| // Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlark; |
| |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertWithMessage; |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth8.assertThat; |
| import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.attr; |
| import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType.LABEL_LIST; |
| import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.ExecGroup.DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME; |
| import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows; |
| |
| import com.google.common.base.Joiner; |
| import com.google.common.base.Splitter; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionAnalysisMetadata; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ExecException; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ResourceSet; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ActionsProvider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredRuleClassProvider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ResolvedToolchainContext; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoCollection; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.FileWriteAction; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.StarlarkAction; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.configuredtargets.FileConfiguredTarget; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.starlark.StarlarkExecGroupCollection; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.starlark.StarlarkRuleContext; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.MockRule; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Depset; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Provider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.StarlarkInfo; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.StarlarkProvider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.StarlarkProviderIdentifier; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.StructImpl; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaInfo; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaSourceJarsProvider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlark.util.BazelEvaluationTestCase; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestRuleClassProvider; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.OS; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.Dict; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.EvalException; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.Sequence; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.Starlark; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.StarlarkInt; |
| import net.starlark.java.eval.StarlarkList; |
| import org.junit.Before; |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| import org.junit.runner.RunWith; |
| import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; |
| |
| /** Tests for {@link StarlarkRuleContext}. */ |
| @RunWith(JUnit4.class) |
| public final class StarlarkRuleContextTest extends BuildViewTestCase { |
| |
| private StarlarkRuleContext createRuleContext(String label) throws Exception { |
| return new StarlarkRuleContext(getRuleContextForStarlark(getConfiguredTarget(label)), null); |
| } |
| |
| private final BazelEvaluationTestCase ev = new BazelEvaluationTestCase(); |
| |
| /** A test rule that exercises the semantics of mandatory providers. */ |
| private static final MockRule TESTING_RULE_FOR_MANDATORY_PROVIDERS = |
| () -> |
| MockRule.define( |
| "testing_rule_for_mandatory_providers", |
| (builder, env) -> |
| builder |
| .setUndocumented() |
| .add(attr("srcs", LABEL_LIST).allowedFileTypes(FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE)) |
| .add( |
| attr("deps", LABEL_LIST) |
| .legacyAllowAnyFileType() |
| .mandatoryProvidersList( |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| ImmutableList.of(StarlarkProviderIdentifier.forLegacy("a")), |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| StarlarkProviderIdentifier.forLegacy("b"), |
| StarlarkProviderIdentifier.forLegacy("c")))))); |
| |
| @Override |
| protected ConfiguredRuleClassProvider createRuleClassProvider() { |
| ConfiguredRuleClassProvider.Builder builder = |
| new ConfiguredRuleClassProvider.Builder() |
| TestRuleClassProvider.addStandardRules(builder); |
| return builder.build(); |
| } |
| |
| @Before |
| public final void setupMyInfoAndGenerateBuildFile() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("myinfo/myinfo.bzl", "MyInfo = provider()"); |
| scratch.file("myinfo/BUILD"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "foo/BUILD", |
| "package(features = ['-f1', 'f2', 'f3'])", |
| "genrule(name = 'foo',", |
| " cmd = 'dummy_cmd',", |
| " srcs = ['a.txt', 'b.img'],", |
| " tools = ['t.exe'],", |
| " outs = ['c.txt'])", |
| "genrule(name = 'foo2',", |
| " cmd = 'dummy_cmd',", |
| " outs = ['e.txt'])", |
| "genrule(name = 'bar',", |
| " cmd = 'dummy_cmd',", |
| " srcs = [':jl', ':gl'],", |
| " outs = ['d.txt'])", |
| "java_library(name = 'jl',", |
| " srcs = ['a.java'])", |
| "android_library(name = 'androidlib',", |
| " srcs = ['a.java'])", |
| "java_import(name = 'asr',", |
| " jars = [ 'asr.jar' ],", |
| " srcjar = 'asr-src.jar',", |
| ")", |
| "genrule(name = 'gl',", |
| " cmd = 'touch $(OUTS)',", |
| " srcs = ['a.go'],", |
| " outs = [ 'gl.a', 'gl.gcgox', ],", |
| " output_to_bindir = 1,", |
| ")", |
| "cc_library(name = 'cc_with_features',", |
| " srcs = ['dummy.cc'],", |
| " features = ['f1', '-f3'],", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| private void setRuleContext(StarlarkRuleContext ctx) throws Exception { |
| ev.update("ruleContext", ctx); |
| } |
| |
| private void setUpAttributeErrorTest() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:macros.bzl', 'macro_native_rule', 'macro_starlark_rule', 'starlark_rule')", |
| "macro_native_rule(name = 'm_native',", |
| " deps = [':jlib'])", |
| "macro_starlark_rule(name = 'm_starlark',", |
| " deps = [':jlib'])", |
| "java_library(name = 'jlib',", |
| " srcs = ['bla.java'])", |
| "cc_library(name = 'cclib',", |
| " deps = [':jlib'])", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'skyrule',", |
| " deps = [':jlib'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/macros.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list(providers = ['some_provider'], allow_files=True)", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def macro_native_rule(name, deps): ", |
| " native.cc_library(name = name, deps = deps)", |
| "def macro_starlark_rule(name, deps):", |
| " starlark_rule(name = name, deps = deps)"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void hasCorrectLocationForRuleAttributeError_NativeRuleWithMacro() throws Exception { |
| setUpAttributeErrorTest(); |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:m_native")); |
| assertContainsEvent("misplaced here"); |
| // Skip the part of the error message that has details about the allowed deps since the mocks |
| // for the mac tests might have different values for them. |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| ". Since this " |
| + "rule was created by the macro 'macro_native_rule', the error might have been caused " |
| + "by the macro implementation"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void hasCorrectLocationForRuleAttributeError_StarlarkRuleWithMacro() throws Exception { |
| setUpAttributeErrorTest(); |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:m_starlark")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:4:20: in deps attribute of starlark_rule rule " |
| + "//test:m_starlark: '//test:jlib' does not have mandatory providers:" |
| + " 'some_provider'. " |
| + "Since this rule was created by the macro 'macro_starlark_rule', the error might " |
| + "have been caused by the macro implementation"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void hasCorrectLocationForRuleAttributeError_NativeRule() throws Exception { |
| setUpAttributeErrorTest(); |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:cclib")); |
| assertContainsEvent("misplaced here"); |
| // Skip the part of the error message that has details about the allowed deps since the mocks |
| // for the mac tests might have different values for them. |
| assertDoesNotContainEvent("Since this rule was created by the macro"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void hasCorrectLocationForRuleAttributeError_StarlarkRule() throws Exception { |
| setUpAttributeErrorTest(); |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:skyrule")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:10:14: in deps attribute of " |
| + "starlark_rule rule //test:skyrule: '//test:jlib' does not have mandatory providers: " |
| + "'some_provider'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testMandatoryProvidersListWithStarlark() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rules.bzl', 'starlark_rule', 'my_rule', 'my_other_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'mylib',", |
| " srcs = ['a.py'])", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'skyrule1',", |
| " deps = [':mylib'])", |
| "my_other_rule(name = 'my_other_lib',", |
| " srcs = ['a.py'])", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'skyrule2',", |
| " deps = [':my_other_lib'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list(providers = [['a'], ['b', 'c']],", |
| " allow_files=True)", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def my_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(a = [])", |
| "my_rule = rule(implementation = my_rule_impl, ", |
| " attrs = { 'srcs' : attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})", |
| "def my_other_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(b = [])", |
| "my_other_rule = rule(implementation = my_other_rule_impl, ", |
| " attrs = { 'srcs' : attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| assertThat(getConfiguredTarget("//test:skyrule1")).isNotNull(); |
| |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:skyrule2")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:8:14: in deps attribute of " |
| + "starlark_rule rule //test:skyrule2: '//test:my_other_lib' does not have " |
| + "mandatory providers: 'a' or 'c'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testMandatoryProvidersListWithNative() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rules.bzl', 'my_rule', 'my_other_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'mylib',", |
| " srcs = ['a.py'])", |
| "testing_rule_for_mandatory_providers(name = 'skyrule1',", |
| " deps = [':mylib'])", |
| "my_other_rule(name = 'my_other_lib',", |
| " srcs = ['a.py'])", |
| "testing_rule_for_mandatory_providers(name = 'skyrule2',", |
| " deps = [':my_other_lib'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def my_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(a = [])", |
| "my_rule = rule(implementation = my_rule_impl, ", |
| " attrs = { 'srcs' : attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})", |
| "def my_other_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(b = [])", |
| "my_other_rule = rule(implementation = my_other_rule_impl, ", |
| " attrs = { 'srcs' : attr.label_list(allow_files=True)})"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| assertThat(getConfiguredTarget("//test:skyrule1")).isNotNull(); |
| |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("//test:skyrule2")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:8:37: in deps attribute of " |
| + "testing_rule_for_mandatory_providers rule //test:skyrule2: '//test:my_other_lib' " |
| + "does not have mandatory providers: 'a' or 'c'"); |
| } |
| |
| /* Sharing setup code between the testPackageBoundaryError*() methods is not possible since the |
| * errors already happen when loading the file. Consequently, all tests would fail at the same |
| * statement. */ |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_nativeRule() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'cclib',", " srcs = ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:cclib"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:1:11: Label '//test:sub/my_sub_lib.h' is invalid because " |
| + "'test/sub' is a subpackage; perhaps you meant to put the colon here: " |
| + "'//test/sub:my_sub_lib.h'?"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_starlarkRule() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:macros.bzl', 'starlark_rule')", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'skyrule',", |
| " srcs = ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/macros.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'srcs': attr.label_list(allow_files=True)", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:skyrule"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:2:14: Label '//test:sub/my_sub_lib.h' is invalid because " |
| + "'test/sub' is a subpackage; perhaps you meant to put the colon here: " |
| + "'//test/sub:my_sub_lib.h'?"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_starlarkMacro() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:macros.bzl', 'macro_starlark_rule')", |
| "macro_starlark_rule(name = 'm_starlark',", |
| " srcs = ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/macros.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'srcs': attr.label_list(allow_files=True)", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def macro_starlark_rule(name, srcs=[]):", |
| " starlark_rule(name = name, srcs = srcs)"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:m_starlark"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:2:20: Label '//test:sub/my_sub_lib.h' is invalid because" |
| + " 'test/sub' is a subpackage; perhaps you meant to put the colon here: " |
| + "'//test/sub:my_sub_lib.h'?"); |
| } |
| |
| /* The error message for this case used to be wrong. */ |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_externalRepository_boundary() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("r/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("r/BUILD"); |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name='r', path='r')") |
| .build()); |
| scratch.file("BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'cclib',", " srcs = ['r/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| invalidatePackages( |
| /*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchain labels. |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:cclib"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "/workspace/BUILD:1:11: Label '//:r/my_sub_lib.h' is invalid because " |
