Force a GC before taking the final histogram in t test_aspect_and_configured_target_cleared. Even though the histogram should be doing a GC (because of -histo:live), occasionally a stale aspect object can evade it.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 241879702
diff --git a/src/test/shell/integration/ b/src/test/shell/integration/
index c8a0743..aa72084 100755
--- a/src/test/shell/integration/
+++ b/src/test/shell/integration/
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
       || fail "Expected success"
   [[ -e "bazel-bin/foo/foo.out.aspect" ]] || fail "Aspect foo not run"
   [[ -e "bazel-bin/foo/dep.out.aspect" ]] || fail "Aspect bar not run"
+  # Make sure to clear out garbage, sometimes a spare aspect hangs around.
+  bazel info used-heap-size-after-gc >& /dev/null
   "$bazel_javabase"/bin/jmap -histo:live "$server_pid" > histo.txt
   cat histo.txt >> "$TEST_log"
   ct_count="$(extract_histogram_count histo.txt 'RuleConfiguredTarget$')"