blob: f22db75945f2402ed9c0f925c0c3e3bb9cb9858f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A {@link SkyKey} is effectively a pair (type, name) that identifies a Skyframe value.
* <p>SkyKey implementations are heavily used as map keys. Thus, they should have fast {@link
* #hashCode} implementations (cached if necessary). The same SkyKey may be created multiple times
* by different {@code SkyFunction}s requesting it, and so it should have effective interning. There
* will likely be more SkyKeys on the JVM heap than any other non-native type, so be mindful of
* memory usage (in particular object wrapper size and memory alignment)! Typically the
* implementation should have a fixed {@link #functionName} implementation and return itself as the
* {@link #argument} in order to reduce the cost of wrapper objects.
public interface SkyKey extends Serializable {
SkyFunctionName functionName();
default Object argument() {
return this;
* Returns {@code true} if this key produces a {@link SkyValue} that can be reused across builds.
* <p>Values may be unshareable because they are just not serializable, or because they contain
* data that cannot safely be reused as-is by another invocation, such as stamping information or
* "flaky" values like test statuses.
* <p>Unshareable data should not be serialized, since it will never be reused. Attempts to fetch
* a key's serialized data will call this method and only perform the fetch if it returns {@code
* true}.
* <p>The result of this method only applies to non-error values. In case of an error, {@link
* ErrorInfo#isTransitivelyTransient()} can be used to determine shareability.
default boolean valueIsShareable() {
return true;
* Returns {@code true} if this key's {@link SkyFunction} would like Skyframe to schedule its
* reevaluation when any of its previously requested unfinished deps completes. Otherwise,
* Skyframe will schedule reevaluation only when all previously requested unfinished deps
* complete.
default boolean supportsPartialReevaluation() {
return false;
static <T extends SkyKey> SkyKeyInterner<T> newInterner() {
return new SkyKeyInterner<>();
* An alternative container to the weak interner for storing {@link SkyKey}.
* <p>A pool is a storage space that already exists during normal program execution and provides
* lookup functionality for interning, thus eliminating storage overhead from using a classic weak
* interner.
interface SkyKeyPool {
* Returns the canonical instance of the {@link SkyKey} if found in the pool, otherwise returns
* {@code null}.
SkyKey canonicalize(SkyKey key);
* An extension of the weak interner which contains an alternative and static {@link #globalPool}
* container in addition to a weak interner and supports removing {@link SkyKey} from the {@link
* #weakInterner}.
* <p>The reason of implementing {@link SkyKeyInterner} is that the same {@link SkyKey} object can
* be stored in both weak interner and some other container in blaze with two equal references,
* causing some memory overhead.
* <p>{@link SkyKeyInterner} enables the client to manage where the {@link SkyKey} object is
* stored, addressing the memory overhead issue. In more detail,
* <ul>
* <li>If the {@link SkyKey} object is already canonicalized in the {@link #globalPool}, it
* should not be stored in {@link #weakInterner} again, thus removing the storage overhead
* of using a weak interner;
* <li>User can also remove {@link SkyKey} from {@link #weakInterner}'s underlying {@link
* #internerAsMap} when the {@link SkyKey} object appears in {@link #globalPool}.
* </ul>
final class SkyKeyInterner<T extends SkyKey> implements Interner<T> {
@Nullable private static SkyKeyPool globalPool = null;
private final Interner<T> weakInterner = BlazeInterners.newWeakInterner();
private final Map<?, ?> internerAsMap = getMapReflectively(weakInterner);
private SkyKeyInterner() {}
// There was a Guava API review to include the feature of removing from an interner, and the
// outcome was that we should just get the map reflectively.
private static Map<?, ?> getMapReflectively(Interner<?> interner) {
try {
Field field = interner.getClass().getDeclaredField("map");
return (Map<?, ?>) field.get(interner);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Sets the {@link SkyKeyPool} to be used for interning.
* <p>The pool is strongly retained until another pool is set. {@code null} can be passed to
* clear the global pool.
public static void setGlobalPool(@Nullable SkyKeyPool pool) {
// No synchronization is needed. Setting global pool is guaranteed to happen sequentially
// since only one build can happen at the same time.
globalPool = pool;
* Returns the canonical instance of {@code sample} from either {@link #globalPool} or the
* {@link #weakInterner}.
public T intern(T sample) {
SkyKeyPool pool = globalPool;
if (pool != null) {
SkyKey result = pool.canonicalize(sample);
if (result != null) {
return (T) result;
return weakInterner.intern(sample);
* Removes {@link SkyKey} from the weak interner. Client can call this method when the {@link
* SkyKey} is already stored in the global pool in order to reduce the memory overhead.
public void removeWeak(SkyKey sample) {
* A hint to schedulers that evaluating this key shouldn't cause high fanout.
* <p>Keys with high fan-out create memory pressure and are assigned low priority.
default boolean hasLowFanout() {
return false;