| + "'@r//' is a subpackage"); |
| } |
| |
| /* The error message for this case used to be wrong. */ |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_externalRepository_entirelyInside() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("/r/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/r/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'cclib',", " srcs = ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file("/r/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name='r', path='/r')") |
| .build()); |
| invalidatePackages( |
| /*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchain labels. |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("@r//:cclib"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "/external/r/BUILD:1:11: Label '@r//:sub/my_sub_lib.h' is invalid because " |
| + "'@r//sub' is a subpackage; perhaps you meant to put the colon here: " |
| + "'@r//sub:my_sub_lib.h'?"); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Making the location in BUILD file the default for "crosses boundary of subpackage" errors does |
| * not work in this case since the error actually happens in the bzl file. However, because of |
| * the current design, we can neither show the location in the bzl file nor display both |
| * locations (BUILD + bzl). |
| * |
| * Since this case is less common than having such an error in a BUILD file, we can live |
| * with it. |
| */ |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_starlarkMacroWithErrorInBzlFile() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:macros.bzl', 'macro_starlark_rule')", |
| "macro_starlark_rule(name = 'm_starlark')"); |
| scratch.file("test/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/macros.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'srcs': attr.label_list(allow_files=True)", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def macro_starlark_rule(name, srcs=[]):", |
| " starlark_rule(name = name, srcs = srcs + ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:m_starlark"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:2:20: Label '//test:sub/my_sub_lib.h' " |
| + "is invalid because 'test/sub' is a subpackage"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testPackageBoundaryError_nativeMacro() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:macros.bzl', 'macro_native_rule')", |
| "macro_native_rule(name = 'm_native',", |
| " srcs = ['sub/my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/sub/BUILD", "cc_library(name = 'my_sub_lib', srcs = ['my_sub_lib.h'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/macros.bzl", |
| "def macro_native_rule(name, deps=[], srcs=[]): ", |
| " native.cc_library(name = name, deps = deps, srcs = srcs)"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:m_native"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:2:18: Label '//test:sub/my_sub_lib.h' " |
| + "is invalid because 'test/sub' is a subpackage"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void shouldGetPrerequisiteArtifacts() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.files.srcs"); |
| assertArtifactList(result, ImmutableList.of("a.txt", "b.img")); |
| } |
| |
| private static void assertArtifactList(Object result, List<String> artifacts) { |
| assertThat(result).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> resultList = (Sequence) result; |
| assertThat(resultList).hasSize(artifacts.size()); |
| int i = 0; |
| for (String artifact : artifacts) { |
| assertThat(((Artifact) resultList.get(i++)).getFilename()).isEqualTo(artifact); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void shouldGetPrerequisites() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:bar"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.srcs"); |
| // Check for a known provider |
| TransitiveInfoCollection tic1 = (TransitiveInfoCollection) ((Sequence) result).get(0); |
| assertThat(JavaInfo.getProvider(JavaSourceJarsProvider.class, tic1)).isNotNull(); |
| // Check an unimplemented provider too |
| assertThat(tic1.get("not_implemented_provider")).isNull(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void shouldGetPrerequisite() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:asr"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.srcjar"); |
| TransitiveInfoCollection tic = (TransitiveInfoCollection) result; |
| assertThat(tic).isInstanceOf(FileConfiguredTarget.class); |
| assertThat(tic.getLabel().getName()).isEqualTo("asr-src.jar"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeListType() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.outs"); |
| assertThat(result).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeListValue() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.outs"); |
| assertThat(((Sequence) result)).hasSize(1); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeListValueNoGet() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.outs"); |
| assertThat(((Sequence) result)).hasSize(1); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeStringTypeValue() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.cmd"); |
| assertThat((String) result).isEqualTo("dummy_cmd"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeStringTypeValueNoGet() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.cmd"); |
| assertThat((String) result).isEqualTo("dummy_cmd"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeBadAttributeName() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| ev.checkEvalErrorContains("No attribute 'bad'", "ruleContext.attr.bad"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetRuleAttributeNoAspectHints() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| ev.checkEvalErrorContains("No attribute 'aspect_hints'", "ruleContext.attr.aspect_hints"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetLabel() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.label"); |
| assertThat(((Label) result).toString()).isEqualTo("//foo:foo"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testRuleError() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| ev.checkEvalErrorContains("message", "fail('message')"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAttributeError() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| ev.checkEvalErrorContains("attribute srcs: message", "fail(attr='srcs', msg='message')"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetExecutablePrerequisite() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:androidlib")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.executable._idlclass"); |
| assertThat(((Artifact) result).getFilename()).matches("^IdlClass(\\.exe){0,1}$"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateSpawnActionArgumentsWithExecutableFilesToRunProvider() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:androidlib"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.exec( |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " arguments = ['--a','--b'],", |
| " executable = ruleContext.executable._idlclass)"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| assertThat(action.getCommandFilename()).matches("^.*/IdlClass(\\.exe){0,1}$"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetExecutablePrerequisite_forNativeRuleWithLabelList() throws Exception { |
| // Starlark rules only support executable=True on LABEL attributes, but native rules support it |
| // for LABEL_LIST as well. This became a problem when we started creating StarlarkRuleContexts |
| // for native rules for builtins injection. We work around it by not populating the executable |
| // field for these rules. |
| scratch.file( |
| "pkg/BUILD", |
| "extra_action(", |
| " name = 'foo',", |
| " cmd = 'cmd',", |
| " out_templates = ['foo.out'],", |
| " tools = [':tool1', ':tool2']", // not allowed in Starlark-defined rules |
| ")", |
| "cc_binary(", |
| " name = 'tool1',", |
| " srcs = ['tool1.cc'],", |
| ")", |
| "cc_binary(", |
| " name = 'tool2',", |
| " srcs = ['tool2.cc'],", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//pkg:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| assertThat((Boolean) ev.eval("hasattr(ruleContext.executable, 'tools')")).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithUnusedInputsList() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.exec( |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " executable = 'executable',", |
| " unused_inputs_list = ruleContext.files.srcs[0])"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| assertThat(action.getUnusedInputsList()).isPresent(); |
| assertThat(action.getUnusedInputsList().get().getFilename()).isEqualTo("a.txt"); |
| assertThat(action.discoversInputs()).isTrue(); |
| assertThat(action.isShareable()).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_success() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " if os == \"osx\":", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 2., \"memory\": 350. + inputs_size * 20, \"local_test\": 2.}", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 1., \"memory\": 350. + inputs_size * 10, \"local_test\": 0.}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| assertThat(action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)) |
| .isEqualTo(ResourceSet.create(370, 1, 0)); |
| assertThat(action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.DARWIN, 2)) |
| .isEqualTo(ResourceSet.create(390, 2, 2)); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_flagDisabled() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--noexperimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " if os == \"osx\":", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 2., \"memory\": 350. + inputs_size * 20, \"local_test\": 2.}", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 1., \"memory\": 350. + inputs_size * 10, \"local_test\": 0.}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| assertThat(action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)) |
| .isEqualTo(ResourceSet.create(250, 1, 0)); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_lambdaForbidden() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Exception thrown = |
| assertThrows( |
| EvalException.class, |
| () -> |
| ev.exec( |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = lambda os, inputs_size : {\"cpu\": 1., \"memory\": 1.," |
| + " \"local_test\": 1.} ,", |
| " executable = 'executable')")); |
| |
| assertThat(thrown).hasMessageThat().contains("must be declared by a top-level def statement"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_illegalResource() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 2., \"memory\": 350., \"local_test\": 2., \"gpu\": 1.}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| Exception thrown = |
| assertThrows( |
| ExecException.class, |
| () -> action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)); |
| assertThat(thrown).hasMessageThat().contains("Illegal resource keys: (gpu)"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_defaultValue() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 2., \"local_test\": 2.}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| assertThat(action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)) |
| .isEqualTo(ResourceSet.create(250, 2, 2)); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_intDict() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 1, \"memory\": 2, \"local_test\": 3}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| assertThat(action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 0)) |
| .isEqualTo(ResourceSet.create(2, 1, 3)); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_notDict() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " return \"keks\"", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| Exception thrown = |
| assertThrows( |
| ExecException.class, |
| () -> action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)); |
| assertThat(thrown).hasMessageThat().contains("got string for 'resource_set', want dict"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_wrongDict() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os, inputs_size):", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 1, \"memory\": 2, \"local_test\": \"hi\"}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| Exception thrown = |
| assertThrows( |
| ExecException.class, |
| () -> action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)); |
| assertThat(thrown).hasMessageThat().contains("Illegal resource value type for key local_test"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithResourceSet_incorrectSignature() |
| throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_action_resource_set"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| ev.exec( |
| "def get_resources(os):", |
| " return {\"cpu\": 1, \"memory\": 2, \"local_test\": \"hi\"}", |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " resource_set = get_resources,", |
| " executable = 'executable')"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| |
| Exception thrown = |
| assertThrows( |
| ExecException.class, |
| () -> action.getResourceSetOrBuilder().buildResourceSet(OS.LINUX, 2)); |
| assertThat(thrown) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains("get_resources() accepts no more than 1 positional argument but got 2"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreateStarlarkActionArgumentsWithoutUnusedInputsList() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.exec( |
| "ruleContext.actions.run(", |
| " inputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " outputs = ruleContext.files.srcs,", |
| " executable = 'executable',", |
| " unused_inputs_list = None)"); |
| StarlarkAction action = |
| (StarlarkAction) |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| ruleContext.getRuleContext().getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); |
| assertThat(action.getUnusedInputsList()).isEmpty(); |
| assertThat(action.discoversInputs()).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOutputs() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:bar")); |
| Iterable<?> result = (Iterable) ev.eval("ruleContext.outputs.outs"); |
| assertThat(((Artifact) Iterables.getOnlyElement(result)).getFilename()).isEqualTo("d.txt"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testStarlarkRuleContextGetDefaultShellEnv() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.configuration.default_shell_env"); |
