Update CROSSTOOL tutorial

We're moving away from using CROSSTOOL files (Issue #5380, #7320).

PiperOrigin-RevId: 234609662
diff --git a/site/_layouts/documentation.html b/site/_layouts/documentation.html
index f8a629b..d027346 100644
--- a/site/_layouts/documentation.html
+++ b/site/_layouts/documentation.html
@@ -183,8 +183,16 @@
                 <ul class="collapse sidebar-nav sidebar-submenu" id="cpp-menu">
                   <li><a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/bazel-and-cpp.html">C++ Resources</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/cpp-use-cases.html">C++ Use Cases</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/cc-toolchain-config-reference.html">C++ toolchain configuration</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/tutorial/crosstool.html">Tutorial: CROSSTOOL</a></li>
+                  <li>
+                    <a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/cc-toolchain-config-reference.html">
+                      C++ Toolchain Configuration
+                    </a>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <a href="/versions/{{ current_version }}/tutorial/cc-toolchain-config.html">
+                      Tutorial: Configuring C++ Toolchains
+                    </a>
+                  </li>
diff --git a/site/docs/bazel-and-cpp.md b/site/docs/bazel-and-cpp.md
index e2c0ff7..8f43648 100644
--- a/site/docs/bazel-and-cpp.md
+++ b/site/docs/bazel-and-cpp.md
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 *  [C++ common use cases](cpp-use-cases.html)
 *  [C/C++ rules](be/c-cpp.html)
 *  [C++ toolchain configuration](cc-toolchain-config-reference.html)
-*  [Configuring CROSSTOOL](tutorial/crosstool.html)
+*  [Tutorial: Configuring C++ toolchains](tutorial/cc-toolchain-config.html)
 ## Best practices
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+layout: documentation
+title: Configuring C++ toolchains
+# Configuring C++ toolchains
+* ToC
+## Overview
+This tutorial uses an example scenario to describe how to configure C++
+toolchains for a project. It's based on an
+[example C++ project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/cpp-tutorial/stage1)
+that builds error-free using `gcc`, `clang`, and `msvc`.
+In this tutorial, you will create a Starlark rule that provides additional
+configuration for the `cc_toolchain` so that Bazel can build the application
+with `emscripten`. The expected outcome is to run
+`bazel build --config=asmjs //main:helloworld.js` on a Linux machine and build the
+C++ application using [`emscripten`](https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/)
+targeting [`asm.js`](http://asmjs.org/).
+## Setting up the build environment
+This tutorial assumes you are on Linux on which you have successfully built
+C++ applications - in other words, we assume that appropriate tooling and
+libraries have been installed.
+Set up your build environment as follows:
+1.  If you have not already done so,
+   [download and install Bazel 0.23](install-ubuntu.html) or later.
+2.  Download the
+    [example C++ project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/cpp-tutorial/stage1)
+    from GitHub and place it in an empty directory on your local machine.
+3.  Add the following `cc_binary` target to the `main/BUILD` file:
+    ```
+    cc_binary(
+        name = "helloworld.js",
+        srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
+    )
+    ```
+4.  Create a `.bazelrc` file at the root of the workspace directory with the
+    following contents to enable the use of the `--config` flag:
+    ```
+    # Use our custom-configured c++ toolchain.
+    build:asmjs --crosstool_top=//toolchain:emscripten
+    # Use --cpu as a differentiator.
+    build:asmjs --cpu=asmjs
+    # Use the default Bazel C++ toolchain to build the tools used during the
+    # build.
+    build:asmjs --host_crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain
+    ```
+In this example, we are using the `--cpu` flag as a differentiator, since
+`emscripten` can target both `asmjs` and Web assembly. We are not configuring a
+Web assembly toolchain, however. Since Bazel uses many internal tools written in
+C++, such as process-wrapper, we are specifying a "sane" C++ toolchain for the
+host platform.
+## Configuring the C++ toolchain
+To configure the C++ toolchain, repeatedly build the application and eliminate
+each error one by one as described below.
+**Note:** This tutorial assumes you're using Bazel 0.23 or later. If you're
+using an older release of Bazel, look for the "Configuring CROSSTOOL" tutorial.
+1.  Run the build with the following command:
+    ```
+    bazel build --config=asmjs //main:helloworld.js
+    ```
+    Because you specified `--crosstool_top=//toolchain:emscripten` in the
+    `.bazelrc` file, Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    No such package `toolchain`: BUILD file not found on package path.
