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// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A Skylark dictionary (dict).
* <p>Although this implements the {@link Map} interface, it is not mutable via that interface's
* methods. Instead, use the mutators that take in a {@link Mutability} object.
name = "dict",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"A language built-in type representating a dictionary (associative mapping). "
+ "Dictionaries may be constructed with a special literal syntax:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">d = {\"a\": 2, \"b\": 5}</pre>"
+ "See also the <a href=\"globals.html#dict\">dict()</a> constructor function. "
+ "When using the literal syntax, it is an error to have duplicated keys. "
+ "Use square brackets to access elements:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">e = d[\"a\"] # e == 2</pre>"
+ "Like lists, they can also be constructed using a comprehension syntax:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">d = {i: 2*i for i in range(20)}\n"
+ "e = d[8] # e == 16</pre>"
+ "Dictionaries are mutable. You can add new elements or mutate existing ones:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">d[\"key\"] = 5</pre>"
+ "<p>Iterating over a dict is equivalent to iterating over its keys. The "
+ "<code>in</code> operator tests for membership in the keyset of the dict.<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">\"a\" in {\"a\" : 2, \"b\" : 5} "
+ "# evaluates as True</pre>"
+ "The iteration order for a dict is deterministic and specified as the order in which "
+ "the keys have been added to the dict. The iteration order is not affected if a value "
+ "associated with an existing key is updated."
public final class SkylarkDict<K, V> extends MutableMap<K, V>
implements Map<K, V>, SkylarkIndexable {
private final LinkedHashMap<K, V> contents = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Final except for {@link #unsafeShallowFreeze}; must not be modified any other way. */
private Mutability mutability;
private SkylarkDict(@Nullable Mutability mutability) {
this.mutability = mutability == null ? Mutability.IMMUTABLE : mutability;
private SkylarkDict(@Nullable Environment env) {
this.mutability = env == null ? Mutability.IMMUTABLE : env.mutability();
@SkylarkCallable(name = "get",
doc = "Returns the value for <code>key</code> if <code>key</code> is in the dictionary, "
+ "else <code>default</code>. If <code>default</code> is not given, it defaults to "
+ "<code>None</code>, so that this method never throws an error.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "key", noneable = true, doc = "The key to look for."),
@Param(name = "default", defaultValue = "None", noneable = true, named = true,
doc = "The default value to use (instead of None) if the key is not found.")},
allowReturnNones = true
public Object get(Object key, Object defaultValue) {
if (this.containsKey(key)) {
return this.get(key);
return defaultValue;
name = "pop",
doc =
"Removes a <code>key</code> from the dict, and returns the associated value. "
+ "If entry with that key was found, return the specified <code>default</code> value;"
+ "if no default value was specified, fail instead.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "key", type = Object.class, doc = "The key.", noneable = true),
@Param(name = "default", type = Object.class, defaultValue = "unbound", named = true,
noneable = true, doc = "a default value if the key is absent."),
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true
public Object pop(Object key, Object defaultValue,
Location loc, Environment env)
throws EvalException {
Object value = get(key);
if (value != null) {
remove(key, loc, env.mutability());
return value;
if (defaultValue != Runtime.UNBOUND) {
return defaultValue;
throw new EvalException(loc, Printer.format("KeyError: %r", key));
name = "popitem",
doc =
"Remove and return an arbitrary <code>(key, value)</code> pair from the dictionary. "
+ "<code>popitem()</code> is useful to destructively iterate over a dictionary, "
+ "as often used in set algorithms. "
+ "If the dictionary is empty, calling <code>popitem()</code> fails. "
+ "It is deterministic which pair is returned.",
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true
public Tuple<Object> popitem(Location loc, Environment env)
throws EvalException {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "popitem(): dictionary is empty");
Object key = keySet().iterator().next();
Object value = get(key);
remove(key, loc, env.mutability());
return Tuple.of(key, value);
name = "setdefault",
doc =
"If <code>key</code> is in the dictionary, return its value. "
+ "If not, insert key with a value of <code>default</code> "
+ "and return <code>default</code>. "
+ "<code>default</code> defaults to <code>None</code>.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "key", type = Object.class, doc = "The key."),
name = "default",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
noneable = true,
doc = "a default value if the key is absent."