| assertThat(result).isInstanceOf(Dict.class); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCheckPlaceholders() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.check_placeholders('%{name}', ['name'])"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo(true); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCheckPlaceholdersBadPlaceholder() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.check_placeholders('%{name}', ['abc'])"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo(false); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExpandMakeVariables() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.expand_make_variables('cmd', '$(ABC)', {'ABC': 'DEF'})"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("DEF"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExpandMakeVariablesShell() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.expand_make_variables('cmd', '$$ABC', {})"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("$ABC"); |
| } |
| |
| private void setUpMakeVarToolchain() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "vars/vars.bzl", |
| "def _make_var_supplier_impl(ctx):", |
| " val = ctx.attr.value", |
| " return [platform_common.TemplateVariableInfo({'MAKE_VAR_VALUE': val})]", |
| "make_var_supplier = rule(", |
| " implementation = _make_var_supplier_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'value': attr.string(mandatory = True),", |
| " })", |
| "def _make_var_user_impl(ctx):", |
| " return []", |
| "make_var_user = rule(", |
| " implementation = _make_var_user_impl,", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "vars/BUILD", |
| "load(':vars.bzl', 'make_var_supplier', 'make_var_user')", |
| "make_var_supplier(name = 'supplier', value = 'foo')", |
| "cc_toolchain_alias(name = 'current_cc_toolchain')", |
| "make_var_user(", |
| " name = 'vars',", |
| " toolchains = [':supplier', ':current_cc_toolchain'],", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExpandMakeVariables_cc() throws Exception { |
| setUpMakeVarToolchain(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//vars:vars")); |
| String result = (String) ev.eval("ruleContext.expand_make_variables('cmd', '$(CC)', {})"); |
| assertThat(result).isNotEmpty(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExpandMakeVariables_toolchain() throws Exception { |
| setUpMakeVarToolchain(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//vars:vars")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.expand_make_variables('cmd', '$(MAKE_VAR_VALUE)', {})"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testVar_toolchain() throws Exception { |
| setUpMakeVarToolchain(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//vars:vars")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.var['MAKE_VAR_VALUE']"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testConfiguration() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.configuration"); |
| assertThat(ruleContext.getRuleContext().getConfiguration()).isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFeatures() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:cc_with_features")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.features"); |
| assertThat((Sequence) result).containsExactly("f1", "f2"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDisabledFeatures() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:cc_with_features")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.disabled_features"); |
| assertThat((Sequence) result).containsExactly("f3"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testHostConfiguration() throws Exception { |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//foo:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.host_configuration"); |
| assertThat(ruleContext.getRuleContext().getHostConfiguration()).isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testWorkspaceName() throws Exception { |
| assertThat(ruleClassProvider.getRunfilesPrefix()).isNotNull(); |
| assertThat(ruleClassProvider.getRunfilesPrefix()).isNotEmpty(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.workspace_name"); |
| assertThat(ruleClassProvider.getRunfilesPrefix()).isEqualTo(result); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeriveArtifactLegacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.new_file(ruleContext.genfiles_dir," + " 'a/b.txt')"); |
| PathFragment fragment = ((Artifact) result).getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/a/b.txt"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeriveArtifact() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.actions.declare_file('a/b.txt')"); |
| PathFragment fragment = ((Artifact) result).getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/a/b.txt"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeriveTreeArtifact() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.actions.declare_directory('a/b')"); |
| Artifact artifact = (Artifact) result; |
| PathFragment fragment = artifact.getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/a/b"); |
| assertThat(artifact.isTreeArtifact()).isTrue(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeriveTreeArtifactType() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| String result = (String) ev.eval("type(ruleContext.actions.declare_directory('a/b'))"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("File"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeriveTreeArtifactNextToSibling() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Artifact artifact = |
| (Artifact) |
| ev.eval( |
| "ruleContext.actions.declare_directory('c'," |
| + " sibling=ruleContext.actions.declare_directory('a/b'))"); |
| PathFragment fragment = artifact.getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/a/c"); |
| assertThat(artifact.isTreeArtifact()).isTrue(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testParamFileLegacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = |
| ev.eval( |
| "ruleContext.new_file(ruleContext.bin_dir," + "ruleContext.files.tools[0], '.params')"); |
| PathFragment fragment = ((Artifact) result).getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/t.exe.params"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testParamFileSuffixLegacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = |
| ev.eval( |
| "ruleContext.new_file(ruleContext.files.tools[0], " |
| + "ruleContext.files.tools[0].basename + '.params')"); |
| PathFragment fragment = ((Artifact) result).getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/t.exe.params"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testParamFileSuffix() throws Exception { |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//foo:foo")); |
| Object result = |
| ev.eval( |
| "ruleContext.actions.declare_file(ruleContext.files.tools[0].basename + '.params', " |
| + "sibling = ruleContext.files.tools[0])"); |
| PathFragment fragment = ((Artifact) result).getRootRelativePath(); |
| assertThat(fragment.getPathString()).isEqualTo("foo/t.exe.params"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictConvertsToTargetToStringMap() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "filegroup(name='dep')", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={':dep': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//:r")); |
| Label keyLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.keys()[0].label"); |
| assertThat(keyLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| String valueString = (String) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.values()[0]"); |
| assertThat(valueString).isEqualTo("value"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictTranslatesAliases() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "filegroup(name='dep')", |
| "alias(name='alias', actual='dep')", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={':alias': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//:r")); |
| Label keyLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.keys()[0].label"); |
| assertThat(keyLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| String valueString = (String) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.values()[0]"); |
| assertThat(valueString).isEqualTo("value"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAcceptsDefaultValues() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(default={Label('//:default'): 'defs'}),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "filegroup(name='default')", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r')"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//:r")); |
| Label keyLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.keys()[0].label"); |
| assertThat(keyLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:default", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| String valueString = (String) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.label_dict.values()[0]"); |
| assertThat(valueString).isEqualTo("defs"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsFilesWhenAllowFilesIsTrue() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files=True),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("myfile.cc"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={'myfile.cc': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsFilesOfAppropriateTypes() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files=['.cc']),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("myfile.cc"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={'myfile.cc': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictForbidsFilesOfIncorrectTypes() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files=['.cc']),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("myfile.cpp"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={'myfile.cpp': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:r"); |
| assertContainsEvent("file '//:myfile.cpp' is misplaced here (expected .cc)"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictForbidsFilesWhenAllowFilesIsFalse() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_files=False),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("myfile.cpp"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={'myfile.cpp': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:r"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "in label_dict attribute of my_rule rule //:r: " |
| + "source file '//:myfile.cpp' is misplaced here (expected no files)"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsRulesWithRequiredProviders_legacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(providers=[['my_provider']]),", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(my_provider=5)", |
| "my_dep_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _dep_impl,", |
| " attrs = {}", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule', 'my_dep_rule')", |
| "my_dep_rule(name='dep')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={':dep': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsRulesWithRequiredProviders() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "load('//myinfo:myinfo.bzl', 'MyInfo')", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(providers=[MyInfo]),", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_impl(ctx):", |
| " return MyInfo(my_provider=5)", |
| "my_dep_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _dep_impl,", |
| " attrs = {}", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule', 'my_dep_rule')", |
| "my_dep_rule(name='dep')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={':dep': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictForbidsRulesMissingRequiredProviders() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(providers=[['my_provider']]),", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_dep_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _dep_impl,", |
| " attrs = {}", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule', 'my_dep_rule')", |
| "my_dep_rule(name='dep')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={':dep': 'value'})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:r"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "in label_dict attribute of my_rule rule //:r: " |
| + "'//:dep' does not have mandatory providers: 'my_provider'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictForbidsEmptyDictWhenAllowEmptyIsFalse() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_empty=False),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:r"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "in label_dict attribute of my_rule rule //:r: " + "attribute must be non empty"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsEmptyDictWhenAllowEmptyIsTrue() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_empty=True),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", |
| "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name='r',", |
| " label_dict={})"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictForbidsMissingAttributeWhenMandatoryIsTrue() |
| throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(mandatory=True),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("BUILD", "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", "my_rule(name='r')"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//:r"); |
| assertContainsEvent("missing value for mandatory attribute 'label_dict' in 'my_rule' rule"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelKeyedStringDictAllowsMissingAttributeWhenMandatoryIsFalse() |
| throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'label_dict': attr.label_keyed_string_dict(mandatory=False),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("BUILD", "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", "my_rule(name='r')"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| createRuleContext("//:r"); |
| assertNoEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLabelAttributeDefault() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "my_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'explicit_dep': attr.label(default = Label('//:dep')),", |
| " '_implicit_dep': attr.label(default = Label('//:dep')),", |
| " 'explicit_dep_list': attr.label_list(default = [Label('//:dep')]),", |
| " '_implicit_dep_list': attr.label_list(default = [Label('//:dep')]),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "BUILD", "filegroup(name='dep')", "load('//:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", "my_rule(name='r')"); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//:r")); |
| Label explicitDepLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.explicit_dep.label"); |