+    ```
+    In the workspace directory, create the `toolchain` directory for the package
+    and an empty `BUILD` file inside the `toolchain` directory.
+2.  Run the build again. Because the `toolchain` package does not yet define the
+    `emscripten` target, Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    No such target '//toolchain:emscripten': target 'emscripten' not declared in
+    package 'toolchain' defined by .../toolchain/BUILD
+    ```
+    In the `toolchain/BUILD` file, define an empty filegroup as follows:
+    ```
+    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+    filegroup(name = "emscripten")
+    ```
+3.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    '//toolchain:emscripten' does not have mandatory providers: 'ToolchainInfo'
+    ```
+    Bazel discovered that the `--crosstool_top` flag points to a rule that
+    doesn't provide the necessary `ToolchainInfo` provider. So we need to point
+    `--crosstool_top` to a rule that does provide `ToolchainInfo` - that is the
+    `cc_toolchain_suite` rule. In the `toolchain/BUILD` file, replace the empty
+    filegroup with the following:
+    ```
+    cc_toolchain_suite(
+        name = "emscripten",
+        toolchains = {
+            "asmjs": ":asmjs_toolchain",
+        },
+    )
+    ```
+    The `toolchains` attribute automatically maps the `--cpu` (and also
+    `--compiler` when specified) values to  `cc_toolchain`. You have not yet
+    defined any `cc_toolchain` targets and Bazel will complain about that
+    shortly.
+4.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    Rule '//toolchain:asmjs_toolchain' does not exist
+    ```
+    Now you need to define `cc_toolchain` targets for every value in the
+    `cc_toolchain_suite.toolchains` attribute. This is where you specify the
+    files that comprise the toolchain so that Bazel can set up sandboxing. Add
+    the following to the `toolchain/BUILD` file:
+    ```
+    filegroup(name = "empty")
+    cc_toolchain(
+        name = "asmjs_toolchain",
+        toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
+        toolchain_config = ":asmjs_toolchain_config",
+        all_files = ":empty",
+        compiler_files = ":empty",
+        cpu = "asmjs",
+        dwp_files = ":empty",
+        linker_files = ":empty",
+        objcopy_files = ":empty",
+        strip_files = ":empty",
+        supports_param_files = 0,
+    )
+    ```
+5.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    Rule '//toolchain:asmjs-toolchain' does not exist
+    ```
+    Let's add a ":asmjs-toolchain-config" target to the `toolchain/BUILD` file:
+    ```
+    filegroup(name = "asmjs_toolchain_config")
+    ```
+6.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    '//toolchain:asmjs_toolchain_config' does not have mandatory providers:
+    'CcToolchainConfigInfo'
+    ```
+    `CcToolchainConfigInfo` is a provider that we use to configure our C++
+    toolchains. We are going to create a Starlark rule that will provide
+    `CcToolchainConfigInfo`. Create a `toolchains/cc_toolchain_config.bzl`
+    file with the following content:
+    ```
+    def _impl(ctx):
+        return cc_common.create_cc_toolchain_config_info(
+            ctx = ctx,
+            toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
+            host_system_name = "i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            target_system_name = "asmjs-unknown-emscripten",
+            target_cpu = "asmjs",
+            target_libc = "unknown",
+            compiler = "emscripten",
+            abi_version = "unknown",
+            abi_libc_version = "unknown",
+        )
+    cc_toolchain_config = rule(
+        implementation = _impl,
+        attrs = {},
+        provides = [CcToolchainConfigInfo],
+    )
+    ```
+    `cc_common.create_cc_toolchain_config_info()` creates the needed provider
+    `CcToolchainConfigInfo`. Now let's declare a rule that will make use of
+    the newly implemented `cc_toolchain_config` rule. Add a load statement to
+    `toolchains/BUILD`:
+    ```
+    load(":cc_toolchain_config.bzl", "cc_toolchain_config")
+    ```
+    And replace the "asmjs_toolchain_config" filegroup with a declaration of a
+    `cc_toolchain_config` rule:
+    ```
+    cc_toolchain_config(name = "asmjs_toolchain_config")
+    ```
+7.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    .../BUILD:1:1: C++ compilation of rule '//:helloworld.js' failed (Exit 1)
+    src/main/tools/linux-sandbox-pid1.cc:421:
+    "execvp(toolchain/DUMMY_GCC_TOOL, 0x11f20e0)": No such file or directory
+    Target //:helloworld.js failed to build`
+    ```