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true
public Object setdefault(
K key,
V defaultValue,
Location loc,
Environment env)
throws EvalException {
Object value = get(key);
if (value != null) {
return value;
put(key, defaultValue, loc, env);
return defaultValue;
name = "update",
doc = "Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "other", type = SkylarkDict.class, doc = "The values to add."),
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true
public Runtime.NoneType update(
SkylarkDict<K, V> other,
Location loc,
Environment env)
throws EvalException {
putAll(other, loc, env.mutability());
return Runtime.NONE;
name = "values",
doc =
"Returns the list of values:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.values() == [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]</pre>\n",
useEnvironment = true
public MutableList<?> invoke(Environment env) throws EvalException {
return MutableList.copyOf(env, values());
name = "items",
doc =
"Returns the list of key-value tuples:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.items() == [(2, \"a\"), (4, \"b\"), (1, \"c\")]"
+ "</pre>\n",
useEnvironment = true
public MutableList<?> items(Environment env) throws EvalException {
ArrayList<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(size());
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entries : entrySet()) {
list.add(Tuple.of(entries.getKey(), entries.getValue()));
return MutableList.wrapUnsafe(env, list);
@SkylarkCallable(name = "keys",
doc = "Returns the list of keys:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">{2: \"a\", 4: \"b\", 1: \"c\"}.keys() == [2, 4, 1]"
+ "</pre>\n",
useEnvironment = true
public MutableList<?> keys(Environment env) throws EvalException {
ArrayList<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(size());
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entries : entrySet()) {
return MutableList.wrapUnsafe(env, list);
private static final SkylarkDict<?, ?> EMPTY = withMutability(Mutability.IMMUTABLE);
/** Returns an immutable empty dict. */
// Safe because the empty singleton is immutable.
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> empty() {
return (SkylarkDict<K, V>) EMPTY;
/** Returns an empty dict with the given {@link Mutability}. */
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> withMutability(@Nullable Mutability mutability) {
return new SkylarkDict<>(mutability);
/** @return a dict mutable in given environment only */
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of(@Nullable Environment env) {
return new SkylarkDict<>(env);
/** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with given initial key and value */
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of(@Nullable Environment env, K k, V v) {
return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putUnsafe(k, v);
/** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with two given initial key value pairs */
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> of(
@Nullable Environment env, K k1, V v1, K k2, V v2) {
return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putUnsafe(k1, v1).putUnsafe(k2, v2);
// TODO(bazel-team): Make other methods that take in mutabilities instead of environments, make
// this method public.
static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> copyOf(
@Nullable Mutability mutability, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
return SkylarkDict.<K, V>withMutability(mutability).putAllUnsafe(m);
/** @return a dict mutable in given environment only, with contents copied from given map */
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> copyOf(
@Nullable Environment env, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
return SkylarkDict.<K, V>of(env).putAllUnsafe(m);
/** Puts the given entry into the dict, without calling {@link #checkMutable}. */
private SkylarkDict<K, V> putUnsafe(K k, V v) {
contents.put(k, v);
return this;
/** Puts all entries of the given map into the dict, without calling {@link #checkMutable}. */
private <KK extends K, VV extends V> SkylarkDict<K, V> putAllUnsafe(Map<KK, VV> m) {
for (Map.Entry<KK, VV> e : m.entrySet()) {
contents.put(e.getKey(), (VV) SkylarkType.convertToSkylark(e.getValue(), mutability));
return this;
public Mutability mutability() {
return mutability;
public void unsafeShallowFreeze() {
this.mutability = Mutability.IMMUTABLE;
protected Map<K, V> getContentsUnsafe() {
return contents;
* Puts an entry into a dict, after validating that mutation is allowed.
* @param key the key of the added entry
* @param value the value of the added entry
* @param loc the location to use for error reporting
* @param mutability the {@link Mutability} associated with the opreation
* @throws EvalException if the key is invalid or the dict is frozen
public void put(K key, V value, Location loc, Mutability mutability) throws EvalException {
checkMutable(loc, mutability);
contents.put(key, value);
* Convenience version of {@link #put(K, V, Location, Mutability)} that uses the {@link
* Mutability} of an {@link Environment}.
