blob: ca6307fa8a914b5ce0d76ad15718d174fe11b918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Abstract syntax node for an entire BUILD file.
// TODO(bazel-team): Consider breaking this up into two classes: One that extends ASTNode and does
// not include import info; and one that wraps that object with additional import info but that
// does not itself extend ASTNode. This would help keep the AST minimalistic.
public class BuildFileAST extends ASTNode {
private final ImmutableList<Statement> statements;
private final ImmutableList<Comment> comments;
@Nullable private final ImmutableList<SkylarkImport> imports;
* Whether any errors were encountered during scanning or parsing.
private final boolean containsErrors;
@Nullable private final String contentHashCode;
private BuildFileAST(
ImmutableList<Statement> statements,
boolean containsErrors,
String contentHashCode,
Location location,
ImmutableList<Comment> comments,
@Nullable ImmutableList<SkylarkImport> imports) {
this.statements = statements;
this.containsErrors = containsErrors;
this.contentHashCode = contentHashCode;
this.comments = comments;
this.imports = imports;
private static BuildFileAST create(
List<Statement> preludeStatements,
ParseResult result,
String contentHashCode,
EventHandler eventHandler) {
ImmutableList<Statement> statements =
boolean containsErrors = result.containsErrors;
Pair<Boolean, ImmutableList<SkylarkImport>> skylarkImports =
fetchLoads(statements, eventHandler);
containsErrors |= skylarkImports.first;
return new BuildFileAST(
* Extract a subtree containing only statements from {@code firstStatement} (included) up to
* {@code lastStatement} excluded.
public BuildFileAST subTree(int firstStatement, int lastStatement) {
ImmutableList<Statement> statements = this.statements.subList(firstStatement, lastStatement);
ImmutableList.Builder<SkylarkImport> imports = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Statement stmt : statements) {
if (stmt instanceof LoadStatement) {
String str = ((LoadStatement) stmt).getImport().getValue();
try {
} catch (SkylarkImportSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot create SkylarImport for '" + str + "'. This is an internal error.");
return new BuildFileAST(
* Collects all load statements. Returns a pair with a boolean saying if there were errors and the
* imports that could be resolved.
private static Pair<Boolean, ImmutableList<SkylarkImport>> fetchLoads(
List<Statement> statements, EventHandler eventHandler) {
ImmutableList.Builder<SkylarkImport> imports = ImmutableList.builder();
boolean error = false;
for (Statement stmt : statements) {
if (stmt instanceof LoadStatement) {
String importString = ((LoadStatement) stmt).getImport().getValue();
try {
} catch (SkylarkImportSyntaxException e) {
eventHandler.handle(Event.error(stmt.getLocation(), e.getMessage()));
error = true;
return Pair.of(error,;
* Returns true if any errors were encountered during scanning or parsing. If
* set, clients should not rely on the correctness of the AST for builds or
* BUILD-file editing.
public boolean containsErrors() {
return containsErrors;
* Returns an (immutable, ordered) list of statements in this BUILD file.
public ImmutableList<Statement> getStatements() {
return statements;
* Returns an (immutable, ordered) list of comments in this BUILD file.
public ImmutableList<Comment> getComments() {
return comments;
/** Returns a list of loads in this BUILD file. */
public ImmutableList<SkylarkImport> getImports() {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(imports, "computeImports Should be called in parse* methods");
return imports;
/** Returns a list of loads as strings in this BUILD file. */
public ImmutableList<StringLiteral> getRawImports() {
ImmutableList.Builder<StringLiteral> imports = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Statement stmt : statements) {
if (stmt instanceof LoadStatement) {
imports.add(((LoadStatement) stmt).getImport());
* Executes this build file in a given Environment.
* <p>If, for any reason, execution of a statement cannot be completed, an {@link EvalException}
* is thrown by {@link Eval#exec(Statement)}. This exception is caught here and reported
* through reporter and execution continues on the next statement. In effect, there is a
* "try/except" block around every top level statement. Such exceptions are not ignored, though:
* they are visible via the return value. Rules declared in a package containing any error
* (including loading-phase semantical errors that cannot be checked here) must also be considered
* "in error".
* <p>Note that this method will not affect the value of {@link #containsErrors()}; that refers
* only to lexer/parser errors.
* @return true if no error occurred during execution.
public boolean exec(Environment env, EventHandler eventHandler) throws InterruptedException {
try {
// Handles debugging BUILD file evaluation
// TODO(bazel-team): add support for debugging skylark file evaluation
return DebugServerUtils.runWithDebuggingIfEnabled(
env, () -> Thread.currentThread().getName(), () -> doExec(env, eventHandler));
} catch (EvalException e) {
// runWithDebuggingIfEnabled() shouldn't throw EvalException, since doExec() does not
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected EvalException", e);
private boolean doExec(Environment env, EventHandler eventHandler) throws InterruptedException {
boolean ok = true;
for (Statement stmt : statements) {
if (!execTopLevelStatement(stmt, env, eventHandler)) {
ok = false;
return ok;
* Executes tol-level statement of this build file in a given Environment.
* <p>If, for any reason, execution of a statement cannot be completed, an {@link EvalException}
* is thrown by {@link Eval#exec(Statement)}. This exception is caught here and reported
* through reporter. In effect, there is a
* "try/except" block around every top level statement. Such exceptions are not ignored, though:
* they are visible via the return value. Rules declared in a package containing any error
* (including loading-phase semantical errors that cannot be checked here) must also be considered
* "in error".