+    At this point, Bazel has enough information to attempt building the code but
+    it still does not know what tools to use to complete the required build
+    actions. We will modify our Starlark rule implementation to tell Bazel what
+    tools to use. For that, we'll need the tool_path() constructor from
+    [`@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl`](https://source.bazel.build/bazel/+/4eea5c62a566d21832c93e4c18ec559e75d5c1ce:tools/cpp/cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl;l=400):
+    ```
+    # toolchain/cc_toolchain_config.bzl:
+    load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl", "tool_path")
+    def impl(ctx):
+        tool_paths = [
+            tool_path(
+                name = "gcc",
+                path = "emcc.sh",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "ld",
+                path = "emcc.sh",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "ar",
+                path = "/bin/false",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "cpp",
+                path = "/bin/false",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "gcov",
+                path = "/bin/false",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "nm",
+                path = "/bin/false",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "objdump",
+                path = "/bin/false",
+            ),
+            tool_path(
+                name = "strip",
+                path: "/bin/false",
+            ),
+        ]
+        return cc_common.create_cc_toolchain_config_info(
+            ctx = ctx,
+            toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
+            host_system_name = "i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            target_system_name = "asmjs-unknown-emscripten",
+            target_cpu = "asmjs",
+            target_libc = "unknown",
+            compiler = "emscripten",
+            abi_version = "unknown",
+            abi_libc_version = "unknown",
+            tool_paths = tools,
+        )
+    ```
+    You may notice the `emcc.sh` wrapper script, which delegates to the external
+    `emcc.py` file. Create the script in the `toolchain` package directory with
+    the following contents and set its executable bit:
+    ```
+    #!/bin/bash
+    set -euo pipefail
+    python external/emscripten_toolchain/emcc.py "$@"
+    ```
+    Paths specified in the `tool_paths` list are relative to the package where
+    the `cc_toolchain_config` target is specified.
+    The `emcc.py` file does not yet exist in the workspace directory. To obtain
+    it, you can either check the `emscripten` toolchain in with your project or
+    pull it from its GitHub repository. This tutorial uses the latter approach.
+    To pull the toolchain from the GitHub repository, add the following
+    `http_archive` repository definitions to your `WORKSPACE` file:
+    ```
+    load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+    http_archive(
+      name = 'emscripten_toolchain',
+      url = 'https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/archive/1.37.22.tar.gz',
+      build_file = 'emscripten-toolchain.BUILD',
+      strip_prefix = "emscripten-1.37.22",
+    )
+    http_archive(
+      name = 'emscripten_clang',
+      url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/mozilla-games/emscripten/packages/llvm/tag/linux_64bit/emscripten-llvm-e1.37.22.tar.gz',
+      build_file = 'emscripten-clang.BUILD',
+      strip_prefix = "emscripten-llvm-e1.37.22",
+    )
+    ```
+    In the workspace directory root, create the `emscripten-toolchain.BUILD` and
+    `emscripten-clang.BUILD` files that expose these repositories as filegroups
+    and establish their visibility across the build.
+    First create the `emscripten-toolchain.BUILD` file with the following
+    contents:
+    ```
+    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+    filegroup(
+      name = "all",
+      srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
+    )
+    ```
+    Next, create the `emscripten-clang.BUILD` file with the following contents:
+    ```
+    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])`
+    filegroup(
+      name = "all",
+      srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
+    )
+    ```
+    You may notice that the targets simply parse all of the files contained in
+    the archives pulled by the `http_archive` repository rules. In a real
+    world scenario, you would likely want to be more selective and granular by
+    only parsing the files needed by the build and splitting them by action,
+    such as compilation, linking, and so on. For the sake of simplicity, this
+    tutorial omits this step.