| assertThat(explicitDepLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| Label implicitDepLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr._implicit_dep.label"); |
| assertThat(implicitDepLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| Label explicitDepListLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.explicit_dep_list[0].label"); |
| assertThat(explicitDepListLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| Label implicitDepListLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr._implicit_dep_list[0].label"); |
| assertThat(implicitDepListLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testRelativeLabelInExternalRepository() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "external_rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "external_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'internal_dep': attr.label(default = Label('//:dep'))", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file("BUILD", "filegroup(name='dep')"); |
| |
| scratch.file("/r/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "/r/a/BUILD", "load('@//:external_rule.bzl', 'external_rule')", "external_rule(name='r')"); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name='r', path='/r')") |
| .build()); |
| |
| invalidatePackages( |
| /*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchain labels. |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("@r//a:r")); |
| Label depLabel = (Label) ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.internal_dep.label"); |
| assertThat(depLabel).isEqualTo(Label.parseAbsolute("//:dep", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExternalWorkspaceLoad() throws Exception { |
| // RepositoryDelegatorFunction deletes and creates symlink for the repository and as such is not |
| // safe to execute in parallel. Disable checks with package loader to avoid parallel |
| // evaluations. |
| initializeSkyframeExecutor(/*doPackageLoadingChecks=*/ false); |
| scratch.file( |
| "/r1/BUILD", |
| "filegroup(name = 'test',", |
| " srcs = ['test.txt'],", |
| " visibility = ['//visibility:public'],", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file("/r1/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/r2/BUILD", "exports_files(['test.bzl'])"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "/r2/test.bzl", |
| "def macro(name, path):", |
| " native.local_repository(name = name, path = path)"); |
| scratch.file("/r2/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "/r2/other_test.bzl", "def other_macro(name, path):", " print(name + ': ' + path)"); |
| scratch.file("BUILD"); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name='r2', path='/r2')") |
| .add("load('@r2//:test.bzl', 'macro')") |
| .add("macro('r1', '/r1')") |
| .add("NEXT_NAME = 'r3'") |
| // We can still refer to r2 in other chunks: |
| .add("load('@r2//:other_test.bzl', 'other_macro')") |
| .add("macro(NEXT_NAME, '/r2')") // and we can still use macro outside of its chunk. |
| .build()); |
| |
| invalidatePackages( |
| /*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchain labels. |
| assertThat(getConfiguredTarget("@r1//:test")).isNotNull(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testLoadBlockRepositoryRedefinition() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file("/bar/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/bar/bar.txt"); |
| scratch.file("/bar/BUILD", "filegroup(name = 'baz', srcs = ['bar.txt'])"); |
| scratch.file("/baz/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/baz/baz.txt"); |
| scratch.file("/baz/BUILD", "filegroup(name = 'baz', srcs = ['baz.txt'])"); |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name = 'foo', path = '/bar')") |
| .add("local_repository(name = 'foo', path = '/baz')") |
| .build()); |
| |
| invalidatePackages( |
| /*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchain labels. |
| assertThat( |
| (List) |
| getConfiguredTargetAndData("@foo//:baz") |
| .getTarget() |
| .getAssociatedRule() |
| .getAttr("srcs")) |
| .contains(Label.parseAbsolute("@foo//:baz.txt", ImmutableMap.of())); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile("BUILD"); |
| scratch.overwriteFile("bar.bzl", "dummy = 1"); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name = 'foo', path = '/bar')") |
| .add("load('//:bar.bzl', 'dummy')") |
| .add("local_repository(name = 'foo', path = '/baz')") |
| .build()); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(/*alsoConfigs=*/ false); // Repository shuffling messes with toolchains. |
| assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> createRuleContext("@foo//:baz")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "Cannot redefine repository after any load statement in the WORKSPACE file " |
| + "(for repository 'foo')"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfiles() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/__init__.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return", |
| "starlark_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'starlark_rule')", |
| "py_binary(name = 'lib', srcs = ['lib.py', 'lib2.py'])", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'foo', dep = ':lib')", |
| "py_binary(name = 'lib_with_init', srcs = ['lib_with_init.py', 'lib2.py', '__init__.py'])", |
| "starlark_rule(name = 'foo_with_init', dep = ':lib_with_init')"); |
| |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo")); |
| Object filenames = |
| ev.eval("[f.short_path for f in ruleContext.attr.dep.default_runfiles.files.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(filenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> filenamesList = (Sequence) filenames; |
| assertThat(filenamesList).containsAtLeast("test/lib.py", "test/lib2.py"); |
| |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo_with_init")); |
| Object noEmptyFilenames = |
| ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.default_runfiles.empty_filenames.to_list()"); |
| assertThat(noEmptyFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> noEmptyFilenamesList = (Sequence) noEmptyFilenames; |
| assertThat(noEmptyFilenamesList).isEmpty(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfilesSymlinks_legacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false"); |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def symlink_impl(ctx):", |
| " symlinks = {", |
| " 'symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.symlink", |
| " }", |
| " return struct(", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " symlinks=symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " )", |
| "symlink_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = symlink_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'symlink': attr.label(allow_files=True),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'symlink_rule')", |
| "symlink_rule(name = 'lib_with_symlink', symlink = ':a.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test_with_symlink',", |
| " srcs = ['test/b.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_with_symlink'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test_with_symlink")); |
| Object symlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkPathsList = (Sequence) symlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(symlinkPathsList).containsExactly("symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object symlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) symlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfilesSymlinks() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def symlink_impl(ctx):", |
| " symlinks = {", |
| " 'symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.symlink", |
| " }", |
| " return DefaultInfo(", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " symlinks=symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " )", |
| "symlink_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = symlink_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'symlink': attr.label(allow_files=True),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'symlink_rule')", |
| "symlink_rule(name = 'lib_with_symlink', symlink = ':a.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test_with_symlink',", |
| " srcs = ['test/b.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_with_symlink'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test_with_symlink")); |
| Object symlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkPathsList = (Sequence) symlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(symlinkPathsList).containsExactly("symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object symlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) symlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfilesRootSymlinks_legacy() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false"); |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def root_symlink_impl(ctx):", |
| " root_symlinks = {", |
| " 'root_symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.root_symlink", |
| " }", |
| " return struct(", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " root_symlinks=root_symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " )", |
| "root_symlink_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = root_symlink_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'root_symlink': attr.label(allow_files=True)", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'root_symlink_rule')", |
| "root_symlink_rule(name = 'lib_with_root_symlink', root_symlink = ':a.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test_with_root_symlink',", |
| " srcs = ['test/b.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_with_root_symlink'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test_with_root_symlink")); |
| Object rootSymlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkPathsList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPathsList).containsExactly("root_symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object rootSymlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfilesRootSymlinks() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def root_symlink_impl(ctx):", |
| " root_symlinks = {", |
| " 'root_symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.root_symlink", |
| " }", |
| " return DefaultInfo(", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " root_symlinks=root_symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " )", |
| "root_symlink_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = root_symlink_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'root_symlink': attr.label(allow_files=True)", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'root_symlink_rule')", |
| "root_symlink_rule(name = 'lib_with_root_symlink', root_symlink = ':a.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test_with_root_symlink',", |
| " srcs = ['test/b.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_with_root_symlink'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test_with_root_symlink")); |
| Object rootSymlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkPathsList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPathsList).containsExactly("root_symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object rootSymlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testForwardingDefaultInfoRetainsDataRunfiles() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "bar/rules.bzl", |
| "def _forward_default_info_impl(ctx):", |
| " return [", |
| " ctx.attr.target[DefaultInfo],", |
| " ]", |
| "forward_default_info = rule(", |
| " implementation = _forward_default_info_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'target': attr.label(", |
| " mandatory = True,", |
| " ),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file("bar/i_am_a_runfile"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "bar/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'forward_default_info')", |
| "java_library(", |
| " name = 'lib',", |
| " data = ['i_am_a_runfile'],", |
| ")", |
| "forward_default_info(", |
| " name = 'forwarded_lib',", |
| " target = ':lib',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget nativeTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//bar:lib"); |
| |
| ImmutableList<Artifact> nativeRunfiles = |
| getDataRunfiles(nativeTarget).getAllArtifacts().toList(); |
| ConfiguredTarget forwardedTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//bar:forwarded_lib"); |
| ImmutableList<Artifact> forwardedRunfiles = |
| getDataRunfiles(forwardedTarget).getAllArtifacts().toList(); |
| assertThat(forwardedRunfiles).isEqualTo(nativeRunfiles); |
| assertThat(forwardedRunfiles).hasSize(1); |
| assertThat(forwardedRunfiles.get(0).getPath().getBaseName()).isEqualTo("i_am_a_runfile"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAccessingRunfilesSymlinksAsDepsets() throws Exception { |
| // Arrange |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def symlink_impl(ctx):", |
| " symlinks = {", |
| " 'symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.symlink", |
| " }", |
| " root_symlinks = {", |
| " 'root_symlink_' + f.short_path: f", |
| " for f in ctx.files.symlink", |
| " }", |
| " runfiles_from_dict = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " symlinks=symlinks,", |
| " root_symlinks=root_symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " runfiles_from_depset = ctx.runfiles(", |
| " symlinks = runfiles_from_dict.symlinks,", |
| " root_symlinks = runfiles_from_dict.root_symlinks,", |
| " )", |
| " ", |
| " return DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles_from_depset,)", |
| "symlink_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = symlink_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'symlink': attr.label(allow_files=True),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'symlink_rule')", |
| "symlink_rule(name = 'lib_with_symlink', symlink = ':a.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test_with_symlink',", |
| " srcs = ['test/b.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_with_symlink'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test_with_symlink")); |
| |
| // Act |
| Object symlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| Object rootSymlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| |
| // Assert |
