blob: f84b61aefce0a4fd8050fca1536f08b95d5b4edd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This test exercises action progress reporting.
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
set -eu
add_to_bazelrc "build --workspace_status_command="$(which true)" --nostamp"
add_to_bazelrc "build --show_progress_rate_limit=-1"
add_to_bazelrc "build --genrule_strategy=local"
# Match progress messages like [42 / 1,337]
declare -r PROGRESS_RX="\[[0-9, /]\+\]"
# Run a command with a timeout, kill it if too slow or hanging.
# To avoid timing out in the case of blocking commands that never return, this
# wrapper will start the command, wait the specified number of seconds, and
# then kill the command and return an error. The caller can then fail the test.
# This function does not fail directly because it would have no effect if run in
# a subshell (unless with -e).
function wait_for_command() {
local -r wait_time="$1"
shift 1
($@) &
local -r pid="$!"
for i in $(seq 1 $wait_time); do
# kill -0 checks to see if the process is still alive. If it is, kill
# succeeds and we sleep. If it's not, kill fails and we return.
kill -0 "$pid" >& /dev/null || return 0
sleep 1
kill -9 "$pid"
# A fail() here would not end the script if we are in a subshell, so the
# caller must check the return value.
echo "Command $@ did not die within $wait_time seconds"
return 1
function test_respects_progress_interval() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
local -r MATCHER="Executing genrule //${pkg}:x, [0-9] s"
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<'EOF'
name = "x",
outs = ["y"],
cmd = "sleep 5; touch $@",
bazel build "//${pkg}:x" --progress_report_interval=1 --curses=no --color=no \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
# Do not assert exactly how much time elapsed between "Still waiting" messages
# or even whether there were more than one at all. Just assert there was at
# least one message.
# Logging these messages appears to be a low priority process in bazel and
# they are not always reported in a timely manner.
expect_log "$MATCHER"
function assert_show_task_finish() {
local -r show="$1" # either "show" or "noshow"
local -r pkg="$2"
cat >${pkg}/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "x",
outs = ["x.out"],
cmd = "touch $@",
bazel build "//${pkg}:x" "--${show}_task_finish" --color=no \
--curses=no --nocache_test_results >& "$TEST_log" || fail "bazel test"
expect_log "$PROGRESS_RX Executing genrule //${pkg}:x"
if [ "$show" == "show" ]; then
expect_log "$PROGRESS_RX Executing genrule //${pkg}:x DONE"
# Negative matching should be as permissive as possible.
expect_not_log "DONE"
function test_show_task_finish() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
assert_show_task_finish "show" "$pkg"
function test_noshow_task_finish() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
assert_show_task_finish "noshow" "$pkg"
function test_action_counters_dont_account_for_actions_without_progress_msg() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<'EOF'
name = "x",
srcs = ["y"],
outs = ["x.out"],
cmd = "echo $< > $@",
name = "y",
srcs = ["z"],
outs = ["y.out"],
cmd = "echo $< > $@",
name = "z",
outs = ["z.out"],
cmd = "echo z > $@",
# Make the workspace_status_command slow, so it will show up in a "Still
# waiting" message. Do not modify the workspace status writer action
# implementation to have a progress message, because it breaks all kinds of
# things.
cat >"${pkg}/" <<EOF
sleep 5
chmod +x "${pkg}/"
bazel build "//${pkg}:x" --show_task_finish --color=no --curses=no \
--workspace_status_command="${pkg}/" \
--progress_report_interval=1 \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "build failed"
# We expect a total of 4 actions but only 3 execution messages:
# - the 3 genrule actions and their messages
# - the workspace status writer action, only counted but not reported as an
# executed action, only as a "Still waiting" one.
# The counter should reflect no other actions; if it does, it's probably a
# bug.
# This used to be buggy. Prior to the bugfix the counter was accounting for 5
# actions, the extra one being the target completion middleman. Since that's
# not a real action that the user cares about, we don't want to count it so
# the numbers look saner.
# It may happen that Skyframe does not discover (enque) the workspace status
# writer action immediately, so the counter may initially report 3 total
# actions instead of 4.
expect_log "\[0 / [34]\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:z$"
expect_log "\[1 / [34]\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:z DONE$"
expect_log "\[1 / [34]\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:y$"
expect_log "\[2 / [34]\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:y DONE$"
expect_log "\[2 / 4\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:x$"
expect_log "\[3 / 4\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:x DONE$"
expect_log "\[3 / 4\] Still waiting for 1 job to complete:"
# Open-source Bazel calls this file stable-status.txt, Google internal version
# calls it build-info.txt.
expect_log "\b\(stable-status\|build-info\).txt\b.*, [0-9] s"
function test_counts_cached_actions_as_completed_ones() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