* <p>Note that this method will not affect the value of {@link #containsErrors()}; that refers
* only to lexer/parser errors.
* @return true if no error occurred during execution.
public boolean execTopLevelStatement(Statement stmt, Environment env,
EventHandler eventHandler) throws InterruptedException {
try {
return true;
} catch (EvalException e) {
// Do not report errors caused by a previous parsing error, as it has already been
// reported.
if (e.isDueToIncompleteAST()) {
return false;
// When the exception is raised from another file, report first the location in the
// BUILD file (as it is the most probable cause for the error).
Location exnLoc = e.getLocation();
Location nodeLoc = stmt.getLocation();
(exnLoc == null || !nodeLoc.getPath().equals(exnLoc.getPath())) ? nodeLoc : exnLoc,
return false;
public void prettyPrint(Appendable buffer, int indentLevel) throws IOException {
// Only statements are printed, not comments and processed import data.
for (Statement stmt : statements) {
stmt.prettyPrint(buffer, indentLevel);
public String toString() {
return "<BuildFileAST with " + statements.size() + " statements>";
public void accept(SyntaxTreeVisitor visitor) {
* Parse the specified build file, returning its AST. All errors during
* scanning or parsing will be reported to the reporter.
public static BuildFileAST parseBuildFile(ParserInputSource input,
List<Statement> preludeStatements,
EventHandler eventHandler) {
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return create(preludeStatements, result, /*contentHashCode=*/ null, eventHandler)
public static BuildFileAST parseBuildFile(ParserInputSource input, EventHandler eventHandler) {
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return create(ImmutableList.<Statement>of(), result, /*contentHashCode=*/ null, eventHandler)
public static BuildFileAST parseSkylarkFile(
byte[] bytes, byte[] digest, PathFragment path, EventHandler eventHandler)
throws IOException {
ParserInputSource input = ParserInputSource.create(bytes, path);
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return create(
ImmutableList.of(), result,
HashCode.fromBytes(digest).toString(), eventHandler);
public static BuildFileAST parseSkylarkFile(ParserInputSource input, EventHandler eventHandler) {
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return create(ImmutableList.<Statement>of(), result, /*contentHashCode=*/ null, eventHandler);
* Parse the specified non-build Skylark file but avoid the validation of the imports, returning
* its AST. All errors during scanning or parsing will be reported to the reporter.
* <p>This method should not be used in Bazel code, since it doesn't validate that the imports are
* syntactically valid.
public static BuildFileAST parseSkylarkFileWithoutImports(
ParserInputSource input, EventHandler eventHandler) {
ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return new BuildFileAST(
* Run static checks on the AST.
* @return a new AST (or the same), with the containsErrors flag updated.
public BuildFileAST validate(Environment env, EventHandler eventHandler) {
boolean valid = ValidationEnvironment.validateAst(env, statements, eventHandler);
if (valid || containsErrors) {
return this;
return new BuildFileAST(statements, true, contentHashCode, getLocation(), comments, imports);
* Run static checks for a BUILD file.
* @return a new AST (or the same), with the containsErrors flag updated.
public BuildFileAST validateBuildFile(EventHandler eventHandler) {
boolean valid = ValidationEnvironment.checkBuildSyntax(statements, eventHandler);
if (valid || containsErrors) {
return this;
return new BuildFileAST(statements, true, contentHashCode, getLocation(), comments, imports);
public static BuildFileAST parseString(EventHandler eventHandler, String... content) {
String str = Joiner.on("\n").join(content);
ParserInputSource input = ParserInputSource.create(str, PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT);
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return create(ImmutableList.of(), result, null, eventHandler);
public static BuildFileAST parseBuildString(EventHandler eventHandler, String... content) {
return parseString(eventHandler, content).validateBuildFile(eventHandler);
* Parse the specified build file, without building the AST.
* @return true if the input file is syntactically valid
public static boolean checkSyntax(ParserInputSource input, EventHandler eventHandler) {
Parser.ParseResult result = Parser.parseFile(input, eventHandler);
return !result.containsErrors;
* Evaluates the code and return the value of the last statement if it's an
* Expression or else null.
@Nullable public Object eval(Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object last = null;
Eval evaluator = Eval.fromEnvironment(env);
for (Statement statement : statements) {
if (statement instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
last = ((ExpressionStatement) statement).getExpression().eval(env);
} else {
last = null;
return last;
* Evaluates the lines from input and return the value of the last statement if it's an
* Expression or else null. In case of error (either during validation or evaluation), it
* throws an EvalException.
public static Object eval(Environment env, String... input)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
BuildFileAST ast = parseAndValidateSkylarkString(env, input);
return ast.eval(env);
* Parses and validates the lines from input and return the the AST
* In case of error during validation, it throws an EvalException.
public static BuildFileAST parseAndValidateSkylarkString(Environment env, String[] input)
throws EvalException {
BuildFileAST ast = parseString(env.getEventHandler(), input);
ValidationEnvironment.validateAst(env, ast.getStatements());
return ast;
* Returns a hash code calculated from the string content of the source file of this AST.
@Nullable public String getContentHashCode() {
return contentHashCode;