| assertThat(symlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkPathsList = (Sequence) symlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(symlinkPathsList).containsExactly("symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object symlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) symlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(symlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkPathsList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkPathsList).containsExactly("root_symlink_test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| Object rootSymlinkFilenames = |
| ev.eval( |
| "[s.target_file.short_path for s in" |
| + " ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.root_symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenames).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> rootSymlinkFilenamesList = (Sequence) rootSymlinkFilenames; |
| assertThat(rootSymlinkFilenamesList).containsExactly("test/a.py").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void runfiles_merge() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/other.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def symlink_merge_impl(ctx):", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(symlinks = {", |
| " 'symlink_' + ctx.file.symlink.short_path: ctx.file.symlink", |
| " })", |
| " if ctx.attr.dep:", |
| " runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr.dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)", |
| " return DefaultInfo(", |
| " runfiles = runfiles", |
| " )", |
| "symlink_merge_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = symlink_merge_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'symlink': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'symlink_merge_rule')", |
| "symlink_merge_rule(name = 'lib_a', symlink = ':a.py', dep = 'lib_b')", |
| "symlink_merge_rule(name = 'lib_b', symlink = ':b.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test',", |
| " srcs = ['test/other.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_a'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test")); |
| Object symlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkPathsList = (Sequence) symlinkPaths; |
| assertThat(symlinkPathsList) |
| .containsExactly("symlink_test/a.py", "symlink_test/b.py") |
| .inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void runfiles_mergeAll() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/a.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/b.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/c.py"); |
| scratch.file("test/other.py"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def symlink_merge_all_impl(ctx):", |
| " runfiles = ctx.runfiles(symlinks = {", |
| " 'symlink_' + ctx.file.symlink.short_path: ctx.file.symlink", |
| " })", |
| " if ctx.attr.deps:", |
| " runfiles = runfiles.merge_all([dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles", |
| " for dep in ctx.attr.deps])", |
| " return DefaultInfo(", |
| " runfiles = runfiles", |
| " )", |
| "symlink_merge_all_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = symlink_merge_all_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'symlink': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list(),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'symlink_merge_all_rule')", |
| "symlink_merge_all_rule(name = 'lib_a', symlink = ':a.py', deps = [':lib_b', ':lib_c'])", |
| "symlink_merge_all_rule(name = 'lib_b', symlink = ':b.py')", |
| "symlink_merge_all_rule(name = 'lib_c', symlink = ':c.py')", |
| "sh_binary(", |
| " name = 'test',", |
| " srcs = ['test/other.py'],", |
| " data = [':lib_a'],", |
| ")"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:test")); |
| Object symlinkPaths = |
| ev.eval("[s.path for s in ruleContext.attr.data[0].data_runfiles.symlinks.to_list()]"); |
| assertThat(symlinkPaths).isInstanceOf(Sequence.class); |
| Sequence<?> symlinkPathsList = Sequence.cast(symlinkPaths, String.class, "symlinkPaths"); |
| assertThat(symlinkPathsList) |
| .containsExactly("symlink_test/a.py", "symlink_test/b.py", "symlink_test/c.py") |
| .inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void runfiles_incompatibleTransitiveFilesOrder() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def _bad_runfiles_impl(ctx):", |
| " ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = depset(order = 'preorder'))", |
| "bad_runfiles = rule(implementation = _bad_runfiles_impl)"); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load(':rule.bzl', 'bad_runfiles')", "bad_runfiles(name = 'test')"); |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); // Error expected. |
| assertThat(getConfiguredTarget("//test:test")).isNull(); |
| assertContainsEvent("Error in runfiles: order 'preorder' is invalid for transitive_files"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExternalShortPath() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("/bar/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/bar/bar.txt"); |
| scratch.file("/bar/BUILD", "exports_files(['bar.txt'])"); |
| FileSystemUtils.appendIsoLatin1( |
| scratch.resolve("WORKSPACE"), "local_repository(name = 'foo', path = '/bar')"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "genrule(", |
| " name = 'lib',", |
| " srcs = ['@foo//:bar.txt'],", |
| " cmd = 'echo $(SRCS) $@',", |
| " outs = ['lib.out'],", |
| " executable = 1,", |
| ")"); |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:lib"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| String filename = ev.eval("ruleContext.files.srcs[0].short_path").toString(); |
| assertThat(filename).isEqualTo("../foo/bar.txt"); |
| } |
| |
| // Borrowed from Scratch.java. |
| private static String linesAsString(String... lines) { |
| StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); |
| for (String line : lines) { |
| builder.append(line); |
| builder.append('\n'); |
| } |
| return builder.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| // The common structure of the following actions tests is a rule under test depended upon by |
| // a testing rule, where the rule under test has one output and one caller-supplied action. |
| |
| private static String getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| boolean withStarlarkTestable, String[] actionLines) { |
| return linesAsString( |
| // TODO(b/153667498): Just passing fail to map_each parameter of Args.add_all does not work. |
| "def fail_with_message(s):", |
| " fail(s)", |
| "", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " out = ctx.outputs.out", |
| " " + Joiner.on("\n ").join(actionLines), |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| withStarlarkTestable ? " _skylark_testable = True," : "", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| private static String getSimpleUnderTestDefinition(String... actionLines) { |
| return getSimpleUnderTestDefinition(true, actionLines); |
| } |
| |
| private static String getSimpleNontestableUnderTestDefinition(String... actionLines) { |
| return getSimpleUnderTestDefinition(false, actionLines); |
| } |
| |
| private final String testingRuleDefinition = |
| linesAsString( |
| "def _testing_impl(ctx):", |
| " pass", |
| "testing_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _testing_impl,", |
| " attrs = {'dep': attr.label()},", |
| ")"); |
| |
| private final String simpleBuildDefinition = |
| linesAsString( |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDependencyActionsProvider() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out], command='echo foo123 > ' + out.path)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Object provider = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions]"); |
| assertThat(provider).isInstanceOf(StructImpl.class); |
| assertThat(((StructImpl) provider).getProvider()).isEqualTo(ActionsProvider.INSTANCE); |
| ev.update("actions", provider); |
| |
| Map<?, ?> mapping = (Dict<?, ?>) ev.eval("actions.by_file"); |
| assertThat(mapping).hasSize(1); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| Object actionUnchecked = ev.eval("actions.by_file[file]"); |
| assertThat(actionUnchecked).isInstanceOf(ActionAnalysisMetadata.class); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testNoAccessToDependencyActionsWithoutStarlarkTest() throws Exception { |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleNontestableUnderTestDefinition( |
| "ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out], command='echo foo123 > ' + out.path)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Exception e = assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions]")); |
| assertThat(e) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains( |
| "<target //test:undertest> (rule 'undertest_rule') doesn't contain " |
| + "declared provider 'Actions'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testAbstractActionInterface() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions( |
| "--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false", |
| "--incompatible_no_rule_outputs_param=false"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " out1 = ctx.outputs.out1", |
| " out2 = ctx.outputs.out2", |
| " ctx.actions.write(output=out1, content='foo123')", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out2], inputs=[out1],", |
| " command='cp ' + out1.path + ' ' + out2.path)", |
| " return struct(out1=out1, out2=out2)", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out1': '%{name}1.txt',", |
| " 'out2': '%{name}2.txt'},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file1", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out1")); |
| ev.update("file2", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out2")); |
| ev.update("action1", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file1]")); |
| ev.update("action2", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file2]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.inputs")).isInstanceOf(Depset.class); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.outputs")).isInstanceOf(Depset.class); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.argv")).isEqualTo(Starlark.NONE); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action2.content")).isEqualTo(Starlark.NONE); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.substitutions")).isEqualTo(Starlark.NONE); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.inputs.to_list()")).isEqualTo(ev.eval("[]")); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action1.outputs.to_list()")).isEqualTo(ev.eval("[file1]")); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action2.inputs.to_list()")).isEqualTo(ev.eval("[file1]")); |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action2.outputs.to_list()")).isEqualTo(ev.eval("[file2]")); |
| } |
| |
| // For created_actions() tests, the "undertest" rule represents both the code under test and the |
| // Starlark user test code itself. |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCreatedActions() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions( |
| "--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false", |
| "--incompatible_no_rule_outputs_param=false"); |
| // createRuleContext() gives us the context for a rule upon entry into its analysis function. |
| // But we need to inspect the result of calling created_actions() after the rule context has |
| // been modified by creating actions. So we'll call created_actions() from within the analysis |
| // function and pass it along as a provider. |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " out1 = ctx.outputs.out1", |
| " out2 = ctx.outputs.out2", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out1], command='echo foo123 > ' + out1.path,", |
| " mnemonic='foo')", |
| " v = ctx.created_actions().by_file", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out2], command='echo bar123 > ' + out2.path)", |
| " return struct(v=v, out1=out1, out2=out2)", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out1': '%{name}1.txt',", |
| " 'out2': '%{name}2.txt'},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Object mapUnchecked = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.v"); |
| assertThat(mapUnchecked).isInstanceOf(Dict.class); |
| Map<?, ?> map = (Dict) mapUnchecked; |
| // Should only have the first action because created_actions() was called |
| // before the second action was created. |
| Object file = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out1"); |
| assertThat(map).hasSize(1); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(file); |
| Object actionUnchecked = map.get(file); |
| assertThat(actionUnchecked).isInstanceOf(ActionAnalysisMetadata.class); |
| assertThat(((ActionAnalysisMetadata) actionUnchecked).getMnemonic()).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testNoAccessToCreatedActionsWithoutStarlarkTest() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleNontestableUnderTestDefinition( |
| "ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out], command='echo foo123 > ' + out.path)")); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:undertest"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.created_actions()"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo(Starlark.NONE); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSpawnActionInterface() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out], command='echo foo123 > ' + out.path)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| Object argvUnchecked = ev.eval("action.argv"); |
| assertThat(argvUnchecked).isInstanceOf(StarlarkList.class); |
| StarlarkList<?> argv = (StarlarkList) argvUnchecked; |
| assertThat((List<?>) argv).hasSize(3); |
| assertThat(argv.isImmutable()).isTrue(); |
| Object result = ev.eval("action.argv[2].startswith('echo foo123')"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isTrue(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testRunShellUsesHelperScriptForLongCommand() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions( |
| "--incompatible_disallow_struct_provider_syntax=false", |
| "--incompatible_no_rule_outputs_param=false"); |
| // createRuleContext() gives us the context for a rule upon entry into its analysis function. |
| // But we need to inspect the result of calling created_actions() after the rule context has |
| // been modified by creating actions. So we'll call created_actions() from within the analysis |
| // function and pass it along as a provider. |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " out1 = ctx.outputs.out1", |
| " out2 = ctx.outputs.out2", |
| " out3 = ctx.outputs.out3", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out1],", |
| " command='( %s ; ) > $1' % (", |
| " ' ; '.join(['echo xxx%d' % i for i in range(0, 7000)])),", |
| " mnemonic='mnemonic1',", |
