blob: a318c6a20b281f3b919abad9bf8cbdc2abeb64e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# miscellaneous integration tests of Bazel,
# that use only the loading or analysis phases.
# Our tests use the static crosstool, so make it the default.
add_to_bazelrc "build --crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:default-toolchain"
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
TEST_stderr=$(dirname $TEST_log)/stderr
#### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##################################################
function set_up() {
function tear_down() {
bazel shutdown
#### TESTS #############################################################
function test_query_buildfiles_with_load() {
mkdir -p x || fail "mkdir x failed"
echo "load('/y/rules', 'a')" >x/BUILD
echo "cc_library(name='x')" >>x/BUILD
mkdir -p y || fail "mkdir y failed"
touch y/BUILD
echo "a=1" >y/rules.bzl
bazel query --noshow_progress 'buildfiles(//x)' >$TEST_log ||
fail "Expected success"
expect_log //x:BUILD
expect_log //y:BUILD
expect_log //y:rules.bzl
# null terminated:
bazel query --noshow_progress --null 'buildfiles(//x)' >null.log ||
fail "Expected null success"
printf '//y:rules.bzl\0//y:BUILD\0//x:BUILD\0' >null.ref.log
cmp null.ref.log null.log || fail "Expected match"
# Missing skylark file:
rm -f y/rules.bzl
bazel query --noshow_progress 'buildfiles(//x)' 2>$TEST_log &&
fail "Expected error"
expect_log "Extension file not found. Unable to load file '//y:rules.bzl'"
# Regression test for:
# "Skyframe does not build targets that transitively depend on non-rule targets
# that live in packages with errors".
function test_non_error_target_in_bad_pkg() {
mkdir -p a || fail "mkdir a failed"
mkdir -p b || fail "mkdir b failed"
echo "sh_library(name = 'a', data = ['//b'])" > a/BUILD
echo "exports_files(['b'])" > b/BUILD
echo "genrule(name='r1', cmd = '', outs = ['conflict'])" >> b/BUILD
echo "genrule(name='r2', cmd = '', outs = ['conflict'])" >> b/BUILD
bazel build --nobuild -k //a >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "'conflict' in rule"
expect_not_log "Loading failed"
expect_log "but there were loading phase errors"
expect_not_log "Loading succeeded for only"
# This is a regression test to make sure that none of the bazel
# commands has an incompatible set of @Options annotations. In the
# past, options have been declared multiple times, making a command
# unusable.
function test_options_errors() {
# Enumerate bazel commands...
bazel help 2>/dev/null |
grep '^ [a-z]' |
grep -v '^ '${PRODUCT_NAME}' ' |
awk '{print $1}' |
while read command; do
bazel $command >$TEST_log 2>&1 || true
# Mustn't crash in the options package:
expect_not_log "Duplicate option name"
expect_not_log "at"
expect_not_log "lib.util.options.*Exception"
function test_bazelrc_option() {
cp ${bazelrc} ${new_workspace_dir}/.${PRODUCT_NAME}rc
echo "build --cpu=armeabi-v7a" >>.${PRODUCT_NAME}rc # default bazelrc
$PATH_TO_BAZEL_BIN info >/dev/null 2>$TEST_log
expect_log "Reading.*$(pwd)/.${PRODUCT_NAME}rc:
cp .${PRODUCT_NAME}rc foo
echo "build --cpu=armeabi-v7a" >>foo # non-default bazelrc
$PATH_TO_BAZEL_BIN --${PRODUCT_NAME}rc=foo info >/dev/null 2>$TEST_log
expect_log "Reading.*$(pwd)/foo:
# This exercises the production-code assertion in
# that all help texts mention their %{options}.
function test_all_help_topics_succeed() {
topics=($(bazel help 2>/dev/null |
grep '^ [a-z]' |
grep -v '^ '${PRODUCT_NAME}' ' |
awk '{print $1}') \
startup_options \
for topic in ${topics[@]}; do
bazel help $topic >$TEST_log 2>&1 || {
fail "help $topic failed"
expect_not_log . # print the log
[ ${#topics[@]} -gt 15 ] || fail "Hmmm: not many topics: ${topics[@]}."
# Regression for "Sticky error during analysis phase when input is cyclic".
function test_regress_cycle_during_analysis_phase() {
mkdir -p cycle main
cat >main/BUILD <<EOF
genrule(name='mygenrule', outs=['baz.h'], srcs=['//cycle:foo.h'], cmd=':')
cat >cycle/BUILD <<EOF
genrule(name='foo.h', outs=['bar.h'], srcs=['foo.h'], cmd=':')
bazel build --nobuild //cycle:foo.h >$TEST_log 2>&1 || true
expect_log "in genrule rule //cycle:foo.h: .*dependency graph"
expect_log "//cycle:foo.h.*self-edge"
bazel build --nobuild //main:mygenrule >$TEST_log 2>&1 || true
expect_log "in genrule rule //cycle:foo.h: .*dependency graph"
expect_log "//cycle:foo.h.*self-edge"
bazel build --nobuild //cycle:foo.h >$TEST_log 2>&1 || true
expect_log "in genrule rule //cycle:foo.h: .*dependency graph"
expect_log "//cycle:foo.h.*self-edge"