+8.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+    ```
+    "execvp(toolchain/emcc.sh, 0x12bd0e0)": No such file or directory
+    ```
+    You now need to make Bazel aware of the artifacts you added in the previous
+    step. In particular, the `emcc.sh` script must also be explicitly listed as
+    a dependency of the corresponding `cc_toolchain` rule. Modify the
+    `toolchain/BUILD` file to look as follows:
+    ```
+    package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+    load(":cc_toolchain_config.bzl", "cc_toolchain_config")
+    cc_toolchain_config(name = "asmjs_toolchain_config")
+    cc_toolchain_suite(
+        name = "emscripten",
+        toolchains = {
+            "asmjs": ":asmjs_toolchain",
+        },
+    )
+    filegroup(
+        name = "all",
+        srcs = [
+            "emcc.sh",
+            "@emscripten_clang//:all",
+            "@emscripten_toolchain//:all",
+        ],
+    )
+    cc_toolchain(
+       name = "asmjs_toolchain",
+       toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
+       toolchain_config = ":asmjs_toolchain_config",
+       all_files = ":all",
+       compiler_files = ":all",
+       cpu = "asmjs",
+       dwp_files = ":empty",
+       linker_files = ":all",
+       objcopy_files = ":empty",
+       strip_files = ":empty",
+       supports_param_files = 0,
+    )
+    ```
+    Congratulations! You are now using the `emscripten` toolchain to build your
+    C++ sample code.  The next steps are optional but are included for
+    completeness.
+9.  (Optional) Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+     ```
+     ERROR: .../BUILD:1:1: C++ compilation of rule '//:helloworld.js' failed (Exit 1)
+     ```
+     The next step is to make the toolchain deterministic and hermetic - that
+     is, limit it to only touch files it's supposed to touch and ensure it
+     doesn't write temporary data outside the sandbox.
+     You also need to ensure the toolchain does not assume the existence of your
+     home directory with its configuration files and that it does not depend on
+     unspecified environment variables.
+     For our example project, make the following modifications to the
+     `toolchain/BUILD` file:
+     ```
+     filegroup(
+       name = "all",
+       srcs = [
+         "emcc.sh",
+         "@emscripten_toolchain//:all",
+         "@emscripten_clang//:all",
+         ":emscripten_cache_content"
+         ],
+      )
+     filegroup(
+       name = "emscripten_cache_content",
+       srcs = glob(["emscripten_cache/**/*"]),
+     )
+     ```
+     Since `emscripten` caches standard library files, you can save time by not
+     compiling `stdlib` for every action and also prevent it from storing
+     temporary data in random place, check in the precompiled bitcode files into
+     the `toolchain/emscript_cache directory`. You can create them by calling
+     the following from the `emscripten_clang` repository (or let `emscripten`
+     create them in `~/.emscripten_cache`):
+     ```
+     python embuilder.py build dlmalloc libcxx libc gl libcxxabi libcxx_noexcept wasm-libc
+     ```
+     Copy those files to `toolchain/emscripten_cache`.
+     Also update the `emcc.sh` script to look as follows:
+     ```
+     #!/bin/bash
+     set -euo pipefail
+     export LLVM_ROOT='external/emscripten_clang'
+     export EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER='external/emscripten_clang/optimizer'
+     export BINARYEN_ROOT='external/emscripten_clang/'
+     export NODE_JS=''
+     export EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT='external/emscripten_toolchain'
+     export EMCC_WASM_BACKEND=0
+     mkdir -p "tmp/emscripten_cache"
+     export EM_CACHE="tmp/emscripten_cache"
+     export TEMP_DIR="tmp"
+     # Prepare the cache content so emscripten doesn't keep rebuilding it
+     cp -r toolchain/emscripten_cache/* tmp/emscripten_cache
+     # Run emscripten to compile and link
+     python external/emscripten_toolchain/emcc.py "$@"
+     # Remove the first line of .d file
+     find . -name "*.d" -exec sed -i '2d' {} \;
+     ```
+     Bazel can now properly compile the sample C++ code in `hello-world.cc`.
+10.  (Optional) Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
+     ```
+     ..../BUILD:1:1: undeclared inclusion(s) in rule '//:helloworld.js':
+     this rule is missing dependency declarations for the following files included by 'helloworld.cc':
+     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx/stdio.h'
+     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx/__config'
+     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/stdio.h'
+     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/features.h'
+     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/bits/alltypes.h'
+     ```
+     At this point you have successfully compiled the example C++ code. The
+     error above occurs because Bazel uses a `.d` file produced by the compiler
+     to verify that all includes have been declared and to prune action inputs.
+     In the `.d` file, Bazel discovered that our source code references system
+     headers that have not been explicitly declared in the `BUILD` file. This in
+     and of itself is not a problem and you can easily fix this by adding the
+     target folders as `-isystem` directories. For this, you'll need to add
+     a [`feature`](https://source.bazel.build/bazel/+/4eea5c62a566d21832c93e4c18ec559e75d5c1ce:tools/cpp/cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl;l=336) to the `CcToolchainConfigInfo`.