| " arguments=[out1.path])", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out2],", |
| " command='echo foo > ' + out2.path,", |
| " mnemonic='mnemonic2')", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(outputs=[out3],", |
| " command='( %s ; ) > $1' % (", |
| " ' ; '.join(['echo yyy%d' % i for i in range(0, 7000)])),", |
| " mnemonic='mnemonic3',", |
| " arguments=[out3.path])", |
| " v = ctx.created_actions().by_file", |
| " return struct(v=v, out1=out1, out2=out2, out3=out3)", |
| "", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation=_undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs={'out1': '%{name}1.txt',", |
| " 'out2': '%{name}2.txt',", |
| " 'out3': '%{name}3.txt'},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| |
| Object mapUnchecked = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.v"); |
| assertThat(mapUnchecked).isInstanceOf(Dict.class); |
| Map<?, ?> map = (Dict) mapUnchecked; |
| Object out1 = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out1"); |
| Object out2 = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out2"); |
| Object out3 = ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.out3"); |
| // 5 actions in total: 3 SpawnActions and 2 FileWriteActions for the two long commands. |
| assertThat(map).hasSize(5); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(out1); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(out2); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(out3); |
| Object action1Unchecked = map.get(out1); |
| Object action2Unchecked = map.get(out2); |
| Object action3Unchecked = map.get(out3); |
| assertThat(action1Unchecked).isInstanceOf(ActionAnalysisMetadata.class); |
| assertThat(action2Unchecked).isInstanceOf(ActionAnalysisMetadata.class); |
| assertThat(action3Unchecked).isInstanceOf(ActionAnalysisMetadata.class); |
| ActionAnalysisMetadata spawnAction1 = (ActionAnalysisMetadata) action1Unchecked; |
| ActionAnalysisMetadata spawnAction2 = (ActionAnalysisMetadata) action2Unchecked; |
| ActionAnalysisMetadata spawnAction3 = (ActionAnalysisMetadata) action3Unchecked; |
| assertThat(spawnAction1.getMnemonic()).isEqualTo("mnemonic1"); |
| assertThat(spawnAction2.getMnemonic()).isEqualTo("mnemonic2"); |
| assertThat(spawnAction3.getMnemonic()).isEqualTo("mnemonic3"); |
| Artifact helper1 = |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| Iterables.filter( |
| spawnAction1.getInputs().toList(), |
| a -> a.getFilename().equals("undertest.run_shell_0.sh"))); |
| assertThat( |
| Iterables.filter( |
| spawnAction2.getInputs().toList(), a -> a.getFilename().contains("run_shell_"))) |
| .isEmpty(); |
| Artifact helper3 = |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| Iterables.filter( |
| spawnAction3.getInputs().toList(), |
| a -> a.getFilename().equals("undertest.run_shell_2.sh"))); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(helper1); |
| assertThat(map).containsKey(helper3); |
| Object action4Unchecked = map.get(helper1); |
| Object action5Unchecked = map.get(helper3); |
| assertThat(action4Unchecked).isInstanceOf(FileWriteAction.class); |
| assertThat(action5Unchecked).isInstanceOf(FileWriteAction.class); |
| FileWriteAction fileWriteAction1 = (FileWriteAction) action4Unchecked; |
| FileWriteAction fileWriteAction2 = (FileWriteAction) action5Unchecked; |
| assertThat(fileWriteAction1.getFileContents()).contains("echo xxx6999 ;"); |
| assertThat(fileWriteAction2.getFileContents()).contains("echo yyy6999 ;"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidMnemonic() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " out = ctx.actions.declare_file('f')", |
| " ctx.actions.run_shell(", |
| " outputs=[out], command='false', mnemonic='@@@')", |
| "r = rule(implementation = _impl)"); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'r')", "r(name = 'target')"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:target"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "mnemonic must only contain letters and/or digits, and have non-zero length, was: \"@@@\""); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFileWriteActionInterface() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition("ctx.actions.write(output=out, content='foo123')"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isInstanceOf(String.class); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isEqualTo("foo123"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFileWriteActionInterfaceWithArgs() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "args = ctx.actions.args()", |
| "args.add('foo123')", |
| "ctx.actions.write(output=out, content=args)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isInstanceOf(String.class); |
| // Args content ends the file with a newline |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isEqualTo("foo123\n"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFileWriteActionInterfaceWithArgsContainingTreeArtifact() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "directory = ctx.actions.declare_directory('dir')", |
| "ctx.actions.run_shell(", |
| " outputs = [directory],", |
| " command = 'mkdir {out}'", |
| ")", |
| "args = ctx.actions.args()", |
| "args.add_all([directory])", |
| "ctx.actions.write(output=out, content=args)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| // If the Args contain a directory File that needs to be expanded, the contents are not known |
| // at analysis time. |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isEqualTo(Starlark.NONE); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFileWriteActionInterfaceWithArgsExpansionError() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "args = ctx.actions.args()", |
| "args.add_all(['args expansion error message'], map_each = fail_with_message)", |
| "ctx.actions.write(output=out, content=args)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| // If there's a failure when expanding Args, that error message is propagated. |
| EvalException e = |
| assertThrows( |
| "Should be an error expanding action.content", |
| EvalException.class, |
| () -> ev.eval("action.content")); |
| |
| // e has a trivial stack (just <expr>, aka action.content), but its message |
| // contains a stack that has evidently been flattened into a string and passed |
| // through an event reporter as an ERROR at :7:15 (?). |
| // Ideally we would remove some of this cruft. |
| // ``` |
| // Error expanding command line: |
| // |
| // /workspace/test/rules.bzl:7:15: Traceback (most recent call last): |
| // File "/workspace/test/rules.bzl", line 2, column 9, in fail_with_message |
| // Error in fail: args expansion error message |
| // ``` |
| |
| // stack=[fail_with_message@rules.bzl:2, fail@<builtin>] |
| assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Error expanding command line:"); |
| assertThat(e) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains("File \"/workspace/test/rules.bzl\", line 2, column 9, in fail_with_message"); |
| assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Error in fail: args expansion error message"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testArgsMapEachFunctionMustBeGlobal() throws Exception { |
| // lambda |
| scratch.file( |
| "p/inc.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " ctx.actions.args().add_all([], map_each=lambda x: x)", // error |
| "r = rule(implementation=_impl)"); |
| scratch.file("p/BUILD", "load('inc.bzl', 'r')", "r(name='r')"); |
| AssertionError ex = assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//p:r")); |
| assertThat(ex) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains( |
| "map_each function (declared at /workspace/p/inc.bzl:2:43) must be " |
| + "declared by a top-level def statement"); |
| |
| // non-global def |
| scratch.file( |
| "q/inc.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " def id(x): return x", |
| " ctx.actions.args().add_all([], map_each=id)", // error |
| "r = rule(implementation=_impl)"); |
| scratch.file("q/BUILD", "load('inc.bzl', 'r')", "r(name='r')"); |
| ex = assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//q:r")); |
| assertThat(ex) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains( |
| "map_each function (declared at /workspace/q/inc.bzl:2:7) must be " |
| + "declared by a top-level def statement"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testArgsMapEachFunctionAllowClosure() throws Exception { |
| // lambda |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| getSimpleUnderTestDefinition( |
| "def local_fn(x): return 'local:%s' % x", |
| "args = ctx.actions.args()", |
| "args.add_all(['a', 'b'], allow_closure=True, map_each=lambda x: 'lambda:%s' % x)", |
| "args.add_joined(['c', 'd'], join_with=';', allow_closure=True, map_each=local_fn)", |
| "args.set_param_file_format('multiline')", |
| "ctx.actions.write(output=out, content=args)"), |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", simpleBuildDefinition); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isInstanceOf(String.class); |
| // Args content ends the file with a newline |
| assertThat(ev.eval("action.content")).isEqualTo("lambda:a\nlambda:b\nlocal:c;local:d\n"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionActionInterface() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " out = ctx.outputs.out", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template, substitutions={'a': 'b'})", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True)},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt", "aaaaa", "bcdef"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isInstanceOf(String.class); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isEqualTo("bbbbb\nbcdef\n"); |
| |
| Object substitutionsUnchecked = ev.eval("action.substitutions"); |
| assertThat(substitutionsUnchecked).isInstanceOf(Dict.class); |
| assertThat(substitutionsUnchecked).isEqualTo(ImmutableMap.of("a", "b")); |
| } |
| |
| private void setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "cc_library(", |
| " name = 'foo',", |
| " srcs = ['foo.cc'],", |
| " deps = [':bar'],", |
| ")", |
| "cc_library(", |
| " name = 'bar',", |
| " srcs = ['bar.cc'],", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedCoverageDisabled() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--nocollect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=."); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented()"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedFalseForSourceFileLabel() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=."); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented(ruleContext.attr.srcs[0])"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedDoesNotMatchFilter() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:bar")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented()"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedMatchesFilter() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented()"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isTrue(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedDoesNotMatchFilterNonDefaultLabel() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=:foo"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo")); |
| // //test:bar does not match :foo, though //test:foo would. |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented(ruleContext.attr.deps[0])"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCoverageInstrumentedMatchesFilterNonDefaultLabel() throws Exception { |
| setUpCoverageInstrumentedTest(); |
| useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage", "--instrumentation_filter=:bar"); |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("//test:foo")); |
| // //test:bar does match :bar, though //test:foo would not. |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.coverage_instrumented(ruleContext.attr.deps[0])"); |
| assertThat((Boolean) result).isTrue(); |
| } |
| |
| // A list of attributes and methods ctx objects have |
| private final List<String> ctxAttributes = |
| ImmutableList.of( |
| "attr", |
| "split_attr", |
| "executable", |
| "file", |
| "files", |
| "workspace_name", |
| "label", |
| "fragments", |
| "host_fragments", |
| "configuration", |
| "host_configuration", |
| "coverage_instrumented(dep)", |
| "features", |
| "bin_dir", |
| "genfiles_dir", |
| "outputs", |
| "rule", |
| "aspect_ids", |
| "var", |
| "tokenize('foo')", |
| "new_file('foo.txt')", |
| "new_file(file, 'foo.txt')", |
| "actions.declare_file('foo.txt')", |
| "actions.declare_file('foo.txt', sibling = file)", |
| "actions.declare_directory('foo.txt')", |
| "actions.declare_directory('foo.txt', sibling = file)", |
| "actions.do_nothing(mnemonic = 'foo', inputs = [file])", |
| "actions.expand_template(template = file, output = file, substitutions = {})", |
| "actions.run(executable = file, outputs = [file])", |
| "actions.run_shell(command = 'foo', outputs = [file])", |
| "actions.write(file, 'foo')", |
| "check_placeholders('foo', [])", |
| "build_file_path", |
| "runfiles()", |
| "resolve_command(command = 'foo')", |
| "resolve_tools()"); |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFrozenRuleContextHasInaccessibleAttributes() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rules.bzl', 'main_rule', 'dep_rule')", |
| "dep_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "main_rule(name = 'main', deps = [':dep'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/rules.bzl"); |
| |
| for (String attribute : ctxAttributes) { |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "load('//myinfo:myinfo.bzl', 'MyInfo')", |
| "def _main_impl(ctx):", |
| " dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]", |
| " file = ctx.outputs.file", |
| " foo = dep[MyInfo].dep_ctx." + attribute, |
| "main_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _main_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list()", |
| " },", |
| " outputs = {'file': 'output.txt'},", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_impl(ctx):", |
| " return MyInfo(dep_ctx = ctx)", |
| "dep_rule = rule(implementation = _dep_impl)"); |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| AssertionError e = |
| assertThrows( |
| "Should have been unable to access dep_ctx." + attribute, |
| AssertionError.class, |
| () -> getConfiguredTarget("//test:main")); |
| assertThat(e) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains( |
| "cannot access field or method '" |
| + Iterables.get(Splitter.on('(').split(attribute), 0) |
| + "' of rule context for '//test:dep' outside of its own rule implementation " |
