blob: 11bbc27402b2dacb89fe24e9b8e0d162def01050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Tool for evaluating which {@link ConfigurationTransition}(s) should be applied to given targets.
* <p>For the work of turning these transitions into actual configurations, see {@link
* ConfigurationResolver}.
* <p>This is the "generic engine" for configuration selection. It doesn't know anything about
* specific rules or their requirements. Rule writers decide those with appropriately placed {@link
* PatchTransition} declarations. This class then processes those declarations to determine final
* transitions.
public final class TransitionResolver {
* Given a parent rule and configuration depending on a child through an attribute, determines
* the configuration the child should take.
* @param fromConfig the parent rule's configuration
* @param fromRule the parent rule
* @param attribute the attribute creating the dependency (e.g. "srcs")
* @param toTarget the child target (which may or may not be a rule)
* @param attributeMap the attributes of the rule
* @param trimmingTransitionFactory the transition factory used to trim rules (note: this is a
* temporary feature; see the corresponding methods in ConfiguredRuleClassProvider)
* @return the child's configuration, expressed as a diff from the parent's configuration. This
* is either a {@link PatchTransition} or {@link SplitTransition}.
public static ConfigurationTransition evaluateTransition(
BuildConfiguration fromConfig,
final Rule fromRule,
final Attribute attribute,
final Target toTarget,
ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap,
@Nullable RuleTransitionFactory trimmingTransitionFactory) {
// I. Input files and package groups have no configurations. We don't want to duplicate them.
if (usesNullConfiguration(toTarget)) {
return NullTransition.INSTANCE;
// II. Host configurations never switch to another. All prerequisites of host targets have the
// same host configuration.
if (fromConfig.isHostConfiguration()) {
return NoTransition.INSTANCE;
// Make sure config_setting dependencies are resolved in the referencing rule's configuration,
// unconditionally. For example, given:
// genrule(
// name = 'myrule',
// tools = select({ '//a:condition': [':sometool'] })
// all labels in "tools" get resolved in the host configuration (since the "tools" attribute
// declares a host configuration transition). We want to explicitly exclude configuration labels
// from these transitions, since their *purpose* is to do computation on the owning
// rule's configuration.
// TODO(bazel-team): don't require special casing here. This is far too hackish.
if (toTarget instanceof Rule && ((Rule) toTarget).getRuleClassObject().isConfigMatcher()) {
// TODO(gregce): see if this actually gets called
return NoTransition.INSTANCE;
// The current transition to apply. When multiple transitions are requested, this is a
// ComposingSplitTransition, which encapsulates them into a single object so calling code
// doesn't need special logic for combinations.
ConfigurationTransition currentTransition = NoTransition.INSTANCE;
// TODO(gregce): make the below transitions composable (i.e. take away the "else" clauses).
// The "else" is a legacy restriction from static configurations.
if (attribute.hasSplitConfigurationTransition()) {
currentTransition = split(currentTransition, attribute.getSplitTransition(attributeMap));
} else {
// III. Attributes determine configurations. The configuration of a prerequisite is determined
// by the attribute.
currentTransition = composeTransitions(currentTransition,
// IV. Applies any rule transitions associated with the dep target and composes their
// transitions with a passed-in existing transition.
currentTransition = applyRuleTransition(currentTransition, toTarget);
// V. Applies a transition to trim the result and returns it. (note: this is a temporary
// feature; see the corresponding methods in ConfiguredRuleClassProvider)
return applyTransitionFromFactory(currentTransition, toTarget, trimmingTransitionFactory);
* Same as evaluateTransition except does not check for transitions coming from parents and
* enables support for rule-triggered top-level configuration hooks.