+     Modify `toolchain/cc_toolchain_config.bzl` to look like this:
+     ```
+     load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl",
+          "feature",
+          "flag_group",
+          "flag_set",
+          "tool_path")
+     load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl", "ACTION_NAMES")
+     def _impl(ctx):
+         tool_paths = [
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "gcc",
+                 path = "emcc.sh",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "ld",
+                 path = "emcc.sh",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "ar",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "cpp",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "gcov",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "nm",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "objdump",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+             tool_path(
+                 name = "strip",
+                 path = "/bin/false",
+             ),
+         ]
+         toolchain_include_directories_feature = feature(
+             name = "toolchain_include_directories",
+             enabled = True,
+             flag_sets = [
+                 flag_set(
+                     actions = [
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.assemble",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.preprocess_assemble",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.linkstamp_compile",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.c_compile",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.cpp_compile",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.cpp_header_parsing",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.cpp_module_compile",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.cpp_module_codegen",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.lto_backend",
+                         "ACTION_NAMES.clif_match",
+                     ],
+                     flag_groups = [
+                         flag_group(
+                             flags = [
+                                 "-isystem",
+                                 "external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx",
+                                 "-isystem",
+                                 "external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc",
+                             ],
+                         ),
+                     ],
+                 ),
+             ],
+         )
+         return cc_common.create_cc_toolchain_config_info(
+             ctx = ctx,
+             toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
+             host_system_name = "i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+             target_system_name = "asmjs-unknown-emscripten",
+             target_cpu = "asmjs",
+             target_libc = "unknown",
+             compiler = "emscripten",
+             abi_version = "unknown",
+             abi_libc_version = "unknown",
+             tool_paths = tool_paths,
+             features = [toolchain_include_directories_feature],
+         )
+     cc_toolchain_config = rule(
+         implementation = _impl,
+         attrs = {},
+         provides = [CcToolchainConfigInfo],
+     )
+     ```
+11.  (Optional) Run the build again. With this final change, the build now
+     completes error-free.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/crosstool.md b/site/docs/tutorial/crosstool.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8551f92..0000000
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/crosstool.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Configuring CROSSTOOL
-# Configuring CROSSTOOL
-* ToC
-## Overview
-This tutorial uses an example scenario to describe how to configure CROSSTOOL
-for a project. It's based on an
-[example C++ project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/cpp-tutorial/stage3)
-that builds error-free using `gcc`, `clang`, and `msvc`.
-In this tutorial, you configure a CROSSTOOL file so that Bazel can build the
-application with `emscripten`. The expected outcome is to run
-`bazel build --config=asmjs test/helloworld.js` on a Linux machine and build the
-C++ application using [`emscripten`](https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/)
-targeting [`asm.js`](http://asmjs.org/).
-## Setting up the build environment
-This tutorial assumes you are on Linux on which you have successfully built
-C++ applications - in other words, we assume that appropriate tooling and
-libraries have been installed.
-Set up your build environment as follows:
-1.  If you have not already done so,
-   [download and install Bazel 0.19](install-ubuntu.html) or later.
-2.  Download the
-    [example C++ project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/cpp-tutorial/stage3)
-    from GitHub and place it in an empty directory on your local machine.
-3.  Add the following `cc_binary` target to the `main/BUILD` file:
-    ```
-    cc_binary(
-        name = "helloworld.js",
-        srcs = ["helloworld.cc"],
-    )
-    ```
-4.  Create a `.bazelrc` file at the root of the workspace directory with the
-    following contents to enable the use of the `--config` flag:
-    ```
-    # Create a new CROSSTOOL file for our toolchain.
-    build:asmjs --crosstool_top=//toolchain:emscripten
-    # Use --cpu as a differentiator.
-    build:asmjs --cpu=asmjs
-    # Specify a "sane" C++ toolchain for the host platform.
-    build:asmjs --host_crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain
-    ```
-In this example, we are using the `--cpu` flag as a differentiator, since
-`emscripten` can target both `asmjs` and Web assembly. We are not configuring a
-Web assembly toolchain, however. Since Bazel uses many internal tools written in
-C++, such as process-wrapper, we are specifying a "sane" C++ toolchain for the
-host platform.
-## Configuring the C++ toolchain
-To configure the C++ toolchain, repeatedly build the application and eliminate
-each error one by one as described below.
