Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s %s %s", key, cycleChild, entry);
Iterator<SkyKey> it = toVisit.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SkyKey descendant =;
if (descendant == CHILDREN_FINISHED) {
// Marker value, delineating the end of a group of children that were enqueued.
if (cycleLength == 0) {
// We have seen #cycleLength-1 marker values, and have arrived at the one for this value,
// so we are done.
continue; // Don't remove marker values.
if (cycleLength == 1) {
// Remove the direct children remaining to visit of the cycle node.
"%s %s %s %s %s", key, descendant, cycleChild, unvisitedDeps, entry);
throw new IllegalStateException("There were not " + cycleLength + " groups of children in "
+ toVisit + " when trying to remove children of " + key + " other than " + cycleChild);
private void removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle(SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry,
Iterable<SkyKey> children) {
Set<SkyKey> unfinishedDeps = new HashSet<>();
for (SkyKey child : children) {
if (removeIncompleteChild(key, child)) {
private NodeEntry getAndCheckDone(SkyKey key) {
NodeEntry entry = graph.get(key);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry, key);
Preconditions.checkState(entry.isDone(), "%s %s", key, entry);
return entry;
private ValueWithMetadata maybeWrapValueFromError(SkyKey key, @Nullable NodeEntry entry,
@Nullable Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo) {
SkyValue value = bubbleErrorInfo == null ? null : bubbleErrorInfo.get(key);
if (value != null) {
"Value cannot have error before evaluation started", key, value);
return ValueWithMetadata.wrapWithMetadata(value);
return isDoneForBuild(entry)
? ValueWithMetadata.wrapWithMetadata(entry.getValueMaybeWithMetadata())
: null;
private ValueWithMetadata getValueMaybeFromError(SkyKey key,
@Nullable Map<SkyKey, ValueWithMetadata> bubbleErrorInfo) {
return maybeWrapValueFromError(key, graph.get(key), bubbleErrorInfo);
* Return true if the entry does not need to be re-evaluated this build. The entry will need to
* be re-evaluated if it is not done, but also if it was not completely evaluated last build and
* this build is keepGoing.
private boolean isDoneForBuild(@Nullable NodeEntry entry) {
return entry != null && entry.isDone();
static void injectValues(
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> injectionMap,
Version version,
EvaluableGraph graph,
DirtyKeyTracker dirtyKeyTracker) {
Map<SkyKey, NodeEntry> prevNodeEntries = graph.createIfAbsentBatch(injectionMap.keySet());
for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> injectionEntry : injectionMap.entrySet()) {
SkyKey key = injectionEntry.getKey();
SkyValue value = injectionEntry.getValue();
NodeEntry prevEntry = prevNodeEntries.get(key);
DependencyState newState = prevEntry.addReverseDepAndCheckIfDone(null);
newState != DependencyState.ALREADY_EVALUATING, "%s %s", key, prevEntry);
if (prevEntry.isDirty()) {
newState == DependencyState.NEEDS_SCHEDULING, "%s %s", key, prevEntry);
// There was an existing entry for this key in the graph.
// Get the node in the state where it is able to accept a value.
// Check that the previous node has no dependencies. Overwriting a value with deps with an
// injected value (which is by definition deps-free) needs a little additional bookkeeping
// (removing reverse deps from the dependencies), but more importantly it's something that
// we want to avoid, because it indicates confusion of input values and derived values.
prevEntry.noDepsLastBuild(), "existing entry for %s has deps: %s", key, prevEntry);
// Put the node into a "rebuilding" state and verify that there were no dirty deps
// remaining.
"%s %s",
prevEntry.setValue(value, version);
// Now that this key's injected value is set, it is no longer dirty.