public static ConfigurationTransition evaluateTopLevelTransition(
TargetAndConfiguration targetAndConfig,
@Nullable RuleTransitionFactory trimmingTransitionFactory) {
Target target = targetAndConfig.getTarget();
BuildConfiguration fromConfig = targetAndConfig.getConfiguration();
// Top-level transitions (chosen by configuration fragments):
ConfigurationTransition topLevelTransition = fromConfig.topLevelConfigurationHook(target);
if (topLevelTransition == null) {
topLevelTransition = NoTransition.INSTANCE;
// Rule class transitions (chosen by rule class definitions):
if (target.getAssociatedRule() == null) {
return topLevelTransition;
ConfigurationTransition ruleTransition = applyRuleTransition(topLevelTransition, target);
ConfigurationTransition trimmingTransition =
applyTransitionFromFactory(ruleTransition, target, trimmingTransitionFactory);
return trimmingTransition;
* Returns true if the given target should have a null configuration. This method is the
* "source of truth" for this determination.
public static boolean usesNullConfiguration(Target target) {
return target instanceof InputFile || target instanceof PackageGroup;
* Composes two transitions together efficiently.
public static ConfigurationTransition composeTransitions(ConfigurationTransition transition1,
ConfigurationTransition transition2) {
if (isFinal(transition1) || transition2 == NoTransition.INSTANCE) {
return transition1;
} else if (isFinal(transition2) || transition1 == NoTransition.INSTANCE) {
// When the second transition is a HOST transition, there's no need to compose. But this also
// improves performance: host transitions are common, and ConfiguredTargetFunction has special
// optimized logic to handle them. If they were buried in the last segment of a
// ComposingSplitTransition, those optimizations wouldn't trigger.
return transition2;
} else {
return new ComposingSplitTransition(transition1, transition2);
/** Composes two patch transitions together efficiently. */
public static PatchTransition composePatchTransitions(
PatchTransition transition1, PatchTransition transition2) {
// composeTransitions knows all the tricks for composing transitions, so call into that rather
// than reimplementing it here. It will return one of the following:
// * one of the two input transitions (which is a PatchTransition by this method's signature,
// and needs only be cast)
// -or-
// * a new ComposingSplitTransition of (transition1, transition2) - which consists only of
// PatchTransitions and can thus be converted to a ComposingPatchTransition with asPatch.
ConfigurationTransition composed = composeTransitions(transition1, transition2);
if (composed instanceof ComposingSplitTransition) {
return ((ComposingSplitTransition) composed).asPatch();
} else if (composed instanceof PatchTransition) {
return (PatchTransition) composed;
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
"composeTransitions returned something other than a ComposingSplitTransition or "
+ "one of the input PatchTransitions");
* Returns true if once the given transition is applied to a dep no followup transitions should
* be composed after it.
private static boolean isFinal(ConfigurationTransition transition) {
return (transition == NullTransition.INSTANCE
|| transition == HostTransition.INSTANCE);
* Applies the given split and composes it after an existing transition.
private static ConfigurationTransition split(ConfigurationTransition currentTransition,
SplitTransition split) {
Preconditions.checkState(currentTransition != NullTransition.INSTANCE,
"cannot apply splits after null transitions (null transitions are expected to be final)");
Preconditions.checkState(currentTransition != HostTransition.INSTANCE,
"cannot apply splits after host transitions (host transitions are expected to be final)");
return composeTransitions(currentTransition, split);
* @param currentTransition a pre-existing transition to be composed with
* @param toTarget target whose associated rule's incoming transition should be applied
private static ConfigurationTransition applyRuleTransition(
ConfigurationTransition currentTransition, Target toTarget) {
Rule associatedRule = toTarget.getAssociatedRule();
RuleTransitionFactory transitionFactory =
return applyTransitionFromFactory(currentTransition, toTarget, transitionFactory);
* @param currentTransition a pre-existing transition to be composed with
* @param toTarget target whose associated rule's incoming transition should be applied
* @param transitionFactory a rule transition factory to apply, or null to do nothing
private static ConfigurationTransition applyTransitionFromFactory(
ConfigurationTransition currentTransition,
Target toTarget,
@Nullable RuleTransitionFactory transitionFactory) {
if (isFinal(currentTransition)) {
return currentTransition;
if (transitionFactory != null) {
return composeTransitions(
currentTransition, transitionFactory.buildTransitionFor(toTarget.getAssociatedRule()));
return currentTransition;