-**Note:** This tutorial assumes you're using Bazel 0.19 or later. If you're
-using an older release of Bazel, the build errors listed may appear in a
-different order, but the configuration procedure is the same.
-1.  Run the build with the following command:
-    ```
-    bazel build --config=asmjs helloworld.js
-    ```
-    Because you specified `--crosstool_top=//toolchain:emscripten` in the
-    `.bazelrc` file, Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    No such package `toolchain`: BUILD file not found on package path.
-    ```
-    In the workspace directory, create the `toolchain` directory for the package
-    and an empty `BUILD` file inside the `toolchain` directory.
-2.  Run the build again. Because the `toolchain` package does not yet define the
-    `emscripten` target, Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    No such target '//toolchain:emscripten': target 'emscripten' not declared in
-    package 'toolchain' defined by .../toolchain/BUILD
-    ```
-    In the `toolchain/BUILD` file, define an empty filegroup as follows:
-    ```
-    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
-    filegroup(name = "emscripten")
-    ```
-3.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    The specified --crosstool_top '//toolchain:emscripten' is not a valid
-    cc_toolchain_suite rule.
-    ```
-    Bazel discovered that the `--crosstool_top` flag does not point to the
-    `cc_toolchain_suite` rule. In the `toolchain/BUILD` file, replace the empty
-    filegroup with the following:
-    ```
-    cc_toolchain_suite(
-    name = "emscripten",
-    toolchains = {
-             "asmjs": ":asmjs_toolchain",
-         "asmjs|emscripten": ":asmjs_toolchain",
-        },
-    )
-    ```
-    The `toolchains` attribute automatically maps the `--cpu` (and also
-    `--compiler` when specified) values to  `cc_toolchain`. You have not yet
-    defined any `cc_toolchain` targets and Bazel will complain about that
-    shortly.
-4.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    The crosstool_top you specified was resolved to '//toolchain:emscripten',
-    which does not contain a CROSSTOOL file.
-    ```
-    Bazel expects a `CROSSTOOL` file in the `tooolchain:emscripten` package.
-    Create an empty `CROSSTOOL` file inside the `toolchain` directory.
-5.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    Could not read the crosstool configuration file
-    'CROSSTOOL file .../toolchain/CROSSTOOL', because of an incomplete protocol
-    buffer (Message missing required fields: major_version, minor_version, default_target_cpu)
-    ```
-    Bazel read the `CROSSTOOL` file and found nothing inside. Populate the
-    `CROSTOOL` file as follows:
-    ```
-    major_version: "1"
-    minor_version: "0"
-    default_target_cpu: "asmjs"
-    ```
-6.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    The label '//toolchain:asmjs_toolchain' is not a cc_toolchain rule.
-    ```
-    This is an important milestone in which you define `cc_toolchain` targets
-    for every toolchain in the `CROSSTOOL` file. This is where you specify the
-    files that comprise the toolchain so that Bazel can set up sandboxing. Add
-    the following to the `toolchain/BUILD` file:
-    ```
-    filegroup(name = "empty")
-    cc_toolchain(
-        name = "asmjs_toolchain",
-        toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
-        all_files = ":empty",
-        compiler_files = ":empty",
-        cpu = "asmjs",
-        dwp_files = ":empty",
-        linker_files = ":empty",
-        objcopy_files = ":empty",
-        strip_files = ":empty",
-        supports_param_files = 0,
-    )
-    ```
-7.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    No toolchain found for cpu 'asmjs'.
-    ```
-    Since you have specified `--crosstool_top` and `--cpu` in the `.bazelrc`
-    file, `//toolchain:asmjs_toolchain` is selected. Because we specify
-    `toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain"`, we need to create a toolchain
-    definition with this identifier. Add the following to the `CROSTOOL` file:
-    ```
-    toolchain {
-       toolchain_identifier: "asmjs-toolchain"
-       host_system_name: "i686-unknown-linux-gnu"
-       target_system_name: "asmjs-unknown-emscripten"
-       target_cpu: "asmjs"
-       target_libc: "unknown"
-       compiler: "emscripten"
-       abi_version: "unknown"
-       abi_libc_version: "unknown"
-     }
-     ```
-    The above definition also specifies the compiler, which you can use to more
-    precisely select the C++ toolchain.
-    Because we want to omit the `--compiler` flag and only use the `--cpu` flag,
-    we have added a `asmjs` key into `cc_toolchain_suite.toolchains`.