| + "function"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFrozenRuleContextForAspectsHasInaccessibleAttributes() throws Exception { |
| List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); |
| attributes.addAll(ctxAttributes); |
| attributes.addAll( |
| ImmutableList.of("rule.attr", "rule.executable", "rule.file", "rule.files", "rule.kind")); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'mid', deps = [':dep'])", |
| "my_rule(name = 'main', deps = [':mid'])"); |
| scratch.file("test/rules.bzl"); |
| for (String attribute : attributes) { |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " pass", |
| "def _aspect_impl(target, ctx):", |
| " if ctx.rule.attr.deps:", |
| " dep = ctx.rule.attr.deps[0]", |
| " file = ctx.actions.declare_file('file.txt')", |
| " foo = dep." + (attribute.startsWith("rule.") ? "" : "ctx.") + attribute, |
| " return struct(ctx = ctx, rule=ctx.rule)", |
| "MyAspect = aspect(implementation=_aspect_impl)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _rule_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list(aspects = [MyAspect])", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| |
| AssertionError e = |
| assertThrows( |
| "Should have been unable to access dep." + attribute, |
| AssertionError.class, |
| () -> getConfiguredTarget("//test:main")); |
| |
| // Typical value of e.getMessage(): |
| // |
| // ERROR /workspace/test/BUILD:3:8: \ |
| // in //test:rules.bzl%MyAspect aspect on my_rule rule //test:mid: |
| // Traceback (most recent call last): |
| // File "/workspace/test/BUILD", line 3, column 8, in //test:rules.bzl%MyAspect |
| // File "/workspace/test/rules.bzl", line 7, column 18, in _aspect_impl |
| // Error: cannot access field or method 'attr' of rule context for '//test:dep' \ |
| // outside of its own rule implementation function |
| assertThat(e) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains( |
| "cannot access field or method '" |
| + Iterables.get(Splitter.on('(').split(attribute), 0) |
| + "' of rule context for '//test:dep' outside of its own rule implementation " |
| + "function"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private static final List<String> deprecatedActionsApi = |
| ImmutableList.of("new_file('foo.txt')", "new_file(file, 'foo.txt')"); |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testIncompatibleNewActionsApi() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('//test:rules.bzl', 'main_rule')", "main_rule(name = 'main')"); |
| scratch.file("test/rules.bzl"); |
| |
| for (String actionApi : deprecatedActionsApi) { |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _main_impl(ctx):", |
| " file = ctx.outputs.file", |
| " foo = ctx." + actionApi, |
| "main_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _main_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list()", |
| " },", |
| " outputs = {'file': 'output.txt'},", |
| ")"); |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--incompatible_new_actions_api=true"); |
| invalidatePackages(); |
| AssertionError e = |
| assertThrows( |
| "Should have reported deprecation error for: " + actionApi, |
| AssertionError.class, |
| () -> getConfiguredTarget("//test:main")); |
| assertWithMessage(actionApi + " reported wrong error") |
| .that(e) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .contains("Use --incompatible_new_actions_api=false"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testMapAttributeOrdering() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "a/a.bzl", |
| "key_provider = provider(fields=['keys'])", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return [key_provider(keys=ctx.attr.value.keys())]", |
| "a = rule(implementation=_impl, attrs={'value': attr.string_dict()})"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "a/BUILD", |
| "load(':a.bzl', 'a')", |
| "a(name='a', value={'c': 'c', 'b': 'b', 'a': 'a', 'f': 'f', 'e': 'e', 'd': 'd'})"); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget a = getConfiguredTarget("//a"); |
| StarlarkProvider.Key key = |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsolute("//a:a.bzl", ImmutableMap.of()), "key_provider"); |
| |
| StarlarkInfo keyInfo = (StarlarkInfo) a.get(key); |
| Sequence<?> keys = (Sequence) keyInfo.getValue("keys"); |
| assertThat(keys).containsExactly("c", "b", "a", "f", "e", "d").inOrder(); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeIntFlagBuildSettingFiles() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/build_setting.bzl", |
| "BuildSettingInfo = provider(fields = ['name', 'value'])", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(name = ctx.attr.name, value = ctx.build_setting_value)]", |
| "", |
| "int_flag = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " build_setting = config.int(flag = True),", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:build_setting.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "int_flag(name = 'int_flag', build_setting_default = 42)"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBuildSettingValue_explicitlySet() throws Exception { |
| writeIntFlagBuildSettingFiles(); |
| useConfiguration(ImmutableMap.of("//test:int_flag", 24)); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget buildSetting = getConfiguredTarget("//test:int_flag"); |
| Provider.Key key = |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.create(buildSetting.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier(), "build_setting.bzl"), |
| "BuildSettingInfo"); |
| StructImpl buildSettingInfo = (StructImpl) buildSetting.get(key); |
| |
| assertThat(buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")).isEqualTo(StarlarkInt.of(24)); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBuildSettingValue_defaultFallback() throws Exception { |
| writeIntFlagBuildSettingFiles(); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget buildSetting = getConfiguredTarget("//test:int_flag"); |
| Provider.Key key = |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.create(buildSetting.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier(), "build_setting.bzl"), |
| "BuildSettingInfo"); |
| StructImpl buildSettingInfo = (StructImpl) buildSetting.get(key); |
| |
| assertThat(buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")).isEqualTo(StarlarkInt.of(42)); |
| } |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| @Test |
| public void testBuildSettingValue_allowMultipleSetting() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/build_setting.bzl", |
| "BuildSettingInfo = provider(fields = ['name', 'value'])", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(name = ctx.attr.name, value = ctx.build_setting_value)]", |
| "", |
| "string_flag = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " build_setting = config.string(flag = True, allow_multiple = True),", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:build_setting.bzl', 'string_flag')", |
| "string_flag(name = 'string_flag', build_setting_default = 'some-value')"); |
| |
| // from default |
| ConfiguredTarget buildSetting = getConfiguredTarget("//test:string_flag"); |
| Provider.Key key = |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.create(buildSetting.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier(), "build_setting.bzl"), |
| "BuildSettingInfo"); |
| StructImpl buildSettingInfo = (StructImpl) buildSetting.get(key); |
| |
| assertThat(buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")).isInstanceOf(List.class); |
| assertThat((List<String>) buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")).containsExactly("some-value"); |
| |
| // Set multiple times |
| useConfiguration( |
| ImmutableMap.of( |
| "//test:string_flag", ImmutableList.of("some-other-value", "some-other-other-value"))); |
| buildSetting = getConfiguredTarget("//test:string_flag"); |
| key = |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.create(buildSetting.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier(), "build_setting.bzl"), |
| "BuildSettingInfo"); |
| buildSettingInfo = (StructImpl) buildSetting.get(key); |
| |
| assertThat(buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")).isInstanceOf(List.class); |
| assertThat((List<String>) buildSettingInfo.getValue("value")) |
| .containsExactly("some-other-value", "some-other-other-value"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBuildSettingValue_nonBuildSettingRule() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " foo = ctx.build_setting_value", |
| " return []", |
| "non_build_setting = rule(implementation = _impl)"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load('//test:rule.bzl', 'non_build_setting')", |
| "non_build_setting(name = 'my_non_build_setting')"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test:my_non_build_setting"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "attempting to access 'build_setting_value' of non-build setting " |
| + "//test:my_non_build_setting"); |
| } |
| |
| private void createToolchains() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "rule/test_toolchain.bzl", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " value = ctx.attr.value", |
| " toolchain = platform_common.ToolchainInfo(value = value)", |
| " return [toolchain]", |
| "test_toolchain = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {'value': attr.string()},", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "rule/test_rule.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " toolchain = ctx.toolchains['//rule:toolchain_type']", |
| " return [result(", |
| " value_from_toolchain = toolchain.value,", |
| " )]", |
| "test_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type'],", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "rule/BUILD", |
| "exports_files(['test_toolchain/bzl', 'test_rule.bzl'])", |
| "toolchain_type(name = 'toolchain_type')"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "toolchain/BUILD", |
| "load('//rule:test_toolchain.bzl', 'test_toolchain')", |
| "test_toolchain(", |
| " name = 'foo',", |
| " value = 'foo',", |
| ")", |
| "toolchain(", |
| " name = 'foo_toolchain',", |
| " toolchain_type = '//rule:toolchain_type',", |
| " target_compatible_with = ['//platform:constraint_1'],", |
| " toolchain = ':foo',", |
| ")", |
| "test_toolchain(", |
| " name = 'bar',", |
| " value = 'bar',", |
| ")", |
| "toolchain(", |
| " name = 'bar_toolchain',", |
| " toolchain_type = '//rule:toolchain_type',", |
| " target_compatible_with = ['//platform:constraint_2'],", |
| " toolchain = ':bar',", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| private void createPlatforms() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "platform/BUILD", |
| "constraint_setting(name = 'setting')", |
| "constraint_value(", |
| " name = 'constraint_1',", |
| " constraint_setting = ':setting',", |
| ")", |
| "constraint_value(", |
| " name = 'constraint_2',", |
| " constraint_setting = ':setting',", |
| ")", |
| "platform(", |
| " name = 'platform_1',", |
| " constraint_values = [':constraint_1'],", |
| ")", |
| "platform(", |
| " name = 'platform_2',", |
| " constraint_values = [':constraint_2'],", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| private String getToolchainResult(String targetName) throws Exception { |
| ConfiguredTarget myRuleTarget = getConfiguredTarget(targetName); |
| StructImpl info = |
| (StructImpl) |
| myRuleTarget.get( |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsolute("//rule:test_rule.bzl", ImmutableMap.of()), "result")); |
| |
| assertThat(info).isNotNull(); |
| return (String) info.getValue("value_from_toolchain"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testToolchains() throws Exception { |
| createToolchains(); |
| createPlatforms(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "demo/BUILD", |
| "load('//rule:test_rule.bzl', 'test_rule')", |
| "test_rule(", |
| " name = 'demo',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| useConfiguration( |
| "--extra_toolchains=//toolchain:foo_toolchain,//toolchain:bar_toolchain", |
| "--platforms=//platform:platform_1"); |
| String value = getToolchainResult("//demo"); |
| assertThat(value).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| |
| // Re-test with the other platform. |
| useConfiguration( |
| "--extra_toolchains=//toolchain:foo_toolchain,//toolchain:bar_toolchain", |
| "--platforms=//platform:platform_2"); |
| value = getToolchainResult("//demo"); |
| assertThat(value).isEqualTo("bar"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTargetPlatformHasConstraint() throws Exception { |
| createPlatforms(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "demo/test_rule.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " constraint = ctx.attr._constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo]", |
| " has_constraint = ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(constraint)", |
| " return [result(", |
| " has_constraint = has_constraint,", |
| " )]", |
| "test_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " '_constraint': attr.label(default = '//platform:constraint_1'),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "demo/BUILD", |
| "load(':test_rule.bzl', 'test_rule')", |
| "test_rule(", |
| " name = 'demo',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| useConfiguration("--platforms=//platform:platform_1"); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget myRuleTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//demo"); |
| StructImpl info = |
| (StructImpl) |
| myRuleTarget.get( |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsolute("//demo:test_rule.bzl", ImmutableMap.of()), "result")); |
| |
| assertThat(info).isNotNull(); |
| boolean hasConstraint = (boolean) info.getValue("has_constraint"); |
| assertThat(hasConstraint).isTrue(); |
| |
| // Re-test with the other platform. |
| useConfiguration("--platforms=//platform:platform_2"); |
| myRuleTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//demo"); |
| info = |
| (StructImpl) |
| myRuleTarget.get( |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsolute("//demo:test_rule.bzl", ImmutableMap.of()), "result")); |
| |
| assertThat(info).isNotNull(); |
| hasConstraint = (boolean) info.getValue("has_constraint"); |
| assertThat(hasConstraint).isFalse(); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeExecGroups() throws Exception { |
| createToolchains(); |
| createPlatforms(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "something/defs.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " exec_groups = ctx.exec_groups", |
| " toolchain = ctx.exec_groups['dragonfruit'].toolchains['//rule:toolchain_type']", |