// TODO(bazel-team): Decide whether to eliminate this overload.
public void put(K key, V value, Location loc, Environment env) throws EvalException {
put(key, value, loc, env.mutability());
* Puts all the entries from a given map into the dict, after validating that mutation is allowed.
* @param map the map whose entries are added
* @param loc the location to use for error reporting
* @param mutability the {@link Mutability} associated with the operation
* @throws EvalException if some key is invalid or the dict is frozen
public <KK extends K, VV extends V> void putAll(
Map<KK, VV> map, Location loc, Mutability mutability) throws EvalException {
checkMutable(loc, mutability);
for (Map.Entry<KK, VV> e : map.entrySet()) {
KK k = e.getKey();
contents.put(k, e.getValue());
* Deletes the entry associated with the given key.
* @param key the key to delete
* @param loc the location to use for error reporting
* @param mutability the {@link Mutability} associated with the operation
* @return the value associated to the key, or {@code null} if not present
* @throws EvalException if the dict is frozen
V remove(Object key, Location loc, Mutability mutability) throws EvalException {
checkMutable(loc, mutability);
return contents.remove(key);
name = "clear",
doc = "Remove all items from the dictionary.",
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true
public Runtime.NoneType clearDict(
Location loc, Environment env)
throws EvalException {
clear(loc, env.mutability());
return Runtime.NONE;
* Clears the dict.
* @param loc the location to use for error reporting
* @param mutability the {@link Mutability} associated with the operation
* @throws EvalException if the dict is frozen
void clear(Location loc, Mutability mutability) throws EvalException {
checkMutable(loc, mutability);
public void repr(SkylarkPrinter printer) {
printer.printList(entrySet(), "{", ", ", "}", null);
public String toString() {
return Printer.repr(this);
* If {@code obj} is a {@code SkylarkDict}, casts it to an unmodifiable {@code Map<K, V>} after
* checking that each of its entries has key type {@code keyType} and value type {@code
* valueType}. If {@code obj} is {@code None} or null, treats it as an empty dict.
* <p>The returned map may or may not be a view that is affected by updates to the original dict.
* @param obj the object to cast. null and None are treated as an empty dict.
* @param keyType the expected type of all the dict's keys
* @param valueType the expected type of all the dict's values
* @param description a description of the argument being converted, or null, for debugging
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> castSkylarkDictOrNoneToDict(
Object obj, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, @Nullable String description)
throws EvalException {
if (EvalUtils.isNullOrNone(obj)) {
return empty();
if (obj instanceof SkylarkDict) {
return ((SkylarkDict<?, ?>) obj).getContents(keyType, valueType, description);
throw new EvalException(
"%s is not of expected type dict or NoneType",
description == null ? Printer.repr(obj) : String.format("'%s'", description)));
* Casts this dict to an unmodifiable {@code SkylarkDict<X, Y>}, after checking that all keys and
* values have types {@code keyType} and {@code valueType} respectively.
* <p>The returned map may or may not be a view that is affected by updates to the original dict.
* @param keyType the expected class of keys
* @param valueType the expected class of values
* @param description a description of the argument being converted, or null, for debugging
public <X, Y> Map<X, Y> getContents(
Class<X> keyType, Class<Y> valueType, @Nullable String description)
throws EvalException {
Object keyDescription = description == null
? null : Printer.formattable("'%s' key", description);
Object valueDescription = description == null
? null : Printer.formattable("'%s' value", description);
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : this.entrySet()) {
SkylarkType.checkType(e.getKey(), keyType, keyDescription);
if (e.getValue() != null) {
SkylarkType.checkType(e.getValue(), valueType, valueDescription);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap((SkylarkDict<X, Y>) this);
public final Object getIndex(Object key, Location loc) throws EvalException {
if (!this.containsKey(key)) {
throw new EvalException(loc, Printer.format("key %r not found in dictionary", key));
return this.get(key);
public final boolean containsKey(Object key, Location loc) throws EvalException {
return this.containsKey(key);
public static <K, V> SkylarkDict<K, V> plus(
SkylarkDict<? extends K, ? extends V> left,
SkylarkDict<? extends K, ? extends V> right,
@Nullable Environment env) {
SkylarkDict<K, V> result = SkylarkDict.of(env);
return result;