-8.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    .../BUILD:1:1: C++ compilation of rule '//:helloworld.js' failed (Exit 1)
-    src/main/tools/linux-sandbox-pid1.cc:421:
-    "execvp(toolchain/DUMMY_GCC_TOOL, 0x11f20e0)": No such file or directory
-    Target //:helloworld.js failed to build`
-    ```
-    At this point, Bazel has enough information to attempt building the code but
-    it still does not know what tools to use to complete the required build
-    actions. Add the following to your `CROSSTOOL` file to tell Bazel what tools
-    to use:
-    ```
-    # toolchain/CROSSTOOL
-    # ...
-    tool_path {
-        name: "gcc"
-        path: "emcc.sh"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "ld"
-        path: "emcc.sh"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "ar"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "cpp"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "gcov"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "nm"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "objdump"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    tool_path {
-        name: "strip"
-        path: "/bin/false"
-    }
-    ```
-    You may notice the `emcc.sh` wrapper script, which delegates to the external
-    `emcc.py` file. Create the script in the `toolchain` package directory with
-    the following contents and set its executable bit:
-    ```
-    #!/bin/bash
-    set -euo pipefail
-    python external/emscripten_toolchain/emcc.py "$@"
-    ```
-    Paths specified in the `CROSSTOOL` file are relative to the location of the
-    `CROSSTOOL` file itself.
-    The `emcc.py` file does not yet exist in the workspace directory. To obtain
-    it, you can either check the `emscripten` toolchain in with your project or
-    pull it from its GitHub repository. This tutorial uses the latter approach.
-    To pull the toolchain from the GitHub repository, add the following
-    `new_http_archive` repository definitions to your `WORKSPACE` file:
-    ```
-    new_http_archive(
-      name = 'emscripten_toolchain',
-      url = 'https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/archive/1.37.22.tar.gz',
-      build_file = 'emscripten-toolchain.BUILD',
-      strip_prefix = "emscripten-1.37.22",
-    )
-    new_http_archive(
-      name = 'emscripten_clang',
-      url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/mozilla-games/emscripten/packages/llvm/tag/linux_64bit/emscripten-llvm-e1.37.22.tar.gz',
-      build_file = 'emscripten-clang.BUILD',
-      strip_prefix = "emscripten-llvm-e1.37.22",
-    )
-    ```
-    In the workspace directory root, create the `emscripten-toolchain.BUILD` and
-    `emscripten-clang.BUILD` files that expose these repositories as filegroups
-    and establish their visibility across the build.
-    First create the `emscripten-toolchain.BUILD` file with the following
-    contents:
-    ```
-    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
-    filegroup(
-      name = "all",
-      srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
-    )
-    ```
-    Next, create the `emscripten-clang.BUILD` file with the following contents:
-    ```
-    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])`
-    filegroup(
-      name = "all",
-      srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
-    )
-    ```
-    You may notice that the targets simply parse all of the files contained in
-    the archives pulled by the `new_http_archive` repository rules. In a real
-    world scenario, you would likely want to be more selective and granular by
-    only parsing the files needed by the build and splitting them by action,
-    such as compilation, linking, and so on. For the sake of simplicity, this
-    tutorial omits this step.
-9.  Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-    ```
-    "execvp(toolchain/emcc.sh, 0x12bd0e0)": No such file or directory
-    ```
-    You now need to make Bazel aware of the artifacts you added in the previous
-    step. In particular, the `emcc.sh` script must also be explicitly listed as
-    a dependency of the corresponding `cc_toolchain` rule. Modify the
-    `toolchain/BUILD` file to look as follows:
-    ```
-    package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
-    cc_toolchain_suite(
-    name = "emscripten",
-    toolchains = {
-       "asmjs": ":asmjs_toolchain",
-       "asmjs|emscripten": ":asmjs_toolchain",
-       },
-    )
-    filegroup(name = "empty")
-    filegroup(
-    name = "all",
-    srcs = [
-       "emcc.sh",
-       "@emscripten_toolchain//:all",
-       "@emscripten_clang//:all"
-    ],
-    )
-    cc_toolchain(
-       name = "asmjs_toolchain",
-       toolchain_identifier = "asmjs-toolchain",
-       all_files = ":all",
-       compiler_files = ":all",
-       cpu = "asmjs",
-       dwp_files = ":empty",
-       linker_files = ":all",
-       objcopy_files = ":empty",
-       strip_files = ":empty",
-       supports_param_files = 0,
-    )
-    ```
-    Congratulations! You are now using the `emscripten` toolchain to build your
-    C++ sample code.  The next steps are optional but are included for
-    completeness.