| " return [result(", |
| " toolchain_value = toolchain.value,", |
| " exec_groups = exec_groups,", |
| " )]", |
| "use_exec_groups = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " exec_groups = {", |
| " 'dragonfruit': exec_group(toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type']),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "something/BUILD", |
| "load('//something:defs.bzl', 'use_exec_groups')", |
| "use_exec_groups(name = 'nectarine')"); |
| useConfiguration( |
| "--extra_toolchains=//toolchain:foo_toolchain,//toolchain:bar_toolchain", |
| "--platforms=//platform:platform_1"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testExecGroup_toolchain() throws Exception { |
| writeExecGroups(); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//something:nectarine"); |
| StructImpl info = |
| (StructImpl) |
| target.get( |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//something:defs.bzl"), "result")); |
| assertThat(info).isNotNull(); |
| assertThat(info.getValue("toolchain_value")).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| assertThat(info.getValue("exec_groups")).isInstanceOf(StarlarkExecGroupCollection.class); |
| ImmutableMap<String, ResolvedToolchainContext> toolchainContexts = |
| ((StarlarkExecGroupCollection) info.getValue("exec_groups")) |
| .getToolchainCollectionForTesting(); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.keySet()).containsExactly(DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME, "dragonfruit"); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.get(DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME).toolchainTypes()).isEmpty(); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.get("dragonfruit").resolvedToolchainLabels()) |
| .containsExactly(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//toolchain:foo")); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests for an error that occurs when two exec groups have different requirements (toolchain |
| // types and exec constraints), but have the same toolchain type. This also requires the toolchain |
| // transition to be enabled. |
| @Test |
| public void testExecGroup_duplicateToolchainType() throws Exception { |
| createToolchains(); |
| createPlatforms(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "something/defs.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " exec_groups = ctx.exec_groups", |
| " toolchain = ctx.exec_groups['dragonfruit'].toolchains['//rule:toolchain_type']", |
| " return [result(", |
| " toolchain_value = toolchain.value,", |
| " exec_groups = exec_groups,", |
| " )]", |
| "use_exec_groups = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " exec_groups = {", |
| " 'dragonfruit': exec_group(toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type']),", |
| " 'passionfruit': exec_group(", |
| " toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type'],", |
| " exec_compatible_with = ['//something:extra'],", |
| " ),", |
| " },", |
| " incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "something/BUILD", |
| "constraint_setting(name = 'setting', default_constraint_value = ':extra')", |
| "constraint_value(name = 'extra', constraint_setting = ':setting')", |
| "load('//something:defs.bzl', 'use_exec_groups')", |
| "use_exec_groups(name = 'nectarine')"); |
| useConfiguration( |
| "--extra_toolchains=//toolchain:foo_toolchain,//toolchain:bar_toolchain", |
| "--platforms=//platform:platform_1"); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//something:nectarine"); |
| StructImpl info = |
| (StructImpl) |
| target.get( |
| new StarlarkProvider.Key( |
| Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//something:defs.bzl"), "result")); |
| assertThat(info).isNotNull(); |
| assertThat(info.getValue("toolchain_value")).isEqualTo("foo"); |
| assertThat(info.getValue("exec_groups")).isInstanceOf(StarlarkExecGroupCollection.class); |
| ImmutableMap<String, ResolvedToolchainContext> toolchainContexts = |
| ((StarlarkExecGroupCollection) info.getValue("exec_groups")) |
| .getToolchainCollectionForTesting(); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.keySet()) |
| .containsExactly(DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME, "dragonfruit", "passionfruit"); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.get(DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME).toolchainTypes()).isEmpty(); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.get("dragonfruit").resolvedToolchainLabels()) |
| .containsExactly(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//toolchain:foo")); |
| assertThat(toolchainContexts.get("passionfruit").resolvedToolchainLabels()) |
| .containsExactly(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//toolchain:foo")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidExecGroup() throws Exception { |
| writeExecGroups(); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "something/defs.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " exec_groups = ctx.exec_groups", |
| " toolchain = ctx.exec_groups['unknown_fruit']", |
| " return []", |
| "use_exec_groups = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " exec_groups = {", |
| " 'dragonfruit': exec_group(toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type']),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| |
| assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//something:nectarine")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "unrecognized exec group 'unknown_fruit' requested. Available exec groups: [dragonfruit]"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCannotAccessDefaultGroupViaExecGroups() throws Exception { |
| writeExecGroups(); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "something/defs.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " exec_groups = ctx.exec_groups", |
| " toolchain = ctx.exec_groups['" + DEFAULT_EXEC_GROUP_NAME + "']", |
| " return []", |
| "use_exec_groups = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " exec_groups = {", |
| " 'dragonfruit': exec_group(toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type']),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| |
| assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//something:nectarine")); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "unrecognized exec group '" |
| + "' requested. Available exec groups: [dragonfruit]"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidExecGroupName() throws Exception { |
| writeExecGroups(); |
| String badName = "1bad-stuff-name"; |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| "something/defs.bzl", |
| "result = provider()", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " exec_groups = ctx.exec_groups", |
| " toolchain = ctx.exec_groups['" + badName + "']", |
| " return []", |
| "use_exec_groups = rule(", |
| " implementation = _impl,", |
| " exec_groups = {", |
| " '" + badName + "': exec_group(toolchains = ['//rule:toolchain_type']),", |
| " },", |
| ")"); |
| |
| assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//something:nectarine")); |
| assertContainsEvent("Exec group name '" + badName + "' is not a valid name."); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBuildFilePath() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file("/foo/WORKSPACE"); |
| scratch.file("/foo/bar/BUILD", "genrule(name = 'baz', cmd = 'dummy_cmd', outs = ['a.txt'])"); |
| |
| scratch.overwriteFile( |
| new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() |
| .addAll(analysisMock.getWorkspaceContents(mockToolsConfig)) |
| .add("local_repository(name='foo', path='/foo')") |
| .build()); |
| |
| invalidatePackages(false); |
| |
| setRuleContext(createRuleContext("@foo//bar:baz")); |
| Object result = ev.eval("ruleContext.build_file_path"); |
| assertThat(result).isEqualTo("bar/BUILD"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testNoToolchainContext() throws Exception { |
| // Build setting rules do not have a toolchain context, as they are part of the configuration. |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rule.bzl', 'sample_setting')", |
| "toolchain_type(name = 'toolchain_type')", |
| "sample_setting(", |
| " name = 'test',", |
| " build_setting_default = True,", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rule.bzl", |
| "def _sample_impl(ctx):", |
| " # This should raise an error.", |
| " ctx.toolchains['//:toolchain_type']", |
| " fail('Toolchain was not empty')", |
| "sample_setting = rule(", |
| " implementation = _sample_impl,", |
| " build_setting = config.bool(flag = True),", |
| ")"); |
| assertThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> getConfiguredTarget("//test:test")); |
| assertContainsEvent("Toolchains are not valid in this context"); |
| assertDoesNotContainEvent("Toolchain was not empty"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitution() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _artifact_to_basename(file):", |
| " return file.basename", |
| "", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add('a', 'X')", |
| " template_dict.add_joined('td_files_key', depset(ctx.files.srcs),", |
| " map_each = _artifact_to_basename,", |
| " join_with = '%%',", |
| " )", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " substitutions={'b': 'Y'},", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),", |
| " 'srcs':attr.label_list(allow_files=True)", |
| " },", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt", "aaaaa", "bbb-pqr", "td_files_key"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| " srcs = ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt', 'baz.txt'],", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| assertThat(ev.eval("type(action)")).isEqualTo("Action"); |
| |
| Object contentUnchecked = ev.eval("action.content"); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isInstanceOf(String.class); |
| assertThat(contentUnchecked).isEqualTo("XXXXX\nYYY-pqr\nfoo.txt%%bar.txt%%baz.txt\n"); |
| |
| Object substitutionsUnchecked = ev.eval("action.substitutions"); |
| assertThat(substitutionsUnchecked).isInstanceOf(Dict.class); |
| assertThat(substitutionsUnchecked) |
| .isEqualTo( |
| ImmutableMap.of( |
| "a", "X", |
| "b", "Y", |
| "td_files_key", "foo.txt%%bar.txt%%baz.txt")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitutionDuplicateKeys() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add('a', '1')", |
| " template_dict.add('a', '2')", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),},", |
| ")"); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| checkError("//test:undertest", "Error in expand_template: Multiple entries with same key: a"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitutionNoParamMapEach() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def no_args_func():", |
| " return 'magic-string'", |
| "", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add_joined('%the_key%', depset(ctx.files.template),", |
| " map_each = no_args_func,", |
| " join_with = '')", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt", "%the_key%"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| EvalException evalException = |
| assertThrows(EvalException.class, () -> ev.eval("action.content")); |
| assertThat(evalException) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .isEqualTo("no_args_func() does not accept positional arguments, but got 1"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitutionTwoParamMapEach() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def two_args_func(arg1, arg2):", |
| " return 'magic-string'", |
| "", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add_joined('%the_key%', depset(ctx.files.template),", |
| " map_each = two_args_func,", |
| " join_with = '')", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt", "%the_key%"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| EvalException evalException = |
| assertThrows(EvalException.class, () -> ev.eval("action.content")); |
| assertThat(evalException) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .isEqualTo("two_args_func() missing 1 required positional argument: arg2"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitutionMapEachBadReturnType() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def file_to_owner_label(file):", |
| " return file.owner", |
| "", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add_joined('%files%', depset(ctx.files.template),", |
| " map_each = file_to_owner_label,", |
| " join_with = '')", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| StarlarkRuleContext ruleContext = createRuleContext("//test:testing"); |
| setRuleContext(ruleContext); |
| ev.update("file", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep.files.to_list()[0]")); |
| ev.update("action", ev.eval("ruleContext.attr.dep[Actions].by_file[file]")); |
| |
| EvalException evalException = |
| assertThrows(EvalException.class, () -> ev.eval("action.content")); |
| assertThat(evalException) |
| .hasMessageThat() |
| .isEqualTo( |
| "Function provided to map_each must return a String, but returned type Label for key:" |
| + " %files%"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTemplateExpansionComputedSubstitutionMapEachMustBeTopLevel() throws Exception { |
| setBuildLanguageOptions("--experimental_lazy_template_expansion"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/rules.bzl", |
| "def _undertest_impl(ctx):", |
| "", |
| " def file_to_shortpath(file):", |
| " return file.short_path", |
| "", |
| " template_dict = ctx.actions.template_dict()", |
| " template_dict.add_joined('%files%', depset(ctx.files.template),", |
| " map_each = file_to_shortpath,", |
| " join_with = '')", |
| " ctx.actions.expand_template(output=ctx.outputs.out,", |
| " template=ctx.file.template,", |
| " computed_substitutions=template_dict,", |
| " )", |
| "undertest_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _undertest_impl,", |
| " outputs = {'out': '%{name}.txt'},", |
| " attrs = {'template': attr.label(allow_single_file=True),},", |
| " _skylark_testable = True,", |
| ")", |
| testingRuleDefinition); |
| scratch.file("test/template.txt"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/BUILD", |
| "load(':rules.bzl', 'undertest_rule', 'testing_rule')", |
| "undertest_rule(", |
| " name = 'undertest',", |
| " template = ':template.txt',", |
| ")", |
| "testing_rule(", |
| " name = 'testing',", |
| " dep = ':undertest',", |
| ")"); |
| |
| checkError("//test:testing", "must be declared by a top-level def statement"); |
| } |
| } |