# Integration test for option parser warnings.
function test_warning_for_weird_parameters() {
bazel build --check_tests_up_to_date --check_up_to_date --nobuild >$TEST_log 2>&1
expect_log "WARNING: Option 'check_up_to_date' is implicitly defined by"
# glob function should not return values that are outside the package
function test_glob_with_subpackage() {
mkdir -p p/subpkg || fail "mkdir p/subpkg failed"
mkdir -p p/dir || fail "mkdir p/dir failed"
echo "exports_files(glob(['**/*.txt']))" >p/BUILD
echo "# Empty" >p/subpkg/BUILD
echo "p/t1.txt" > p/t1.txt
echo "p/dir/t2.txt" > p/dir/t2.txt
echo "p/subpkg/t3.txt" > p/subpkg/t3.txt
bazel query 'p:*' >$TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log '//p:t1\.txt'
expect_log '//p:dir/t2\.txt'
expect_log '//p:BUILD'
expect_not_log 't3\.txt'
assert_equals "3" $(wc -l "$TEST_log")
# glob returns an empty list, because t3.txt is outside the package
echo "exports_files(glob(['subpkg/t3.txt']))" >p/BUILD
bazel query 'p:*' -k >$TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log '//p:BUILD'
assert_equals "1" $(wc -l "$TEST_log")
# same test, with a nonexisting file
echo "exports_files(glob(['subpkg/no_glob.txt']))" >p/BUILD
bazel query 'p:*' -k >$TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log '//p:BUILD'
assert_equals "1" $(wc -l "$TEST_log")
# Non-recursive wildcard gives the same result as the recursive wildcard
echo "exports_files(glob(['*.txt', '*/*.txt']))" >p/BUILD
bazel query 'p:*' >$TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log '//p:t1\.txt'
expect_log '//p:dir/t2\.txt'
expect_log '//p:BUILD'
expect_not_log 't3\.txt'
assert_equals "3" $(wc -l "$TEST_log")
function test_glob_with_subpackage2() {
mkdir -p p/q/subpkg || fail "mkdir p/q/subpkg failed"
mkdir -p p/q/dir || fail "mkdir p/q/dir failed"
echo "exports_files(glob(['**/*.txt']))" >p/q/BUILD
echo "# Empty" >p/q/subpkg/BUILD
echo "p/q/t1.txt" > p/q/t1.txt
echo "p/q/dir/t2.txt" > p/q/dir/t2.txt
echo "p/q/subpkg/t3.txt" > p/q/subpkg/t3.txt
bazel query 'p/q:*' >$TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log '//p/q:t1\.txt'
expect_log '//p/q:dir/t2\.txt'
expect_log '//p/q:BUILD'
expect_not_log 't3\.txt'
assert_equals "3" $(wc -l "$TEST_log")
function test_glob_with_io_error() {
mkdir -p t/u
touch t/u/v
echo "filegroup(name='t', srcs=glob(['u/*']))" > t/BUILD
chmod 000 t/u
bazel query '//t:*' >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log 'error globbing.*Permission denied'
chmod 755 t/u
bazel query '//t:*' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log 'error globbing.*Permission denied'
expect_log '//t:u'
expect_log '//t:u/v'
function test_build_file_symlinks() {
mkdir b || fail "couldn't make b"
ln -s b a || fail "couldn't link a to b"
bazel query a:all >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "no such package 'a'"
touch b/BUILD
bazel query a:all >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "Empty results"
unlink a || fail "couldn't unlink a"
ln -s c a
bazel query a:all >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "no such package 'a'"
mkdir c || fail "couldn't make c"
ln -s foo c/BUILD || "couldn't link c/BUILD to c/foo"
bazel query a:all >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "no such package 'a'"
touch c/foo
bazel query a:all >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "Empty results"
function test_visibility_edge_causes_cycle() {
mkdir -p a b || fail "mkdir failed"
echo 'sh_library(name="a", visibility=["//b"])' > a/BUILD
echo 'sh_library(name="b", deps=["//a"])' > b/BUILD
bazel query 'deps(//a)' >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "cycle in dependency graph"
expect_log "The cycle is caused by a visibility edge"
bazel query 'deps(//b)' >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "cycle in dependency graph"
expect_log "The cycle is caused by a visibility edge"
echo 'sh_library(name="a", visibility=["//b:__pkg__"])' > a/BUILD
bazel query 'deps(//a)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//a:a"
expect_not_log "//b:b"
bazel query 'deps(//b)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//a:a"
expect_log "//b:b"
# Regression test for bug "ASTFileLookupFunction has an unnoted
# dependency on the PathPackageLocator".
function test_incremental_deleting_package_roots() {
local other_root=$TEST_TMPDIR/other_root/${WORKSPACE_NAME}
mkdir -p $other_root/a
touch $other_root/WORKSPACE
echo 'sh_library(name="external")' > $other_root/a/BUILD
mkdir -p a
echo 'sh_library(name="internal")' > a/BUILD
bazel query --package_path=$other_root:. a:all >& $TEST_log \
|| fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//a:external"
expect_not_log "//a:internal"
rm -r $other_root
bazel query --package_path=$other_root:. a:all >& $TEST_log \
|| fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//a:internal"
expect_not_log "//a:external"
mkdir -p $other_root
bazel query --package_path=$other_root:. a:all >& $TEST_log \
|| fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//a:internal"
expect_not_log "//a:external"
function test_no_package_loading_on_benign_workspace_file_changes() {
mkdir foo
echo 'workspace(name="wsname1")' > WORKSPACE
echo 'sh_library(name="shname1")' > foo/BUILD
bazel query //foo:all >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:shname1"
echo 'sh_library(name="shname2")' > foo/BUILD
bazel query //foo:all >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "Loading package: foo"
expect_log "//foo:shname2"
echo 'workspace(name="wsname1")' > WORKSPACE
echo '#benign comment' >> WORKSPACE
bazel query //foo:all >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "Loading package: foo"
expect_log "//foo:shname2"
echo 'workspace(name="wsname2")' > WORKSPACE
bazel query //foo:all >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "Loading package: foo"
expect_log "//foo:shname2"
run_suite "Integration tests of ${PRODUCT_NAME} using loading/analysis phases."