-10.  (Optional) Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-     ```
-     ERROR: .../BUILD:1:1: C++ compilation of rule '//:helloworld.js' failed (Exit 1)
-     ```
-     The next step is to make the toolchain deterministic and hermetic - that
-     is, limit it to only touch files it's supposed to touch and ensure it
-     doesn't write temporary data outside the sandbox.
-     You also need to ensure the toolchain does not assume the existence of your
-     home directory with its configuration files and that it does not depend on
-     unspecified environment variables.
-     For our example project, make the following modifications to the
-     `toolchain/BUILD` file:
-     ```
-     filegroup(
-       name = "all",
-       srcs = [
-         "emcc.sh",
-         "@emscripten_toolchain//:all",
-         "@emscripten_clang//:all",
-         ":emscripten_cache_content"
-         ],
-      )
-     filegroup(
-       name = "emscripten_cache_content",
-       srcs = glob(["emscripten_cache/**/*"]),
-     )
-     ```
-     Since `emscripten` caches standard library files, you can save time by not
-     compiling `stdlib` for every action and also prevent it from storing
-     temporary data in random place, check in the precompiled bitcode files into
-     the `toolchain/emscript_cache directory`. You can create them by calling
-     the following from the `emscripten_clang` repository (or let `emscripten`
-     create them in `~/.emscripten_cache`):
-     ```
-     embuilder.py build dlmalloc libcxx libc gl libcxxabi libcxx_noexcept wasm-libc
-     ```
-     Copy those files to `toolchain/emscripten_cache`. Modify your `toolchain/BUILD`
-     file to look as follows:
-     ```
-     filegroup(
-       name = "all",
-       srcs = [
-           "emcc.sh",
-           "@emscripten_toolchain//:all",
-           "@emscripten_clang//:all",
-           ":emscripten_cache_content"
-           ],
-     )
-     filegroup(
-       name = "emscripten_cache_content",
-       srcs = glob(["emscripten_cache/**/*"]),
-     )
-     ```
-     Also update the `emcc.sh` script to look as follows:
-     ```
-     #!/bin/bash
-     set -euo pipefail
-     export LLVM_ROOT='external/emscripten_clang'
-     export EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER='external/emscripten_clang/optimizer'
-     export BINARYEN_ROOT='external/emscripten_clang/'
-     export NODE_JS=''
-     export EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT='external/emscripten_toolchain'
-     export EMCC_WASM_BACKEND=0
-     mkdir -p "tmp/emscripten_cache"
-     export EM_CACHE="tmp/emscripten_cache"
-     export TEMP_DIR="tmp"
-     # Prepare the cache content so emscripten doesn't keep rebuilding it
-     cp -r toolchain/emscripten_cache/* tmp/emscripten_cache
-     # Run emscripten to compile and link
-     python external/emscripten_toolchain/emcc.py "$@"
-     # Remove the first line of .d file
-     find . -name "*.d" -exec sed -i '2d' {} \;
-     ```
-     Bazel can now properly compile the sample C++ code in `helloworld.cc`.
-11.  (Optional) Run the build again. Bazel throws the following error:
-     ```
-     ..../BUILD:1:1: undeclared inclusion(s) in rule '//:helloworld.js':
-     this rule is missing dependency declarations for the following files included by 'helloworld.cc':
-     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx/stdio.h'
-     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx/__config'
-     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/stdio.h'
-     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/features.h'
-     '.../external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc/bits/alltypes.h'
-     ```
-     At this point you have successfully compiled the example C++ code. The
-     error above occurs because Bazel uses a `.d` file produced by the compiler
-     to verify that all includes have been declared and to prune action inputs.
-     In the `.d` file, Bazel discovered that our source code references system
-     headers that have not been explicitly declared in the `BUILD` file. This in
-     and of itself is not a problem and you can easily fix this by adding the
-     target folders as `-isystem` directories to the toolchain definition in the
-     `CROSSTOOL` file as follows:
-     ```
-     compiler_flag: "-isystem"
-     compiler_flag: "external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libcxx"
-     compiler_flag: "-isystem"
-     compiler_flag: "external/emscripten_toolchain/system/include/libc"
-     ```
-12.  (Optional) Run the build again. With this final change, the build now
-     completes error-free.