# DO NOT use cmd="touch $@". The genrules would produce empty files, which are
# compared by time stamp rather than content (since they are empty), so change
# pruning won't kick in and this test won't work.
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<'EOF'
name = "dep1",
srcs = ["input"],
outs = ["out1"],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
name = "dep%d" % i,
srcs = [":dep%d" % (i - 1)],
outs = ["out%d" % i],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
) for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
name = "x",
srcs = [
outs = ["outx"],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
# Run a clean then an incremental build.
# In the first build we should see 9 actions on the right side of the action
# counter (8 genrules + 1 workspace status writer), 8 DONE messages, the last
# one of which should be target "x".
# In the second build, we should again see 9 actions (9 dirtied) in the
# counter, but only two DONE actions (dep1 and x) due to change pruning.
# The last action should again be target "x", its completion index 8 or 9 (the
# last one might be the workspace status writer action).
echo "input-clean" > "${pkg}/input"
bazel --nobatch build "//${pkg}:x" --show_task_finish --color=no --curses=no \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "build failed"
expect_log_once "\[[89] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:x DONE"
expect_log_n "\[[1-9] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:.* DONE" 8
echo "input-incremental" > "${pkg}/input"
bazel --nobatch build "//${pkg}:x" --show_task_finish --color=no --curses=no \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "build failed"
expect_log_once "\[[89] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:x DONE"
expect_log_n "\[[1-9] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:.* DONE" 2
function test_failed_actions_with_keep_going() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
local -r dep_file="${TEST_TMPDIR}/${pkg}_dep_file"
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<EOF
name = "dep",
outs = ["dep.out"],
cmd = "touch $dep_file; false",
name = "top",
srcs = [":dep.out"],
outs = ["top.out"],
cmd = "",
name = "longrun",
outs = ["longrun.out"],
cmd = "while [ ! -f \"$dep_file\" ]; do " +
"sleep 1; done; sleep 5",
bazel build -k -s "//${pkg}:"{top,longrun} --progress_report_interval=1 \
>& "$TEST_log" && fail "build succeeded"
expect_log "\[3 / 4\] Still waiting for 1 job to complete:"
expect_log "^ *Executing genrule //${pkg}:longrun"
function test_seemingly_too_many_total_actions_due_to_change_pruning() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
# DO NOT use cmd="touch $@". The genrules would produce empty files, which are
# compared by time stamp rather than content (since they are empty), so change
# pruning won't kick in and this test won't work.
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<'EOF'
name = "dep1",
srcs = ["input"],
outs = ["out1"],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
name = "dep%d" % i,
srcs = [":dep%d" % (i - 1)],
outs = ["out%d" % i],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
) for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
name = "x",
srcs = [":dep7"],
outs = ["outx"],
cmd = "echo foo > $@",
# Run a clean then an incremental build.
# In the first build we should see 9 actions on the right side of the action
# counter (8 genrules + 1 workspace status writer action), 8 DONE messages,
# the last one of which should be target "x".
# In the second build, we should again see 9 actions (9 dirtied) in the
# counter, but only two DONE actions (dep1 and x) due to change pruning.
# The last action should again be target "x", its completion index 8 or 9 (the
# last one might be the workspace status writer action).
echo "input-clean" > "${pkg}/input"
bazel --nobatch build "//${pkg}:x" --show_task_finish --color=no --curses=no \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "build failed"
expect_log_once "\[[89] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:x DONE"
expect_log_n "\[[1-9] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:.* DONE" 8
echo "input-incremental" > "${pkg}/input"
bazel --nobatch build "//${pkg}:x" --show_task_finish --color=no --curses=no \
>& "$TEST_log" || fail "build failed"
expect_log_once "\[[12] / 9\] Executing genrule //${pkg}:dep1 DONE"
expect_log_once "Executing genrule .* DONE"
function test_counts_exclusive_tests_in_total_work() {
local -r pkg="${FUNCNAME[0]}"
mkdir "$pkg" || fail "mkdir $pkg"
cat >"${pkg}/BUILD" <<'EOF'
name = "t%d" % i,
srcs = [""],
tags = ["exclusive", "local"],
) for i in [1, 2, 3]]
echo "#!$(which true)" > "${pkg}/"
chmod +x "${pkg}/"
bazel test --nocache_test_results --show_task_finish \
"//${pkg}:all" --color=no --curses=no >& "$TEST_log" \
|| fail "build failed"
# Extract the numbers from the last [123 / 4,567] progress message.
local -r numbers="$(cat "$TEST_log" | grep "Testing //${pkg}:x" \
| sed 's,^.*\[\([0-9, /]*\)\].*$,\1,;s|,||g;s|/| |' | sort -n | tail -n 1)"
local -r completed_last="$(echo "$numbers" | awk '{print $2}')"
local -r total="$(echo "$numbers" | awk '{print $2}')"
assert_equals "$completed_last" "$total"
run_suite "Tests for execution phase progress reporting"